-- Copyright (C) 1983 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- FixLocalTimeParameters.mesa, HGM, 3-Dec-83 16:51:45 DIRECTORY Ascii USING [CR], CmFile USING [Handle, TableError], OthelloOps USING [GetTimeFromTimeServer, SetProcessorTime, TimeServerError], PilotMP USING [cTimeNotAvailable], ProcessorFace USING [SetMP, mp], Put USING [Text], String USING [AppendChar, AppendDecimal, AppendString], StringLookUp USING [noMatch, TableDesc], System USING [ GetLocalTimeParameters, GreenwichMeanTime, LocalTimeParameters, LocalTimeParametersUnknown, SetLocalTimeParameters, WestEast], Token USING [Decimal], Indirect USING [Close, NextValue, OpenSection]; FixLocalTimeParameters: PROGRAM IMPORTS CmFile, OthelloOps, ProcessorFace, Put, String, System, Token, Indirect = BEGIN GetTimeFromNet: PROCEDURE = BEGIN timeTrys: CARDINAL ¬ 25; time: System.GreenwichMeanTime; lpt: System.LocalTimeParameters; timeFromServer: BOOLEAN ¬ TRUE; teMP: CARDINAL = ProcessorFace.mp; ProcessorFace.SetMP[PilotMP.cTimeNotAvailable+1000]; [time, lpt] ¬ OthelloOps.GetTimeFromTimeServer[ ! OthelloOps.TimeServerError => SELECT error FROM noResponse => BEGIN IF (timeTrys ¬ timeTrys-1)=0 THEN BEGIN timeFromServer ¬ FALSE; CONTINUE; END ELSE RETRY; END; noCommunicationFacilities => BEGIN timeFromServer ¬ FALSE; CONTINUE; END; ENDCASE => ERROR]; IF timeFromServer THEN BEGIN System.SetLocalTimeParameters[lpt]; OthelloOps.SetProcessorTime[time]; END; ProcessorFace.SetMP[teMP]; END; GetTimeParametersFromEERom: PROCEDURE = BEGIN dstSpecified, zoneSpecified: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE; parms: System.LocalTimeParameters; cmFile: CmFile.Handle; known: BOOLEAN ¬ TRUE; Option: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT{ dst(0), zone, noMatch(StringLookUp.noMatch)}; DefinedOption: TYPE = Option [dst..zone]; CheckType: PROCEDURE [h: CmFile.Handle, table: StringLookUp.TableDesc] RETURNS [index: CARDINAL] = Indirect.NextValue; MyNextValue: PROCEDURE [ h: CmFile.Handle, table: LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY DefinedOption OF LONG STRING] RETURNS [index: Option] = LOOPHOLE[CheckType]; optionTable: ARRAY DefinedOption OF LONG STRING ¬ [ dst: "DST"L, zone: "Zone"L]; parms ¬ System.GetLocalTimeParameters[ ! System.LocalTimeParametersUnknown => BEGIN known ¬ FALSE; CONTINUE; END]; IF known THEN RETURN; cmFile ¬ Indirect.OpenSection["TimeServer"L]; IF cmFile = NIL THEN BEGIN Message["Can't find [TimeServer] section in parameter file"L]; RETURN; END; DO text: STRING = [200]; option: Option; option ¬ MyNextValue[cmFile, DESCRIPTOR[optionTable] ! CmFile.TableError => RETRY]; SELECT option FROM noMatch => EXIT; dst => -- BEGIN parms.beginDST ¬ Token.Decimal[cmFile]; parms.endDST ¬ Token.Decimal[cmFile]; String.AppendString[text, "DST: begin="L]; String.AppendDecimal[text, parms.beginDST]; String.AppendString[text, ", last="L]; String.AppendDecimal[text, parms.endDST]; Message[text]; dstSpecified ¬ TRUE; END; zone => -- : BEGIN hours: INTEGER ¬ Token.Decimal[cmFile]; minutes: CARDINAL ¬ Token.Decimal[cmFile]; westEast: System.WestEast ¬ IF hours < 0 THEN east ELSE west; parms.direction ¬ westEast; parms.zone ¬ ABS[hours]; parms.zoneMinutes ¬ minutes; String.AppendString[text, "ZONE: hours="L]; String.AppendDecimal[text, hours]; String.AppendString[ text, IF westEast = west THEN "(west)"L ELSE "(east)"L]; String.AppendString[text, ", minutes="L]; String.AppendDecimal[text, minutes]; Message[text]; zoneSpecified ¬ TRUE; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; Indirect.Close[cmFile]; IF ~dstSpecified OR ~zoneSpecified THEN RETURN; System.SetLocalTimeParameters[parms]; END; Message: PROCEDURE [one, two, three: LONG STRING ¬ NIL] = BEGIN text: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[text, "FixTimeParameters: "L]; String.AppendString[text, one]; IF two # NIL THEN String.AppendString[text, two]; IF three # NIL THEN String.AppendString[text, three]; LogString[text]; END; LogString: PROCEDURE [text: LONG STRING] = BEGIN String.AppendChar[text, '.]; String.AppendChar[text, Ascii.CR]; Put.Text[NIL, text]; END; GetTimeFromNet[]; GetTimeParametersFromEERom[]; END.