-- CellLibrarianMain.mesa -- a program to run within Chipmonk -- written by E. McCreight, August 27, 1981 3:50 PM -- replace-cells-from-file written by R. Pasco, January 25, 1982 -- last modified by E. McCreight, December 21, 1982 5:15 PM DIRECTORY ChipUserInt, InlineDefs, ppdddefs: FROM "ppdddefs" USING [AdjustCallersBBoxes], ppddefs, ppdefs, StringDefs; CellLibrarianMain: PROGRAM IMPORTS ChipUserInt, InlineDefs, ppdddefs, ppddefs, ppdefs, StringDefs = BEGIN OPEN ChipUserInt, ppddefs, ppdefs, StringDefs; uz: PUBLIC UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL; maxStars: INTEGER = 8; spntAr: TYPE = ARRAY [0..maxStars) OF ssInd; ssInd: TYPE = RECORD[st, end: [0..255]]; -- specifies a substring: chrs [st..end) -- G e n e r a l l y - U s e f u l P r o c e d u r e s CalcBBox: PROC [ob: obPtr] RETURNS [noChange: BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[TRUE]}; -- This is a stub to be replaced by the same routine in -- Chipmonk when it is repaired and exported. LibrarianExplain: PROCEDURE [why: STRING, explanation, what: STRING ← NIL] = BEGIN IF what = NIL THEN what ← "Can't run CellLibrarian [Confirm]"; Explain[why, explanation, what]; END; MarkList: PROCEDURE[head: listPtr, selectedOnly: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN FOR lp: listPtr ← head, lp.nxt WHILE lp#NIL DO IF lp.selected OR NOT selectedOnly THEN MarkObject[lp.ob]; ENDLOOP; END; MarkObject: PROCEDURE[ob: obPtr] = BEGIN ob.marked ← TRUE; WITH dob: ob SELECT FROM cell => MarkList[dob.ptr]; ENDCASE => NULL; END; BBList: PROCEDURE[head: listPtr] = BEGIN FOR lp: listPtr ← head, lp.nxt WHILE lp#NIL DO lp.ridx ← InlineDefs.BITXOR[lp.idx, 1]; BBObject[lp.ob]; ENDLOOP; END; BBObject: PROCEDURE[ob: obPtr] = BEGIN IF ob.marked THEN BEGIN ob.marked ← FALSE; ob.size[2] ← ob.size[0]; WITH dob: ob SELECT FROM cell => BBList[dob.ptr]; ENDCASE => NULL; [] ← CalcBBox[ob]; END; END; UnlistUnmarkedCells: PROCEDURE[lpp: LONG POINTER TO listPtr, keepOnlySelected: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN WHILE lpp↑#NIL DO ob: LONG POINTER TO object ← lpp↑.ob; IF (ob.otyp=cell AND NOT ob.marked) OR (keepOnlySelected AND NOT lpp↑.selected) THEN lpp↑ ← lpp↑.nxt ELSE lpp ← @lpp↑.nxt; ENDLOOP; END; ReSizeCells: PROCEDURE[lpp: LONG POINTER TO listPtr, keepOnlySelected: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN WHILE lpp↑#NIL DO ob: LONG POINTER TO object ← lpp↑.ob; IF (ob.otyp=cell AND NOT ob.marked) OR (keepOnlySelected AND NOT lpp↑.selected) THEN lpp↑ ← lpp↑.nxt ELSE lpp ← @lpp↑.nxt; ENDLOOP; END; Capitalize: PROCEDURE[s: STRING] = BEGIN IF s#NIL THEN FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..s.length) DO s[i] ← UpperCase[s[i]]; ENDLOOP; END; starCount: PROCEDURE[s: STRING] RETURNS[c: INTEGER] = BEGIN c←0; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..s.length) DO IF s[i]='* THEN c←c+1; ENDLOOP; END; namesMatch: PROCEDURE[s1, s2: STRING, c1, c2: CARDINAL] RETURNS[BOOLEAN, spntAr] = BEGIN -- only s1 can have stars myAr, otherAr: spntAr; b: BOOLEAN; newc1: CARDINAL ← c1+1; myAr[0] ← [c2,c2]; SELECT TRUE FROM c1=s1.length => RETURN[c2=s2.length, myAr]; c2=s2.length => RETURN[newc1=s1.length AND s1[c1]='*, myAr]; s1[c1]='* => FOR i: CARDINAL IN [c2..s2.length] DO myAr[0].end ← i; [b,otherAr] ← namesMatch[s1,s2,newc1,i]; IF b THEN BEGIN FOR j: INTEGER IN [1..maxStars) DO myAr[j] ← otherAr[j-1]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE,myAr]; END; ENDLOOP; s2[c2]=s1[c1] => BEGIN [b,myAr] ← namesMatch[s1,s2,newc1,c2+1]; RETURN[b,myAr]; END; ENDCASE => NULL; RETURN[FALSE, myAr]; END; replaceName: PROCEDURE[cell: LONG POINTER TO cList, ar: spntAr, ns: STRING] = BEGIN newName: STRING ← [400]; grpCnt: INTEGER ← 0; oldName:STRING ← cell.name; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..ns.length) DO IF ns[i]='* THEN BEGIN FOR j: INTEGER IN [ar[grpCnt].st..ar[grpCnt].end) DO AppendChar[newName,oldName[j]]; ENDLOOP; grpCnt ← grpCnt+1; END ELSE AppendChar[newName,ns[i]]; ENDLOOP; FOR c2: LONG POINTER TO cList ← cellList, c2.nxt WHILE c2#NIL DO IF StringDefs.EquivalentString[newName, c2.name] THEN BEGIN Explain[newName,"already in use. [Confirm]", "No replacement done."]; EXIT; END; REPEAT FINISHED => BEGIN -- nobody exists by new name -- for now: Explain[cell.name,"becomes [Confirm]", newName]; FreeString[cell.name]; cell.name ← newString[newName]; END; ENDLOOP; END; -- O p e r a t o r b o d i e s RenameCells: PROCEDURE = BEGIN name, newn: STRING ← NIL; ReturnString: PROCEDURE[s: LONG POINTER TO STRING] = {IF s↑#NIL THEN {FreeString[s↑]; s↑ ← NIL}}; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {ReturnString[@name]; ReturnString[@newn]}; nameSC, newnSC: INTEGER; theAr: spntAr; match: BOOLEAN; stNumMes: STRING ← [20]; stNumMes.length ← 0; AppendString[stNumMes,"(up to "]; AppendDecimal[stNumMes,maxStars]; AppendString[stNumMes," stars)"]; name ← RequestString[s1: "Old name:", s2: stNumMes, s3: "(CR or Cancel to exit)"]; nameSC ← starCount[name]; WHILE nameSC>maxStars DO ReturnString[@name]; name ← RequestString[s1: "Old name:", s2: stNumMes, s3: "(too many stars; try again!)"]; nameSC ← starCount[name]; ENDLOOP; WHILE name#NIL AND name.length>0 DO newn ← RequestString[s1: "New name:", s2: stNumMes]; newnSC ← starCount[newn]; WHILE newnSC>maxStars DO ReturnString[@newn]; newn ← RequestString[s1: "New name:", s2: stNumMes, s3: "(too many stars; try again!)"]; newnSC ← starCount[newn]; ENDLOOP; IF newn=NIL OR newn.length=0 THEN EXIT; Capitalize[name]; Capitalize[newn]; FOR cell: LONG POINTER TO cList ← cellList, cell.nxt WHILE cell#NIL DO [match,theAr] ← namesMatch[name,cell.name,0,0]; IF match THEN replaceName[cell,theAr,newn]; ENDLOOP; name ← RequestString[s1: "Old name:", s2: stNumMes, s3: "(CR or Cancel to exit)"]; nameSC ← starCount[name]; WHILE nameSC>maxStars DO ReturnString[@name]; name ← RequestString[s1: "Old name:", s2: stNumMes, s3: "(too many stars; try again!)"]; nameSC ← starCount[name]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; ReturnString[@name]; ReturnString[@newn]; END; -- of RenameCells PurgeUnusedCells: PROCEDURE [keepOnlySelected, prompt: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN FOR cell: LONG POINTER TO cList ← cellList, cell.nxt WHILE cell#NIL DO cell.ob.marked ← FALSE; ENDLOOP; FOR cell: LONG POINTER TO cell object ← GetCellSuper[], cell.super WHILE cell#NIL DO cell.marked ← FALSE; ENDLOOP; MarkList[masterList, keepOnlySelected]; IF prompt THEN FOR cell: LONG POINTER TO cList ← cellList, cell.nxt WHILE cell#NIL DO IF NOT cell.ob.marked AND HeSaysYes[cell.name, "Shall I keep this cell type?"] THEN BEGIN cell.ob.marked ← TRUE; WITH c: cell.ob SELECT FROM cell => MarkList[c.ptr]; ENDCASE => NULL; END; ENDLOOP; UnlistUnmarkedCells[@masterList, keepOnlySelected]; -- take unreferenced cells -- out of pictures at this and higher levels FOR csp: LONG POINTER TO cellSE ← cellStack, csp.nxt WHILE csp#NIL DO UnlistUnmarkedCells[@csp.lp]; ENDLOOP; BEGIN -- free names of unreferenced named objects prev: LONG POINTER TO LONG POINTER TO cList ← @cellList; cell: LONG POINTER TO cList ← prev↑; WHILE cell#NIL DO IF cell.ob.marked THEN prev ← @cell.nxt ELSE BEGIN FreeString[cell.name]; prev↑ ← cell.nxt; FreeSpace[cell]; END; cell ← prev↑; ENDLOOP; END; BEGIN -- free all unreferenced cells. This will leave behind -- orphaned objects and lists, but they won't be written in -- the output file. nextCell: LONG POINTER TO cell object; FOR cell: LONG POINTER TO cell object ← GetCellSuper[], nextCell WHILE cell#NIL DO nextCell ← cell.super; IF NOT cell.marked THEN freeCell[cell]; ENDLOOP; END; -- At this point, all unreferenced cells are gone and all -- referenced cells are marked. Adjust the bounding boxes for -- consistency. BBList[masterList]; END; -- of PurgeUnusedCells ReplaceCellsFromFile: PROCEDURE [prompt: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN oldCellList: LONG POINTER TO cList ← cellList; newCell, oldCell, nextNew, nextOld: LONG POINTER TO cList ← NIL; reReference: PROCEDURE [old, new: obPtr] = -- change all calls to "old" into calls to "new" BEGIN substRefsInList: PROCEDURE [head: listPtr] = BEGIN FOR lp: listPtr ← head, lp.nxt UNTIL lp=NIL DO lp.ob ← substRefsInOb[lp.ob]; ENDLOOP; END; substRefsInOb: PROCEDURE [ob: obPtr] RETURNS [obPtr] = BEGIN WITH dob: ob SELECT FROM ENDCASE => NULL; IF ob=old THEN BEGIN old↑.refCnt ← old↑.refCnt - 1; new↑.refCnt ← new↑.refCnt + 1; RETURN[new] END ELSE RETURN[ob]; END; FOR s: LONG POINTER TO cell object ← GetCellSuper[], s.super UNTIL s=NIL DO substRefsInList[s.ptr]; ENDLOOP; substRefsInList[masterList]; ppdddefs.AdjustCallersBBoxes[new]; END; -- of reReference remove: PROCEDURE [cell: LONG POINTER TO cList, from: LONG POINTER TO LONG POINTER TO cList] = BEGIN found: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; super: LONG POINTER TO cell object ← LOOPHOLE[cell.ob, LONG POINTER TO cell object]; list: listPtr ← super.ptr; flushDel[list]; freeCell[super]; -- now unlink cell IF cell=from↑ THEN -- head cell BEGIN from↑ ← cell.nxt; found ← TRUE; END ELSE -- elsewhere in list BEGIN FOR c: LONG POINTER TO cList ← from↑, c.nxt UNTIL c = NIL DO IF c.nxt = cell THEN BEGIN c.nxt ← cell.nxt; found ← TRUE; EXIT; END; ENDLOOP; END; IF found THEN FreeSpace[cell] ELSE ERROR; END; -- of remove cellList ← NIL; FreeString[RequestString["Do a ctl-tab-i now for the", "file you want to merge in. Then confirm", "this prompt with CR."]]; FOR oldCell ← oldCellList, nextOld WHILE oldCell#NIL DO nextOld ← oldCell.nxt; -- save in case we remove the old cell FOR newCell ← cellList, nextNew WHILE newCell#NIL DO nextNew ← newCell.nxt; -- save in case we remove the new cell IF StringDefs.EquivalentString[oldCell.name,newCell.name] THEN IF ~prompt OR HeSaysYes["Replace",oldCell.name] THEN BEGIN -- change all refs to oldCell into refs to newCell reReference[oldCell.ob,newCell.ob]; -- delete oldCell from its list remove[oldCell,@oldCellList]; END ELSE BEGIN -- change all refs to newCell into refs to oldCell reReference[newCell.ob,oldCell.ob]; -- delete newCell from its list remove[newCell,@cellList]; END; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; -- concatenate new cell list onto end of old IF oldCellList#NIL THEN BEGIN FOR oldCell ← oldCellList,oldCell.nxt UNTIL oldCell.nxt = NIL DO ENDLOOP; oldCell.nxt ← cellList; cellList ← oldCellList; END; END; -- of ReplaceCellsFromFile -- M a i n P r o g r a m BEGIN ENABLE Punt => GOTO Exit; -- for exits tryAgain: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; WHILE tryAgain DO tryAgain ← FALSE; SELECT TRUE FROM HeSaysYes["Shall I purge ALL unreferenced cells?", "(this is what people usually want)"] => PurgeUnusedCells[]; HeSaysYes["Shall I replace cells from a file?"] => ReplaceCellsFromFile[prompt: HeSaysYes[ "Shall I ask before replacing each cell type?"]]; HeSaysYes["Shall I rename some cells for you?"] => RenameCells[]; HeSaysYes["Shall I purge SOME unreferenced cells?"] => PurgeUnusedCells[ keepOnlySelected: HeSaysYes[ "Shall I erase the unselected items in the design?", "(CAREFUL NOW!!)"], prompt: HeSaysYes[ "Before I purge a cell type, should I ask you about it?"]]; ENDCASE => tryAgain ← TRUE; ENDLOOP; EXITS Exit => NULL; END; dChange ← TRUE; END. -- of CellLibrarianMain