Mesa Statistics Package 11.1 of 3-Oct-84 17:13 Statistics as of 30-May-85 18:42 chars lines code frame bytes size ------- ------ ------- ------ DicentraInputOutput 3781 105 MultibusAddresses 2948 65 MicrocodeVersion 902 27 EthernetHeadDicentra 14254 383 1316 142 EthernetOneHeadDicentra 11130 302 969 112 ProcessorHeadDicentra 15934 430 1318 11 RealMemoryImplDicentra 2285 62 116 262 TTYPortHeadDicentra 3538 98 226 7 GMTUsingIntervalTimer 3707 104 246 14 SetGMTUsingEthernet 7933 206 488 6 TeledebugImplNoDisk 21188 489 816 322 DisplayHeadDummy 2757 64 139 35 SA4000HeadDummy 2291 70 75 7 SA800HeadDummy 1648 51 35 7 PhoneFace 1390 48 PhoneHeadDicentra 9128 250 724 71 ------- ------ ------- ------ SUBTOTAL: 104814 2754 6468 996 GermOpsImplDicentra 1399 47 85 5 BootChannelDicentra 8807 225 496 5 BootChannelSPP 15809 346 719 16 SimpleNSIOPhoneImpl 10245 270 528 21 ------- ------ ------- ------ SUBTOTAL: 36260 888 1828 47 SimplePUPIO 3019 78 SimplePUPIOEthernetOneImpl 12306 299 877 12 BootChannelEFTP 9921 228 481 16 ------- ------ ------- ------ SUBTOTAL: 25246 605 1358 28 DESFace 5680 175 DESAux 9171 255 963 9 DESDLion 7050 252 808 5 DESDicentra 7254 226 546 5 DESSoft 23238 814 3712 62 ------- ------ ------- ------ SUBTOTAL: 52393 1722 6029 81 EERom 1338 47 EERomDicentra 5444 120 410 5 Watchdog 237 9 WatchdogDicentra 1046 28 54 5 WatchdogDummy 354 18 15 5 ------- ------ ------- ------ SUBTOTAL: 8419 222 479 15 ------- ------ ------- ------ TOTAL: 227132 6191 16162 1167