-- file Log.Mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, October 30, 1979 3:06 PM DIRECTORY Symbols: FROM "symbols" USING [HTIndex, ISEIndex], Tree: FROM "tree" USING [Index, Link]; Log: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ErrorCode: TYPE = { -- general purpose errors (no parameters) compilerError, unimplemented, other, -- errors with no parameters bodyEntries, bodyType, catchLabel, descriptor, exit, exportedVars, fieldSize, illDefinedReturn, inlineType, interfaceEntries, keys, long, misplacedCatch, misplacedEntry, misplacedMonitorRef, misplacedResume, misplacedReturn, misplacedStop, missingBinding, noAccess, nonOrderedType, nonTypeCons, nonVoidStmt, instLength, relative, staticNesting, stringLength, subrangeBounds, subrangeNesting, unreachable, -- errors mapping hash to sei parameters unknownId, unknownField, -- errors with hash parameters ambiguousId, duplicateId, missingImport, unknownTag, duplicateTag, unknownVariant, unknownKey, duplicateKey, omittedKey, openId, fileName, fileVersion, fileWrong, moduleId, -- errors with sei parameters addressOverflow, circularType, circularValue, elision, forwardRef, inlineRhs, internalCall, missingBase, missingLock, nonDefinition, nonTagType, nonTypeId, notImported, recordGap, recursiveInline, typeLength, varExport, -- errors with tree parameters boundsFault, controlId, default, defaultForm, duplicateLabel, exportClash, misusedInline, mixedRepresentation, noApplication, nonAddressable, nonConstant, nonLHS, nonVariantLabel, noTarget, notPortable, noVariants, overflow, relationType, sizeClash, spuriousBinding, typeClash, unknownLabel, -- errors with numeric parameters listShort, listLong, -- warnings with no parameters attrClash, pointerInit, -- warnings with sei parameters privateExport, uninitialized, unusedExport, unusedId, unusedImport, voidExport, -- warnings with tree parameters unsignedCompare }; Error: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode]; ErrorHti: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Symbols.HTIndex]; ErrorN: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, INTEGER]; ErrorNode: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Tree.Index]; ErrorSei: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Symbols.ISEIndex]; ErrorString: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, STRING]; ErrorTree: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Tree.Link]; Warning: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode]; WarningNode: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Tree.Index]; WarningSei: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Symbols.ISEIndex]; WarningTree: PROCEDURE [ErrorCode, Tree.Link]; END.