-- File: GermDicentra.config - last edit: -- AOF 11-Feb-88 17:21:54 -- Copyright (C) 1982, 1984, 1985 , 1988, 1988, 1988, 1988, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- GermDicentra.config, HGM, 20-Sep-85 2:20:38 -- From GermDLion.config of 9-Feb-82 15:34:27 by Luniewski -- NB: Don't PACK GermMarkersImpl (that will break TeleDebugging) -- As of 12.0, GermOpsImpl has code to recover memory behind initialization (and floppy) code -- It requires Packaging, and looks like more trouble than it's worth. PACK --ALL-- BootChannelDicentra, BootChannelSPP, BootChannelEFTP, EthernetHeadDicentra, EthernetOneHeadDicentra, PhoneHeadDicentra, GermOpsImpl, GermOpsLinkageImpl, GermOpsImplDicentra, HeadStartChainPlug, SimpleNSIOEthernetImpl, SimpleNSIOPhoneImpl, SimplePUPIOEthernetOneImpl, ProcessorHeadDicentra, TeledebugImplNoDisk; GermDicentra: CONFIGURATION LINKS: FRAME -- because we intend to share code with Pilot. IMPORTS -- to suppress Binder warnings on Inlines.. Checksum, DicentraInputOutput, ControlModuleFormat, Environment, Frame, FrameExtras, GermOps, Inline, PageMap, PilotDiskFace, Process, ProcessOperations, Runtime, SpecialRuntime, SpecialRuntimeExtras, Trap = BEGIN [bootChannel0] ¬ BootChannelDicentra[ bootChannel1, Checksum, ProcessorFace, System, Inline, DicentraInputOutput, PhoneFace]; [bootChannel1] ¬ BootChannelSPP[ bootChannel2, Environment, Frame, GermOps, Inline, ProcessorFace, ResidentMemory, SimpleNSIO, System]; [bootChannel2] ¬ BootChannelSPP[ bootChannel3, Environment, Frame, GermOps, Inline, ProcessorFace, ResidentMemory, phone, System]; [bootChannel3] ¬ BootChannelEFTP[ bootChannelPlug, Environment, GermOps, ProcessorFace, ResidentMemory, SimplePUPIO]; [bootChannelPlug, GermOps, ResidentHeap, ResidentMemory, Runtime, System] ¬ GermOpsImpl[ bootChannel0, ControlModuleFormat, Environment, EthernetFace, GermMarkers, GermOps, Frame, FrameExtras, HeadStartChain0, Inline, ProcessorFace, PageMap, PilotDiskFace, ProcessOperations, SpecialRuntimeExtras, Trap]; [HeadStartChain0, EthernetFace] ¬ EthernetHeadDicentra[ HeadStartChain1, DicentraInputOutput, Inline, Process, Runtime, SpecialRuntime, System]; [HeadStartChain1, EthernetOneFace] ¬ EthernetOneHeadDicentra[ HeadStartChain2, DicentraInputOutput, Inline, Process, Runtime, SpecialRuntime]; [HeadStartChain2] ¬ HeadStartChainPlug[]; PhoneHeadDicentra; GermOpsLinkageImpl; GermOpsImplDicentra; GermMarkersImpl; SimpleNSIOEthernetImpl; [phone, System] ¬ SimpleNSIOPhoneImpl[]; SimplePUPIOEthernetOneImpl; ProcessorHeadDicentra; TeledebugImplNoDisk; END.