5.1. User Profile Options and Commands
Control of the pop-up menu
PopUpMenu.FontFamily: "Helvetica"
PopUpMenu.FontSize: 10
PopUpMenu.FontBold: TRUE
PopUpMenu.FontItalic: FALSE
PopUpMenu.LineHeightChange: 0
Chipndale.NewViewerIconic: FALSE
-- controls creation of viewers showing designs
Chipndale.ControlViewerOpenIconic: FALSE
-- controls creation of control panel viewers
Chipndale.CatchLowLevelErrors: TRUE
--set to FALSE to help debugging, usually it is possible to continue
Chipndale.CatchErrorsWhichCauseDeadlock: TRUE
--set carefully FALSE to help debugging, but
--if errors occur, you loose all your work which is not saved onto files
Chipndale.ChipmonkColorMapNum: -1
-- in four bits per pixel mode only
-- <0 use default colormap
-- 0 use default colormap, but read in the colormap file
-- >0 use a colormap from the ChipmonkColorMaps file as in profile
Chipndale.ChipmonkColorMaps: "default.CDColorMaps"
Chipndale.ColorStartLeft: TRUE
Chipndale.ColorBackWhite: FALSE
Chipndale.ColorBackBlack: FALSE
-- random if none, or both, ColorBackBlack and ColorBackWhite are TRUE
Chipndale.ColorStartBits: -1
-- -1 don't touch
-- 0 set up to current bits per pixel mode, if reasonable
-- 4 set up 4 bit per pixel mode
-- 8 set up 8 bit per pixel mode
Chipndale.CursorOnesWhite: TRUE
-- initial color of cursor on colordisplay
Chipndale.RunPrograms: NIL
-- include a list of bcds which should be runned whenever
-- chipndale is started
Chipndale.ChipmonkColorPatterns: "default.CDColorPatterns"
-- nmos and cmos only
NMos-specific user profile options
Chipndale.NMos.TIPTable: "ChipndaleNMos.TIP"
Chipndale.NMos.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 0
CMos-specific user profile options
Chipndale.CMos.TIPTable: "ChipndaleCMos.TIP"
Chipndale.CMos.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 0
-- currently cmos only
-- <0 use entry from ChipmonkColorPatterns file
-- with positionkey = ABS[ChipmonkColorPatternNum]
-- (to get positionkey -0 use 1)
-- 0 use default colorpatterns
-- 1 use chipmonks default colorpatterns
-- >1 use entry from ChipmonkColorPatterns file
Chipnsil specific user profile options
Chipndale.chipnsil.TIPTable: "chipnsil.tip" -- this is default
-- Fonts do not have defaults
Chipndale.chipnsil.Font0: "TimesRoman14.strike"
Chipndale.chipnsil.AlternateFont0: "/indigo/AltoFonts/TimesRoman14.strike"
Chipndale.chipnsil.ScaleFont0: 32
Chipndale.chipnsil.Font1: "Gates32.strike"
Chipndale.chipnsil.AlternateFont1: "/indigo/AltoFonts/Gates32.strike"
Chipndale.chipnsil.ScaleFont1: 64
.... ChipNSil supports 8 fonts; which are initialized with the user profile. The user profile designates the font used on creation of the text; once a text is created, its font can NOT be changed with the user profile