Loadmap for boot file: BasicCedarNFSDove.boot May 5, 1988 3:50:07 am PDT
Built by: Cedar MakeBoot of January 26, 1988 11:47:09 am PST
Input BCDs:
HeadsDove.bcd 22-Apr-88 15:45:03 PDT
MesaRuntime.bcd 10-Jun-87 16:20:20 PDT
Tentacles.bcd 26-Jan-88 11:57:31 PST
DiskImpl.bcd 24-Mar-88 23:02:01 PST
VMImpl.bcd 08-Apr-88 14:16:32 PDT
BasicLoadStatePackage.bcd 26-Jan-88 10:43:10 PST
RealPackage.bcd 23-Mar-87 14:05:00 PST
SafeStoragePackage.bcd 22-Apr-88 16:04:35 PDT
RopePackage.bcd 17-Jul-87 13:15:35 PDT
BootPackages.bcd 04-Feb-87 15:08:57 PST
ProcessPropsImpl.bcd 15-Jan-87 21:31:19 PST
FilePackage.bcd 19-Apr-88 09:00:03 PDT
LoadStateImpl.bcd 29-Jan-87 09:52:44 PST
TerminalImpl.bcd 26-Jan-88 12:17:04 PST
BasicTimeImpl.bcd 22-Jan-88 17:27:24 PST
IOPackage.bcd 29-Apr-88 16:31:11 PDT
SimpleTerminalImpl.bcd 22-Jan-88 16:16:27 PST
SimpleTerminalEditImpl.bcd 19-Jan-88 14:06:17 PST
CommDriverPackage.bcd 15-Apr-88 01:56:12 PDT
XNSTransport.bcd 05-Apr-88 20:48:10 PDT
PupPackage.bcd 27-Apr-88 16:59:52 PDT
ArpaTransport.bcd 09-Mar-88 14:00:27 PST
GrapevineUser.bcd 17-Jan-87 16:24:38 PST
STPImpl.bcd 23-Oct-87 13:43:48 PDT
CrRPCRuntime.bcd 13-Feb-87 11:53:16 PST
SunRPCRuntime.bcd 31-Mar-88 10:21:53 PST
SunMountClientStub.bcd 05-Jan-88 17:43:02 PST
SunNFSClientStub.bcd 30-Mar-88 18:13:03 PST
SunPMapClientStub.bcd 05-Jan-88 17:44:02 PST
SunYPClientStub.bcd 05-Jan-88 17:39:43 PST
TimeImpl.bcd 04-Apr-88 17:49:14 PDT
XNSServerLocationImpl.bcd 16-Jan-87 23:06:35 PST
XNSBasicTypes.bcd 24-Jan-87 19:53:11 PST
XNSAuthentication.bcd 27-Jan-88 15:05:28 PST
XNSClearinghouse.bcd 27-Jan-88 11:42:15 PST
UserCredentialsImpl.bcd 25-Jan-88 18:17:55 PST
RemoteFileImpl.bcd 07-Jan-88 21:55:50 PST
FSImpl.bcd 25-Apr-88 15:49:29 PDT
STPRemoteFilePackage.bcd 24-Nov-87 21:41:09 PST
ThisMachineImpl.bcd 07-Jan-88 07:26:08 PST
SunYPAgentImpl.bcd 20-Apr-88 17:34:43 PDT
SunAuthUnixImpl.bcd 04-May-88 16:06:42 PDT
UnixRemoteFileImpl.bcd 17-Mar-88 12:43:35 PST
SunNFSRemoteFilePackage.bcd 03-May-88 11:28:02 PDT
TerminalCoordination.bcd 29-Apr-88 09:58:50 PDT
SystemNamesImpl.bcd 24-Jan-87 19:53:16 PST
FileStreamPackage.bcd 26-Jan-88 08:49:18 PST
RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl.bcd 22-Jan-88 16:17:14 PST
FormatDiskDove.bcd 18-Nov-87 03:32:31 PST
IdleImpl.bcd 26-Jan-88 12:24:41 PST
Iago.bcd 03-May-88 13:31:21 PDT
RollbackImpl.bcd 03-May-88 11:29:23 PDT
RuntimeLoader.bcd 28-Jan-88 12:46:18 PST
LoaderDriverImpl.bcd 02-May-88 16:26:44 PDT
Parameter Files:
BasicCedarNFS.bootmesa 20-Apr-88 18:22:58 PDT
HeadsDove.bootmesa 27-Oct-87 21:57:30 PST
MesaRuntime.bootmesa 08-Jan-87 17:51:47 PST
Tentacles.bootmesa 13-Feb-87 18:48:52 PST
DiskImpl.bootmesa 08-Jan-87 17:11:44 PST
VMImpl.bootmesa 16-Feb-87 13:40:54 PST
SafeStoragePackage.bootmesa 06-Oct-87 20:42:07 PDT
FilePackage.bootmesa 08-Jan-87 17:14:55 PST
TerminalImpl.bootmesa 04-Jun-87 09:35:52 PDT
SimpleTerminalImpl.bootmesa 12-Dec-86 11:45:06 PST
RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl.bootmesa 01-Jun-87 10:43:58 PDT
IdleImpl.bootmesa 11-Jun-87 18:09:55 PDT
Input Parameters:
Version = 7.0.18
Earliest acceptable microcode:
Dorado: 02-May-83 17:00:00 PDT
Dandelion: 31-Dec-86 16:00:00 PST
Dove: 29-Mar-88 16:00:00 PST
GFT length = 1024
PDA pages = 16
Processes = 300
MDS base = page 512 [20000]
Code base = page 768 [30000]
Statevector length = 20
Statevector counts:
0: 2
1: 21
2: 35
3: 23
4: 17
5: 10
6: 9
7: 5
Frame heap pages = 36
Frame distribution: [ FSI (words): weight, next FSI ]
0 ( 7): 12, 1
1 ( 11): 16, 2
2 ( 15): 12, 3
3 ( 19): 12, 4
4 ( 23): 9, 5
5 ( 27): 8, 6
6 ( 31): 6, 7
7 ( 39): 5, 8
8 ( 47): 5, 9
9 ( 55): 5, 10
10 ( 67): 4, 11
11 ( 79): 3, 0
12 ( 95): 1, 13
13 ( 111): 1, 14
14 ( 127): 1, 15
15 ( 147): 1, 16
16 ( 171): 1, 17
17 ( 203): 1, 18
18 ( 252): 1, 0
19 ( 508): 0, 0
20 ( 764): 0, 0
21 (1020): 0, 0
22 (1276): 0, 0
23 (1532): 0, 0
24 (1788): 0, 0
25 (2044): 0, 0
26 (2554): 0, 0
27 (3068): 0, 0
28 (3580): 0, 0
29 (4092): 0, 0
Wart: Wart
CODE[ColorDisplayHeadCommon, DeviceCleanupHeadCommon, DiskHeadDove, EthernetHeadDove, EthernetOneHeadCommon, IntervalTimerHeadDLion, ProcessorHeadDove, UserTerminalHeadDove],
GLOBALFRAME[ColorDisplayHeadCommon, DeviceCleanupHeadCommon, DiskHeadDove, EthernetHeadDove, EthernetOneHeadCommon, IntervalTimerHeadDLion, ProcessorHeadDove, UserTerminalHeadDove],
CODE[InstructionsImpl, ProcessImpl, SignalsImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[InstructionsImpl, ProcessImpl, SignalsImpl],
CODE[DebugNub, GermSwapImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[DebugNub, GermSwapImpl],
CODE[VMAllocImpl, VMBackingImpl, VMFaultsImpl, VMFrameSnapshotImpl, VMLaundryImpl, VMOpsImpl, VMStateImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[VMAllocImpl, VMBackingImpl, VMFaultsImpl, VMFrameSnapshotImpl, VMLaundryImpl, VMOpsImpl, VMStateImpl],
CODE[CollectorImpl, SafeStoragePinnedImpl],
GLOBALFRAME[CollectorImpl, SafeStoragePinnedImpl],
Initially In:
No Trap:
Global Frames for Modules in HeadsDove.bcd:
New: g = 002B00 ProcessorHeadDove [40]
New: g = 002D34 DiskHeadDove [C0]
New: g = 002DCC EthernetHeadDove [100]
New: g = 002DE0 UserTerminalHeadDove [140]
New: g = 002E38 TextBltHeadCommon [1C0]
New: g = 002E3C ColorDisplayHeadCommon [200]
New: g = 002E48 EthernetOneHeadCommon [240]
New: g = 002E50 IntervalTimerHeadDLion [280]
New: g = 002E58 DESHeadCommon [2C0]
New: g = 002EA0 DeviceCleanupHeadCommon [300]
Global Frames for Modules in MesaRuntime.bcd:
New: g = 002EAC TrapsImpl [340]
New: g = 002EB0 InstructionsImpl [380]
New: g = 002EB4 ProcessImpl [3C0]
New: g = 002ED4 SignalsImpl [400]
Global Frames for Modules in Tentacles.bcd:
New: g = 002EDC GermSwapImpl [440]
New: g = 002EF4 DebugNub [480]
New: g = 00333C Wart [4C0]
Global Frames for Modules in DiskImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003350 DiskImpl [500]
Global Frames for Modules in VMImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003370 VMAllocImpl [540]
New: g = 003388 VMBackingImpl [580]
New: g = 0033A0 VMInitImpl [5C0]
New: g = 0033AC VMOpsImpl [600]
New: g = 0033E0 VMStateImpl [680]
New: g = 00343C VMLowCoreImpl [700]
New: g = 003450 VMFaultsImpl [740]
New: g = 003474 VMFrameSnapshotImpl [780]
New: g = 003480 VMLaundryImpl [7C0]
Global Frames for Modules in BasicLoadStatePackage.bcd:
New: g = 0034A4 BcdOpsImpl [800]
New: g = 0034A8 BasicLoadStateImpl [840]
Global Frames for Modules in RealPackage.bcd:
New: g = 0034BC RealImpl [880]
New: g = 0034D0 RealFnsImpl [900]
New: g = 00350C RealControlImpl [980]
Global Frames for Modules in SafeStoragePackage.bcd:
New: g = 003518 UnsafeAllocatorImpl [9C0]
New: g = 003544 AllocatorImpl [A00]
New: g = 003584 TypesBasicImpl [A80]
New: g = 0035B8 RefQueueImpl [AC0]
New: g = 0035C0 CollectorImpl [B00]
New: g = 0035F8 ReclaimerImpl [B40]
New: g = 003604 StorageTrapsImpl [B80]
New: g = 003614 SafeStoragePinnedImpl [BC0]
New: g = 003624 ZCTImpl [C00]
New: g = 00362C SafeStorageOpsImpl [C80]
New: g = 00363C FQImpl [CC0]
New: g = 00364C RCMicrocodeImpl [D00]
New: g = 003654 RCOvImpl [D40]
New: g = 003668 RTFrameHeapSnapshotImpl [D80]
New: g = 003678 RCMapWalkerImpl [DC0]
New: g = 003684 RCMapBuilderImpl [E00]
New: g = 0036A0 AtomImpl [E80]
New: g = 0036B8 ListImpl [EC0]
New: g = 0036C8 CountedVMImpl [F00]
Global Frames for Modules in RopePackage.bcd:
New: g = 0036D4 ConvertUnsafeImpl [F40]
New: g = 0036D8 RopeImpl [F80]
New: g = 0036E8 RopeOtherImpl [1000]
Global Frames for Modules in BootPackages.bcd:
New: g = 003700 SystemSiteImpl [1040]
New: g = 003710 RefTabImpl [1080]
New: g = 00371C SymTabImpl [10C0]
New: g = 003728 CardTabImpl [1100]
New: g = 003734 RandomImpl [1140]
Global Frames for Modules in ProcessPropsImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003740 ProcessPropsImpl [1180]
Global Frames for Modules in FilePackage.bcd:
New: g = 003750 FilePagesImpl [11C0]
New: g = 003764 BootingImpl [1200]
New: g = 003778 FileImpl [1240]
New: g = 0037D8 FileInit [1300]
New: g = 0037EC FileTableImpl [1340]
New: g = 003808 LogicalVolumeImpl [1380]
New: g = 003818 PhysicalVolumeImpl [1440]
Global Frames for Modules in LoadStateImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003834 LoadStateImpl [14C0]
Global Frames for Modules in TerminalImpl.bcd:
New: g = 00385C TerminalImpl [1540]
Global Frames for Modules in BasicTimeImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003880 BasicTimeImpl [1640]
Global Frames for Modules in IOPackage.bcd:
New: g = 003890 IOCommonImpl [1680]
New: g = 0038A8 IOSimpleStreamsImpl [1740]
New: g = 0038C4 IOScanImpl [17C0]
New: g = 0038D4 IOPrintImpl [1800]
New: g = 0038EC IOConvertImpl [1880]
New: g = 0038FC IODateAndTimeImpl [1940]
New: g = 003908 IOClassesImpl [1980]
New: g = 00391C IOPipeImpl [19C0]
New: g = 00392C IOEditedStreamImpl [1A00]
Global Frames for Modules in SimpleTerminalImpl.bcd:
New: g = 00394C SimpleTerminalImpl [1A80]
Global Frames for Modules in SimpleTerminalEditImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0039CC SimpleTerminalEditImpl [1B00]
Global Frames for Modules in CommDriverPackage.bcd:
New: g = 0039D4 CommDriverImpl [1B40]
New: g = 003A00 CommDriverInterceptImpl [1B80]
New: g = 003A14 EthernetDriver [1BC0]
New: g = 003A80 EthernetOneDriver [1C00]
New: g = 003AEC EthernetDriverStatsImpl [1C40]
Global Frames for Modules in XNSTransport.bcd:
New: g = 003AF4 XNSEthernetOneTranslation [1C80]
New: g = 003B14 XNSSocketImpl [1CC0]
New: g = 003B4C XNSRouterImpl [1D40]
New: g = 003B80 XNSRefreshGatewayTranslationCaches [1DC0]
New: g = 003B88 XNSStreamImpl [1E00]
New: g = 003BC0 XNSEchoServerImpl [1EC0]
Global Frames for Modules in PupPackage.bcd:
New: g = 003BCC PupEthernetRARP [1F00]
New: g = 003BD8 PupEthernetTranslation [1F40]
New: g = 003BF8 PupSocketImpl [1F80]
New: g = 003C64 PupRouterImpl [2040]
New: g = 003C7C PupNameImpl [2080]
New: g = 003C88 PupStreamImpl [20C0]
New: g = 003CC8 PupEchoServerImpl [2180]
New: g = 003CDC EFTPImpl [21C0]
Global Frames for Modules in ArpaTransport.bcd:
New: g = 003CE8 ArpaImpl [2200]
New: g = 003CF0 ArpaTranslationImpl [2240]
New: g = 003CFC ArpaEthernetOneTranslation [2280]
New: g = 003D04 ArpaEthernetTranslation [22C0]
New: g = 003D28 ArpaIPReassemblyImpl [2300]
New: g = 003D44 ArpaIPImpl [2340]
New: g = 003D6C ArpaUDPImpl [2380]
New: g = 003DA8 ArpaRouterImpl [2400]
New: g = 003DE0 ArpaICMPImpl [2480]
Global Frames for Modules in GrapevineUser.bcd:
New: g = 003E0C GVLocateImpl [24C0]
New: g = 003E18 GVNamesImpl [2500]
New: g = 003E48 GVProtocolImpl [2580]
New: g = 003E54 GVSendImpl [2600]
New: g = 003E64 GVRetrieveImpl [2640]
Global Frames for Modules in STPImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003E74 STPImpl [26C0]
Global Frames for Modules in CrRPCRuntime.bcd:
New: g = 003E88 CrRPCImpl [2780]
New: g = 003EA0 CrRPCSPPImpl [27C0]
Global Frames for Modules in SunRPCRuntime.bcd:
New: g = 003EBC SunRPCAuthImpl [2840]
New: g = 003ED8 SunRPCAuthShortImpl [2880]
New: g = 003EEC SunRPCImpl [28C0]
Global Frames for Modules in SunMountClientStub.bcd:
New: g = 003F10 SunMountClientStub [2940]
Global Frames for Modules in SunNFSClientStub.bcd:
New: g = 003F20 SunNFSClientStub [2980]
Global Frames for Modules in SunPMapClientStub.bcd:
New: g = 003F34 SunPMapClientStub [29C0]
Global Frames for Modules in SunYPClientStub.bcd:
New: g = 003F44 SunYPClientStub [2A00]
Global Frames for Modules in TimeImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003F58 TimeImpl [2A40]
Global Frames for Modules in XNSServerLocationImpl.bcd:
New: g = 003F6C XNSServerLocationImpl [2A80]
Global Frames for Modules in XNSBasicTypes.bcd:
New: g = 003F94 CHNameP2V0AuxImpl [2AC0]
New: g = 003F9C XNSCHNameImpl [2B00]
Global Frames for Modules in XNSAuthentication.bcd:
New: g = 003FA8 AuthenticationP14V2ClientImpl [2B40]
New: g = 003FB8 AuthenticationP14V2AuxImpl [2B80]
New: g = 003FF0 XNSAuthImpl [2BC0]
Global Frames for Modules in XNSClearinghouse.bcd:
New: g = 00403C CHOpsP2V3Init [2C80]
New: g = 004048 CHOpsP2V3ClientImpl [2CC0]
New: g = 004054 CHACLOpsP127V1ClientImpl [2D80]
New: g = 00405C XNSCHPrivateImpl [2E00]
New: g = 004090 XNSCHImpl [2E80]
Global Frames for Modules in UserCredentialsImpl.bcd:
New: g = 00409C UserCredentialsImpl [2F80]
Global Frames for Modules in RemoteFileImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0040D4 RemoteFileImpl [3000]
Global Frames for Modules in FSImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0040F8 BTreeRead [3040]
New: g = 004110 BTreeWrite [3080]
New: g = 004118 BTreeVMImpl [30C0]
New: g = 004124 FSBTreeVMImpl [3100]
New: g = 004144 FSDirImpl [3180]
New: g = 004158 FSFileOpsImpl [3200]
New: g = 004174 FSFileSpaceImpl [3280]
New: g = 004184 FSFileStreamImpl [32C0]
New: g = 004198 FSLockImpl [3300]
New: g = 0041A0 FSLockTableImpl [3340]
New: g = 0041B4 FSMainImpl1 [3380]
New: g = 0041C0 FSMainImpl2 [33C0]
New: g = 0041CC FSNameImpl [3400]
New: g = 0041D8 FSOpenFileImpl [3440]
New: g = 0041EC FSPropertiesImpl [3480]
New: g = 0041FC FSPseudoServersImpl [34C0]
New: g = 004208 FSRemoteFileImpl [3500]
New: g = 004218 FSReportImpl [3540]
Global Frames for Modules in STPRemoteFilePackage.bcd:
New: g = 004230 STPRemoteLookupImpl [3580]
New: g = 004244 STPRemoteFileImpl [35C0]
Global Frames for Modules in ThisMachineImpl.bcd:
New: g = 00426C ThisMachineImpl [3640]
Global Frames for Modules in SunYPAgentImpl.bcd:
New: g = 004278 SunYPAgentImpl [3680]
Global Frames for Modules in SunAuthUnixImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0042BC SunAuthUnixImpl [3700]
Global Frames for Modules in UnixRemoteFileImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0042EC UnixRemoteFileImpl [3740]
Global Frames for Modules in SunNFSRemoteFilePackage.bcd:
New: g = 004304 SunNFSRemoteNameImpl [3780]
New: g = 004318 SunNFSRemoteServerImpl [37C0]
New: g = 00433C SunNFSRemoteDirImpl [3800]
New: g = 004354 SunNFSRemoteFileImpl [3840]
New: g = 004370 SunNFSRemoteEnumImpl [3880]
New: g = 004380 SunNFSUnixRemoteFileImpl [38C0]
Global Frames for Modules in TerminalCoordination.bcd:
New: g = 0043A8 TerminalCoordination [3940]
Global Frames for Modules in SystemNamesImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0024E4 SystemNamesImpl [39C0]
Global Frames for Modules in FileStreamPackage.bcd:
New: g = 0025E0 FileStreamMoreImpl [3A00]
New: g = 0025F0 FileStreamImpl [3A40]
Global Frames for Modules in RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl.bcd:
New: g = 00268C RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl [3AC0]
Global Frames for Modules in FormatDiskDove.bcd:
New: g = 002528 FormatDiskDove [3B40]
Global Frames for Modules in IdleImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0026DC IdleImpl [3B80]
Global Frames for Modules in Iago.bcd:
New: g = 00273C IagoOpsImpl [3C00]
New: g = 002768 IagoMainImpl [3C80]
New: g = 002788 IagoCommands1Impl [3D00]
New: g = 002798 IagoCommands2Impl [3D80]
Global Frames for Modules in RollbackImpl.bcd:
New: g = 0014F4 RollbackImpl [3E00]
Global Frames for Modules in RuntimeLoader.bcd:
New: g = 001BB4 CedarLoaderImpl [3E40]
New: g = 001BC8 CedarLinkerImpl [3EC0]
New: g = 001BE8 CedarExporterImpl [3F00]
Global Frames for Modules in LoaderDriverImpl.bcd:
New: g = 002AC4 LoaderDriverImpl [3F40]
Total of 184 modules, 254 GFIs
0: 30
1: 39
2: 29
3: 29
4: 22
5: 19
6: 15
7: 12
8: 11
9: 11
10: 9
11: 7
12: 3
13: 3
14: 3
15: 3
16: 3
17: 3
18: 2
19: 0
20: 0
21: 0
22: 0
23: 0
24: 0
25: 0
26: 0
27: 0
28: 0
29: 0
Bulk allocations: 45, used words: 6392, wasted words: 8
AV allocations: 9, used words: 508, wasted words: 47
No heap allocations.
Bootloaded Memory
File VM Pages Map Type Source[base,pages]
Page Address (*=Pin) Flags
0 Header Page
1 100 1* data
2 10000 10* data
12 20200 1* data
13 20300 4* data
17 20700 24* data
3B 22B00 19* data
53 Trailer Page
55 2F700 9 data
5E 30000 5 W file HeadsDove[0,5]
63 30500 13 data
76 31800 4* W code HeadsDove[5,4]
7A 31C00 C* W code HeadsDove[9,C]
86 32800 5* W code HeadsDove[15,5]
8B 32D00 4* W code HeadsDove[1A,4]
8F 33100 1 W code HeadsDove[1E,1]
90 33200 1* W code HeadsDove[1F,1]
91 33300 1* W code HeadsDove[20,1]
92 33400 1* W code HeadsDove[21,1]
93 33500 9 W code HeadsDove[22,9]
9C 33E00 1* W code HeadsDove[2B,1]
9D 33F00 2 W file MesaRuntime[0,2]
9F 34100 2 W code MesaRuntime[2,2]
A1 34300 3* W code MesaRuntime[4,3]
A4 34600 5* W code MesaRuntime[7,5]
A9 34B00 2* W code MesaRuntime[C,2]
A9 Trailer Page
AC 34D00 2 W file Tentacles[0,2]
AE 34F00 1* W code Tentacles[2,1]
AF 35000 5* W code Tentacles[3,5]
B4 35500 2 W code Tentacles[8,2]
B6 35700 2 W file DiskImpl[0,2]
B8 35900 4* W code DiskImpl[2,4]
BC 35D00 4 W file VMImpl[0,4]
C0 36100 9* W code VMImpl[4,9]
C9 36A00 3* W code VMImpl[D,3]
CC 36D00 4 W code VMImpl[10,4]
D0 37100 7* W code VMImpl[14,7]
D7 37800 E* W code VMImpl[1B,E]
E5 38600 2 W code VMImpl[29,2]
E7 38800 7* W code VMImpl[2B,7]
EE 38F00 2* W code VMImpl[32,2]
F0 39100 3* W code VMImpl[34,3]
F3 39400 2 W file BasicLoadStatePackage[0,2]
F5 39600 2 W code BasicLoadStatePackage[2,2]
F7 39800 3 W code BasicLoadStatePackage[4,3]
FA 39B00 3 W file RealPackage[0,3]
FD 39E00 C W code RealPackage[3,C]
FF Trailer Page
10A 3AA00 9 W code RealPackage[F,9]
113 3B300 3 W code RealPackage[18,3]
116 3B600 A W file SafeStoragePackage[0,A]
120 3C000 3 W code SafeStoragePackage[A,3]
123 3C300 C W code SafeStoragePackage[D,C]
12F 3CF00 8 W code SafeStoragePackage[19,8]
137 3D700 1 W code SafeStoragePackage[21,1]
138 3D800 2* W code SafeStoragePackage[22,2]
13A 3DA00 2 W code SafeStoragePackage[24,2]
13C 3DC00 1 W code SafeStoragePackage[26,1]
13D 3DD00 1* W code SafeStoragePackage[27,1]
13E 3DE00 7 W code SafeStoragePackage[28,7]
145 3E500 5 W code SafeStoragePackage[2F,5]
14A 3EA00 1 W code SafeStoragePackage[34,1]
14B 3EB00 3 W code SafeStoragePackage[35,3]
14E 3EE00 2 W code SafeStoragePackage[38,2]
150 3F000 1 W code SafeStoragePackage[3A,1]
151 3F100 D W code SafeStoragePackage[3B,D]
155 Trailer Page
15F 3FE00 1 W code SafeStoragePackage[60,1]
160 3FF00 1 W code BootPackages[5,1]
161 40000 1 W file BasicTimeImpl[0,1]
162 40100 F W code SafeStoragePackage[48,F]
171 41000 4 W code SafeStoragePackage[57,4]
175 41400 5 W code SafeStoragePackage[5B,5]
17A 41900 3 W file RopePackage[0,3]
17D 41C00 2 W code RopePackage[3,2]
17F 41E00 17 W code RopePackage[5,17]
196 43500 3 W code RopePackage[1C,3]
199 43800 5 W file BootPackages[0,5]
19E 43D00 6 W code BootPackages[6,6]
1A4 44300 6 W code BootPackages[C,6]
1AA 44900 5 W code BootPackages[12,5]
1AB Trailer Page
1B0 44E00 2 W code BootPackages[17,2]
1B2 45000 2 W file ProcessPropsImpl[0,2]
1B4 45200 2 W code ProcessPropsImpl[2,2]
1B6 45400 C W file FilePackage[0,C]
1C2 46000 B W code FilePackage[C,B]
1CD 46B00 5* W code FilePackage[17,5]
1D2 47000 19 W code FilePackage[1C,19]
1EB 48900 4 W code FilePackage[35,4]
1EF 48D00 4 W code FilePackage[39,4]
1F3 49100 16 W code FilePackage[3D,16]
201 Trailer Page
20A 4A700 B W code FilePackage[53,B]
215 4B200 4 W file LoadStateImpl[0,4]
219 4B600 B W code LoadStateImpl[4,B]
224 4C100 3 W file TerminalImpl[0,3]
227 4C400 14 W code TerminalImpl[3,14]
23B 4D800 5 W code BasicTimeImpl[1,5]
240 4DD00 E W file IOPackage[0,E]
24E 4EB00 7 W code IOPackage[E,7]
255 4F200 6 W code IOPackage[15,6]
257 Trailer Page
25C 4F800 3 W code IOPackage[55,3]
25F 4FB00 3 W file SimpleTerminalImpl[0,3]
262 4FE00 2 W file SimpleTerminalEditImpl[0,2]
264 50000 1 W code CommDriverPackage[1B,1]
265 50100 F W code IOPackage[1B,F]
274 51000 B W code IOPackage[2A,B]
27F 51B00 16 W code IOPackage[35,16]
295 53100 A W code IOPackage[4B,A]
29F 53B00 6 W code IOPackage[58,6]
2A5 54100 8 W code IOPackage[5E,8]
2AD 54900 D* W code SimpleTerminalImpl[3,D]
2AD Trailer Page
2BB 55600 2 W code SimpleTerminalEditImpl[2,2]
2BD 55800 7 W file CommDriverPackage[0,7]
2C4 55F00 2 W code CommDriverPackage[7,2]
2C6 56100 4 W code CommDriverPackage[9,4]
2CA 56500 7 W code CommDriverPackage[D,7]
2D1 56C00 7 W code CommDriverPackage[14,7]
2D8 57300 9 W file XNSTransport[0,9]
2E1 57C00 5 W code XNSTransport[9,5]
2E6 58100 9 W code XNSTransport[E,9]
2EF 58A00 6 W code XNSTransport[17,6]
2F5 59000 1 W code XNSTransport[1D,1]
2F6 59100 1B W code XNSTransport[1E,1B]
303 Trailer Page
312 5AC00 1 W code XNSTransport[39,1]
313 5AD00 12 W file PupPackage[0,12]
325 5BF00 2 W code PupPackage[12,2]
327 5C100 5 W code PupPackage[14,5]
32C 5C600 D W code PupPackage[19,D]
339 5D300 5 W code PupPackage[26,5]
33E 5D800 5 W code PupPackage[2B,5]
343 5DD00 15 W code PupPackage[30,15]
358 5F200 1 W code PupPackage[45,1]
359 5F300 3 W code PupPackage[46,3]
359 Trailer Page
35D 5F600 D W file ArpaTransport[0,D]
36A 60300 1 W code ArpaTransport[D,1]
36B 60400 2 W code ArpaTransport[E,2]
36D 60600 1 W code ArpaTransport[10,1]
36E 60700 5 W code ArpaTransport[11,5]
373 60C00 4 W code ArpaTransport[16,4]
377 61000 7 W code ArpaTransport[1A,7]
37E 61700 7 W code ArpaTransport[21,7]
385 61E00 7 W code ArpaTransport[28,7]
38C 62500 5 W code ArpaTransport[2F,5]
391 62A00 8 W file GrapevineUser[0,8]
399 63200 4 W code GrapevineUser[8,4]
39D 63600 7 W code GrapevineUser[C,7]
3A4 63D00 4 W code GrapevineUser[13,4]
3A8 64100 3 W code GrapevineUser[17,3]
3AB 64400 B W code GrapevineUser[1A,B]
3AF Trailer Page
3B7 64F00 8 W file STPImpl[0,8]
3BF 65700 11 W code STPImpl[8,11]
3D0 66800 7 W file CrRPCRuntime[0,7]
3D7 66F00 4 W code CrRPCRuntime[7,4]
3DB 67300 B W code CrRPCRuntime[B,B]
3E6 67E00 7 W file SunRPCRuntime[0,7]
3ED 68500 2 W code SunRPCRuntime[7,2]
3EF 68700 2 W code SunRPCRuntime[9,2]
3F1 68900 10 W code SunRPCRuntime[B,10]
401 69900 1 W file SunMountClientStub[0,1]
402 69A00 1 W code SunMountClientStub[1,1]
403 69B00 2 W file SunNFSClientStub[0,2]
405 69D00 7 W code SunNFSClientStub[2,7]
405 Trailer Page
40D 6A400 2 W file SunPMapClientStub[0,2]
40F 6A600 2 W code SunPMapClientStub[2,2]
411 6A800 2 W file SunYPClientStub[0,2]
413 6AA00 2 W code SunYPClientStub[2,2]
415 6AC00 5 W file TimeImpl[0,5]
41A 6B100 5 W code TimeImpl[5,5]
41F 6B600 3 W file XNSServerLocationImpl[0,3]
422 6B900 3 W code XNSServerLocationImpl[3,3]
425 6BC00 2 W file XNSBasicTypes[0,2]
427 6BE00 1 W code XNSBasicTypes[2,1]
428 6BF00 2 W code XNSBasicTypes[3,2]
42A 6C100 9 W file XNSAuthentication[0,9]
433 6CA00 4 W code XNSAuthentication[9,4]
437 6CE00 2 W code XNSAuthentication[D,2]
439 6D000 13 W code XNSAuthentication[F,13]
44C 6E300 7 W file XNSClearinghouse[0,7]
453 6EA00 1 W code XNSClearinghouse[7,1]
454 6EB00 C W code XNSClearinghouse[8,C]
45B Trailer Page
461 6F700 8 W code XNSClearinghouse[14,8]
469 6FF00 2 W file SystemNamesImpl[0,2]
46B 70100 9 W code XNSClearinghouse[1C,9]
474 70A00 10 W code XNSClearinghouse[25,10]
484 71A00 8 W file UserCredentialsImpl[0,8]
48C 72200 D W code UserCredentialsImpl[8,D]
499 72F00 3 W file RemoteFileImpl[0,3]
49C 73200 4 W code RemoteFileImpl[3,4]
4A0 73600 24 W file FSImpl[0,24]
4B1 Trailer Page
4C5 75A00 9 W code FSImpl[24,9]
4CE 76300 D W code FSImpl[2D,D]
4DB 77000 5 W code FSImpl[3A,5]
4E0 77500 20 W code FSImpl[3F,20]
500 79500 13 W code FSImpl[5F,13]
507 Trailer Page
514 7A800 10 W code FSImpl[72,10]
524 7B800 4 W code FSImpl[82,4]
528 7BC00 4 W code FSImpl[86,4]
52C 7C000 2 W code FSImpl[8A,2]
52E 7C200 2 W code FSImpl[8C,2]
530 7C400 12 W code FSImpl[8E,12]
542 7D600 A W code FSImpl[A0,A]
54C 7E000 6 W code FSImpl[AA,6]
552 7E600 6 W code FSImpl[B0,6]
558 7EC00 3 W code FSImpl[B6,3]
55B 7EF00 3 W code FSImpl[B9,3]
55D Trailer Page
55F 7F200 6 W code FSImpl[BC,6]
565 7F800 3 W code FSImpl[C2,3]
568 7FB00 6 W file STPRemoteFilePackage[0,6]
56E 80100 2 W code STPRemoteFilePackage[6,2]
570 80300 A W code STPRemoteFilePackage[8,A]
57A 80D00 3 W file ThisMachineImpl[0,3]
57D 81000 2 W code ThisMachineImpl[3,2]
57F 81200 5 W file SunYPAgentImpl[0,5]
584 81700 A W code SunYPAgentImpl[5,A]
58E 82100 4 W file SunAuthUnixImpl[0,4]
592 82500 5 W code SunAuthUnixImpl[4,5]
597 82A00 4 W file UnixRemoteFileImpl[0,4]
59B 82E00 9 W code UnixRemoteFileImpl[4,9]
5A4 83700 D W file SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[0,D]
5B1 84400 3 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[D,3]
5B3 Trailer Page
5B5 84700 9 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[10,9]
5BE 85000 7 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[19,7]
5C5 85700 9 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[20,9]
5CE 86000 4 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[29,4]
5D2 86400 9 W code SunNFSRemoteFilePackage[2D,9]
5DB 86D00 5 W file TerminalCoordination[0,5]
5E0 87200 9 W code TerminalCoordination[5,9]
5E9 87B00 2 W code SystemNamesImpl[2,2]
5EB 87D00 4 W file FileStreamPackage[0,4]
5EF 88100 2 W code FileStreamPackage[4,2]
5F1 88300 16 W code FileStreamPackage[6,16]
607 89900 5 W file RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl[0,5]
609 Trailer Page
60D 89E00 A W code RemoteSimpleTerminalImpl[5,A]
617 8A800 2 W file FormatDiskDove[0,2]
619 8AA00 3 W code FormatDiskDove[2,3]
61C 8AD00 4 W file IdleImpl[0,4]
620 8B100 9 W code IdleImpl[4,9]
629 8BA00 25 W file Iago[0,25]
64E 8DF00 B W code Iago[25,B]
659 8EA00 8 W code Iago[30,8]
65F Trailer Page
662 8F200 C W code Iago[4D,C]
66E 90100 15 W code Iago[38,15]
683 91600 6 W file RollbackImpl[0,6]
689 91C00 9 W code RollbackImpl[6,9]
692 92500 6 W file RuntimeLoader[0,6]
698 92B00 A W code RuntimeLoader[6,A]
6A2 93500 4 W code RuntimeLoader[10,4]
6A6 93900 6 W code RuntimeLoader[14,6]
6AC 93F00 5 W file LoaderDriverImpl[0,5]
6B1 94400 4 W code LoaderDriverImpl[5,4]
Non-Bootloaded Memory
File VM Pages Type Source[base,pages]
Page Address
Boot file pages: 6B5 (6A1 bootloaded, of which C6 are resident)