Written by: Bob Mayo, June 12, 1984 11:40:42 am PDT
Last Edited by: Mayo, August 13, 1984 5:26:20 pm PDT
Writing Module Generators Using Parquet
Bob Mayo (August 13, 1984)
Filed on: /Indigo/ChipNDale/5.2/ModuleGenerators17/Parquet17/ParquetDoc.tioga
© Copyright 1984 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Parquet is a Cedar module that places down tiles (parameterized cells) of VLSI layout using alignment marks on those tiles. It is intended to be used as the layout portion of module generators, and allows those generators to be used interactively from ChipNDale. This document gives a tutorial introduction to Parquet, outlines the components of a module generator, and concludes with a reference manual for the Parquet module.
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About Parquet Module Generators
Parquet serves two purposes. The first is to provide convenient primitives for the layout of VLSI structures, and the second is to allow module generators to be run interactively from ChipNDale. As a result, a Parquet generator sits between Parquet's user-interface and its layout back-end. A generator will register itself with Parquet, later Parquet may invoke the generator on the user's behalf. The generator will then prompt for input parameters, construct a module (using the Parquet layout primitives), and return the module to Parquet to be placed into the user's design or to be written out to a file.
This Parquet implementation is specific to ChipNDale. However, it is likely that another implementation could be written for another layout editor without changing the interface. Thus, Parquet module generators have some degree of portability.
Tiles & Their Placement
Tiles are the basic building block out of which modules are built. They are ChipNDale cells with some special features. The most important special feature is the existence of alignment marks. Alignment marks (or marks for short) are named points in a tile. Parquet places down tiles by aligning a mark on a tile with a mark on a previously placed tile. For example, you can tell Parquet (using the AlignTile procedure) to place down the cell inverter next to cell driver such that point out on inverter coincides with point in on driver. By changing the location of these marks the tile designer can control the alignment and overlap of the tiles placed by the module generator.
In addition to user-supplied marks, there are 4 special marks called left, right, top, and bottom that always exist. The user may define these marks, but if they aren't defined Parquet will assume that they are located at the center of the appropriate edge. It is especially easy to align cells using these 4 marks because Parquet provides a procedure (AdjacentTile) that implicitly names these marks. AdjacentTile places a new cell next to another cell (above, below, to the right of, or to the left of) in a particular orientation (mirrored, rotated, etc.).
An Example
Let's run through a simple example. We will create a module that consists of a single row of cells, with cells "foo" and "baz" in alternate columns. We are first invoked by Parquet with a table of parameters:
[tiles, technology, params] ← Parquet.ReadTileSet: PROC ["///users/"];
This gives us a set of tiles,
Tile Stretching
This section is a proposal, not a description of an implementation.
Sometimes a module generator needs to be able to stretch tiles or particular parts of tiles (such as Vdd or Ground). Parquet provides the ability to stretch tiles in certain ways. The functionality is best described by explaining the construct provided, called stretch-rects.
A stretch-rect is a rectangle on a particular layer -- just like a normal ChipNDale rectangle. However, in addition to its default size it has a maximum size shown as a dotted outline. The stretch-rect also has an arrow with a label attached and this label names a register maintained by the module generator. When a tile is placed, all stretch-rects in it are expanded in the direction of the arrow by the amount specified by their registers. If a stretch-rect needs to be expanded to more than its maximum size the entire cell will be stretched by the surplus amount in order to make room.
This section isn't even a complete proposal.
Module generators often need some automatic routing in portions of their modules, and a river router would often be sufficient. River routers are simple to write, the main problem being one of finding a convenient input specification. I think that Parquet should have such a router, but there is not one now.
Verification Aids
In addition to a name, alignment marks may have checking information associated with them. A mark called
is a mark named xyz, and in the finished module it must align with some mark whose name matches pat. The result of a module generator is automatically checked to detect any violation of these constraints. pat is a search pattern in the format accepted by Tioga.
Note that this mechanism places the checking information into the set of tiles. This means that the module generator does not have to know about any particular peculiarities of the set of tiles being used -- the tile designer is the person that decides what alignments need to be verified.
Reference Manual
This section is missing, since the interface is not solid yet. Eventually we will have the ability to stretch cells, and I will figure out what we want to do with pins.