/* Template for Interconnection Technology Stitchweld Board Dandelion High-Density Board Part # 596P55884A Type 2 NB: There is a Type 1 board which has more, fewer stitchweld pins, and less flexibility for siting big chips than the type 2 board. This template was originally designed by Lin.ES Last amended October 22, 1982 5:41 PM by TonyWest.PA - fixed bugs, added more 40-pin positions - removed the 84-pin stuff replace by a single numeric digit replace by a sequence of numeric digits or numeric ranges - separated by commas or spaces Enter zero (0) for a null set */ /1/* Number of rows of pins in 0.1" units */ 103 /2/* Number of columns of pins in 0.05" units */ 235 /* ====================================================================================== Pin Column Descriptors ====================================================================================== */ /3/* Number of column descriptors */ 14 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #1 - VCC row of standard 20-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 2-10,13-21,24-32,35-43,50-58,61-69,72-80,83-91,94-102 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 1,11,12,22,23,33,34,49,59,60,70,71,81,82,92,93 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 7,16,25,34,43,64,73,82,106,115,136,145,169,178,187,208,217,226,235 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #2 - GND row of standard 20-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 1-9,12-20,23-31,34-42,49-57,60-68,71-79,82-90,93-101 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 10,11,21,22,32,33,43,58,59,69,70,80,81,91,92,102 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 1,10,19,28,37,58,67,76,100,109,130,139,163,172,181,202,211,220,229 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #3 - VEE row of standard 20-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 9,20,31,42,57,68,79,90,101 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 5,14,23,32,41,62,71,80,104,113,134,143,167,176,185,206,215,224,233 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #4 - VDD row of standard 20-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 2,13,24,35,50,61,72,83,94 /f/* Cols described */ 3,12,21,30,39,60,69,78,102,111,132,141,165,174,183,204,213,222,231 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #5 - VCC row of standard 22-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 2-7,10-19,22-31,34-43,50-59,62-71,74-83,86-95,98-103 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 1,8,9,20,21,32,33,49,60,61,72,73,84,85,96,97 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 55,127,199 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #6 - Inner GND row of standard 22-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 1-6,9-18,21-30,33-42,49-58,61-70,73-82,85-94,97-102 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 7,8,19,20,31,32,43,59,60,71,72,83,84,95,96,103 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 49,121,193 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #7 - Outer GND row of standard 22-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 9-15,17-19,21-27,29-31,33-39,41-43,49-55,57-59,61-67,69-71,73-79,81-83,85-91,93-95 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 16,28,40,56,68,80,92 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 47,119,191 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #8 - VEE row of standard 22-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 18,30,42,58,70,82,94 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 53,125,197 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #9 - VDD row of standard 22-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 10,22,34,50,62,74,86 /f/* Cols described */ 51,123,195 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #10 - Inner GND row of standard 24-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 6-16,19-29,32-42,49-59,62-72,75-85,88-98 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 17,30,43,60,73,86,99 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 91,154 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #11 - Outer GND row of standard 24-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 6-16,18-29,31-42,49-59,61-72,74-85,87-98 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 17,30,43,60,73,86,99 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 85,148 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #12 - VCC row of standard 24-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 7-18,20-31,33-43,50-61,63-74,76-87,89-99 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 6,19,32,49,62,75,88 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 97,160 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #13 - VEE row of standard 24-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 15,28,41,58,71,84,97 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 0 /f/* Cols described */ 93,156 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Pin Column descriptor template #14 - VDD row of standard 24-pin Dip row */ /a/* Rows, IC pins */ 0 /b/* Rows, GND pins */ 0 /c/* Rows, VCC pins */ 0 /d/* Rows, VEE pins */ 0 /e/* Rows, VDD pins */ 7,20,33,50,63,76,89 /f/* Cols described */ 87,150 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Column descriptor templates */ /* ====================================================================================== DIP Descriptors - All offsets are in 100-mil units ====================================================================================== */ /4/* Number of dip descriptors */ 6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #1 - 20-pin site */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 3 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 9 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 20 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 18 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 1 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 16 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 2 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 14 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 3 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 8 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 6 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #2 - 14-pin site */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 4 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 6 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 14 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 8 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 3 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #3 - 22-pin site */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 4 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 10 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 22 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 20 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 1 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 18 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 2 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 16 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 3 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 14 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 4 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 8 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 1 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 7 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #4 - 24-pin site */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 6 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 11 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 24 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 20 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 3 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 2 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 18 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 3 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 3 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 16 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 3 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 4 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 14 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 3 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 5 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 8 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 3 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 8 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #5 - 40-pin site, type 1 */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 6 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 20 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 40 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 1 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 28 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 7 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip descriptor template #6 - 40-pin site, type 2 */ /a/* Max X-offset allowed from the origin */ 6 /b/* Max Y-offset allowed from the origin */ 19 /c/* Dips allowed at this site */ /A/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 40 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /B/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 28 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 6 /C/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /D/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /E/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /F/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /G/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /H/* Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site */ 0 /a/* Pin 1 +x-offset */ 0 /b/* Pin 1 +y-offset */ 0 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Dip descriptor templates */ /* ====================================================================================== DIP Column Descriptors - All offsets are in 100-mil units ====================================================================================== */ /5/* Number of rows of dips */ 9 /6/* Number of columns of dips */ 33 /7/* Origin of each dip column */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Standard rows marked on the board */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /x/* Pin column number for dip column 1 */ 1 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 2 */ 19 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 3 */ 28 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 4 */ 37 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 5 */ 47 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 6 */ 58 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 7 */ 76 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 8 */ 85 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 9 */ 109 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 10 */ 119 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 11 */ 130 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 12 */ 148 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 13 */ 163 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 14 */ 181 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 15 */ 191 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 16 */ 202 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 17 */ 211 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 18 */ 220 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 19 */ 229 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 20 */ 10 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 21 */ 67 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 22 */ 100 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 23 */ 139 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 24 */ 172 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Special rows for placing 40 and 28-pin chips type 1 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /x/* Pin column number for dip column 25 */ 7 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 26 */ 16 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 27 */ 25 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 28 */ 64 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 29 */ 169 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 30 */ 208 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 31 */ 217 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Special rows for placing 40 and 28-pin chips type 2 in real rows 8 and 12 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /x/* Pin column number for dip column 32 */ 85 /x/* Pin column number for dip column 33 */ 148 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Dip column origins */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /8/* Number of dip column descriptors */ 5 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip Column descriptor template #1 - 20-pin row */ /a/* For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row of the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site */ /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #1 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #1 */ 1 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #1 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #2 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #2 */ 12 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #2 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #3 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #3 */ 23 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #3 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #4 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #4 */ 34 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #4 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #5 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #5 */ 49 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #5 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #6 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #6 */ 60 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #6 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #7 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #7 */ 71 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #7 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #8 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #8 */ 82 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #8 */ 1 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #9 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #9 */ 93 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #9 */ 1 /E/* End of site descriptors */ /b/* Dip columns that are described by descriptor #1 */ 1-4,6-7,9,11,13-14,16-24 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip Column descriptor template #2 - 22-pin row */ /a/* For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row of the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site */ /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #1 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #1 */ 1 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #1 */ 2 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #2 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #2 */ 9 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #2 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #3 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #3 */ 21 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #3 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #4 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #4 */ 33 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #4 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #5 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #5 */ 49 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #5 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #6 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #6 */ 61 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #6 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #7 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #7 */ 73 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #7 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #8 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #8 */ 85 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #8 */ 3 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #9 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #9 */ 97 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #9 */ 2 /E/* End of site descriptors */ /b/* Dip columns that are described by descriptor #2 */ 5,10,15 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip Column descriptor template #3 - 24-pin row */ /a/* For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row of the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site */ /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #1 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #1 */ 6 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #1 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #2 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #2 */ 19 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #2 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #3 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #3 */ 32 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #3 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #4 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #4 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #4 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #5 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #5 */ 49 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #5 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #6 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #6 */ 62 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #6 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #7 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #7 */ 75 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #7 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #8 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #8 */ 88 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #8 */ 4 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #9 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #9 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #9 */ 0 /E/* End of site descriptors */ /b/* Dip columns that are described by descriptor #3 */ 8,12 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip Column descriptor template #4 - 40/28-pin rows type 1 */ /a/* For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row of the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site */ /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #1 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #1 */ 1 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #1 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #2 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #2 */ 12 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #2 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #3 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #3 */ 23 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #3 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #4 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #4 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #4 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #5 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #5 */ 49 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #5 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #6 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #6 */ 60 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #6 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #7 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #7 */ 71 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #7 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #8 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #8 */ 82 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #8 */ 5 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #9 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #9 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #9 */ 0 /E/* End of site descriptors */ /b/* Dip columns that are described by descriptor #4 */ 25-31 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Dip Column descriptor template #5 - 40/28-pin rows type 2 - in real cols 8 and 12 */ /a/* For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row of the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site */ /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #1 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #1 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #1 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #2 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #2 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #2 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #3 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #3 */ 24 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #3 */ 6 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #4 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #4 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #4 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #5 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #5 */ 53 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #5 */ 6 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #6 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #6 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #6 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #7 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #7 */ 80 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #7 */ 6 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #8 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #8 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #8 */ 0 /s/* Site descriptor for dip row #9 */ /a/* Pin row for dip row #9 */ 0 /b/* Dip descriptor for dip row #9 */ 0 /E/* End of site descriptors */ /b/* Dip columns that are described by descriptor #5 */ 32-33 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Dip Column Descriptors */ /* ====================================================================================== Connector descriptors - all figures are in 25-mil units ====================================================================================== */ /9/* Number of connector descriptors */ 6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #1 - used for edge connector */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 0 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 50 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 50 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #2 - used for upper part of upper cable connector */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 0 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 7 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 7 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #3 - used for edge connector */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 4 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 8 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 7 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #4 */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 0 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 4 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 4 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #5 */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 0 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 8 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 8 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Connector descriptor template #6 */ /a/* X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) */ 4 /b/* Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) */ 4 /c/* Y (X) displacement between pin 1 column (row) 1 and pin 1 column (row) 2 */ 4 /d/* 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative */ 0 /e/* 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if vertical */ 1 /f/* 0 if pins are staggered (eg. 101,103...), 1 if consecutive (eg. 101,102...) */ 1 /g/* 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending */ 0 /h/* Number of pins in column (row) 1 */ 4 /i/* Number of pins in column (row) 2 */ 3 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Connector Descriptor Templates */ /* ====================================================================================== Edge Connector Descriptors - All offsets are in 25-mil units ====================================================================================== */ /10/* Number of Edge connectors */ 2 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Edge Connector template #1 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 496 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /c/* Number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then put 101) */ 101 /d/* Number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E001 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then put 1) */ 1 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 1 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Edge Connector template #2*/ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 496 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 220 /c/* Number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then put 101) */ 151 /d/* Number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E001 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then put 1) */ 51 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 1 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Edge Connector Descriptor Templates */ /* ====================================================================================== Cable Connector Descriptors - All offsets are in 25-mil units The connectors are organised for two Cannon 37-way D-types only ====================================================================================== */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /11/*Number of Cable connectors*/ 6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #1 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 88 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 1 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 20 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 2 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #2 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 120 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 8 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 27 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 3 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #3 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 156 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 16 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 34 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 4 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #4 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 232 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 51 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 70 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 5 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #5 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 268 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 59 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 78 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 2 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /D/* Cable Connector template #6 */ /a/* X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 0 /b/* Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 */ 300 /c/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101) */ 66 /d/* Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101) */ 85 /e/* Connector descriptor template number */ 6 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /E/* End of Cable connector templates */ (635)\f8