-- CVExecutive.mesa; Edited by McGregor on 7-Dec-81 10:53:03 DIRECTORY Rope USING [Ref], TypeScript USING [ResetUserAbort, TS, UserAbort]; CVExecutive: DEFINITIONS IMPORTS TypeScript = BEGIN CommandProc: TYPE = PROC [ts: TypeScript.TS, param: Rope.Ref] ; AddCommand: PROC [key: Rope.Ref, proc: CommandProc, doc: Rope.Ref] ; -- Creates a new primive command for the Simple Executive. doc is a brief -- description of the command. GetToken: PROC [rope: Rope.Ref, offset: LONG INTEGER ← 0, thruEnd: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] RETURNS [token: Rope.Ref, newOffset: LONG INTEGER] ; -- A utility routine included here for use of clients who want to parse tokens -- out of a rope. A "token" is a series of alphanumerics, separated by blanks. anExecTS: TypeScript.TS; -- a handle to last created Exec (could be >1) currentParams: Rope.Ref; -- args to current command UserAbort: PROC RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {RETURN[TypeScript.UserAbort[anExecTS]]} ; ResetUserAbort: PROC = INLINE {TypeScript.ResetUserAbort[anExecTS]} ; UserName: Rope.Ref ; -- login cmd writes these (you can too) UserPassword: Rope.Ref ; END.