PageDateRevDesignerProjectFileSDDAXEROXDaisyReferenceGarner, DaviesReadWriteMIRRRHUQIBStkpRLPStateMDuMDvIncrement/DecrementPhaseAPhaseBPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAPhaseANIAPhaseBPhaseBPhaseBPhaseBPhaseBPhaseAXhYhcadhPhaseBPhaseBPhaseAPhaseANotes:"Read" indicates the times at which the output data should be valid."Write" indicates the times at which the write enable pulse is active."Increment/Decrement" indicates the times at which the register iswritten with a value derived from its last value."MIR" refers both the the microinstruction register and its decodedpMIRLatchLatch TimingsPhaseBPhaseAPhaseBPhaseBU-BypassPhaseAPhaseBoutputs. All the decoded outputs become valid at the beginning of5.(5)Written with contents of U-Bypass reg in first microinstruction followingthe one writing U-Bypass that does not read the U registers. If aU register is read before it can be updated from U-Bypass, the U-Bypassdata is substituted for the U register data.6.7.saveibPhaseBWhen a microinstruction contains an AwIBDisp or an IBDisp that doesnot cause an IBDispTrap, the IB is read in PhaseA and the saveib iswritten with that bytecode in PhaseB.8.CSAPhaseBPhaseBPhaseAPhaseANIA is the latch in which the address of the secondmicroinstruction following the current one is formed usingthe branch, dispatch and trap logic. CSA is the latch whichholds the address bits actually sent to the Control Store chips.CSA is loaded with NIA in PhaseA.(4)(4)PhaseA. "pMIR" is the latch receiving the next microinstruction.MIR _ pMIR in PhaseA.PhaseBrahPhaseAPhaseAPhaseAibPtribRdPtrLatchibRdPtribWrtPtrPhaseBPhaseBRespU'RespV'PhaseBPhaseAPhaseBPhaseBPhaseAPhaseBPhaseAPhaseAPhaseBPhaseAPhaseAPhaseB(6)(7)(7)See Bus Timing diagrams (IBIPSim43-46.sily)(7)(8)63IBIPSim63.sily10/19/83IuNIXGAG>;G1sG%GrGGGMGGMGAN>N2N9N&WNMG9?Wp]y]uN 2p]:_')_'tZnX5UQOQA?=;P967p_':)e$7$)e$75)e$7VtZnZn%:ZnVX5VUVQ%:QVOQVD4VAV?V=V;P4;$)OQ)?)=);PV4 Z&>;$ W>;$ U>;$ QC>;$ O >;$ L>;$ J>;$ H_>;$ ; >;$ =B>;$ ?{>;$ A>;$ C>;$ F&>;$ 8>;$ 6>;$ 2%>;$ />;$ ->;$ )e$7 `>;$03-+03-%:03%:-p#9t#lD9!F9 B91#l! O9OC \_>;$\ p_'V] )t\V\)U)X5 S|>;$SVS)S93BO3Q9OI93B9G9,OkD4)D49OC92C9%  )A>;$H;)A$7 4^>;$2l)42lV2l%:2l9 39 :9 ;9 k@9 O!VZnV\9A9)+ +z>;$)%:)V03V-MJH Fm96)9)6)AV+))MVMJ6tFm6tJ)HH%:FmFm3D439369k+!)32lKp]&W]A]N`g Helvetica  Helvetica Helvetica^j/ IBIPSim63.sily DDavies.PA19-Oct-83 14:51:28