DIRECTORY Atom, CMosTransistors, CD, CDBasics, CDCallSpecific, CDExtras, CDOrient, CDIO, CDLRUCache, CDStretchyExtras, CDValue, CMos, Rope, TokenIO; CMosTransistorsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, CD, CDBasics, CDCallSpecific, CDExtras, CDIO, CDLRUCache, CDOrient, CDStretchyExtras, CDValue, CMos, Rope, TokenIO EXPORTS CMosTransistors = BEGIN OPEN CMos; lambda: CD.DesignNumber = CD.lambda; undef: CD.Level = CMosTransistors.undef; depletionOverlap: CD.DesignNumber = (3*lambda)/2; wXExtension: CD.DesignNumber = CMosTransistors.wXExtension; lXExtension: CD.DesignNumber = CMosTransistors.lXExtension; wellSurround: CD.DesignNumber = CMos.wellSurround; TransistorPtr: TYPE = CMosTransistors.TransistorPtr; TransistorRec: TYPE = CMosTransistors.TransistorRec; tCache: CDLRUCache.LRUCache = CDLRUCache.Create[size: 15, aequivalenceProc: Aequivalent, newProc: NewTrans]; aCache: CDLRUCache.LRUCache = CDLRUCache.Create[size: 15, aequivalenceProc: Aequivalent, newProc: NewTrans]; Init: PROC [] = BEGIN pForTransistors.drawMe _ pForTransistors.quickDrawMe _ DrawMeForTransistors; pForTransistors.internalRead _ ReadTrans; pForTransistors.internalWrite _ WriteTrans; pForTransistors.describe _ Describe; CDStretchyExtras.InstallMatch[pForTransistors, MatchTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Lengthen, pForTransistors, LengthenTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$ChangeExt, pForTransistors, ChangeExtensionTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Default, pForTransistors, DefaultenTrans]; pForPTypeTransistors.drawMe _ pForPTypeTransistors.quickDrawMe _ DrawPTypeTransistors; pForPTypeTransistors.internalRead _ ReadTrans; pForPTypeTransistors.internalWrite _ WriteTrans; pForPTypeTransistors.insideRect _ InsidePTrans; pForPTypeTransistors.showMeSelected _ ShowSelectedWithSurround; pForPTypeTransistors.hitInside _ HitInsideWithSurround; pForPTypeTransistors.describe _ Describe; CDStretchyExtras.InstallMatch[pForPTypeTransistors, MatchTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Lengthen, pForPTypeTransistors, LengthenTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$ChangeExt, pForPTypeTransistors, ChangeExtensionTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Default, pForPTypeTransistors, DefaultenTrans]; pForATransistors.drawMe _ pForATransistors.quickDrawMe _ DrawMeForATransistors; pForATransistors.internalRead _ ReadATrans; pForATransistors.internalWrite _ WriteATrans; pForATransistors.describe _ Describe; CDStretchyExtras.InstallMatch[pForATransistors, MatchTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Lengthen, pForATransistors, LengthenTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$ChangeExt, pForATransistors, ChangeExtensionTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Default, pForATransistors, DefaultenTrans]; pForPTypeATransistors.drawMe _ pForPTypeATransistors.quickDrawMe _ DrawPTypeATransistors; pForPTypeATransistors.internalRead _ ReadATrans; pForPTypeATransistors.internalWrite _ WriteATrans; pForPTypeATransistors.insideRect _ InsideAPTrans; pForPTypeATransistors.showMeSelected _ ShowSelectedWithSurround; pForPTypeATransistors.hitInside _ HitInsideWithSurround; pForPTypeATransistors.describe _ Describe; CDStretchyExtras.InstallMatch[pForPTypeATransistors, MatchTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Lengthen, pForPTypeATransistors, LengthenTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$ChangeExt, pForPTypeATransistors, ChangeExtensionTrans]; CDCallSpecific.Register[$Default, pForPTypeATransistors, DefaultenTrans]; END; Aequivalent: PROC[mySpecific, other: REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOL] = { WITH other SELECT FROM tp2: TransistorPtr => RETURN [NARROW[mySpecific, TransistorPtr]^=tp2^]; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE] }; NewTrans: PROC [] RETURNS [CD.ObPtr] = { ob: CD.ObPtr _ NEW[CD.ObjectDefinition]; ob.specificRef _ NEW[TransistorRec]; RETURN [ob] }; Describe: PROC[me: CD.ObPtr] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[me.specificRef]; RETURN [ Rope.Cat[ IF tp.angle THEN "angle transistor " ELSE "transistor ", Atom.GetPName[CD.LevelKey[me.level]], " [", CDExtras.ToLambda[tp.width], CDExtras.ToLambda[tp.length], "]" ] ] END; InsidePTrans: PROC [ob: CD.ObPtr] RETURNS [CD.DesignRect] = BEGIN beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-NARROW[ob.specificRef, TransistorPtr].wExt]; RETURN [CD.DesignRect[x1: beyondPolyX, y1: wellSurround, x2: ob.size.x-beyondPolyX, y2: ob.size.y-wellSurround]] END; InsideAPTrans: PROC [ob: CD.ObPtr] RETURNS [CD.DesignRect] = BEGIN beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-NARROW[ob.specificRef, TransistorPtr].wExt]; RETURN [CD.DesignRect[x1: beyondPolyX, y1: wellSurround, x2: ob.size.x-wellSurround, y2: ob.size.y-beyondPolyX]] END; ShowSelectedWithSurround: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, pos: CD.DesignPosition, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN pr.outLineProc[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: aptr.ob.p.insideRect[aptr.ob], cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos ], pr] END; HitInsideWithSurround: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, hitRect: CD.DesignRect] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN RETURN [CDBasics.Intersect[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: aptr.ob.p.insideRect[aptr.ob], cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: aptr.orientation, cellInstPos: aptr.location ], hitRect]] END; pForTransistors: REF CD.ObjectProcs ~ RegisterObjectType[$CMosTransistor]; pForPTypeTransistors: REF CD.ObjectProcs ~ RegisterObjectType[$CMosPTypeTransistor]; CreateTransistor: PUBLIC PROC [w, l: CD.DesignNumber, wExt: CD.DesignNumber_wXExtension, lExt: CD.DesignNumber_lXExtension, difLev: CD.Level_undef] RETURNS [CD.ObPtr] = BEGIN tob: CD.ObPtr _ tCache.UnusedOrNew[]; tp: TransistorPtr _ NARROW[tob.specificRef]; IF difLev=undef THEN difLev_ndif; tob.p _ pForTransistors; w _ MAX[w, 2*lambda]; l _ MAX[l, 2*lambda]; wExt _ MAX[wExt, 0]; lExt _ MAX[lExt, 0]; tp.width _ w; tp.length _ l; tp.wExt _ wExt; tp.lExt _ lExt; tp.angle _ FALSE; tob.level _ difLev; IF difLev=pdif THEN { beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-tp.wExt]; tob.p _ pForPTypeTransistors; tob.size _ [w+2*wExt+2*beyondPolyX, l+2*lExt+2*wellSurround]; } ELSE { tob.size _ [w+2*wExt, l+2*lExt]; tob.p _ pForTransistors; }; RETURN [tCache.ReplaceByAequivalent[tob]] END; MatchTrans: PROC [me: CD.ObPtr, r: CD.DesignRect, level: CD.Level, prim: BOOL, horz: BOOL] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN RETURN [level=CMos.pol OR level=me.level] END; ReadTrans: CD.InternalReadProc --PROC [] RETURNS [ObPtr]-- = BEGIN w: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; l: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; wExt: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; lExt: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; difLev: CD.Level = CDIO.ReadLevel[]; RETURN [CreateTransistor[w: w, l: l, wExt: wExt, lExt: lExt, difLev: difLev]]; END; WriteTrans: CD.InternalWriteProc -- PROC [me: ObPtr] -- = BEGIN tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[me.specificRef]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.width]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.length]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.wExt]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.lExt]; CDIO.WriteLevel[me.level]; END; DrawMeForTransistors: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, pos: CD.DesignPosition, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN p: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; CDDraw: PROC[r: CD.DesignRect, l: CD.Level] = INLINE BEGIN pr.drawRect[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: r, cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos], l, pr]; END; CDDraw[[p.wExt, 0, p.wExt+p.width, aptr.ob.size.y], aptr.ob.level]; -- ndif or pdiff CDDraw[[0, p.lExt, aptr.ob.size.x, p.lExt+p.length], pol]; END; DrawPTypeTransistors: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, pos: CD.DesignPosition, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN CDDraw: PROC[r: CD.DesignRect, l: CD.Level] = INLINE --uses outer stuff!! BEGIN pr.drawRect[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: r, cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos], l, pr]; END; p: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; beyondWellX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, p.wExt-wellSurround]; --object outside well beyondDiffusionX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[p.wExt, wellSurround]; --object outside diffusion beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-p.wExt]; --object outside poly CDDraw[[beyondWellX, 0, aptr.ob.size.x-beyondWellX, aptr.ob.size.y], nwel]; CDDraw[[beyondDiffusionX, wellSurround, aptr.ob.size.x-beyondDiffusionX, aptr.ob.size.y-wellSurround], aptr.ob.level]; --some diffusion type CDDraw[[beyondPolyX, p.lExt+wellSurround, aptr.ob.size.x-beyondPolyX, aptr.ob.size.y-p.lExt-wellSurround], pol]; END; LengthenTrans: CDCallSpecific.CallProc = BEGIN tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; new: CD.ObPtr; amount, sz: CD.DesignPosition; IF x=NIL THEN amount _ [0, lambda] ELSE IF ISTYPE [x, REF CD.DesignPosition] THEN amount _ NARROW[x, REF CD.DesignPosition]^ ELSE {done_FALSE; RETURN}; sz _ CDBasics.AddPoints[[x: tp.width, y: tp.length], amount]; IF sz.x<=0 OR sz.y<=0 THEN {done _ FALSE; RETURN}; IF tp.angle THEN new _ CreateAngleTransistor[w: sz.x, l: sz.y, wExt: tp.wExt, lExt: tp.lExt, difLev: aptr.ob.level, aExt: AngleExt[aptr.ob] ] ELSE new _ CreateTransistor[w: sz.x, l: sz.y, wExt: tp.wExt, lExt: tp.lExt, difLev: aptr.ob.level ]; IF new#NIL AND (aptr.ob.size#new.size OR NOT Aequivalent[tp, new.specificRef]) THEN aptr.ob _ new ELSE done _ FALSE; repaintMe _ done; END; ChangeExtensionTrans: CDCallSpecific.CallProc = BEGIN new: CD.ObPtr; tp: TransistorPtr _ NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; amount, sz: CD.DesignPosition; IF x=NIL THEN amount _ [0, lambda] ELSE IF ISTYPE [x, REF CD.DesignPosition] THEN amount _ NARROW[x, REF CD.DesignPosition]^ ELSE {done_FALSE; RETURN}; sz _ CDBasics.AddPoints[[x: tp.wExt, y: tp.lExt], amount]; IF sz.x<0 OR sz.y<0 THEN {done _ FALSE; RETURN}; IF tp.angle THEN new _ CreateAngleTransistor[w: tp.width, l: tp.length, wExt: sz.x, lExt: sz.y, difLev: aptr.ob.level, aExt: AngleExt[aptr.ob] ] ELSE new _ CreateTransistor[w: tp.width, l: tp.length, wExt: sz.x, lExt: sz.y, difLev: aptr.ob.level ]; IF new#NIL THEN aptr.ob _ new ELSE done _ FALSE; repaintMe _ TRUE; END; DefaultenTrans: CDCallSpecific.CallProc = BEGIN new: CD.ObPtr; tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; IF tp.angle THEN new _ CreateAngleTransistor[ w: CDValue.FetchInt[design, $NMosTransistorW]*lambda, l: CDValue.FetchInt[design, $NMosTransistorH]*lambda, wExt: tp.wExt, lExt: tp.lExt, difLev: aptr.ob.level, aExt: AngleExt[aptr.ob] ] ELSE new _ CreateTransistor[ w: CDValue.FetchInt[design, $NMosTransistorW]*lambda, l: CDValue.FetchInt[design, $NMosTransistorH]*lambda, wExt: tp.wExt, lExt: tp.lExt, difLev: aptr.ob.level ]; IF new#NIL THEN aptr.ob _ new ELSE done _ FALSE; repaintMe _ TRUE; END; pForATransistors: REF CD.ObjectProcs ~ RegisterObjectType[$CMosATransistor]; pForPTypeATransistors: REF CD.ObjectProcs ~ RegisterObjectType[$CMosPTypeATransistor]; CreateAngleTransistor: PUBLIC PROC [w, l: CD.DesignNumber, wExt: CD.DesignNumber_wXExtension, lExt: CD.DesignNumber_lXExtension, aExt: CD.DesignNumber_0, difLev: CD.Level_undef] RETURNS [CD.ObPtr] = BEGIN tob: CD.ObPtr _ aCache.UnusedOrNew[]; tp: TransistorPtr _ NARROW[tob.specificRef]; IF difLev=undef THEN difLev_ndif; wExt _ MAX[wExt, 0]; lExt _ MAX[lExt, 0]; aExt _ MAX[aExt, -lExt]; w _ MAX[w, 2*lExt]; -- the width of the straight-line l _ MAX[l, 2*lambda]; tp.width _ w; tp.length _ l; tp.wExt _ wExt; tp.lExt _ lExt; tp.angle _ TRUE; tob.level _ difLev; IF difLev=pdif THEN { beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-tp.wExt]; tob.p _ pForPTypeATransistors; tob.size _ [w+l+wExt-aExt+beyondPolyX+wellSurround, wExt+2*lExt+aExt+l+beyondPolyX+wellSurround]; } ELSE { tob.size _ [w+l+wExt-aExt, wExt+2*lExt+aExt+l]; tob.p _ pForATransistors; }; RETURN [aCache.ReplaceByAequivalent[tob]] END; ReadATrans: CD.InternalReadProc --PROC [] RETURNS [ObPtr]-- = BEGIN w: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; l: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; wExt: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; lExt: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; aExt: INT = TokenIO.ReadInt[]; difLev: CD.Level = CDIO.ReadLevel[]; RETURN [ CreateAngleTransistor[w: w, l: l, wExt: wExt, lExt: lExt, aExt: aExt, difLev: difLev] ]; END; AngleExt: PROC[tob: CD.ObPtr] RETURNS [CD.DesignNumber] = { tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[tob.specificRef]; IF tob.level=pdif OR tob.level=nwelCont THEN { beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-tp.wExt]; RETURN [tp.width+tp.length+tp.wExt+beyondPolyX+wellSurround-tob.size.x] }; RETURN [tp.width+tp.length+tp.wExt-tob.size.x] }; WriteATrans: CD.InternalWriteProc -- PROC [me: ObPtr] -- = BEGIN tp: TransistorPtr = NARROW[me.specificRef]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.width]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.length]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.wExt]; TokenIO.WriteInt[tp.lExt]; TokenIO.WriteInt[AngleExt[me]]; CDIO.WriteLevel[me.level]; END; DrawMeForATransistors: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, pos: CD.DesignPosition, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN p: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; CDDraw: PROC[r: CD.DesignRect, l: CD.Level] = INLINE BEGIN pr.drawRect[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: r, cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos], l, pr]; END; ele: CD.DesignNumber = 2*p.lExt+p.length; hPoly: CD.DesignRect = [0, p.lExt, aptr.ob.size.x-p.lExt, p.length+p.lExt]; -- horizontal vPoly: CD.DesignRect = [aptr.ob.size.x-p.length-p.lExt, hPoly.y2, hPoly.x2, aptr.ob.size.y]; -- vertical nDrain: CD.DesignRect = [p.wExt, 0, aptr.ob.size.x, hPoly.y1]; -- north eDrain: CD.DesignRect = [vPoly.x2, nDrain.y2, nDrain.x2, aptr.ob.size.y-p.wExt]; -- east wSource: CD.DesignRect = [aptr.ob.size.x-ele, eDrain.y1, eDrain.x1, aptr.ob.size.y-p.wExt]; -- west sSource: CD.DesignRect = [MIN[p.wExt, wSource.x1], nDrain.y2, wSource.x1, MIN[ele, wSource.y2]]; -- south IF p.lExt>0 THEN BEGIN CDDraw[nDrain, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[eDrain, aptr.ob.level]; END; CDDraw[wSource, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[sSource, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[hPoly, pol]; CDDraw[vPoly, pol]; END; DrawPTypeATransistors: PROC [aptr: CD.ApplicationPtr, pos: CD.DesignPosition, orient: CD.Orientation, pr: CD.DrawRef] = BEGIN p: TransistorPtr = NARROW[aptr.ob.specificRef]; CDDraw: PROC[r: CD.DesignRect, l: CD.Level] = INLINE BEGIN pr.drawRect[ CDOrient.MapRect[ itemInCell: r, cellSize: aptr.ob.size, cellInstOrient: orient, cellInstPos: pos], l, pr]; END; beyondWellX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, p.wExt-wellSurround]; --object outside well beyondDiffusionX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[p.wExt, wellSurround]; --object outside diffusion beyondPolyX: CD.DesignNumber = MAX[0, wellSurround-p.wExt]; --object outside poly ele: CD.DesignNumber = 2*p.lExt+p.length; hPoly: CD.DesignRect = [beyondPolyX, p.lExt+wellSurround, aptr.ob.size.x-p.lExt-wellSurround, p.length+p.lExt+wellSurround]; -- horizontal vPoly: CD.DesignRect = [aptr.ob.size.x-p.length-p.lExt-wellSurround, hPoly.y2, hPoly.x2, aptr.ob.size.y-beyondPolyX]; -- vertical nDrain: CD.DesignRect = [beyondDiffusionX, wellSurround, aptr.ob.size.x-wellSurround, hPoly.y1]; -- north eDrain: CD.DesignRect = [vPoly.x2, nDrain.y2, nDrain.x2, aptr.ob.size.y-beyondDiffusionX]; -- east wSource: CD.DesignRect = [vPoly.x1-p.lExt, eDrain.y1, eDrain.x1, eDrain.y2]; -- west sSource: CD.DesignRect = [MIN[beyondDiffusionX, wSource.x1], nDrain.y2, wSource.x1, MIN[hPoly.y2+p.lExt, wSource.y2]]; -- south IF p.lExt>0 THEN BEGIN CDDraw[nDrain, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[eDrain, aptr.ob.level]; END; CDDraw[wSource, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[sSource, aptr.ob.level]; CDDraw[hPoly, pol]; CDDraw[vPoly, pol]; CDDraw[[beyondWellX, 0, aptr.ob.size.x, aptr.ob.size.y-beyondWellX], nwel]; END; Init[]; END. ¼CMosTransistorsImpl.mesa (part of Chipndale) Copyright c 1983, 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. by Christian Jacobi June 24, 1983 5:03 pm last edited Christian Jacobi October 22, 1984 10:58:48 am PDT -- Transistor -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Don't care about different diffusions and such --uses outer stuff!! -- Angle Transistor -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- parts of the gate, excluding corner --uses outer stuff!! --The transistor makes a 90-degree bend, going eastward and --then southward. The diffusion on the outer side of the angle, --that is, on the northeast side, is arbitrarily called the drain. --uses outer stuff!! --The transistor makes a 90-degree bend, going eastward and --then southward. The diffusion on the outer side of the angle, --that is, on the northeast side, is arbitrarily called the drain. 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