DIRECTORY CD USING [ObPtr, Rect, DesignPosition, Position, Orientation, ApplicationPtr, ApplicationList, Number, Level, lambda, DrawRef, DrawProc, DrawRectProc, LevelKey, NewNullDeviceDrawRef], CDDirectory USING [Name], CDInline USING [RectAt, Inside, Surround, NonEmpty, Extend, SizeOfRect, Intersect, Intersection], CDOrient USING [MapRect, original], CDObjectProcs USING [FetchFurther], CDProperties USING [GetPropFromObject, PutPropOnObject, PutPropOnApplication, GetPropFromApplication], TerminalIO USING [WriteRope], CDApplications USING [NewApplicationI], CDCells USING [IncludeApplication, RemoveApplication], CDRects USING [CreateBareRect], Atom USING [PropList, PutPropOnList, GetPropFromList, GetPName], RefTab USING [Ref, Create, Fetch, Store, Pairs, EachPairAction], SafeStorage USING [GetSystemZone], Rope USING [ROPE, Equal, Cat], SpinifexAtoms USING [ spinifex, spinifexErrorRect, errorClient, SignalName, Rect, SaveRect], SpinifexCircuit ; SpinifexCircuitImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CD, CDDirectory, CDInline, CDOrient, CDObjectProcs, CDProperties, TerminalIO, Atom, RefTab, SafeStorage, Rope, SpinifexAtoms, CDApplications, CDCells, CDRects EXPORTS SpinifexCircuit ~ BEGIN AZ: PUBLIC ZONE _ SafeStorage.GetSystemZone[]; LogicalCell: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.LogicalCell; Circuit: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.Circuit; QuadTreeRoot: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.QuadTreeRoot; QuadTree: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.QuadTree; AreaSplit: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.AreaSplit; Rectangle: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.Rectangle; RectDelta: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.RectDelta; CircuitNode: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.CircuitNode; AreaPerimRec: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.AreaPerimRec; CircuitConstraint: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.CircuitConstraint; NodeLinkage: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.NodeLinkage; AttachedNode: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.AttachedNode; MergeRec: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.MergeRec; MergeRecList: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.MergeRecList; SpinifexLayerIndex: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.SpinifexLayerIndex; TechHandle: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.TechHandle; MapRec: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.MapRec; ErrorKey: TYPE ~ RECORD [ ob: CD.ObPtr, cir: REF Circuit ]; PaintErrorRect: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cell: REF LogicalCell, errorBox: CD.Rect, message: Rope.ROPE] ~ { errorCell: CD.ObPtr; errorKey: REF ANY; IF cell.errorContext # NIL THEN { subcircuitKey: REF ErrorKey _ NEW[ ErrorKey _ [cell.cellObj, cell.circuit] ]; subcircuit: REF Circuit ~ cell.circuit; errorClientList: LIST OF CD.ObPtr _ NARROW[ CDProperties.GetPropFromObject[from~ cell.errorContext, prop~ SpinifexAtoms.errorClient]]; errorKey _ subcircuitKey; errorCell _ cell.errorContext; errorBox _ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell~ errorBox, cellSize~ cell.cellObj.size, cellInstOrient~cell.relativeOrient, cellInstPos~cell.relativePos]; message _ message.Cat[" (in sub-component \"", CDDirectory.Name[cell.cellObj], "\")"]; FOR ecl: LIST OF CD.ObPtr _ errorClientList, WHILE ecl # NIL DO IF ecl.first = cell.cellObj THEN EXIT; REPEAT FINISHED => { errorClientList _ CONS[cell.cellObj, errorClientList]; CDProperties.PutPropOnObject[onto~ cell.errorContext, prop~ SpinifexAtoms.errorClient, val~ errorClientList]; } ENDLOOP; } ELSE { errorCell _ cell.cellObj; errorKey _ SpinifexAtoms.spinifexErrorRect }; errorBox _ CDInline.Intersection[ CDInline.Extend[errorBox, (CD.lambda+1)/2], CDInline.RectAt[ pos~ [0,0], size~ errorCell.size]]; IF CDInline.NonEmpty[errorBox] THEN { appl: CD.ApplicationPtr ~ CDApplications.NewApplicationI[ ob~ CDRects.CreateBareRect[ CDInline.SizeOfRect[ errorBox], cell.circuit.technologyHandle.errorLevel], location~ [errorBox.x1, errorBox.y1], orientation~ CDOrient.original]; CDProperties.PutPropOnApplication[onto~ appl, prop~ SpinifexAtoms.SignalName, val~ message]; CDProperties.PutPropOnApplication[onto~ appl, prop~ SpinifexAtoms.spinifexErrorRect, val~ errorKey]; [] _ CDCells.IncludeApplication[, cell~errorCell, aptr~appl]; }; cell.errorCount _ cell.errorCount.SUCC; TerminalIO.WriteRope["|"] }; IllegalConstruct: PUBLIC ERROR [rect: CD.Rect, reason: Rope.ROPE] ~ CODE; IllegalLevel: PUBLIC ERROR [rect: CD.Rect, lev: CD.Level] ~ CODE; ContainsIllegal: SIGNAL [rect: CD.Rect, reason: Rope.ROPE] ~ CODE; DataForChildren: TYPE ~ RECORD [ cir: REF Circuit, oldErrors: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr ]; TranslateChild: CD.DrawProc -- [aptr: ApplicationPtr, pos: DesignPosition, orient: Orientation, pr: REF DrawInformation] -- ~ { IF aptr.ob.p.objectType = SpinifexAtoms.Rect OR aptr.ob.p.objectType = SpinifexAtoms.SaveRect THEN { data: REF DataForChildren ~ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF aptr.ob.level = data.cir.technologyHandle.errorLevel THEN { key: REF ANY ~ CDProperties.GetPropFromApplication[from~ aptr, prop~SpinifexAtoms.spinifexErrorRect]; IF key # NIL THEN WITH key SELECT FROM key: REF ErrorKey => { IF key.cir # CDProperties.GetPropFromObject[ from~key.ob, prop~SpinifexAtoms.spinifex] THEN data.oldErrors _ AZ.CONS[ aptr, data.oldErrors]; }; a: ATOM => { IF a # SpinifexAtoms.spinifexErrorRect THEN ERROR; data.oldErrors _ AZ.CONS[ aptr, data.oldErrors] }; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN }; { box: CD.Rect ~ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell~ CDInline.RectAt[pos~ [0,0], size~ aptr.ob.size], cellSize~ aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient~ orient, cellInstPos~ pos]; node: REF CircuitNode ~ AddRect[ cir~ data.cir, lev~ aptr.ob.level, dim~ box ! IllegalLevel => { SIGNAL ContainsIllegal [rect, Rope.Cat["Material on level ", Atom.GetPName[CD.LevelKey[lev]], " may not appear as an isolated rectangle"]]; GOTO BadRect } ]; IF node # NIL THEN CopyNodeProperties[ data.cir, node,]; EXITS BadRect => NULL }; RETURN }; WITH CDProperties.GetPropFromObject[ from~aptr.ob, prop~SpinifexAtoms.spinifex] SELECT FROM subcircuit: REF Circuit => { newAppl: CD.ApplicationPtr ~ CDApplications.NewApplicationI[ ob~ aptr.ob, location~ pos, orientation~ orient]; data: REF DataForChildren ~ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; cir: REF Circuit ~ data.cir; numLayers: SpinifexLayerIndex ~ data.cir.technologyHandle.numSpinifexLayers; FOR i: SpinifexLayerIndex IN [0..numLayers) DO IF subcircuit.spinifexLayers[i].geometry = NIL THEN LOOP; IF cir.subcircuits = NIL OR cir.subcircuits.first # newAppl THEN -- It is the 1st non-empty geom-layer. cir.subcircuits _ AZ.CONS[newAppl, cir.subcircuits]; [] _ AddBox[ cir~cir, appl~newAppl, pos~ pos, orient~ orient, spinifexLayer~i, dim~subcircuit.spinifexLayers[i].size, value~newAppl] ENDLOOP; cir.linkageCount.inChildren _ cir.linkageCount.inChildren + subcircuit.linkageCount.inSelf + subcircuit.linkageCount.inChildren; }; ENDCASE => { convProc: REF ANY ~ CDObjectProcs.FetchFurther[ p~aptr.ob.p, key~SpinifexAtoms.spinifex]; IF convProc # NIL THEN { data: REF DataForChildren ~ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; NARROW[ convProc, REF SpinifexCircuit.ConversionProc]^[ aptr, pos, orient, data.cir ! IllegalConstruct => { SIGNAL ContainsIllegal [CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell~rect, cellSize~aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient~orient, cellInstPos~pos], reason]; CONTINUE } ] } ELSE { aptr.ob.p.drawMe[aptr, pos, orient, pr] } } }; TranslateRect: CD.DrawRectProc -- [r: DesignRect, l: Level, pr: DrawRef] -- ~ { data: REF DataForChildren ~ NARROW[pr.devicePrivate]; IF ~CDInline.NonEmpty[r] THEN RETURN; IF l # data.cir.technologyHandle.errorLevel THEN [] _ AddRect[ cir~data.cir, lev~l, dim~r ! IllegalLevel => { SIGNAL ContainsIllegal [rect, Rope.Cat["Rectangle on level ", Atom.GetPName[CD.LevelKey[lev]], " cannot be analyzed in this context"] ]; CONTINUE } ]; }; TranslateGeometry: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cell: REF LogicalCell] ~ { cir: REF Circuit ~ cell.circuit; dataRef: REF DataForChildren _ NEW[DataForChildren]; dr: CD.DrawRef ~ CD.NewNullDeviceDrawRef[NIL]; fakeAppl: CD.ApplicationPtr ~ CDApplications.NewApplicationI[ ob~ cell.cellObj, location~ [0,0], orientation~ CDOrient.original]; cellSize: CD.DesignPosition _ cell.cellObj.size; dr.drawRect _ TranslateRect; dr.saveRect _ TranslateRect; dr.drawChild _ TranslateChild; dr.devicePrivate _ dataRef; dataRef.cir _ cir; dataRef.oldErrors _ NIL; cell.cellObj.p.drawMe[fakeAppl, [0,0], CDOrient.original, dr ! ContainsIllegal => { PaintErrorRect[ cell~ cell, errorBox~ rect, message~ reason ]; RESUME } ]; FOR link: LIST OF REF NodeLinkage _ cir.linkages, WHILE link # NIL DO cir.linkageCount.inSelf _ cir.linkageCount.inSelf.SUCC ENDLOOP; FOR applList: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ dataRef.oldErrors, WHILE applList # NIL DO IF CDCells.RemoveApplication[ design~, cell~ cell.cellObj, aptr~ applList.first].removed = NIL THEN ERROR; ENDLOOP; IF cellSize # cell.cellObj.size THEN { TerminalIO.WriteRope[" Removal of old Spinifex Errors from cell caused cell's boundary to change, Spinifex was unable to continue. Please try to run Spinifex again."]; ERROR ABORTED }; FOR layer: SpinifexLayerIndex IN [0..cir.technologyHandle.numSpinifexLayers) DO SortBoxes: PROCEDURE [cir: REF Circuit, layer: SpinifexLayerIndex] ~ { Quadrant: TYPE ~ {ne,nw,sw,se}; SubDivision: TYPE ~ {fitsNorth, fitsSouth, fitsEast, fitsWest, noFit }; boxList: LIST OF REF Rectangle; boundary: CD.Rect; qtRoot: REF QuadTree; CanSubDivide: PROCEDURE [qNE, qSW: Quadrant] RETURNS [SubDivision] ~ { choiceMatrix: ARRAY Quadrant OF ARRAY Quadrant OF SubDivision ~ [ ne~[ ne~fitsNorth, nw~fitsNorth, sw~noFit, se~fitsEast], nw~[ ne~fitsNorth, nw~fitsNorth, sw~fitsWest, se~fitsWest], sw~[ ne~fitsSouth, nw~fitsSouth, sw~fitsSouth, se~fitsSouth], se~[ ne~fitsSouth, nw~fitsSouth, sw~fitsSouth, se~fitsSouth] ]; RETURN [choiceMatrix[qNE][qSW]] }; SplittingSizeTooSmall: PROCEDURE [r: CD.Rect] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] ~ { splitLimit: CD.Number ~ 10*CD.lambda; RETURN [(r.x2 - r.x1 < splitLimit) OR (r.y2 - r.y1 < splitLimit)]; }; cir.spinifexLayers[layer].geometry _ AZ.NEW[QuadTree _ [boxes~NIL, subTrees~ALL[NIL], midX~(cir.spinifexLayers[layer].size.x2+cir.spinifexLayers[layer].size.x1)/2, midY~(cir.spinifexLayers[layer].size.y2+cir.spinifexLayers[layer].size.y1)/2]]; boxList _ cir.spinifexLayers[layer].unsortedBoxes; cir.spinifexLayers[layer].unsortedBoxes _ NIL; boundary _ cir.spinifexLayers[layer].size; qtRoot _ cir.spinifexLayers[layer].geometry; WHILE boxList # NIL DO branchBoundary: CD.Rect _ boundary; qt: REF QuadTree _ qtRoot; quadNE, quadSW: Quadrant; DO quadNE _ IF qt.midX < boxList.first.interestBound.x2 THEN IF qt.midY < boxList.first.interestBound.y2 THEN ne ELSE se ELSE IF qt.midY < boxList.first.interestBound.y2 THEN nw ELSE sw; quadSW _ IF qt.midX <= boxList.first.interestBound.x1 THEN IF qt.midY <= boxList.first.interestBound.y1 THEN ne ELSE se ELSE IF qt.midY <= boxList.first.interestBound.y1 THEN nw ELSE sw; IF SplittingSizeTooSmall[branchBoundary] THEN EXIT ELSE { st: AreaSplit; SELECT CanSubDivide[quadNE, quadSW] FROM noFit => EXIT; fitsNorth => { branchBoundary.y1 _ qt.midY; st _ north}; fitsSouth => { branchBoundary.y2 _ qt.midY; st _ south}; fitsEast => { branchBoundary.x1 _ qt.midX; st _ east}; fitsWest => { branchBoundary.x2 _ qt.midX; st _ west}; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF qt.subTrees[st] = NIL THEN IF qt.boxes # NIL AND # NIL THEN { qt.subTrees[st] _ AZ.NEW[QuadTree _ [boxes~NIL, subTrees~ALL[NIL], midX~(branchBoundary.x2+branchBoundary.x1)/2, midY~(branchBoundary.y2+branchBoundary.y1)/2] ]; qt _ qt.subTrees[st]; EXIT } ELSE EXIT; qt _ qt.subTrees[st]; } ENDLOOP; { temp: LIST OF REF Rectangle _; _ qt.boxes; qt.boxes _ boxList; boxList _ temp }; ENDLOOP; }; IF cir.spinifexLayers[layer].unsortedBoxes = NIL THEN LOOP; SortBoxes[cir, layer]; ENDLOOP; }; EnumerateGeometry: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [circuit: REF Circuit, layer: SpinifexLayerIndex, clipRect: CD.Rect, PerRect: SpinifexCircuit.PerRectProc, data: REF ANY] ~ { FlattenTree: PROCEDURE [qt: REF QuadTree, bBox: CD.Rect] ~ { IF qt = NIL THEN RETURN; FOR boxes: LIST OF REF Rectangle _ qt.boxes, WHILE boxes # NIL DO IF CDInline.Intersect[clipRect, boxes.first.interestBound] THEN PerRect[boxes.first, data] ENDLOOP; FOR quad: AreaSplit IN AreaSplit DO subBox: CD.Rect _ bBox; SELECT quad FROM north => IF clipRect.y2 <= qt.midY THEN LOOP ELSE subBox.y1 _ qt.midY; south => IF clipRect.y1 >= qt.midY THEN LOOP ELSE subBox.y2 _ qt.midY; east => IF clipRect.x2 <= qt.midX THEN LOOP ELSE subBox.x1 _ qt.midX; west => IF clipRect.x1 >= qt.midX THEN LOOP ELSE subBox.x2 _ qt.midX; ENDCASE; FlattenTree[qt.subTrees[quad], subBox] ENDLOOP; }; FlattenTree[circuit.spinifexLayers[layer].geometry, circuit.spinifexLayers[layer].size]; }; AddEmptyBox: ERROR ~ CODE; AddRect: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ cir: REF SpinifexCircuit.Circuit, lev: CD.Level, dim: CD.Rect, appl: CD.ApplicationPtr _ NIL, pos: CD.DesignPosition _ [0,0], orient: CD.Orientation _ CDOrient.original, value: REF SpinifexCircuit.CircuitNode _ NIL] RETURNS [cirNode: REF SpinifexCircuit.CircuitNode _ NIL] ~ { UniformBloat: PROCEDURE [d: INT] RETURNS [RectDelta] ~ INLINE { RETURN [[d,d,d,d]] }; IF cir.technologyHandle.illegalLevel[lev] THEN ERROR IllegalLevel[(IF appl = NIL THEN dim ELSE CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell~dim, cellSize~appl.ob.size, cellInstOrient~orient, cellInstPos~pos]), lev]; IF CDInline.NonEmpty[dim] THEN -- Silently ignore empty boxes FOR map: LIST OF MapRec _ cir.technologyHandle.cdLayerMapping[lev], WHILE map # NIL DO cn: REF SpinifexCircuit.CircuitNode; WITH map.first.value SELECT FROM mappingFunc: REF SpinifexCircuit.BoxMapProc => cn _ mappingFunc^[ cir~cir, dim~ dim, appl~ appl, pos~ pos, orient~ orient, node~ IF cirNode # NIL THEN cirNode ELSE value]; ENDCASE => cn _ AddBox[ cir~ cir, spinifexLayer~ map.first.spinifexLayer, dim~ dim, appl~ appl, pos~ pos, orient~ orient, interestBloat~ UniformBloat[map.first.bloatFactor], value~ (IF map.first.value # NIL THEN map.first.value ELSE value)]; IF cn # NIL THEN cirNode _ cn ENDLOOP; }; AddBox: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cir: REF Circuit, spinifexLayer: SpinifexLayerIndex, dim: CD.Rect, appl: CD.ApplicationPtr _ NIL, pos: CD.DesignPosition _ [0,0], orient: CD.Orientation _ CDOrient.original, interestBloat: RectDelta _ [0,0,0,0], value: REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS [cirNode: REF CircuitNode _ NIL] ~ { A: PROCEDURE [r: CD.Rect] RETURNS [area: INT] ~ INLINE { area _ (r.x2-r.x1)*(r.y2-r.y1) }; P: PROCEDURE [r: CD.Rect] RETURNS [perim: INT] ~ INLINE { perim _ ((r.x2-r.x1)+(r.y2-r.y1))*2 }; IF value = NIL THEN { value _ cirNode _ AZ.NEW[ CircuitNode _ [ dim ~ LIST[ [layer~spinifexLayer, area~A[dim], perim~P[dim]]]] ]; AddCircuitNode[ cir, cirNode] } ELSE WITH value SELECT FROM cn: REF CircuitNode => { cirNode _ cn; AdjustNode[ cirNode, spinifexLayer, A[dim], P[dim]] }; ENDCASE; IF ~CDInline.NonEmpty[dim] THEN ERROR AddEmptyBox ELSE { mappedDim: CD.Rect ~ (IF appl = NIL THEN dim ELSE CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell~dim, cellSize~appl.ob.size, cellInstOrient~orient, cellInstPos~pos]); bloatedDim: CD.Rect ~ [x1~mappedDim.x1-interestBloat.dx1, y1~mappedDim.y1-interestBloat.dy1, x2~mappedDim.x2+interestBloat.dx2, y2~mappedDim.y2+interestBloat.dy2]; newRect: REF Rectangle ~ AZ.NEW[Rectangle _ [ interestBound~bloatedDim, dimDecr~interestBloat, nodeInformation~value]]; cir.spinifexLayers[spinifexLayer].unsortedBoxes _ AZ.CONS[ newRect, cir.spinifexLayers[spinifexLayer].unsortedBoxes]; IF ~ CDInline.Inside[bloatedDim, cir.spinifexLayers[spinifexLayer].size] THEN cir.spinifexLayers[spinifexLayer].size _ CDInline.Surround[bloatedDim, cir.spinifexLayers[spinifexLayer].size] } }; MergeNode: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ circuit: REF Circuit, to, from: REF CircuitNode] ~ { FOR fromList: LIST OF AreaPerimRec _ from.dim, WHILE fromList # NIL DO AdjustNode[ to, fromList.first.layer, fromList.first.area, fromList.first.perim] ENDLOOP; CopyNodeProperties[ circuit, to,]; _ NIL; to.attached _ to.attached OR from.attached; from.superceded _ to; }; SignalName: TYPE ~ SpinifexCircuit.SignalName; CopyNodeProperties: PROCEDURE [ circuit: REF Circuit, node: REF CircuitNode, properties: Atom.PropList, qual: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ NIL] ~ { CopySignal: PROCEDURE [sig: REF ANY, depth: INTEGER] RETURNS [REF SignalName] ~ { IF sig = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; WITH sig SELECT FROM r: Rope.ROPE => RETURN [ NEW[SignalName _ [depth~ depth, name~ r]]]; s: REF SignalName => { copyHead, copyTail: REF SignalName; copyHead _ NEW[SignalName _ [depth~ s.depth + depth, name~]]; copyTail _ copyHead; FOR source: REF SignalName _ s.alias, source.alias WHILE source # NIL DO copyTail.alias _ NEW[SignalName _ [depth~ source.depth + depth, name~]]; copyTail _ copyTail.alias; ENDLOOP; RETURN [copyHead]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; MergeAliases: PROCEDURE [ to, from: REF SignalName] ~ { WHILE from # NIL DO FOR existingAlias: REF SignalName _ to, existingAlias.alias WHILE existingAlias # NIL DO IF[] THEN { IF from.depth < existingAlias.depth THEN existingAlias.depth _ from.depth; from _ from.alias; EXIT } REPEAT FINISHED => { tmp: REF SignalName ~ from; from _ from.alias; tmp.alias _ to.alias; to.alias _ tmp } ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; }; { fromSignal: REF SignalName; toSignal: REF SignalName; depth: INTEGER _ 0; FOR q: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ qual, WHILE q # NIL DO depth _ depth.SUCC ENDLOOP; fromSignal _ CopySignal[properties.GetPropFromList[ SpinifexAtoms.SignalName], depth]; toSignal _ NARROW[[ SpinifexAtoms.SignalName]]; IF toSignal # NIL AND fromSignal # NIL THEN { IF toSignal.depth > fromSignal.depth THEN { _[ SpinifexAtoms.SignalName, fromSignal]; MergeAliases[fromSignal, toSignal] } ELSE MergeAliases[toSignal, fromSignal] } ELSE IF fromSignal # NIL THEN _[ SpinifexAtoms.SignalName, fromSignal] }; IF circuit.technologyHandle.CombineNodeProperties # NIL AND properties # NIL THEN _ circuit.technologyHandle.CombineNodeProperties[circuit,, properties, qual]; }; AdjustNode: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [node: REF CircuitNode, layer: SpinifexLayerIndex, area: INT, perim: INT, mode: SpinifexCircuit.AdjustmentMode _ relative] ~ { apRec: LIST OF AreaPerimRec _ node.dim; WHILE apRec # NIL DO IF apRec.first.layer = layer THEN EXIT; apRec _; REPEAT FINISHED => { node.dim _ AZ.CONS[ AreaPerimRec[ layer~ layer, area~ area, perim~ perim], node.dim]; RETURN } ENDLOOP; SELECT mode FROM relative => { apRec.first.area _ apRec.first.area + area; apRec.first.perim _ apRec.first.perim + perim; }; absolute => { apRec.first.area _ area; apRec.first.perim _ perim; }; ENDCASE }; NormalizeCircuit: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [cir: REF Circuit] ~ { CompressCircuitNodeList: PROCEDURE ~ { mySpecialCN: REF CircuitNode~AZ.NEW[CircuitNode]; cn: LIST OF REF CircuitNode; IF cir.nodes = NIL THEN RETURN; cn _ cir.nodes; WHILE # NIL DO IF # NIL THEN _ ELSE cn _ ENDLOOP; IF cir.nodes.first.superceded # NIL THEN cir.nodes _; IF cir.nodes = NIL THEN ERROR; -- Impossible! cn _ cir.nodes; WHILE # NIL DO IF = mySpecialCN THEN _ ELSE { cn.first.superceded _ mySpecialCN; cn _ } ENDLOOP; cn _ cir.nodes; WHILE # NIL DO cn.first.superceded _ NIL; cn _ ENDLOOP; }; CompressLinkages: PROCEDURE ~ { FOR linkages: LIST OF REF NodeLinkage _ cir.linkages, WHILE linkages # NIL DO FOR attached: LIST OF REF AttachedNode _ linkages.first.nodes , WHILE attached # NIL DO IF attached.first.node # NIL THEN attached.first.node _ LookupNode[attached.first.node] ENDLOOP ENDLOOP }; CompressMergeDirectoryEntries: PROCEDURE ~ { CompressMerge: RefTab.EachPairAction ~ { FOR mergeList: MergeRecList _ NARROW[val], WHILE mergeList # NIL DO mergeList.first.becomes _ LookupNode[mergeList.first.becomes]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [FALSE] }; IF cir.mergeDirectory # NIL THEN [] _ RefTab.Pairs[cir.mergeDirectory, CompressMerge]; }; CompressBoxPaths: PROCEDURE [qt: REF QuadTree] ~ { FOR boxes: LIST OF REF Rectangle _ qt.boxes, WHILE boxes # NIL DO WITH boxes.first.nodeInformation SELECT FROM appl: CD.ApplicationPtr => NULL; cn: REF CircuitNode => boxes.first.nodeInformation _ LookupNode[cn]; cc: REF CircuitConstraint => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; FOR quad: AreaSplit IN AreaSplit DO IF qt.subTrees[quad] # NIL THEN CompressBoxPaths[qt.subTrees[quad]] ENDLOOP; }; CompressCircuitNodeList[]; CompressLinkages[]; CompressMergeDirectoryEntries[]; FOR layer: SpinifexLayerIndex IN [0..cir.technologyHandle.numSpinifexLayers) DO IF cir.spinifexLayers[layer].geometry # NIL THEN CompressBoxPaths[cir.spinifexLayers[layer].geometry] ENDLOOP; }; LookupNode: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [l: REF CircuitNode] RETURNS [REF CircuitNode] ~ { RETURN [IF l.superceded # NIL THEN (l.superceded _ LookupNode[l.superceded]) ELSE l] }; LookupMergeDirectory: PROCEDURE [ dir: RefTab.Ref, cn: REF CircuitNode, qual: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [merge: MergeRecList, newQual: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr] ~ { found: BOOLEAN; val: REF ANY; [found, val] _ dir.Fetch[cn]; IF found THEN { FOR mergeList: MergeRecList _ NARROW[val], WHILE mergeList # NIL DO qApplChain: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ qual; FOR applChain: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ mergeList.first.applChain, DO IF applChain = NIL THEN RETURN [mergeList, qApplChain]; IF qApplChain = NIL OR qApplChain.first # applChain.first THEN EXIT; qApplChain _ ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [NIL, qual] }; FindRootNode: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ circuit: REF Circuit, subcircuitNode: REF CircuitNode, qualifier: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr, insertIfNotInCircuit: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS [node: REF CircuitNode, rootQualifier: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr] ~ { AddCircuitNodeMerge: PROCEDURE [ sourceNode: REF CircuitNode, qual: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [newNode: REF CircuitNode] ~ { found: BOOLEAN; mergeList: MergeRecList _ NIL; IF circuit.mergeDirectory = NIL THEN { IF insertIfNotInCircuit THEN { circuit.mergeDirectory _ RefTab.Create[]; found _ FALSE } } ELSE { val: REF ANY; [found, val] _ circuit.mergeDirectory.Fetch[sourceNode]; IF found THEN { mergeList _ NARROW[val]; FOR m: MergeRecList _ mergeList, WHILE m # NIL DO q: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ qual; FOR applChain: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _ m.first.applChain, DO IF applChain = NIL OR q = NIL THEN IF applChain = NIL AND q = NIL THEN RETURN [newNode _ m.first.becomes] ELSE EXIT ELSE IF applChain.first # q.first THEN EXIT; q _ ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP } }; IF ~insertIfNotInCircuit THEN RETURN [newNode _ NIL]; newNode _ AZ.NEW[CircuitNode _ sourceNode^]; IF newNode.dim # NIL THEN { newNode.dim _ AZ.CONS[newNode.dim.first,]; FOR tailDim: LIST OF AreaPerimRec _ newNode.dim, WHILE # NIL DO _ AZ.CONS[,]; ENDLOOP }; _ NIL; CopyNodeProperties[ circuit, newNode,, qual]; mergeList _ AZ.CONS[ [applChain~qual, becomes~newNode], mergeList]; IF RefTab.Store[circuit.mergeDirectory, sourceNode, mergeList] = found THEN ERROR; AddCircuitNode[ circuit, newNode] }; IF qualifier = NIL THEN RETURN [subcircuitNode, NIL]; FOR q: LIST OF CD.ApplicationPtr _, WHILE q # NIL DO subcircuit: REF Circuit _ NARROW[ CDProperties.GetPropFromObject[ from~q.first.ob, prop~SpinifexAtoms.spinifex]]; IF subcircuit.mergeDirectory # NIL THEN { tmp: MergeRecList; [merge~tmp, newQual~qualifier] _ LookupMergeDirectory[ subcircuit.mergeDirectory, subcircuitNode, qualifier]; IF tmp # NIL THEN subcircuitNode _ tmp.first.becomes } ENDLOOP; IF (node _ AddCircuitNodeMerge[ sourceNode~subcircuitNode, qual~qualifier]) = NIL THEN { node _ subcircuitNode; rootQualifier _ qualifier } ELSE rootQualifier _ NIL }; AddCircuitNode: PROCEDURE [cir: REF Circuit, cn: REF CircuitNode] ~ INLINE { cir.nodes _ AZ.CONS[ cn, cir.nodes] }; CreateLinkage: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ cir: REF Circuit, source: CD.ApplicationPtr] RETURNS [REF NodeLinkage] ~ { cir.linkages _ AZ.CONS[ AZ.NEW[ NodeLinkage _ [source]], cir.linkages]; RETURN [cir.linkages.first]; }; LinkageAttach: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [link: REF NodeLinkage, attachType: ATOM, areaAdj: INTEGER _ 0, perimAdj: INTEGER _ 0, node: REF CircuitNode _ NIL] ~ { IF node # NIL THEN node.attached _ TRUE; link.nodes _ AZ.CONS[ AZ.NEW[ AttachedNode _ [ attachType, areaAdj, perimAdj, node]], link.nodes]; }; END. dSpinifexCircuitImpl.mesa; Creates a representation of the layout suitable for hierarchical analysis. Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Written by Mark Shand, September 12, 1983 11:40 pm Last Edited by: Shand, September 3, 1984 4:41:07 am PDT -- TYPES from Interface. -- Implementation. -- We clip errorBox that a cells co-ordinate system does not get translated between when we cache geometry information in the child and when we try to use the cached information in the analysis of a antecedent. The problem we are avoiding is that if a cells bounding box changes in CDCells.IncludeApplication the cells internal applications are translated to account for this, and thus become inconsistent with Spinifexes geometry cache. -- This object is a simple rectangle. -- This object is a logical subcircuit. -- This object has special layout analysis code. -- Use DrawProc to Process geometry in the mystery object. -- Now we must sort it. -- This is trickier than it seems. -- Unpleasant cases arise when degenerate boxes lie on the quadrant dividing axes. Accordingly quadNE & quadSW have slightly different semantics. quadNE is made to favour the south-west, and quadSW to favour the north-east. The choiceMatrix is encoding to interpret apparent contradictions such as quadNE in nw and quadSW in ne as indicating a degenrate box lying on the vertical splitting axis. Such a box is contained by both the ne & nw subtree. -- A heuristic to prevent ridiculous splitting. -- Body of SortBoxes  -- classify top right corner -- classify bottom left corner (not quite the same as quadNE! NOTE <=, NOT < ) -- The first box in a new split does not recurse; a hueristic to avoid irrational splitting. Some boxes will not be as deep as they could be, but it should not matter greatly. -- Combine areas and perimeters. -- Combine properties. -- Creates a SignalName RECORD with appropriate depth from a ChipNDale Signal name (ROPE) or an existing SignalName RECORD. -- Insert in list. Copy SignalName property Copy Technology Dependent Properties -- Search for a AreaPerimRec on this layer. -- This is an important step ... -- It results in the deallocation of superceded CircuitNodes, and the removal of dupliactes and superceded nodes from cir.nodes. -- Discard superceded nodes. -- Discard duplicated nodes. -- Implements (partial) Galler-Fisher path compression. -- Search mergeList for qual -- Compare mergeList.first.applChain to qual -- This is a renaming of cn, qual gets to be what's left, and we continue looking for higher intervening renamings. Check we don't already know about it. Copy dim list. Main Body of FindRootNode Check each intermediate cell to see if subcircuitNode is renamed, return a CircuitNode based on the uppermost found. Note qualifier always has at least one CD.ApplicationPtr. Add to mergeDirectory. For use in cells further up in hierarchy. Ê(˜codešœd™dKšœ Ïmœ1™Kšœ žœ˜.Kšœžœ˜&—L™šœ žœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜ Kšœžœ˜K˜—š Ïnœžœž œžœžœžœ˜cKšœ›Ïoœ™¶Kšœ žœ˜Kšœ žœžœ˜šžœžœžœ˜!Kšœžœ žœ,˜MKšœ žœ˜'Kš œžœžœžœ žœ\˜†Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ’˜’KšœV˜Vš žœžœžœžœ#žœžœž˜HKšžœžœžœ˜&šžœžœ˜Kšœžœ ˜6Kšœm˜mK˜—Kšž˜—Kšœ˜—šžœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ*˜*K˜—Kšœ=žœC˜‚šžœžœ˜%Kšœžœß˜çKšœ\˜\K•StartOfExpansionB[onto: CD.ApplicationPtr, prop: REF ANY, val: REF ANY _ NIL]šœd˜dKšœP˜PK˜Kšœ˜—Kšœ"žœ˜'K˜K˜—Lš Ïbœžœžœžœžœžœ˜ILš ¢ œžœžœžœ žœ žœ˜ALš ¢œžœžœžœžœ˜Bšœžœžœ˜ Kšœžœ ˜Kšœ ž œ˜$K˜—š¢œžœ ÏcÐcsY£œ˜šžœ+žœ/žœ˜dK™%Kšœžœžœ˜5–[]šžœ6žœ˜>KšœžœžœY˜ešžœžœž˜šžœžœž˜šœžœ˜šžœUž˜[Kšœžœžœ˜0K˜—Kšœ˜—šœžœ˜ Kšžœ%žœžœ˜2Kšœžœžœ˜/K˜—Kšžœžœ˜——Jšž˜K˜—˜Kšœžœ™˜ šœžœXžœ"¢œžœ ¢œ¢'œžœ ˜ûKšœ˜—šžœžœž˜Kšœ5˜5—Kšžœ ž˜K˜—Kšž˜K˜—šžœJž ˜[šœ žœ ˜K™'Kšœ žœc˜nKšœžœžœ˜5Kšœžœ˜KšœL˜Lšžœžœž˜.Kšžœ)žœžœžœ˜9–[itemInCell: CD.Rect, cellSize: CD.Position, cellInstOrient: CD.Orientation, cellInstPos: CD.Position _ [x: 0, y: 0]]š žœžœžœ!žœ£&˜gKšœžœžœ˜4—Kšœ„˜„Kšžœ˜—Kšœ€˜€K˜—šžœ˜ K–%[p: CD.ObjectProcs, key: REF ANY]šœ žœžœH˜Yšžœ žœžœ˜J™0Kšœžœžœ˜5Kšžœ žœWžœ~žœ˜üK˜—šžœ˜Kšœ:™:Jšœ'˜'K˜—J˜——K˜—š¢ œžœ¤,œ˜OKšœžœžœ˜5Kšžœžœžœ˜%šžœ*ž˜0Kš œ=žœ"¢œžœ ¢œ¢#œžœ˜Ó—K˜—š œžœž œžœ˜?Kšœžœ˜ Lšœ žœžœ˜4Kšœžœ žœžœ˜.Kšœ žœu˜Kšœ žœ$˜0Lšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœžœ˜Lšœ“žœ˜žš žœžœžœžœ'žœžœž˜OKšœ2ž˜6Kšž˜—š žœ ž œ2žœ žœž˜bKšžœežœžœžœ˜vKšž˜—šžœžœ˜&K˜¬Kšžœž˜ K˜—LšÐal™šžœžœ-ž˜Oš  œž œžœ(˜FLšœ žœ˜Kšœ žœ6˜GKšœ žœžœžœ ˜Kšœ žœ˜Kšœžœ ˜š  œž œžœ˜Fš£"™"Kš£Ä™Ä—š œžœ žœžœ žœ˜?Kšœû˜û—Lšžœ˜K˜—š  œž œžœžœžœ˜CKš£/™/Kšœ žœ žœ˜%Kšžœžœ˜BK˜—LšÏl Ðln™ Kš œ%žœžœžœ žœžœ ˜óLšœ2˜2Kšœ*žœ˜.Iboundaršœ*˜*Ianšœ,˜,šžœ žœž˜Kšœžœ˜#Kšœžœ˜Kšœ˜šž˜Kš£™Kšœ žœ*žœžœ+žœžœžœžœ+žœžœ˜»Kš£O™OKšœ žœ+žœžœ,žœžœžœžœ,žœžœ˜¾Kšžœ'žœž˜2šžœ˜Kšœ˜šžœž˜(Kšœ žœ˜Kšœ8˜8Kšœ8˜8Kšœ6˜6Kšœ6˜6Kšžœžœ˜—šžœžœž˜K™°š žœ žœžœžœžœ˜1Kš œžœžœžœ žœžœa˜¡Kšœ˜Kšž˜K˜—šž˜Kšž˜——Kšœ˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—˜Kšœžœžœžœ˜+Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜—Lšžœ+žœžœžœ˜;Lšœ˜Kšžœ˜—K˜—š œžœž œ žœ/žœ3žœžœ˜¡š  œž œžœžœ ˜š žœžœžœ=žœžœž˜_Kšœžœ˜$šžœžœž˜ Kš œ žœqžœ žœžœ žœ˜«Kš žœ¯žœžœžœžœ ˜ñ—Kšžœžœžœ ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜—š œžœž œžœ2žœ žœžœžœ!žœOžœžœžœžœ žœžœ˜°Kš Ñbklœž œžœžœžœžœ$˜ZKš ¨œž œžœžœ žœžœ)˜`šžœ žœžœ˜Kš œžœžœžœžœ žœ ˜kKšœ˜K˜—šžœžœžœž˜šœžœ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšœ$žœžœ˜3K˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœžœ ˜1šžœ˜Kš œ žœ žœžœžœžœc˜”Kšœ žœ•˜£Kšœ žœ žœžœX˜wLšœ2žœžœ<˜ušžœGž˜MKšœn˜n—K˜—Kšœ˜—š   œžœž œ žœžœ˜RLšœ ™ š žœ žœžœ(žœ žœž˜TKšœP˜PKšžœ˜—Lšœ™Kšœ2˜2Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜+Lšœ˜K˜—Lšœ žœ˜.š œž œ žœžœ/žœžœžœžœ˜’š  œž œžœžœ žœžœžœ˜QKšœžœVžœ™{Kš žœžœžœžœžœ˜šžœžœž˜Kšœžœžœžœ(˜Dšœžœ˜Kšœžœ ˜#Kšœ žœ6˜DKšœ˜š žœ žœ$žœ žœž˜HKšœžœ@˜TKšœ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ ˜K˜—Kšžœžœ˜—K˜—š  œž œ žœ˜7šžœžœž˜š žœžœ&žœžœž˜Xšžœ%žœ˜-šžœ"ž˜(Kšœ!˜!—Kšœ˜Kšž˜K˜—šžœžœ˜K™Kšœžœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ˜ —K˜—Lš¦™˜Kšœ žœ ˜Kšœ žœ ˜Kšœžœ˜š žœžœžœžœžœžœž˜@Kšœž˜Kšžœ˜—LšœV˜VKšœ žœ=˜Nš žœ žœžœžœžœ˜-šžœ#žœ˜+KšœW˜WKšœ"˜"K˜—šž˜Kšœ"˜"—K˜—šžœžœžœž˜KšœV˜V—K˜—Lš¦$™$š žœ2žœžœžœž˜QKšœm˜m—Kšœ˜—š   œžœž œžœ/žœ žœ6˜›Kšœ+™+Kšœžœžœ˜'šžœ žœž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜'K˜šžœžœ˜Kšœ žœžœC˜UKšž˜K˜—Kšžœ˜—šžœž˜šœ ˜ Kšœ+˜+Kšœ.˜.K˜—šœ ˜ Kšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—Kšž˜—K˜—š œžœž œžœ ˜9šœ ™ Kšœ€™€—š œž œ˜&Lšœ žœ žœžœ˜1Kšœžœžœžœ ˜Kšžœ žœžœžœ˜K™Kšœ˜šžœ žœž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜=Kšžœ ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœžœ˜DK™Kš žœ žœžœžœ£˜.Kšœ˜šžœ žœž˜Kšžœ(žœ˜Ešžœ˜Kšœ"˜"Kšœ ˜ K˜—Kšžœ˜—Kšœ˜šžœ žœž˜Kšœžœ˜Kšœ ˜ Kšžœ˜—K˜—š œž œ˜š žœ žœžœžœ+žœ žœž˜[š žœ žœžœžœ5žœ žœž˜ešžœžœž˜!Kšœ5˜5—Kšž˜—Kšž˜—K˜—š œž œ˜,šœ(˜(š žœžœžœ žœž˜RKšœ>˜>Kšžœ˜—Kšžœžœ˜K˜—Lšžœžœžœ6˜VK˜—š œž œžœ˜2š žœžœžœžœ"žœ žœž˜Lšžœžœž˜,Kšœžœžœ˜ Kšœžœ=˜DKšœžœžœ˜"Kšžœžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—šžœžœ ž˜#Kšžœžœžœ$˜CKšžœ˜—K˜—Kšœ˜K˜K˜ šžœžœ-ž˜OKšžœ&žœžœ5˜eKšžœ˜—K˜—–H -- [tile: CornerStitching.TilePtr, data: REF ANY] RETURNS [REF ANY] -- š   œžœž œžœžœžœ˜OK™7Kš žœžœžœžœ+žœ˜TK˜—š œž œžœžœžœžœžœ žœžœžœ˜®Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœžœ˜ Kšœ˜šžœžœ˜Kšœ™š žœžœžœ žœž˜RKšœ,™,Kšœ žœžœžœ˜-š žœ žœžœžœ<ž˜Wšžœ žœž˜Kšœs™sKšžœ˜—Kš žœžœžœ$žœžœ˜DKšœ˜Kšžœ˜—Kšžœ˜—K˜—Kšžœžœ˜K˜—š  œžœž œ žœžœžœžœžœ'žœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜òš œž œžœžœžœžœžœ žœ˜…Kšœžœ˜Kšœžœ˜šžœžœžœ˜&šžœžœ˜Kšœ)˜)Kšœž˜ K˜—K˜—šžœ˜Kšœžœžœ˜ Kšœ8˜8šžœžœ˜Kšœ žœ˜Kšœ%™%šžœ%žœžœž˜8Kšœžœžœžœ˜$š žœ žœžœžœ4ž˜Oš žœ žœžœžœž˜"Kš žœ žœžœžœžœžœ˜FKšžœž˜ —šž˜Kšžœžœžœ˜'—Kšœ ˜ Kšžœ˜—Kšž˜—K˜—K˜—Kšžœžœžœ žœ˜5Lšœ žœžœ˜,K™šžœžœžœ˜Kšœžœžœ&˜;š žœ žœžœ*žœžœž˜YKšœžœžœ(˜>Kšž˜—K˜—Kšœžœ˜KšœC˜CKšœ žœžœ0˜CKšžœEžœžœ˜RKšœ!˜!K˜—Lš¦™Lš žœ žœžœžœžœ˜5Kšœ{¡ œÐko¡œ™¯š žœžœžœžœ)žœžœž˜JKšœ žœ žœQ˜qšžœžœžœ˜)Kšœ˜Kšœm˜mKšžœžœžœ#˜4K˜—Kšžœ˜—Kš¦A™AšžœLžœžœ˜XKšœ˜Kšœ˜K˜—šž˜Kšœž˜—K˜—š  œž œžœžœžœ˜LKšœ žœžœ˜#K˜—š  œžœž œžœžœžœžœ˜lKš œžœžœžœžœ)˜GKšžœ˜Kšœ˜—š  œžœž œžœžœ žœžœ žœžœ˜—Kšžœžœžœžœ˜(Kš œ žœžœžœžœF˜bKšœ˜—Kšž˜—…—_>‡Ê