XEROXFileProjectDesignerRevDatePagePARCPascoTitleVLSIVersion number of file format (Currently 4).Word:Word:Word:...Ll:;Count N of how many cell definitions followN cell definitions (see structure below)ListMaster list (top-level items not in cells) (see structure below)Chipmonk File:Cell Definition:WordStringWordWordSize Y of bounding boxWordSpare, set to 0ListWordWordItem:WordObjectChipFileFormat1.silString:WordWordWord...Last byte & zero, or last two bytes.Cell name (see structure below)Word...Ll:;...Count M of how many items follow.M items (see structure below)Ll:;Item MWordList:Word1 = Code for Text propertyStringText string (see structure below)String length in bytes, & first byte.second & third byteNote: High-order bytes come first.Property: TextCount J of properties.;L:lunusedangleMM = mirror about Y-axisRotate first, then mirrorEx: To mirror about x: rotate 180, then mirror about YCode 123751B uniquely identifies this to be a Chipmonk file.Upper-left corner held fixed.No other property types yet implementedwith same layer as specified for CIF text.Note: Node names are text properties of items with wire objectsSize X of bounding box (units of half-lambda)angle = multiple of 45 deg. clockwise (currently must be even)details of object (see next page)J properties (see structure below)Items in the cell (see structure below)Chipmonk File Format1*all dimensions are in units of half-lambdaY-position (Y increases downward)X-position* of top-left corner of itemCell number, sequential in [1..N]CellDef. 1CellDef. 2CellDef. NItem 1Item 2Prop. 1Prop. 2Prop. JOrdering constraint: cells must be defined before they are called (no forward references).C1/12/82$u2Gr93<?WH;GGr>Gr;tGr$Gr GrGrNGNXGNXGGr93pu9pqd,pf<da |X X! WVxUVVvX!PVY$rV_'$@qa+r](pVqV@rhuSXpQNLJtqJtpH;qH;pF2/r4;p-+W$r9p V |  pV$qNp) |  u Vx<Vu;V!$rV&z$@ |7Y 6 6<q@t!r<Vx4V5 6/V8e$rV=$@p7@trBpqpq!p% u9"rVq))-%$'s-%$s-%$ -%$"s-%$$-%$-%$-%$s-%$-%$-%$r-%$-%$-%$,s-I$.$..$.x&.(X., $.%.#X-%$*-I$%-I$u-&-+W-/0/-/+6qf<q+W!%:"F'pIq+/!2&Q!p_ ]X X >;<&$ :ru\ZGr;tGr$Gr GrGrNGNXGNXGGr93pu9p R<rTt pPqP>R< pG IXrKqIX$p D ?W)BB$+WBB$-BB$(BB$&WBB$#BB$VBB$BB$BB$!VBB$BB$BB$BB$.Bf$C$Bf$uB2D VBf$Bf$:BB2B 2A pB$Bf$0Bf$0Wx:090D$0W;=0 ]!qa>pIVu',!',!&!$!# .D