-- Copyright (C) 1982, 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- RPCInternal.mesa, HGM, 21-Jan-84 20:39:32 -- Cedar 5, HGM, 21-Jan-84 20:39:29 -- [Ivy]RPCInternal.mesa -- Andrew Birrell 2-Mar-82 14:11:30 DIRECTORY Buffer USING [PupBuffer], DESFace USING [IV, Key], MesaRPC USING [ Conversation, InterfaceName, Principal, SecurityLevel, VersionRange], MesaRPCLupine USING [DataLength, Dispatcher, RPCPkt], RPCPkt USING [ CallCount, ConnectionID, ConversationID, DispatcherDetails, DispatcherID, ExportHandle, Header, PktConversationID, PktID, Machine]; RPCInternal: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- ******** Modules for start-up sequence. Main control is RPCPktIO ******** -- RPCBinding: PROGRAM; RPCSecurity: PROGRAM; RPCPktStreams: PROGRAM; -- ******** Binding: exported by RPCBinding ******** -- ExportInstance: TYPE = RECORD [ -- Exporter's record of exported interface -- id: RPCPkt.DispatcherID, dispatcher: MesaRPCLupine.Dispatcher, mds: CARDINAL, name: MesaRPC.InterfaceName, stubProtocol: MesaRPC.VersionRange]; ExportTable: TYPE = RECORD [ used: CARDINAL, entries: SEQUENCE length: RPCPkt.ExportHandle OF ExportInstance]; exportTable: LONG POINTER TO ExportTable; ImportInstance: TYPE = RECORD [ -- Importer's record of successful binding -- host: RPCPkt.Machine, dispatcher: RPCPkt.DispatcherDetails]; -- ******** Authentication/Security: exported by RPCSecurity ******** -- ConversationObject: TYPE = RECORD [ next: LONG POINTER TO ConversationObject, id: RPCPkt.ConversationID, level: MesaRPC.SecurityLevel, key: DESFace.Key, -- conversation key -- iv: DESFace.IV, originator: MesaRPC.Principal, responder: MesaRPC.Principal, authenticator: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF WORD]; firstConversation: RPCPkt.PktConversationID; -- for unencrypted conversations -- EncryptPkt: PROC [pkt: MesaRPCLupine.RPCPkt, l: MesaRPCLupine.DataLength] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; -- Encrypts packet using pkt.convHandle; "l" is data length of pkt; -- Returns Pup length of packet. -- DecryptPkt: PROC [ header: LONG POINTER TO RPCPkt.Header, convHandle: MesaRPC.Conversation] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN, l: MesaRPCLupine.DataLength]; -- Decrypts packet using pkt.convHandle; ok iff checksum matches; -- Returns data length of packet -- GetConnectionState: PROC [decrypted: BOOLEAN, callPkt: MesaRPCLupine.RPCPkt] RETURNS [ ok: BOOLEAN, id: RPCPkt.ConnectionID, call: RPCPkt.CallCount, conv: MesaRPC.Conversation, l: MesaRPCLupine.DataLength]; -- On entry, packet is decrypted iff "decrypted". -- On exit, packet is decrypted if "ok". -- If "ok" and not "decrypted", returns pkt data length in "l". -- Sends RFA and accepts response; results valid iff "ok" -- ReplyToRFA: PROC [ b: Buffer.PupBuffer, -- incoming packet -- callHeader: LONG POINTER TO RPCPkt.Header, -- encrypted -- callPktID: RPCPkt.PktID -- clear -- , convHandle: MesaRPC.Conversation] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; -- Generates RFA response packet if request matches thisPktID -- -- ******** Packet stream functions: exported by RPCPktStream ******** -- DoSignal: PROC [ b: Buffer.PupBuffer, pktLength: MesaRPCLupine.DataLength, signalHandler: MesaRPCLupine.Dispatcher, convHandle: MesaRPC.Conversation] RETURNS [ resumePkt: MesaRPCLupine.RPCPkt, resumeLength: MesaRPCLupine.DataLength, myLocalFrame: POINTER]; -- Called from inside PktExchange to handle signal-back packets -- ServerMain: PROCEDURE; -- FORK'ed when needed by RPCPktIO, to maintain an adequate stock of them -- END.