/*Route board database template*/
/*<number> - should be replace by a single numeric digit
<numeric set> - should be replaced by a sequence of numeric digits or numeric ranges <number>-<number> eg. 1-6) each separated by commas or spaces (enter zero (0) for a null set)*/
/*Comments may be added between these symbols */
/1/*Number of rows of pins*/
/2/*Number of columns of pins*/
/3/*Number of pin column descriptors...this is the number of columns which have a unique column pin pattern*/
/*******Begin Pin Column Descriptor template*******/
/D/*Pin Column descriptor template #1*/
/a/*Row positions of IC pins*/
<numeric set>
/b/*Row positions of GND pins*/
<numeric set>
/c/*Row positions of VCC pins*/
<numeric set>
/d/*Row positions of VEE pins*/
<numeric set>
/e/*Row positions of VDD pins*/
<numeric set>
/f/*Specify columns that are described by descriptor #1*/
<numeric set>
/*******End Pin Column Descriptor template*******/
/D/*Pin Column descriptor template #2*/
/a/*Row positions of IC pins*/
<numeric set>
/b/*Row positions of GND pins*/
<numeric set>
/c/*Row positions of VCC pins*/
<numeric set>
/d/*Row positions of VEE pins*/
<numeric set>
/e/*Row positions of VDD pins*/
<numeric set>
/f/*Specify columns that are described by descriptor #2*/
<numeric set>
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the pin column descriptor template above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor template number should be the number of column descriptors which was entered in /3/ above...delete any unused templates*/
/4/*Number of dip descriptors...this is the number of different dip configurations used on the board*/
/********Begin Dip Descriptor Template*******/
/D/*Dip descriptor template #1*/
/a/*Maximum X-offset allowed from the origin (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*Maximum Y-offset allowed from the origin (in 100-mil units)*/
/c/*Dips allowed at this site...Replace zero (0) entries with the correct values...leave any unused entries as-is*/
/A/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/B/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/C/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/D/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/E/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/F/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/G/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/H/*Dip with this number of pins allowed at this site*/
/a/*With pin 1 located at a +x-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/b/*And pin 1 located at a +y-offset of (in 100-mil units)*/
/********End Dip Descriptor Template*******/
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the dip descriptor template above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor template number should be the number of dip descriptors which was entered in /4/ above...delete any unused templates*/
/5/*Number of rows of dips*/
/6/*Number of columns of dips*/
/7/*Enter pin column numbers which specify the pin column for the origin of each of the defined dip columns (ie. the x-coordinate of the origin with respect to the location of pin column 1 and pin row 1)*/
/********Begin Dip column designator*******/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 1*/
/********End Dip column designator*******/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 2*/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 3*/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 4*/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 5*/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 6*/
/x/*Pin column number for dip column 7*/
/E/*If additional dip column designators are required, insert copies of the dip column designator above this statement as many times as needed...last dip column number should be the number of dip columns defined for the board which was entered in /6/ above...delete any unused dip column designators*/
/8/*Number of dip column descriptors...this is the number of columns which have a unique column dip pattern*/
/*******Begin Dip Column Descriptor template*******/
/D/*Dip Column descriptor template #1*/
/a/*For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row numbers which specify the pin row for the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to the location of pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site...Note that each defined dip row must be enumerated here, if a row is not defined in this column, enter a zero for the dip descriptor number*/
/**********Begin Site Descriptor*********/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #1*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #1, descriptor #1*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #1, descriptor #1*/
/**********End Site Descriptor*********/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #2*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #2, descriptor #1*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #2, descriptor #1*/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #3*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #3, descriptor #1*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #3, descriptor #1*/
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the site descriptor above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor row number should be the number of dip rows which was entered in /5/ above...delete any unused descriptors*/
/b/*Specify dip columns that are described by descriptor #1*/
<numeric set>
/*******End Dip Column Descriptor template*******/
/D/*Dip Column descriptor template #2*/
/a/*For each of the Dip rows enter 1) the pin row numbers which specify the pin row for the origin of each of the defined dip rows (ie. the y-coordinate of the origin with respect to the location of pin column 1 and pin row 1) and 2) the number of the dip descriptor which describes the dip configuration of this site*/
/**********Begin Site Descriptor*********/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #1*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #1, descriptor #2*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #1, descriptor #2*/
/**********End Site Descriptor*********/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #2*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #2, descriptor #2*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #2, descriptor #2*/
/s/*Site descriptor for dip row #3*/
/a/*Pin row number for dip row #3, descriptor #2*/
/b/*Dip descriptor number for dip row #3, descriptor #2*/
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the site descriptor above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor row number should be the number of dip rows which was entered in /5/ above...delete any unused descriptors*/
/b/*Specify dip columns that are described by descriptor #2*/
<numeric set>
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the dip column descriptor template above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor template number should be the number of dip column descriptors which was entered in /8/ above...delete any unused templates*/
/9/*Number of connector descriptors...if no connectors on this board enter zero*/
/********Begin Connector Descriptor template********/
/D/*Connector descriptor template #1*/
/a/*X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) in 25 mil grid units*/
/b/*Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) in 25 mil grid units*/
/c/*Y (X) displacement between pin 1 in column (row) 1 and pin 1 in column (row) 2 in 25 mil grid units*/
/d/*Enter 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative*/
/e/*Enter 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if veritical*/
/f/*Enter 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are every other (ie. odd or even eg. 101,103,105...) and 1 if they are consecutive (eg. 101,102,103...)*/
/g/*Enter 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending*/
/h/*Number of pins in column (row) 1*/
/i/*Number of pins in column (row) 2*/
/*******End Connector Descriptor template*******/
/D/*Connector descriptor template #2*/
/a/*X (Y) displacement between pin columns (rows) in 25 mil grid units*/
/b/*Y (X) displacement between pins in the column (row) in 25 mil grid units*/
/c/*Y (X) displacement between pin 1 in column (row) 1 and pin 1 in column (row) 2 in 25 mil grid units*/
/d/*Enter 0 if displacement in /c/ above is positive and 1 if negative*/
/e/*Enter 0 if the orientation of the connector is (horizontal) and 1 if veritical*/
/f/*Enter 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are every other (ie. odd or even eg. 101,103,105...) and 1 if they are consecutive (eg. 101,102,103...)*/
/g/*Enter 0 if pin numbers in columns (rows) are ascending and 1 if they are descending*/
/h/*Number of pins in column (row) 1*/
/i/*Number of pins in column (row) 2*/
/E/*If additional descriptors are needed, insert copies of the connector descriptor template above this statement as many times as needed...last descriptor template number should be the number of connector descriptors which was entered in /9/ above...delete any unused templates*/
/10/*Number of Edge connectors..if no edge connectors on this board enter zero*/
/********Begin Edge Connector template********/
/D/*Edge Connector template #1*/
/a/*X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 in 25 mil grid units*/
/b/*Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1 in 25 mil grid units*/
/c/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101)*/
/d/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101)*/
/e/*Connector descriptor template number. This is one of the templates specified in /9/ above*/
/*******End Edge Connector template*******/
/D/*Edge Connector template #2*/
/a/*X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) in 25 mil grid units1*/
/b/*Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) in 25 mil grid units1*/
/c/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101)*/
/d/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101)*/
/e/*Connector descriptor template number. This is one of the templates specified in /9/ above*/
/E/*If additional templates are needed, insert copies of the Edge Connector template above this statement as many times as needed...last template number should be the number of Edge Connectors which was entered in /10/ above...delete any unused templates*/
/11/*Number of Cable connectors...if no cable connectors on this board enter zero*/
/********Begin Cable Connector template********/
/D/*Cable Connector template #1*/
/a/*X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) in 25 mil grid units1*/
/b/*Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) in 25 mil grid units1*/
/c/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if C101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101)*/
/d/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if C101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101)*/
/e/*Connector descriptor template number. This is one of the templates specified in /9/ above*/
/*******End Cable Connector template*******/
/D/*Cable Connector template #2*/
/a/*X coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1*/
/b/*Y coordinate of pin 1 column (row) 1*/
/c/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 1 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 1 then enter 101)*/
/d/*Pin number of pin 1 column (row) 2 (eg. if E101 is pin 1 column (row) 2 then enter 101)*/
/e/*Connector descriptor template number. This is one of the templates specified in /9/ above*/
/E/*If additional templates are needed, insert copies of the Cable Connector template above this statement as many times as needed...last template number should be the number of Cable Connectors which was entered in /11/ above...delete any unused templates*/