// Last edited by Anthony West, January 31, 1983 6:45 PM // Delete Blow.image //The following has been superceded by BlowProms.df // ftp iris dir/c <Workstation>Tools>PROM retr/c PromUser.cmSlice Blow.bcd Prom.specs dir/c <Tools> retr/c SmallAltoTajo.bcd //Edit User.cm to include PromUser.cmSlice. ftp ivy dir/c Mesa retr/u Mesa.image RunMesa.run MesaFont.strike ftp indigo dir/c CedarLib>DfFiles ret/u BringOver.bcd BringOver /a [indigo]<Dandelion>CPE>DfFiles>Proms.df // Either edit User.cm to include PromUser.cmSlice // or rename PromUser.cm to be User.cm // // Type the following to start the Prom blower // Mesa SmallAltoTajo Blow/l // // Make a checkpoint called Blow.image, so you can type // Blow <PromType> <PromName.prom>