// TestDaffodilBR.bcpl  -- Program to test RouteDaffodil.br
//  Last modified by Diebert; June 15, 1983  2:57 PM

get "Streams.d"
get "route.defs"

external [ dsp; Ws; GNDPinPos; VCCPinPos ]
static [ OutFile; numLogic; numVCC; numGND; px; py; pPinNo; pInfo ]

   GND = 0
   VCC = 1
   Logic = 2
   IO = 3

   firstGNDPin = 5588
   firstVCCPin = firstGNDPin + 826

let TestDaffodilBR() be

// set up output file
   Ws("Test Daffodil BR of June 15, 1983")
   OutFile = OpenFile("TestDaffodil.txt", ksTypeWriteOnly, charItem)
   if OutFile eq 0 then
      CallSwat("Bad Output FIle")

   numLogic = 1
   numVCC = 1
   numGND = 1

// Make upper left logic array
   for i = 700 to 5800 by 300 do
      MakeLineIncinY(i, 1200, 43)

// Add .4" array holes
   MakeLineIncinY(1800, 1200, 43)
   MakeLineIncinY(2400, 1200, 43)
   MakeLineIncinY(5700, 1200, 43)

// Make lower left logic array
   for i = 6100 to 12100 by 300 do
      MakeLineIncinY(i, 500, 50)

// Add .4" array holes
   MakeLineIncinY(6300, 500, 50)
   MakeLineIncinY(9300, 500, 50)
   MakeLineIncinY(9900, 500, 50)

// Make upper right logic array
   for i = 700 to 3100 by 300 do
      MakeLineIncinY(i, 5900, 57)

// Add .4' array holes
   MakeLineIncinY(1800, 5900, 57)
   MakeLineIncinY(2400, 5900, 57)

// Make 14x14 arrays
   for i = 3300 to 7100 by 1900 do
      [ for j = 5900 to 9900 by 2000 do
         Make14by14Array(i, j) ]

// Make lower right logic array
   for i = 8800 to 12100 by 300 do
      MakeLineIncinY(i, 5900, 57)

// Add .4" array holes
   MakeLineIncinY( 9300, 5900, 57)
   MakeLineIncinY( 9900, 5900, 57)

// Make card edge connectors
   MakeCableConn(12500, 8400, 60)
   MakeDShell(5500, 1000, 25)
   MakeDShell(3000, 1000, 15)
   MakeTeleConn(1400, 1000, 4)
   MakeCableConn(500, 1700, 50)
   MakeCableConn(500, 5200, 50)
   MakeCableConn(500, 8900, 26)

// Make Power and Ground stuff

// Left Side Stuff

   for i = 800 to 1400 by 300 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 1400, 9)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 1400, 9) ]

   MakeGnd(1700, 1400, 9)
   MakeGndPower(2000, 1400, 9)
   MakePowerGnd(2100, 1400, 9)
   MakeGnd(2300, 1400, 9)

   for i = 2600 to 5300 by 300 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 1400, 9)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 1400, 9) ]

   MakeGnd(5600, 1400, 9)
   MakeGndPower(5900, 1400, 9)
   MakePowerGnd(6000, 1400, 9)

   MakeGnd(6200, 400, 11)

   for i = 6500 to 8900 by 300 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 400, 11)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 400, 11) ]

   MakeGnd(9200, 400, 11)
   MakeGndPower(9500, 400, 11)
   MakePowerGnd(9600, 400, 11)
   MakeGnd(9800, 400, 11)

   for i = 10100 to 11900 by 300 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 400, 11)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 400, 11) ]

// Right Side Stuff

   for i = 800 to 1400 by 300 do
      [ MakePowerGnd(i, 5900, 12)
      MakeGndPower(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]

   MakeGnd(1700, 5900, 12)
   MakePowerGnd(2000, 5900, 12)
   MakeGndPower(2100, 5900, 12)
   MakeGnd(2300, 5900, 12)

   for i = 2600 to 2900 by 300 do
      [ MakePowerGnd(i, 5900, 12)
      MakeGndPower(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]

   MakeGnd(3200, 5900, 12)
   for i = 3300 to 4600 by 200 do
      [ Make14pinGndPower(i, 7400)
      Make14pinPowerGnd(i + 100, 7400) ]

   for i = 4700 to 4900 by 200 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 5900, 12)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]
   MakeGndPower(5100, 5900, 12)

   for i = 5200 to 6500 by 200 do
      [ Make14pinGndPower(i, 7400)
      Make14pinPowerGnd(i + 100, 7400) ]

   for i = 6600 to 6900 by 200 do
      [ MakeGndPower(i, 5900, 12)
      MakePowerGnd(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]
   MakeGndPower(7000, 5900, 12)

   for i = 7100 to 8400 by 200 do
      [ Make14pinGndPower(i, 7400)
      Make14pinPowerGnd(i + 100, 7400) ]

   MakeGndPower(8500, 5900, 12)
   for i = 8600 to 8900 by 300 do
      [ MakePowerGnd(i, 5900, 12)
      MakeGndPower(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]

   MakeGnd(9200, 5900, 12)
   MakePowerGnd(9500, 5900, 12)
   MakeGndPower(9600, 5900, 12)
   MakeGnd(9800, 5900, 12)

   for i = 10100 to 11900 by 300 do
      [ MakePowerGnd(i, 5900, 12)
      MakeGndPower(i + 100, 5900, 12) ]

   PutTemplate(dsp, "*n Num Logic $5D Num VCC $5D Num GND $5D", numLogic - 1, numVCC - 1, numGND - 1)
   Wss(OutFile, "*nDone")


and MakeCardEdge() be
   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 1600, 5)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 1600, 5)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 2300, 5)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 2300, 5)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 3100, 5)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 3100, 5)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 3900, 5)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 3900, 5)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 4700, 5)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 4700, 5)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 5500, 6)
   MakeLineIncinY(12600, 5500, 6)

   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 1000, 2)
   MakeLineIncinY(12500, 6500, 2)


and MakeCableConn(x, y, pins) be
   MakeLineIncinY(x, y, pins/2)
   MakeLineIncinY(x + 100, y, pins/2)

and MakeDShell(x, y, pins) be
   MakeLineDecinX(x, y, (pins + 1)/ 2)
   MakeLineDecinX(x, y - 100, (pins - 1)/ 2)

and MakeTeleConn(x, y, pins) be
   MakeLineDecinX(x, y, pins)

and MakeLineIncinY(x, y, pins) be
   for i = y to (y + ((pins - 1) * 100)) by 100 do
      [ GenPoint(Logic, x, i, numLogic); numLogic = numLogic + 1 ]

and MakeLineDecinX(x, y, pins) be
   for i = x to (x - ((pins - 1) * 100)) by -100 do
      [ GenPoint(Logic, i, y, numLogic); numLogic = numLogic + 1 ]

and Make14by14Array(x, y) be
   for i = x to (x + 1300) by 100 do
      MakeLineIncinY(i, y, 14)

and Make14pinGndPower(x, y) be
   GenPoint(GND, x, y, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y + 300, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1
   GenPoint(GND, x, y + 2000, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y + 2300, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1
   GenPoint(GND, x, y + 4000, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y + 4100, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1

and Make14pinPowerGnd(x, y) be
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1
   GenPoint(GND, x, y + 300, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y + 2000, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1
   GenPoint(GND, x, y + 2300, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1
   GenPoint(VCC, x, y + 4000, numVCC); numVCC = numVCC + 1
   GenPoint(GND, x, y + 4100, numGND); numGND = numGND + 1

and MakeGndPower(x, y, count) be
   for i = 1 to count do
      [ let even = (i - 1) rem 2
      if even eq 0 do
         [ GenPoint(GND, x, ((i eq 1) & (y eq 400)? 500, y + ((i - 1) * 500)), numGND)
         numGND = numGND + 1 ]
      if even eq 1 do
         [ GenPoint(VCC, x, y + ((i - 1) * 500), numVCC)
         numVCC = numVCC + 1 ]

and MakePowerGnd(x, y, count) be
   for i = 1 to count do
      [ let even = (i - 1) rem 2
      if even eq 0 do
         [ GenPoint(VCC, x, ((i eq 1) & (y eq 400)? 500, y + ((i - 1) * 500)), numVCC)
         numVCC = numVCC + 1 ]
      if even eq 1 do
         [ GenPoint(GND, x, y + ((i - 1) * 500), numGND)
         numGND = numGND + 1 ]

and MakeGnd(x, y, count) be
   for i = 1 to count do
      GenPoint(GND, x, ((i eq 1) & (y eq 400)? 500, y + ((i - 1) * 500)), numGND)
      numGND = numGND + 1

and GenPoint(type, x, y, num) be
   let v = vec 1; px = v
   let v = vec 1; py = v
   let v = vec 1; pPinNo = v
   let v = vec 1; pInfo = v
   @px = 0
   @py = 0
   @pPinNo = 0
   @pInfo = 0
   let okflag = true
   let text = vec 20
   let foo = 0
   let foo2 = 0
   let foo3 = 0
   switchon type into
      case GND:
         foo = GNDPinPos(0, num, px, py, pInfo)
         if (@px ne x/25) % (@py ne y/25) then okflag = false
         text = "GND  "
         foo2 = FindIndexFromCoord(x/25, y/25, foo3, pPinNo)
         if @pPinNo ne num then okflag = false
         if foo2 ne (num + firstGNDPin) then okflag = false
      case VCC:
         foo = VCCPinPos(0, num, px, py, pInfo)
         if (@px ne x/25) % (@py ne y/25) then okflag = false
         text = "VCC  "
         foo2 = FindIndexFromCoord(x/25, y/25, foo3, pPinNo)
         if @pPinNo ne num then okflag = false
         if foo2 ne (num + firstVCCPin) then okflag = false
      case Logic:
         foo = FindIndexFromCoord(x/25, y/25, foo3, pPinNo)
         if foo ne num then okflag = false
         text = "Logic"
   unless okflag do
      PutTemplate(OutFile, "$S  $5D  $5D  $5D  $5D  $5D  $5D  $5D  $5D*N", text, x, y, num, foo, foo2, @px*25, @py*25, @pPinNo)

and MustFindNamee(a, b) = valof
[ resultis 0 ]