XEROXFileProjectDesignerRevDatePagePARC01PascoTitleAcount-1stippleProvide count (where 1 <= count <= 16) repetitions of four-bit stipple pattern.Then, a succession of bytes of the format:Constraint: The MSB of stipple prints to the left of the LSB.2nd byteFirst a 16-bit word, with a single integer number:Constraint: Must be a multiple of 4 (necessary because of subsequent encoding).Number of pixels per scan line.Each scanline (of length specified above) must be completely filled."0" = white; "1" = black.Created by Magic Versatec Output Module.Then the end of the file (nothing special here).".bits" file format:".ram" file format:Created by Magic Ramtek Output Module.3rd, 4th, 5th, ...1st byte"0" = white; "1" = color. "B" = Black; "C" = Cyan; "M" = Magenta; "Y" = Yellow.Designed by Martin Newell and Lyle RamshawDesigned by Rich PascoA run expressed by bytes of this form must not run across a scanline boundary.Designates the end of a scan line.A repetition of scan lines, where each scan line is a run-length encoded structure as follows:Input to Oliver, which drives Versatec Plotter.Input to Aries, which drives Ramtek Plotter.".ram" file formatVLSIIf an end-of-scan-line byte comes before the line is completely filled, the remainder of the line is white.count00000000RamFileFormat.SilFirst, a succession of words of the form:1st byte2nd byteA run of stipples expressed by a word of this form must not extend across a scanline boundary.Then a single word of the form:2nd byte1st byte1st byte:2nd byte:00000000A scan line need not be completely filled before this end-of-line designator.The last word in the file must be this "end-of-line" designator.Specify count (where 1 <= count <= 255) repetitions of stipple defined by second byte.BCMYYMCBleft pixelright pixelLSBMSBSpecify a 2-pixel-wide by 1-pixel-high by 4-color-deep stipple pattern, where:9/25/81The printer is only 918 pixels (459 stipples) per scanline. Longer lines will be truncated. "su/ Gr90W<?WH;G Gr> Gr;t Gr! Gr Gr Gr N GNX G NX G Gr9Ip0 u