The first thing you do is login, just as if you were chatting to an IFS (if you are chatting from Cedar, the Chat program will login for you). Your user credentials will be saved so the server can use them when it goes to fetch your PD file. Next say Help<CR> to get the list of possible commands. You will probably be able to play it by ear from there, but just for completeness, here are the commands and what they do:
Login <user> <password> [<account>]
Tells the server who you are.
Cancel <request number>
Cancels the indicated request.
Cancels any reprint requests.
Check <request number>
Tells the status of the indicated request. Note that if the request has finished printing, the status will be "not found".
Gives a list of commands.
Displays the current queue of requests, and tells if printing is suspended.
Messages <string>
The Peach printer keeps a log of messages that may be of interest; they are displayed on the printer's terminal as they are generated. This command may be used to examine all or part of the message log. Only messages containing the string will be shown (sorry, no pattern matching). An empty string will get you everything. Two interesting strings to use are your user name (to see what happened to all your requests), and a request number (e.g., R033), to find out what happened to a particular request.
Print <fileName> <copies> <title>
Makes a print request. On machines like the Versatec, the title string will appear in the title blocks that separate pages.
Reprints the current page image.
Clears out the print queue and the message log. Excessive use of this command may generate peer pressure.
Tells the user when the printer was lasted service, (ei plots cut off). I given from the TTY attachted to the Dicentra it set the message.
SetLoginMessage <message>
Sets the message people get when they login; say what you will, but remember the message will have your name on it.
Un-suspends the printer.
Suspends the printer as soon as it finishes the current request.
Wait <request number>
Does not return until the indicated request is completed, either normally or abnormally. Useful for synchronizing the deletion of a PD file.
Causes the server to close the chat connection. If you login at the printer's terminal, be sure to quit so that the terminal can be used to display messages again.