Copyright Ó 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bill Jackson (bj) April 19, 1988 1:56:49 am PDT
Christophe Cuenod September 12, 1988 9:35:10 am PDT
SparcSoftcardInit: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ {
SoftcardPresent: PROC RETURNS [ present: BOOL ];
Test if the softcard is here.
InitializeCPandIOPMaps: PROC;
Sets the map so that the softcard memory behaves as a memory extension.
InsertSoftcardPhyscialMemory: PROC [ reclaim: PROC [ real: CARD16 ] ];
Adds part of the softcard memory as Cedar VM.
InitializeSoftcard: PROC [ reclaim: PROC [ real: CARD16 ] ];
Initialize the maps and anything else then insert the physical memory.
ResetSoftcard: PROC;
Initialize the maps and anything else.