<<--///cd17/cd17.tioga>> Chipndale Version 0.17 Definition Modules CD FetchObjectProcs return result no more readonly new mechanism for partially drawing objects old procedure drawMe renamed to be quickDrawMe procedure drawMe implements the new mechanism new boolean (with mechanism) to keep track of changes CDInline new Comments about: normalization, inclusive or exclusive border CDIO WriteDesign: new "quiet" parameter (used by background saver) new procedures ReadProperties, WriteProperties so clients can implement property lists on their own objects, even if they are implemented with properties CDApplications new procedure names to mirror taking either the inner or the outside rects more orthogonal CDCommandOps new module with handy stuff to implement commands CDSequencer new mechanism to check and set an abort flag new mechanism to allow specification of queueing method CMos now uses 5 lambda nwell. If you did the conversion with cd16 as messaged twice, you will get no trouble reading the files with cd17. If not ... it's not my business anymore, but then you better wait with using cd17 until after. Implementations new module CDEmergencyHandling some new commands for the sake of the tip table fans; mainly more orthogonal there is a background process saving designs, sometimes it even works. User Interface If wedged, a design can still be saved by From keyboard: using "SHIFT-SHIFT-SWAT" From a worldswap or remote debugger: call "_ %CDEmergencyHandling.SaveAll[]" but if it interfeares with the background saving process, you clobber both files irreversibly since SHIFT-SHIFT-SWAT saves the design without respecting locks. Color plot: bringover of CDDesign automatically bring's over the plot df file. New or changed commands Stretch selected is changed to use also a selected object as model. View al of top pushlevel. View al selected. Pop from cell flushes automatically if chipndale thinks the cell is not changed. New pop commands to avoid pop up menu. New create cell command without name input. Reselect the pointed object. Conventions I've been asked about name syntax; here it is: Designers should use (but Chipndale does NOT enforce) Mesa identifiers; case matters. (On write back to chipmonk case information is lost.) Other ROPE's may be used internally by Chipndale. If you use mesa identifiers you'l be not surprised; whenever chipndale changes or creates names automatically, these names do NOT have the syntax of Mesa identifiers; so no conflicts can occur. Using non Mesa identifiers usually puts some semantic meaning to a name (e.g: object has been created automatically and therefore may also be deleted automatically...) However, designers can create arbitrary names without clobbering chipndale.