{ VersionDicentra.mc, HGM, 18-Feb-84 20:17:48 See MicrocodeVersion.mesa for the fine print. Fancy macros by Don Charnley, 23-Sep-83 11:20:09} Set[year, 84'd ]; Set[month, 2'd ]; Set[day, 18'd] ; Set[year, Sub[year, 80'd] ]; Set[month, Sub[month, 1] ]; {ly = 1 if leap year, else 0} MacroDef[LY, IfAndZero[year, 3, Set[ly, 1], Set[ly, 0] ] ]; {nly = number of leap years gone by} MacroDef[NLY, Set[nly, Rshift[Add[year, 3], 2] ] ]; {af = 0 if jan or feb, else 1} MacroDef[AF, IfGreater[month, 1, Set[af, 1], Set[af, 0] ] ]; {af29 = 1 iff leap year and not jan or feb} MacroDef[AF29, IfEqual[ly, 0, Set[af29, 0], Set[af29, af] ] ]; {msmall = num 31 day months passed if month <= july} MacroDef[Msmall, Set[msmall, Rshift[Add[1, month],1] ] ]; {mlarge = num 31 day months passed if month > july} MacroDef[Mlarge, Set[mlarge, Rshift[Add[2, month],1] ] ]; {n31 = number of 31 day months passed this year} MacroDef[N31, IfGreater[month, 6, Set[n31, mlarge], Set[n31, msmall] ] ]; MacroDef[RD00, Set[rd00, Mul[365'd, year] ] ]; MacroDef[RD01, Set[rd01, Mul[30'd, month] ] ]; MacroDef[Eighty, Set[reldate, Add[reldate, 28853'd] ] ]; {Days from 1901 to 1980} MacroDef[RelDate, Set[reldate, Add[ rd00, rd01, day, nly, af29, n31] ] ]; MacroDef[RD02, Set[reldate, Sub[reldate, af] ] ]; LY; NLY; AF; AF29; Msmall; Mlarge; N31; RD00; RD01; RelDate; Eighty; RD02; RD02; MacroDef[HighHalf, Rshift[#1, 8] ]; MacroDef[LowHalf, And[0FF, #1] ]; Set[highDate, HighHalf[reldate]]; Set[lowDate, LowHalf[reldate]]; @VERSION: T ← 070, push, {Dicentra, first version (Klamath)} c1, at[0F,10,ESC2n]; T ← T LRot8, push, c2; T ← T or 0, {No Float, No Cedar} c3; TOS ← highDate, c1; TOS ← TOS LRot8, c2; TOS ← TOS or lowDate, c3; STK ← T, GOTO[RRx], {in Misc.mc} c1;