<<-- Chipndale13.profile>> <<-- Ch Jacobi, January 31, 1984 5:37 pm>> <<-- Last edited, Ch Jacobi, March 28, 1984 10:09:32 am PST>> <<>> <<-- entries are shown with their default values>> <<-- use entries only if your value differs from defaults;>> <<-- you then have less need to keep track of eventual changes >> <<>> <<-- controls the popup menus>> PopUpMenu.FontFamily: "Helvetica" PopUpMenu.FontSize: 10 PopUpMenu.FontBold: TRUE PopUpMenu.FontItalic: FALSE PopUpMenu.LineHeightChange: 0 <<-- chipndale kernel>> Chipndale.NewViewerIconic: FALSE <<-- controls creation of viewers showing designs>> Chipndale.ControlViewerOpenIconic: FALSE <<-- controls creation of control panel viewers >> Chipndale.CatchLowLevelErrors: TRUE <<--set to FALSE to help debugging, usually it is possible to continue>> Chipndale.CatchErrorsWhichCauseDeadlock: TRUE <<--set carefully FALSE to help debugging, but>> <<--if errors occur, you loose all your work which is not saved onto files>> Chipndale.ChipmonkColorMapNum: -1 <<-- in four bits per pixel mode only>> <<-- <0 => use default colormap>> <<-- 0 => use default colormap, but read in the colormap file>> <<-- >0 => use a colormap from the ChipmonkColorMaps file as in profile>> Chipndale.ChipmonkColorMaps: "default.CDColorMaps" Chipndale.ColorStartLeft: TRUE Chipndale.ColorBackWhite: FALSE Chipndale.ColorBackBlack: FALSE <<-- random if none, or both, ColorBackBlack and ColorBackWhite are TRUE>> Chipndale.ColorStartBits: -1 <<-- -1 => don't touch>> <<-- 0 => set up to current bits per pixel mode, if reasonable>> <<-- 4 => set up 4 bit per pixel mode>> <<-- 8 => set up 8 bit per pixel mode>> Chipndale.CursorOnesWhite: TRUE <<-- initial color of cursor on colordisplay >> Chipndale.RunPrograms: NIL <<-- include a list of bcds which should be runned whenever >> <<-- chipndale is started>> <<>> Chipndale.ChipmonkColorPatterns: "default.CDColorPatterns" <<-- nmos and cmos only>> <<>> <<-- nmos>> Chipndale.NMos.TIPTable: "ChipndaleNMos.TIP" Chipndale.NMos.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 0 <<-- cmos>> Chipndale.CMos.TIPTable: "ChipndaleCMos.TIP" Chipndale.CMos.ChipmonkColorPatternNum: 0 <<-- currently cmos only>> <<-- <0 => use entry from ChipmonkColorPatterns file >> <<-- with positionkey = ABS[ChipmonkColorPatternNum]>> <<-- (to get positionkey -0 use 1)>> <<-- 0 => use default colorpatterns>> <<-- 1 => use chipmonks default colorpatterns>> <<-- >1 => use entry from ChipmonkColorPatterns file>>