##	EDIT /usr/stanford/src/etc/termcap/termcap.stanford.src
# Please put all Stanford-specific entries here; if you modify
# any entry, please make a comment to that effect, and
# say what you did & why.  Changes that are not adequately commented
# will probably go away.
# SAIL's DM simulator running on a Datadisc (sigh...)   TVR/Sep82
# 38 lines (40 - wholine) and no padding [Did i get this part right?].
DD|dtndd|dmdd|datamedia simulator on SAIL:\
xa|Alto|alto|Xerox Alto:nd=↑K:co#80:up=↑N:li#30:cl=↑L:
xd|dmachine|D-machine simulating a datamedia2500|Xerox11xx:\
# VGTS using ANSI standard escape sequences -- win
# Cleaned up Sun entries and got rid of suntty-style ti/is strings
#   in VGTS entries.  We should add separate entries for suntty
#   windows in the popular sizes if we still want to support it. --tpm.
Sv|vgts|vsun|VGTS 28x80 ANSI terminal emulator:\
# Same as VGTS but 48-line window:
Sb|vgts48|vsun48|bigvgts|bigvsun|VGTS 48x80 ANSI terminal emulator:\

# Sun ROM-resident terminal emulator (Stanford, not SMI version)
Sr|sunrom|SunRom|Sun Rom (Stanford version):\
	:nl=\ED:cm=\EY%+ %+ :


# Tektronix 4025 std version; CC changed to ↑← (hartwell)
# Can't use cursor motion because it's memory relative, and because
# it only works in the workspace, not the monitor.  Same for home.
# Likewise, standout only works in the workspace.
X5|4025|4027|4024|tek4025|tek4027|tek4024|4025cu|4027cu|tektronix 4024/4025/4027:\
	:is=↑←sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r:\
	:ks=↑←lea p4 /h/\r↑←lea p8 /k/\r↑←lea p6 / /\r↑←lea p2 /j/\r↑←lea f5 /H/\r:\
	:ke=↑←lea p2\r↑←lea p4\r↑←lea p6\r↑←lea p8\r↑←lea f5\r:\
	:ce=↑←dch 80\r:cd=↑←dli 50\r:CC=↑←:
X7|4025-17|4027-17|tek 4025 17 line window:li#17:tc=4025:
X8|4025-17ws|4027-17ws|tek 4025 17 line window in workspace:\
	:is=\41com 31\r\n↑←sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r↑←wor 17\r↑←mon 17\r:\
	:ti=↑←wor h\r:te=↑←mon h\r:so=↑←att e\r:se=↑←att s\r:tc=4025-17:
Xe|4025ex|4027ex|tek 4025 w/!:ti=\41com 31\r:te=↑←com 33\r:\
	:is=↑←com 33\r\n\41sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r:tc=4025:

# Alto running Talk program
# Got rid of the initialization file - win 8/22/81
# added "MT" for meta-key - jcm 1 Apr 82
talk|oldt1061|Alto Talk program (old teleray 1061):\
	:al=\EL:am:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:\

# Alto running DMChat with screen length == 60
# reinstalled 9/15/81 jqj
# added "MT" (for meta-key capability) 1-II-82 (jcm)
D9|dm2599|datamedia2599|2599|datamedia 2599:\
# dmchat is like DM2500, but DOES need "all that padding" (jcm 1/31/82)
# also, has a meta-key (MT)
dmchat|dmchat version of datamedia 2500:\

# Alto running TALK with one window filling screen.
# Got rid of the initialization file - win 8/22/81
# added "MT" for meta-key - jcm 1 Apr 82
bigtalk|talk52|52-line Alto Talk program:\
	:al=\EL:am:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EQ:dl=\EM:\
	:se=\ER@:so= \ERD:up=\EA:us=\ERH:ue=\ER@:xt:MT:km:
# John Gill's famous gillotine
#	Keypad meanings for vi are:
#		|----------|----------|----------|
#		|    7     |    8     |    9     |
#		|----------|----------|----------|
#		|    4     |          |    6     |
#		|----------|----------|----------|
#		|    1     |    2     |    3     |
#		|----------|----------|----------|
#		|    0     |    ,     |    .     |
#		|----------|----------|----------|
#  NOTE:  Be sure the AUTO LF/CR switch is in the CR position.
#		(changed 11-12-81 - added delays in dc and ic)
gi|gill|gillotine:am:co#80:li#24:cl=5↑e↑y:bc=↑a:cm=↑f%r%+ %+ :nd=↑b:\
\Ea.Q\Ea8↑p\Ea2↑n\Ea4↑h\Ea6 \Ea5/\Ea7H\Ea1L\

#The following "telnet" concepts should go away when telnet handles nulls.
cR|tnc100rv|c100 rev video 1200 baud no insert mode:\
cO|tnc100|tnconcept|tnconcept100|concept 100 1200 baud no insert mode:\
CR|tnC100rv|C100 rev video 9600 baud no insert mode:\
C4|C1004p|C100 w/4 pages:\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:te=\Ev  ~p\Ep\r\n:vs@:ve@:tc=C100:
CO|tnC100|tnConcept|tnConcept100|tnConcept 100 9600 baud no insert mode:\
#The following four entries are speed dependent; courtesy J. Gosling
cr|c100rv|c100 rev video 1200 baud:\
co|c100|concept|concept100|concept 100 1200 baud:\
	:al=1*\E↑R:am:bs:cd=16*\E↑C:ce=5\E↑S:cl=2*↑L:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :co#80:\
Cr|C100rv|C100 rev video 9600 baud:\
Co|C100|Concept|Concept100|Concept 100 9600 baud:\
	:al=3*\E↑R:am:bs:cd=16*\E↑C:ce=16\E↑S:cl=2*↑L:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :co#80:\
kR|concept|kr|c100 w/4 pages, 1200 baud:\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:te=\Ev    \200\200\200\200\200\200\Ep\r\n:\
KR|concept|KR|C100 w/4 pages, 9600 baud:\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:te=\Ev    \200\200\200\200\200\200\Ep\r\n:\
# The following two  Ambassador entries are courtesy Psych-vax (jqj 1/19/82)
sm|aaa15|ann arbor ambassador, version 1.5:\
sm|aaa40|ann arbor ambassador, version 1.5:\
# the following is a semi-tested version of  the Ambassador, modified from
# the original aaa entry.  last modified 12 Oct 81 by JQJ@SU-HPP-VAX (Diablo)
# for nl but not out of vi.  We use bold rather than inverse video since
# clearing while in standout would give inverse-video spaces.
# The cl delay is sufficent, but a smaller one could do.
y9|xaaa|xambas|xambassador|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines:\
Dx|dm3000|product associates fake dm:\

# DM2500 doesn't need all that padding!  (jqj 1/19/82)
# Added MT (Hedberg 6 mar 82)
D2|dm2500|datamedia2500|2500|datamedia 2500:\

# for those 48s w/o ul caps.   (dredge@SU-Fuji)
hx|hp2648noul|HP 2648 with no ul:us=\E&dJ:ue=\E&d@:tc=hp2648:
# the HP2623 definition is basically like an HP2648 graphics one, but
#   like the HP2621, the function key labels must be shut off.
#   Added: dredge@SU-Fuji (sep 83)
hy|hp2623|hp2613a|2623:HP 2623a graphics terminal:\

# end of Stanford-specific entries
# ------------------------
#	Termcap source file @(#)termcap.src	1.33	(Berkeley) 12/23/84
#	Kevin Layer, Berkeley
#	Craig Leres, Berkeley
#	Mark Horton, Berkeley
# Please mail changes to (arpanet): termcap@berkeley
sl|lpr|printer|print|printing|line printer:\
sw|switch|intelligent switch:\
sx|ansi|any ansi terminal with pessimistic assumptions:\
kg|h19-g|h19g|heathkit w/block cursor:\
ke|h19-e|h19e|h19 for emacs:ip=1.5:tc=h19-us:
kU|h19-us|h19us|heathkit w/keypad shifted/underscore cursor:\
ku|h19-u|h19u|heathkit with underscore cursor:\
kb|h19|heath|h19-b|h19b|heathkit|heath-19|z19|zenith|heathkit h19:\
	:al=1*\EL:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EN:\
	:es:hs:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ds=\Ey1:
	:al=\EL:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EN:\
	:es:hs:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ds=\Ey1:us=\Es8:ue=\Es0:
h2|2621|hp2621|hp2621a|hp2621p|2621a|2621p|2621-pb|hp2621-fl|hp 2621:\
hn|2621-nl|hp2621nl|2621nl|hp2621-nl|hp 2621 with no labels:\
d0|vt100|vt100-am|dec vt100:\
la|adm3a|3a|lsi adm3a:\
	:le=↑H:bs:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=1↑Z:co#80:ho=↑↑:li#24:ma=↑K↑P:nd=↑L:up=↑K:
l1|adm31|31|lsi adm31:\
	:al=\EE:am:le=↑H:bs:ce=\ET:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=\E*:cd=\EY:\
	:li#24:ma=j↑Jk↑P↑K↑Pl ↑R↑L↑L :mi:nd=↑L:\
l3|adm3|3|lsi adm3:\
Mu|sun|Sun Microsystems Workstation console:\
Mu|sun-e|Sun Microsystems Workstation console hacked for emacs:\
M0|sun-48|Sun 48-line window:\
M1|sun-34|Sun 34-line window:\
M2|sun-24|Sun 24-line window:\
M3|sun-17|Sun 17-line window:\
cB|avt-8p-s|concept avt w/8 pages & 80 cols running sysline:\
cC|avt-4p-s|concept avt w/4 pages & 80 cols running sysline:\
cD|avt-rv|HDS concept avt w/4 or 8 pages, 80 columns, reverse video:\
cE|avt|HDS concept avt w/4 or 8 pages, 80 columns:\
c4|c108-rv-8p|concept108-rv-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages, in reverse video:\
	:is=\EU\E F\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\Ek\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E!\E↑G!\E↑HA@ :\
	:ts=\E z"\E?\E↑C\EE\Ea %+ :fs=\Ee\E z :\
c2|c108|c108-8p|concept108-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages:\
	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev↑A\177 !p\E ;"\E z \Ev  ↑A\177p\Ep\n:\
	:te=\Ev  ↑A\177p\Ep\r\n:tc=c108-4p:
c5|c108-rv-4p|concept108-rv-4p|concept 108 w/4 pages, in reverse video:\
	:is=\EU\E F\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\Ek\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E!\E↑G!\E↑HA@ :\
	:ts=\E z"\E?\E↑C\EE\Ea %+ :fs=\Ee\E z :\
c3|c108-4p|concept108-4p|concept 108 w/4 pages:\
	:ts=\E z"\E?\E↑C\Ea %+ :fs=\E z :ds=\E ;\177:\
	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev\177 !p\E ;"\E z \Ev  \177p\Ep\n:\
	:is=\EU\E F\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\EK\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E!\E↑G!\E↑HA@ :\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:te=\Ev  \177p\Ep\r\n:\
	:al=\E↑R:le=↑H:bs:cd=\E↑C:ce=\E↑S:cl=\E?\E↑E:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :co#80:\
cb|c100-rv-pp|c100-rv-4p-pp|concept100-rv-pp|c100rv4ppp|w/ printer port:\
	:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\Ek\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\041\200\EQ"\EY(↑W\Eo\47\E\E↑G\041\E↑HA@ :\
cd|c100-rv|c100-rv-4p|concept100-rv|c100rv4p|c100rv|c100 rev video:\
	:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\Ek\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E↑G\041\E↑HA@ :\
ca|c100|concept|c1004p|c100-4p|concept100|concept 100:\
	:is=\EU\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\EK\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E↑G\041\E↑HA@ :\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8p\Ep\r:te=\Ev    \200\200\200\200\200\200\Ep\r\n:\
	:al=3*\E↑R:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=16*\E↑C:ce=16\E↑U:cl=2*↑L:cm=\Ea%+ %+ :co#80:\
# This file describes capabilities of various terminals, as needed by
# software such as screen editors.  It does not attempt to describe
# printing terminals very well, nor graphics terminals.  Someday.
# See termcap(5) in the Unix Programmers Manual for documentation.
# Conventions: First entry is two chars, first char is manufacturer,
# second char is canonical name for model or mode.
# Third entry is the one the editor will print with "set" command.
# Last entry is verbose description.
# Others are mnemonic synonyms for the terminal.
# Terminal naming conventions:
# Terminal names look like <manufacturer> <model> - <modes/options>
# Certain abbreviations (e.g. c100 for concept100) are also allowed
# for upward compatibility.  The part to the left of the dash, if a
# dash is present, describes the particular hardware of the terminal.
# The part to the right can be used for flags indicating special ROM's,
# extra memory, particular terminal modes, or user preferences.
# All names are always in lower case, for consistency in typing.
# The following are conventionally used flags:
#	rv	Terminal in reverse video mode (black on white)
#	2p	Has two pages of memory.  Likewise 4p, 8p, etc.
#	w	Wide - in 132 column mode.
#	pp	Has a printer port which is used.
#	na	No arrow keys - termcap ignores arrow keys which are
#		actually there on the terminal, so the user can use
#		the arrow keys locally.
# There are some cases where the same name is used for two different
# terminals, e.g. "teleray" or "2621" or "vt100".  In these cases,
# if a site has one of these, they should choose a local default and
# bring that terminal to the front in the reorder script.  This works
# because tgetent picks the first match in /etc/termcap.
# The list of names intentionally duplicated is:
# 2621, c108, dtc, hp2621, teleray, tvi, vt100.
# If you absolutely MUST check for a specific terminal (this is discouraged)
# check for the 2nd entry (the canonical form) since all other codes are
# subject to change.  The two letter codes are there for version 6 and are
# EXTREMELY subject to change, or even to go away if version 6 becomes for
# all practical purposes obsolete.  We would much rather put in special
# capabilities to describe your terminal rather than having you key on the
# name.
#  Special manufacturer codes:
#	A: hardcopy daisy wheel terminals
#	M: Misc. (with only a few terminals)
#  	q: Homemade
#  	s: special (dialup, etc.)
# Comments in this file begin with # - they cannot appear in the middle
# of a termcap entry.  Individual entries are commented out by
# placing a period between the colon and the capability name.
#  This file is to be installed with an editor script (reorder)
#  that moves the most common terminals to the front of the file.
#  If the source is not available, it can be constructed by sorting
#  the above entries by the 2 char initial code.
# # --------------------------------
# The A manufacturer represents Diablo, DTC, Xerox, Qume, and other Daisy
# wheel terminals until such time as termcap distinguishes between them
# enough to justify separate codes.
# This is an "experimental" entry for the SRI Agiles.
# It has been tried in a minimal way -- the Agile did not blow up!
# However, it has not been exhaustively tested.
# Anyone who tries it and finds it wanting should get in touch with:
# 	Ralph Keirstead (ralph@sri-unix);
#	EK352; SRI International; 333 Ravenswood Avenue; Menlo Park, CA 94025
Aa|agile|agiles|sri agiles:\
A6|1620|1640|450|diablo 1620:\
A7|1620-m8|1640-m8|diablo 1620 w/8 column left margin:\
	:cr=↑M:do=↑J:nl=↑J:bl=↑G:co#124:is=\r        \E9:tc=1620:
# DTC 382 with VDU.  Has no cd so we fake it with ce.  Standout works but
# won't go away without dynamite.  The terminal has tabs, but I'm getting
# tired of fighting the braindamage.  If no tab is set or the terminal's
# in a bad mood, it glitches the screen around all of memory.  Note that
# return puts a blank ("a return character") in the space the cursor was
# at, so we use ↑P return (and thus ↑P newline for newline).  Note also
# that if you turn off pt and let Unix expand tabs, curses won't work
# (current version) because it doesn't turn off this bit, and cursor
# addressing sends a tab for row/column 9.  What a losing terminal!  I
# have been unable to get tabs set in all 96 lines - it always leaves at
# least one line with no tabs in it, and once you tab through that line,
# it completely weirds out.
	:li#24:nd=↑PR:.se=↑P \200:.so=↑P \002↑PF:us=↑P \020:ue=↑P \200:\
Ad|dtc300s|300|300s|dtc 300s:\
# This used to have :pl: - maybe they meant :pt:?
Aj|aj830|aj832|aj|anderson jacobson:\
# From cbosg!ucbvax!pur-ee!cincy!chris Thu Aug 20 09:09:18 1981
# This is incomplete, but it's a start.
An|5520|nec|spinwriter|nec 5520:\
Aq|qume5|qume|Qume Sprint 5:\
Ar|q102|qume102|Qume 102:\
	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:cr=↑M:ct=\E3:\
	:le=↑H:li#24:ma=↑K↑P↑L :nd=↑L:nl=↑J:\
# I suspect the xerox1720 is the same as the diablo 1620.
Ax|x1720|x1700|1700|x1750|xerox 1720:\
# # --------------------------------
	:cm=\E1%+ %+ :ho=↑Y:al=\E\114:dl=\E\112:ce=↑V:cd=↑X:am:
	:li#24:co#80:cl=↑y↑x:le=↑H:bs:cm=\E1%+ %+ :am:
# # --------------------------------
D0|dm1520|dm1521|1521|1520|datamedia 1520:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=↑K:ce=↑]:cl=↑L:cm=↑↑%r%+ %+ :co#80:ho=↑Y:\
	:li#24:nd=↑\:up=↑←:xn:ma=↑\ ↑←↑P↑YH:ta=↑I:pt:
D2|dm2500|datamedia2500|2500|datamedia 2500:\
D3|dm3025|datamedia 3025a:\
	:al=130\EP\n\EQ:le=↑H:bs:cd=2\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=2\EM:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :\
D4|3045|dm3045|datamedia 3045a:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=2\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=2\EM:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :co#80:\
# dt80/1 is a vt100 lookalike, but it doesn't seem to need any padding.
D5|dt80|dmdt80|dm80|datamedia dt80/1:\
# except in 132 column mode, where it needs a little padding.
# This is still less padding than the vt100, and you can always turn on
# the ↑S/↑Q handshaking, so you can use vt100 flavors for things like
# reverse video.
D6|dt80w|dmdt80w|dm80w|datamedia dt80/1 in 132 char mode:\
# # --------------------------------
# Since nd is blank, when you want to erase something you
# are out of luck.  You will have to do ↑L's a lot to
# redraw the screen.  h1000 is untested.  It doesn't work in
# vi - this terminal is too dumb for even vi.  (The code is
# there but it isn't debugged for this case.)
H1|h1000|hazeltine 1000:\
	:le=↑H:bs:ho=↑K:cl=↑L:nd= :co#80:li#12:\
# Note: the h1552 appears to be the first Hazeltine terminal which
# is not braindamaged.  It has tildes and backprimes and everything!
# Be sure the auto lf/cr switch is set to cr.
H2|h1552|hazeltine 1552:\
H3|h1552rv|hazeltine 1552 reverse video:\
# From cbosg!ucbvax!pur-ee!cincy!chris Thu Aug 20 09:09:18 1981
H4|h1420|hazeltine 1420:\
	:up=\E↑L:nd=↑P:ce=\E↑O:ta=↑N:cm=\E↑Q%r%.%+ :so=\E\037:se=\E↑Y:
H5|h1500|hazeltine 1500:\
# h1510 assumed to be in sane escape mode.  Else use h1500.
H6|h1510|hazeltine 1510:\
H8|h1520|hazeltine 1520:\
# Note: h2000 won't work well because of a clash between upper case and ~'s.
H7|h2000|hazeltine 2000:\
# Hazeltine esprit entries from Univ of Utah  Tue Feb  1 06:39:37 1983
# J.Lepreau, lepreau@utah-cs, harpo!utah-cs!lepreau
HE|esprit|hazeltine esprit:\
	:al=40\E↑Z:bs:cd=5\E↑X:ce=\E↑O:cl=\E↑\:cm=\E↑Q%r%>↑↑ %+`%+`:co#80:\
HF|esprit-am|hazeltine esprit auto-margin:\
# # --------------------------------
# Some of these should go in the misc category, IBM, ISC, and ISC can't
# all have I.  I will wait to see who comes out with more terminals.
# These compucolors appear similar, but they at least have different
# sized screens.  I don't know what's going on here.
# From cithep!eric  Wed Sep 16 08:06:44 1981
It|intext|Interactive Systems Corporation modified owl 1200:\
	:cl=132\014:cm=\017%+ %+ :co#80:dc=5.5*\022:dl=5.5*\021:\
	:se=↑V# :sg#1:so=↑V$,:ma=↑K↑P↑R↑L↑L :\
I9|ibm|ibm3101|3101|i3101|IBM 3101-10:\
# # --------------------------------
# The tab 132 uses xon/xoff, so no padding needed.
# ks/ke have nothing to do with arrow keys.
# is sets 80 col mode, normal video, autowrap on (for am).
# Seems to be no way to get rid of status line.
M0|abm80|amtek business machines 80:\
	:al=\E↑Z:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=\E↑X:ce=\E↑O:cl=\E↑\:cm=\E↑Q%r%+ %+ :co#80:\
M1|tab132|tab|tab132/15|tab 132/15:\
# This used to say "de#001202" which presumably refers to the stty bits
# that need to be set for some version of Unix.  We need the real delay
# requirements in MS.
M5|mw2|Multiwriter 2:\
M6|trs80|trs-80|radio shack trs-80 Model I:\
M7|d800|Direct 800/A:\
M8|vc404|volker-craig 404:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=40↑W:ce=20↑V:cl=40↑X:cm=↑P%+ %+ :co#80:ho=40↑Y:\
	:kd=↑J:kl=↑H:kr=↑U:ku=↑Z:li#24:ma=↑Z↑P↑U :nd=↑U:up=↑Z:
M9|vc404-s|volker-craig 404 w/standout mode:\
MA|vc404-na|volker-craig 404 w/no arrow keys:\
MB|vc404-s-na|volker-craig 404 w/standout mode and no arrow keys:\
# missing in vc303a and vc303 descriptions:  they scroll 2 lines at a time
MC|vc303a|vc403a|volker-craig 303a:\
MD|vc303|vc103|vc203|volker-craig 303:\
# Test version for Falco ts-1. See "arpavax.hickman@ucb" for info
ME|falco|ts1|ts-1|falco ts-1:is=\Eu\E3:\
	:al=\EE:am:bs:ce=\ET\EG0↑h:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=\E*:cd=\EY:co#80:dc=\EW:\
MF|falco-p|falco ts-1sp|falco with paging option:\
	:ue=\Eg0:do=\E[B:cm=\E=%+ %+ :ms:ul:kh=\E[H:da:mi:bt=\EI:
#NOTE: bg can scroll, it just would rather not (ns) - rwells 3/13/81.
# (Shouldn't you take out ns and put in an nl instead? - mrh)
MG|bg|bitgraph|BBN BitGraph terminal:\
MH|d132|datagraphix|datagraphix 132a:\
MI|soroc|Soroc 120:\
	:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=2\E*:ma=↑K↑P↑R↑L↑L :\
# tec is untested, and taken from CB/Unix virtual terminal driver.
# Upper case terminal, uses lower case for control sequences!!!
# The driver shows the C ~ operator used on CM coordinates.
# Without the terminal in front of me, I can't figure out what's
# going on, so I've dotted out the cm.  Note there is no ~ in tgoto.
MJ|tec400|tec scope:\
# From ucbvax!geoff Mon Sep 21 21:15:45 1981 
# This entry has been tested.
MK|tec500|tec 500:\
	:cr=↑M:do=↑J:nl=↑J:bl=↑G:am:le=↑H:bs:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=20↑Z:\
# I would appreciate more information on this terminal, such as the
# manufacturer and the model number.  There is too many tecs in here.
	:li#24:co#80:cl=↑l:up=↑k:nd=\037:am:le=↑H:bs:ho=\036:ma=↑K↑P↑← :\
MM|teletec|Teletec Datascreen:\
# From cbosg!ucbvax!SRC:george Fri Sep 11 22:38:32 1981
MN|ampex|d80|dialogue|dialogue80|ampex dialogue 80:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:ta=↑I:pt:cl=75\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
MO|digilog|333|digilog 333:\
MP|ep48|ep4080|execuport 4080:\
MQ|ep40|ep4000|execuport 4000:\
MR|terminet1200|terminet300|tn1200|tn300|terminet|GE terminet 1200:\
# AED 512
# by giles Billingsley (ucbcad.gilesb@berkeley)
# rewritten 8/82 for newer AEDs and better operation of vi,etc.
MS|aed|AED|aed512|AED512|aed 512:\
# CIT 80  - vt 100 emulator, the termcap has been modified to remove
#           the delay times and do an auto tab set rather than the indirect 
#           file used in vt100.
MT|cit80|cit 80|Citoh 80:\
# AlternateCIT 101 - vt 100 emulator, the termcap has been modified to remove
#           the delay times and do an auto tab set rather than the indirect 
#           file used in vt100.
#	    Uses 23 lines so can run citsys (like h19sys).
MU|citc|Citoh fast vt100:\
Mh|cit500|cit-500|cit 500:\
# Note several versions of blit.  I don't know exactly what is what
# so please send me any corrections to this -- mrh
# From research!ikeya!rob Tue Aug 31 23:41 EDT 1982
MY|blit|jerq|blit-pb|blit running teletype rom:\
	:IC=\Ef%+ :DC=\Ee%+ :AL=\EF%+ :DL=\EE%+ :\
	:ce=\EK:cl=↑L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :co#87:li#72:nd=\EC:\
MZ|cbblit|columbus enhanced tty blit:\
Ma|oblit|ojerq|first version of blit rom:\
	:AL=\Ef%+ :DL=\Ee%+ :mi:dl=\EE:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:dc=\EO:da:db:\
	:al=\EF:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=↑L:cm=\EY%r%+ %+ :co#88:li#72:nd=\EC:\
Mb|daleblit|daleterm|blit running Dale DeJager's ROM:\
Mc|datapoint|dp3|dp3360|datapoint 3360:\
# From ucbvax!faletti (Faletti@Berkeley)
# FREEDOM 100 by Liberty Electronics USA, SF.
# :kh=↑↑:  left out because it precludes using change-to-alternate-file in vi.
# Basic Freedom 100 entry, works with VI at 1200 baud.
Md|f100|freedom100|freedom|freedom 100 no padding:\
	:ch=\E]%+ :cm=\E=%+ %+ :cv=\E[%+ :sr=\Ej:ta=↑I:up=↑K:\
Me|f100-rv|freedom100-rv|freedom-rv|freedom100 with reverse video at 1200:\
# VI at 9600 baud (or EMACS at 1200 -- but may be more than is needed for emacs)
Mf|f100-v|freedom100-v|freedom-v|freedom100 for 9600 vi or 1200 emacs:\
Mx|f100-v-rv|freedom100-v-rv|freedom-v-rv|freedom100 rev. vid. for 9600 vi:\
# EMACS at 9600 baud -- this still needs some more work on the padding
My|f100-e|freedom100-e|freedom-e|freedom100 for 9600 emacs:\
Mz|f100-e-rv|freedom100-e-rv|freedom-e-rv|freedom100 rev. vid. for emacs 9600:\
Mg|dg|dg6053|data general 6053:\
# ↑S is an arrow key!  Boy is this guy in for a surprise on v7!
	:kl=↑A:kr=↑S:ku=↑W:kd=↑Z:ma=↑A↑H↑S ↑W↑P↑Z↑N:
Mn|xl83|Cybernex XL-83:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=62↑P:ce=3↑O:cl=62↑L:cm=↑W%+ %+ :co#80:ho=↑K:\
Mo|omron|Omron 8025AG:\
Mp|plasma|plasma panel:\
Mq|pty|psuedo teletype:\
	:co#80:li#24:am:cl=\EJ:le=↑H:bs:cm=\EG%+ %+ :nd=\EC:\
Mr|remote|virtual remote terminal:\
Ms|swtp|ct82|southwest technical products ct82:\
Mt|terak|Terak emulating Datamedia 1520:\
M4|sun-12|Sun 12-line window:\
M5|sun-1|Sun 1-line window for sysline:\
M6|sun-nic|sune|Sun Microsystems Workstation console without insert character:\
Mv|virtual|VIRTUAL|cb unix virtual terminal:\
Mw|it2|intertube2|intertec data systems intertube 2:\
	:cm=↑N%+ %+ :ch=↑P%\102%.:cv=↑K%.:nd=↑F:do=\n:ll=↑K↑X\r:\
Mx|delta|dd5000|delta data 5000:\
	:up=↑Z:ce=↑NU:dc=↑NV:ma=↑K↑J↑Z↑P↑Y :xr:
My|mdl110|cybernex mdl-110:\
	:cm=↑P%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:am:cl=70↑X:le=↑H:bs:\
Mz|zen30|z30|zentec 30:\
	:mi:co#80:li#24:ma=↑L ↑R↑L↑K↑P:ul:\
	:al=1.5*\EE:le=↑H:bs:ce=1.0*\ET:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=\E*:\
# # --------------------------------
# Needs function keys added.
# Originally from Mike O'Brien@Rand and Howard Katseff at Bell Labs.
# Highly modified 6/22 by Mike O'Brien.
# split out into several for the various screen sizes by dave-yost@rand
# Modifications made 3/82 by Mark Horton
# Modified by Tom Quarles at UCB for greater efficiency and more diversity
# status line moved to top of screen, vb removed 5/82
# assumes the following setup:
# A: 0000 1010  0001 0000
# B: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
# C: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
# D: 0110 1001   1   0
#	Briefly, the settings are for the following modes:
#	   (values are for bit set/clear with * indicating our preference
#	    and the value used to test these termcaps)
#	Note that many of these settings are irelevent to the termcap
#	and are just set to the default mode of the terminal as shipped
#	by the factory.
# A menu: 0000 1010  0001 0000
#	Block/underline cursor*
#	blinking/nonblinking cursor*
#	key click/no key click*
#	bell/no bell at column 72*
#	key pad is cursor control*/key pad is numeric
#	return and line feed/return for <cr> key *
#	repeat after .5 sec*/no repeat
#	repeat at 25/15 chars per sec. *
#	hold data until pause pressed/process data unless pause pressed*
#	slow scroll/no slow scroll*
#	Hold in area/don't hold in area*
#	functions keys have default*/function keys disabled on powerup
#	show/don't show position of cursor during page transmit*
#	unused
#	unused
#	unused
# B menu: 9600  0100 1000  0000 0000  1000 0000  17  19
#	Baud rate (9600*)
#	2 bits of parity - 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
#	1 stop bit*/2 stop bits
#	parity error detection off*/on
#	keyboard local/on line*
#	half/full duplex*
#	disable/do not disable keyboard after data transmission*
#	transmit entire page/stop transmission at cursor*
#	transfer/do not transfer protected characters*
#	transmit all characters/transmit only selected characters*
#	transmit all selected areas/transmit only 1 selected area*
#	transmit/do not transmit line seperators to host*
#	transmit/do not transmit page tab stops tabs to host*
#	transmit/do not transmit column tab stop tabs to host*
#	transmit/do not transmit graphics control (underline,inverse..)*
#	enable*/disable auto XON/XOFF control
#	require/do not require receipt of a DC1 from host after each LF*
#	pause key acts as a meta key/pause key is pause*
#	unused
#	unused
#	unused
#	unused
#	unused
#	XON character (17*)
#	XOFF character (19*)
# C menu: 56   66   0    0    9600  0110 1100
#	number of lines to print data on (printer) (56*)
#	number of lines on a sheet of paper (printer) (66*)
#	left margin (printer) (0*)
#	number of pad chars on new line to printer (0*)
#	printer baud rate (9600*)
#	printer parity: 00=odd,01=even*,10=space,11=mark
#	printer stop bits: 2*/1
#	print/do not print guarded areas*
#	new line is: 01=LF,10=CR,11=CRLF*
#	unused
#	unused
# D menu: 0110 1001   1   0
#	LF is newline/LF is down one line, same column*
#	wrap to preceeding line if move left from col 1*/don't wrap
#	wrap to next line if move right from col 80*/don't wrap
#	backspace is/is not destructive*
#	display*/ignore DEL character
#	display will not/will scroll*
#	page/column tab stops*
#	erase everything*/erase unprotected only
#	editing extent: 0=display,1=line*,2=field,3=area
#	unused
N0|aaa-29-np|aaa-29 with no padding (for psl):\
NA|aaa-unk|ann arbor ambassador (internal - don't use this directly):\
NB|aaa-18|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines:\
NC|aaa-20|ann arbor ambassador/20 lines:\
ND|aaa-22|ann arbor ambassador/22 lines:\
NE|aaa-24|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines:\
NF|aaa-26|ann arbor ambassador/26 lines:\
NG|aaa-28|ann arbor ambassador/28 lines:\
NH|aaa|aaa-30|ambas|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
NI|aaa-36|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines:\
NJ|aaa-40|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines:\
NK|aaa-48|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines:\
NL|aaa-60|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines:\
NS|aaa-unk-s|ann arbor ambassador unknown with/status:\
NM|aaa-18-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/18 lines + status line:\
NN|aaa-20-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/20 lines + status line:\
NO|aaa-22-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/22 lines + status line:\
NP|aaa-24-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines + status line:\
NQ|aaa-26-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/26 lines + status line:\
NR|aaa-28-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/28 lines + status line:\
NT|aaa-30-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines + status line:\
NU|aaa-36-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines + status line:\
NV|aaa-40-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines + status line:\
NW|aaa-48-s|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines+sl:\
NX|aaa-60-s|ambassador|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines + status line:\
NY|aaa-18-rv|ambassador/18 lines+rv:\
NZ|aaa-20-rv|ambassador/20 lines+rv:\
Na|aaa-22-rv|ambassador/22 lines+rv:\
Nb|aaa-24-rv|ambassador/24 lines+rv:\
Nc|aaa-26-rv|ambassador/26 lines+rv:\
Nd|aaa-28-rv|ambassador/28 lines+rv:\
Ne|aaa-30-rv|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines in reverse video:\
Nf|aaa-36-rv|ann arbor ambassador/36 lines in reverse video:\
Ng|aaa-40-rv|ann arbor ambassador/40 lines in reverse video:\
Nh|aaa-48-rv|ann arbor ambassador/48 lines in reverse video:\
Ni|aaa-60-rv|ann arbor ambassador/60 lines in reverse video:\
Nj|aaa-18-rv-s|aaa-18-s-rv|ambassador/18 lines+sl+rv:\
Nk|aaa-20-rv-s|aaa-20-s-rv|ambassador/20 lines+sl+rv:\
Nl|aaa-22-rv-s|aaa-22-s-rv|ambassador/22 lines+sl+rv:\
Nm|aaa-24-rv-s|aaa-24-s-rv|ambassador/24 lines+sl+rv:\
Nn|aaa-26-rv-s|aaa-26-s-rv|ambassador/26 lines+sl+rv:\
No|aaa-28-rv-s|aaa-28-s-rv|ambassador/28 lines+sl+rv:\
Np|aaa-rv|aaa-30-rv-s|aaa-30-s-rv|ambassador/30 lines+sl+rv:\
Nq|aaa-36-rv-s|aaa-36-s-rv|ambassador/36 lines+sl+rv:\
Nr|aaa-40-rv-s|aaa-40-s-rv|ambassador/40 lines+sl+rv:\
Ns|aaa-48-rv-s|aaa-48-s-rv|ambassador/48 lines+sl+rv:\
Nt|aaa-60-rv-s|aaa-60-s-rv|ambassador/60 lines+sl+rv:\
NL|aaa-24-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/24 lines:\
NL|aaa-s-ctxt|aaa-30-s-ctxt|hairy aaa:\
NL|aaa-s-rv-ctxt|aaa-30-s-rv-ctxt|hairy aaa:\
NH|aaa-ctxt|aaa-30-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
NH|aaa-rv-ctxt|aaa-30-rv-ctxt|ann arbor ambassador/30 lines:\
Nd|aaa-db|ann arbor ambassador 30/destructive backspace:\
N1|aa|annarbor|4080|ann arbor 4080:\
	:kb=↑↑:kd=↑J:ku=↑N:kl=↑H:kr=↑←:kh=↑K:ma=↑← ↑N↑P:

# # --------------------------------
# We need descriptions for the model 40.  There are known to be at least three
# flavors of the 40, both seem more like IBM half duplex forms fillers than
# ASCII terminals.  They have lots of awful braindamage, such as printing
# a visible newline indicator after each newline.  The 40-1 is a half duplex
# terminal and is hopeless.  The 40-2 is braindamaged but has hope and is
# described here.  The 40-4 is a 3270 lookalike and beyond hope.
# The terminal has visible bell but I don't know it - it's
# null here to prevent it from showing the BL character.
# There is an \EG in nl because of a bug in vi (if stty says you have
# a "newline" style terminal (-crmode) vi figures all it needs is nl
# to get crlf, even if cr is not ↑M.)
T0|40|tty40|ds40|ds40/2|ds40-2|dataspeed40|teletype dataspeed 40/2:\
T3|33|tty33|tty|model 33 teletype:\
T4|43|tty43|model 43 teletype:\
T7|37|tty37|model 37 teletype:\
# From jwb Wed Mar 31 13:25:09 1982 remote from ihuxp
# This entry appears to avoid the top line - I have no idea why.
TT|4424|tty4424|teletype 4424M:\
# Teletype blit. 
TD|dmd|5620|ttydmd|tty5620|5620	terminal 88 columns:\
# # --------------------------------
# The Visual 200 beeps when you type a character in insert mode.
# This is a horribly obnoxious misfeature, and some of the entries
# below try to get around the problem by ignoring the feature or
# turning it off when inputting a character.  They are said not to
# work well at 300 baud.  (You could always cut the wire to the bell!)
#From mike@brl-vgr Mon Nov 14 08:34:29 1983
V2|vi200|vis200|visual 200 with function keys:\
	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EO:dl=\EM:ho=\EH:\
	:im=:ei=:ic=\Ei \b\Ej:\
	:k0=\EP:k1=\EQ:k2=\ER:k3=\E :k4=\E!:k5=\E":k6=\E#:\
VR|vi200-rv-ic|visual 200 reverse video using insert char:\
# The older Visuals didn't come with function keys. This entry uses
# ks and ke so that the keypad keys can be used as function keys.
# If your version of vi doesn't support function keys you may want
# to use V2.
Vf|vi200-f|visual|visual 200 no function keys:\
	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=4*\EO:dl=4*\EM:ho=\EH:\
	:im=:ei=:ic=\Ei \b\Ej:\
Vr|vi200-rv|visual 200 reverse video:\
Vt|vi200-ic|visual 200 using insert char:\
# # --------------------------------
Xa|tek|tek4012|4012|tektronix 4012:\
Xb|tek4013|4013|tektronix 4013:\
Xc|tek4014|4014|tektronix 4014:\
Xd|tek4015|4015|tektronix 4015:\
Xe|tek4014-sm|4014-sm|tektronix 4014 in small font:\
Xf|tek4015-sm|4015-sm|tektronix 4015 in small font:\
# I think the 1000UP is supposed to be so expensive it never happens.
X4|tek4023|4023|tex|tektronix 4023:\
	:so=↑←P:se=↑←@:cm=\034%r%+ %+ :nd=\t:le=↑H:bs:cl=4\E↑L:co#80:li#24:am:\
# Can't use cursor motion because it's memory relative, and because
# it only works in the workspace, not the monitor.  Same for home.
# Likewise, standout only works in the workspace.
# 145 ms padding on al and AL taken out since it doesn't seem to be needed much.
X5|4025|4027|4024|tek4025|tek4027|tek4024|4025cu|4027cu|tektronix 4024/4025/4027:\
	:is=\41com 31\r\n↑←sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
	:ks=↑←lea p4 /h/\r↑←lea p8 /k/\r↑←lea p6 / /\r↑←lea p2 /j/\r↑←lea f5 /H/\r↑←lea p5 /H/\r:\
	:ke=↑←lea p2\r↑←lea p4\r↑←lea p6\r↑←lea p8\r↑←lea p5\r↑←lea f5\r:\
	:cd=↑←dli 50\r:CC=↑←:\
	:AL=↑←up\r↑←ili %d\r:DL=↑←dli %d\r↑F:\
	:UP=↑←up %d\r:DO=↑←dow %d\r:LE=↑←lef %d\r:RI=↑←rig %d\r:
X7|4025-17|4027-17|tek 4025 17 line window:\
X8|4025-17ws|4027-17ws|tek 4025 17 line window in workspace:\
	:is=\41com 31\r\n↑←sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r↑←wor 17\r↑←mon 17\r:\
	:ti=↑←wor h\r:te=↑←mon h\r:so=↑←att e\r:se=↑←att s\r:tc=4025-17:
X9|4025ex|4027ex|tek 4025 w/!:\
	:ti=\41com 31\r:te=↑←com 33\r:\
	:is=↑←com 33\r\n\41sto 9,17,25,33,41,49,57,65,73\r:tc=4025:
# From jcoker @ ucbic
Xp|4107|tek4107|Tektronix 4107 graphics terminal with memory:\
#  Tektronix 4107 with sysline
Xq|4107-s|tek4107-s|Tektronix 4107 with sysline but no memory:\
# From cbosg!teklabs!davem Wed Sep 16 21:11:41 1981
# Here's the comamnd file that I use to get rogue to work on the 4025.
# It should work with any program using the old curses (e.g. it better
# not try to scroll, or cursor addressing won't work.  Also, you can't
# see the cursor.)
# (This "learns" the arrow keys for rogue. I have adapted it for termcap - mrh)
Xr|4025-cr|tek 4025 for curses and rogue:\
	:is=\41com 31\r\n↑←sto 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73\r:\
	:do=↑F↑J:bl=↑G:cl=↑←era;:nd=↑←rig;:nl=↑F\n:ti=↑←wor 33h:te=↑←wor 0:
# next two lines commented out since curses only allows 128 chars, sigh.
#	:ti=↑←lea p1/b/↑←lea p2/j/↑←lea p3/n/↑←lea p4/h/↑←lea p5/ /↑←lea p6/l/↑←lea p7/y/↑←lea p8/k/↑←lea p9/u/↑←lea p./f/↑←lea pt/`era w/13↑←lea p0/s/↑←wor 33h:\
#	:te=↑←lea p1↑←lea p2↑←lea p3↑←lea p4↑←lea pt↑←lea p5↑←lea p6↑←lea p7↑←lea p8↑←lea p9/la/13↑←lea p.↑←lea p0↑←wor 0:
# The 4110 series may be a wonderful graphics series, but they make the 4025
# look good for screen editing.  In the dialog area, you can't move the cursor
# off the bottom line.  Out of the dialog area, ↑K moves it up, but there
# is no way to scroll.
Xs|4112|4113|4114|tek4112|tektronix 4110 series:\
Xt|4112-nd|4112 not in dialog area:up=↑K:ns:tc=4112:
Xu|4112-5|4112 in 5 line dialog area:li#5:tc=4112:
Xv|4113|tek4113|tektronix 4113 color graphics, 5 line dialog area:\
	:cl=\ELZ:uc=↑H\ELM1←\ELM0:nd=\LM1 \LM0:\
Xw|4113-34|tek4113-34|tektronix 4113 color graphics, 34 line dialog area:\
# ns hidden from vi to allow visual mode. APL font (as, ae) not supported here.
# uc is slow, but looks nice. Suggest setenv MORE -up . vb needs enough delay
# to let you see the background color being toggled.
Xy|4113-nd|tek4113-nd|tektronix 4113 color graphics, no dialog area:\
	:nd=\t:up=↑K:ll=\ELF hl @:ho=\ELF7l\177 @:\
	:is=\ELZ\EKA0\ELF7l\177 @:vs=\ELZ\EKA0:\
Xz|4105|tek4105: \
# # --------------------------------
# a: ADDS
# Regent: lowest common denominator, works on all regents.
a0|regent|Adds Regent Series:li#24:co#80:am:cl=↑L:ll=↑A:up=↑Z:\
	:bs:bc=↑U:nd=↑F:do=↑J:bl=↑G:ho=\EY  :
# Regent 100 has a bug where if computer sends escape when user is holding
# down shift key it gets confused, so we avoid escape.
a1|regent100|Adds Regent 100:k0=↑B1↑M:k1=↑B2↑M:k2=↑B3↑M:k3=↑B4↑M:\
	:cm=↑K%+ %B↑P%.:ug#1:sg#1:tc=regent:
a2|regent20|Adds Regent 20:cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :tc=regent:
a3|regent25|Adds Regent 25:kh=↑A:kl=↑U:kr=↑F:ku=↑Z:kd=↑J:tc=regent20:
a4|regent40|Adds Regent 40:k0=↑B1↑M:k1=↑B2↑M:k2=↑B3↑M:k3=↑B4↑M:\
a5|regent40+|Adds Regent 40+:is=\EB:tc=regent40:
a6|regent60|regent200|Adds Regent 60:se=\ER\E0@\EV:so=\ER\E0P\EV:dc=\EE:ei=\EF:\
a7|regent60na|regent 60 w/no arrow keys:\
# Note: if return acts weird on a980, check internal switch #2
# on the top chip on the CONTROL pc board.
ac|a980|adds consul 980:\
as|viewpt60|viewpoint60|addsviewpoint60|adds viewpoint60:\
# From Onyx:edward  Thu Jul  9 09:27:33 1981
av|viewpoint|addsviewpoint|adds viewpoint:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:li#24:co#80:cm=\EY%+ %+ :cd=\Ek:ce=\EK:\
# # --------------------------------
# Reports are that most of these Beehive entries (except superbee) have not been
# tested and do not work right.  se is a trouble spot.  Be warned.
b2|sb2|sb3|fixed superbee:\
# set tab is ↑F, clear (one) tab is ↑V, no way to clear all tabs.
# good grief - does this entry make sg/ug when it doesn't have to?
# look at those spaces in se/so.  Seems strange to me...
	:nd=↑L:ta=↑I:pt:se= ↑←:so=↑] :up=↑K:
# This loses on lines > 80 chars long, use at your own risk
bi|superbeeic|super bee with insert char:\
bm|microb|microbee|micro bee series:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:co#80:cm=\EF%+ %+ :\
	:li#24:nd=\EC:ta=↑I:pt:se=\Ed@ :so= \EdP:ue=\Ed@:up=\EA:us=\Ed`:
# Superbee - f1=escape, f2=↑C.
# Note: there are at least 3 kinds of superbees in the world.  The sb1
# holds onto escapes and botches ↑C's.  The sb2 is the best of the 3.
# The sb3 puts garbage on the bottom of the screen when you scroll with
# the switch in the back set to CRLF instead of AEP.  This description
# is tested on the sb2 but should work on all with either switch setting.
# The f1/f2 business is for the sb1 and the :xb: can be taken out for
# the other two if you want to try to hit that tiny escape key.
# This description is tricky: being able to use cm depends on there being
# 2048 bytes of memory and the hairy nl string.
bs|sb1|superbee|superb|beehive super bee:\
# # --------------------------------
# From vax135!hpk  Sat Jun 27 07:41:20 1981
# Extensive changes to c108 by arpavax:eric Feb 1982
# There seem to be a number of different versions of the C108 PROMS
# (with bug fixes in its Z-80 program).
# The first one that we had would lock out the keyboard of you
# sent lots of short lines (like /usr/dict/words) at 9600 baud.
# Try that on your C108 and see if it sends a ↑S when you type it.
# If so, you have an old version of the PROMs.
# The old one also messed up running vi with a 132-character line-length.
# You should configure the C108 to send ↑S/↑Q before running this.
# It is much faster (at 9600 baud) than the c100 because the delays
# are not fixed.
# new status line display entries for c108:
# hs - has status capability
# es - escape sequences are OK on status line
# i2 - second init str - setup term for status display - set programmer mode,
#	select window 2, define window at last line of memory,
#	set bkgnd stat mesg there, select window 0.
# ts - to status line - select window 2, home cursor, erase to end-of-window,
#	1/2 bright on, goto(line#0, col#?)
# fs - from status line - 1/2 bright off, select window 0
# ds - disable status display - set bkgnd status mesg with illegal window #
# the following two entries are for emacs -- they are just like the regular
# entries except that they have buffer overflow control OFF
	:i2=\EU\E z"\Ev↑A\177 !p\E ;"\E z \Ev  ↑A\177p\Ep\n:\
	:te=\Ev  ↑A\177p\Ep\r\n:tc=e108-4p:
	:is=\EU\E f\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\EK\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E!\E↑G!\E↑HA@ :\
c6|c108-na|c108-na-8p|concept108-na-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages, no arrows:\
c7|c108-rv-na|c108-rv-na-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages, no arrows in rev video:\
	:ts=\E z"\E?\E↑C\EE\Ea %+ :fs=\Ee\E z :\
# this needs new frotz in the cm capability for 2-char addrs when > 95....
c8|c108-w|c108-w-8p|concept108-w-8p|concept 108 w/8 pages in wide mode:\
	:is=\EU\E F\Ef\E7\E5\E8\El\ENH\EK\E\200\Eo&\200\Eo\47\E\E"\E↑G!\E↑HA@ :\
	:ti=\EU\Ev  8↑AD\Ep\r:te=\Ev  ↑A0↑AD\Ep\r\n:pt@:cm@:\
cA|avt-w|HDS concept avt w/4 or 8 pages; 132 columns:\
# Concepts have only window relative cursor addressing, not screen relative.
# To get it to work right here, ti/te (which were invented for the concept)
# lock you into a one page window for screen style programs.  To get out of
# the one page window, we use a clever trick: we set the window size to zero
# ("\Ev    " in te) which the terminal recognizes as an error and resets the
# window to all of memory.
# Some tty drivers use cr3 for concept, others use nl3, hence dN/dC below.
# This padding is only needed at 9600 baud.
# 2 nulls padding on te isn't always enough.  6 works fine.  Maybe less
# than 6 but more than 2 will work.
cc|c100-rv-na|c100-rv-4p-na|concept100-rv-na|c100rv4pna|c100 with no arrows:\
# This is useful at 1200 baud.
ce|c100-s|concept-s|concept100-s|slow concept 100:\
cf|c100-rv-s|concept-rv-s|concept100-rv-s|c100rvs|slow reverse concept 100:\
# # --------------------------------
# Note that xn glitch in vt100 is not quite the same as concept, since
# the cursor is left in a different position while in the weird state
# (concept at beginning of next line, vt100 at end of this line) so
# all versions of vi before 3.7 don't handle xn right on vt100.
# I assume you have smooth scroll off or are at a slow enough baud
# rate that it doesn't matter (1200? or less).  Also this assumes
# that you set auto-nl to "on", if you set it off use vt100-nam below.
# Since there are two things here called vt100, the installer can make
# a local decision to make either one standard "vt100" by including
# it in the list of terminals in reorder, since the first vt100 in
# /etc/termcap is the one that it will find.  The choice is between
# nam (no automatic margins) and am (automatic margins), as determined
# by the wrapline switch (group 3 #2).  I presonally recommend turning
# on the bit and using vt100-am, since having stuff hammer on the right
# margin is sort of hard to read.  However, the xn glitch does not occur
# if you turn the bit off.
# I am unsure about the padding requirements listed here.  I have heard
# a claim that the vt100 needs no padding.  It's possible that it needs
# padding only if the xon/xoff switch is off.  For UNIX, this switch
# should probably be on.
# The vt100 uses rs and rf rather than is/ct/st because the tab settings
# are in non-volatile memory and don't need to be reset upon login.
# You can type "reset" to get them set.
dp|vt100-np|vt100 with no padding (for psl games):\
d1|vt100-nam|vt100 w/no am:\
d2|gt42|dec gt42:\
d4|gt40|dec gt40:\
d5|vt50|dec vt50:\
d6|vt125|vt125-am|DEC vt125:\
# DEC gigi color graphic terminal , same as vt52
d7|gigi|dec gigi terminal:\
dI|dw1|decwriter I:\
# From tut@Topaz.CC Thu May 12 14:49:02 1983
dJ|dw3|la120|decwriter III:\
# From tut@topaz.CC Thu Sep 24 22:10:46 1981
df|dw4|decwriter IV:\
dh|vt50h|dec vt50h:\
	:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#12:nd=\EC:\
di|vt100-s|vt100 with status line at top:\
dj|vt100-s-bot|vt100 with status line at bottom:\
ds|vt100-nav|dec vt100 132 cols 14 lines (w/o advanced video option):\
dt|vt100-w|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video):\
dv|vt100-w-nam|dec vt100 132 cols (w/advanced video), no am:\
dw|vt52|dec vt52:\
	:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:nd=\EC:\
dx|dw2|decwriter II:\
# DEC PRO-350 console (VT220-style)
dP|decpro|dec pro console:\
	:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:ho=\EH:\
# # --------------------------------
# Note: no "ho" on HP's since that homes to top of memory, not screen.
# Due to severe 2621 braindamage, the only way to get the arrow keys to
# transmit anything at all is to turn on the function key labels
# (f1-f8) with ks, and even then the poor user has to hold down shift!
# The default 2621 turns off the labels except when it has to to enable
# the function keys.  If your installation prefers labels on all the time,
# or off all the time (at the "expense" of the function keys) move the
# 2621-nl or 2621-wl labels to the front using reorder.
# Note: there are newer ROM's for 2621's that allow you to set strap A
# so the regular arrow keys xmit \EA, etc, as with the 2645.  However,
# even with this strap set, the terminal stops xmitting if you reset it,
# until you unset and reset the strap!  Since there is no way to set/unset
# the strap with an escape sequence, we don't use it in the default.
# If you like, you can use 2621-ba (braindamaged arrow keys).
h1|2621-ba|2621 w/new rom, strap A set:\
# 2621 with function labels.  Most of the time they are off,
# but inside vi, the function key labels appear.  You have to
# hold down shift to get them to xmit.
# 2621k45: untested
# 2622: unsure if this is quite it, have only heard about the terminal.
h3|2621k45|hp2621k45|k45|2622|hp2622|hp 2621 with 45 keyboard:\
# This entry does not use any of the fancy windowing stuff of the 2621.
# Indeed, termcap does not yet handle such stuff.  We are looking at it.
h6|hp2626|hp2626a|hp2626p|2626|2626a|2626p|hp 2626:\
# cD is a pain - but it only screws up at 9600 baud.
# You should use this terminal at 4800 baud or less.
h8|hp2648|hp2648a|2648a|2648|HP 2648a graphics terminal:\
# This terminal should be used at 4800 baud or less.
h9|hp2645-np|2645 w/no padding:cm=\E&a%r%dc%dY:tc=hp2645:
# 2640a doesn't have the Y cursor addressing feature, and C is memory relative
# instead of screen relative, as we need.
ha|2640|hp2640a|2640a|hp 2640a:\
hb|2640b|hp2640b|2644a|hp2644a|hp 264x series:\
# 2621 using all 48 lines of memory, only 24 visible at any time.  Untested.
hl|2621-48|48 line 2621:\
# Hp 110 computer is the same as 2621 except has 16 lines
hm|hp110|110|hp 110 computer:\
# 2621 with no labels ever.  Also prevents vi delays on escape.
# Needed for UCB ARPAVAX console, since lsi-11 expands tabs (wrong).
ht|hp2621-nt|2621nt|2621-nt|hp2621nt|hp 2621 w/no tabs:\
# 2621 with labels on all the time - normal outside vi, function inside vi.
hw|hp2621wl|2621wl|2621-wl|hp2621-wl|hp 2621 w/labels:\
# # --------------------------------
# Infoton is now called General Terminal Corp. or some such thing.
# gt100 sounds like something DEC would come out with.  Lets hope they don't.
i1|i100|gt100|gt100a|General Terminal 100A (formerly Infoton 100):\
	:al=\EL:dl=\EM:up=\EA:nd=\EC:ho=\EH:cm=\Ef%r%+ %+ :vb=\Eb\Ea:\
i4|i400|400|infoton 400:\
# # --------------------------------
kA|h19-a|h19a|heath-ansi|heathkit-a|heathkit h19 ansi mode:\
kB|h19-bs|h19bs|heathkit w/keypad shifted:\
#written by David Shewmake, UCSF Medical Information Science
#the z29-e entry sucks...but it works with emacs
kD|z29-e|zenith 29 hacked for emacs:\
	:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EN:dl=1*\EM:\
	:ts=\Ej\Ex5\Ex1\EY8%+ \Eo:fs=\Ek\Ey5:ds=\Ey1:
# # --------------------------------
# If the adm31 gives you trouble with standout mode, check the DIP switch
# in position 6, bank @c11, 25% from back end of pc.  Should be OFF.
# If there is no such switch, you have an old adm31 and must use oadm31
l2|adm2|lsi adm2:\
	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EW:dl=\ER:\
l4|adm42|42|lsi adm42:\
	:vs=\EC\E3 \E3(:\
	:al=270\EE:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=\E;:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:\
l5|adm5|5|lsi adm5:\
l7|adm20|lear siegler adm20:\
lc|adm22|22|lsi adm22:\
	:al=\EE:am:bs:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E+:cm=\000\E=%+ %+ :co#80:\
	:ma=j↑Jk↑P↑K↑Pl ↑R↑L↑L :nd=↑L:nl=↑J:\
# # --------------------------------
# These mime1 entries refer to the Microterm Mime I or Mime II.
# The default mime is assumed to be in enhanced act iv mode.
m3|mime3a|mime1 emulating 3a:\
	:am@:ma=↑X ↑K↑J↑Z↑P:ku=↑Z:kd=↑K:kl=↑H:kr=↑X:tc=adm3a:
m4|microterm|act4|microterm act iv:\
# The padding on sr and ta for act5 and mime is a guess and not final.
# The act 5 has hardware tabs, but they are in columns 8, 16, 24, 32, 41 (!)...
m5|microterm5|act5|microterm act v:\
# Act V in split screen mode.  act5s is not tested and said not to work.
mS|act5s|skinny act5:\
# Mimes using brightness for standout.  Half bright is really dim unless
# you turn up the brightness so far that lines show up on the screen.
# uc is disabled to get around a curses bug, should be put back in someday.
mf|mime-fb|full bright mime1:\
mh|mime-hb|half bright mime1:\
mm|mime|mime1|mime2|mimei|mimeii|microterm mime1:\
	:al=80↑A:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=↑←:ce=↑↑:cl=\035↑C:cm=↑T%+↑X%> 0%+P:co#80:\
	:is=↑S\E↑Q:ma=↑X ↑K↑J↑Z↑P:ku=↑Z:kd=↑K:kl=↑H:kr=↑X:sr=3↑R:vt#9:
# These termcaps (for mime 2a) put the terminal in low intensity mode
# since high intensity mode is so obnoxious.
ms|mime2a-s|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced soroc iq120):\
	:al=20*↑A:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=20*\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EL:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\ED:\
# This is the preferred mode (but ↑X can't be used as a kill character)
mv|mime2a|mime2a-v|microterm mime2a (emulating an enhanced vt52):\
	:al=20*↑A:le=↑H:bs:cd=20*\EQ:co#80:ce=\EP:cl=\EL:cm=\EY%+ %+ :is=↑Y\
mx|mime-3ax|mime1 emulating enhanced 3a:\
# # --------------------------------
pe|pe550|bantam|perkin elmer 550:\
	:le=↑H:bs:co#80:ce=20\EI:cl=20\EK:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :\
pf|fox|perkin elmer 1100:\
	:ll=\EH\EA:nd=\EC:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :up=\EA:vb=↑P↑B↑P↑C:
po|owl|perkin elmer 1200:\
	:cm=\EX%+ \EY%+ :co#80:dc=5.5*\EO:dl=5.5*\EM:ei=:ic=\EN:im=:ip=5.5*:\
# # --------------------------------
qB|bc|bill croft homebrew:\
	:am:le=↑H:bs:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=↑Z:co#96:ho=↑↑:li#72:\
qN|nucterm|rayterm|NUC homebrew:\
	:al=↑E:am:bs:ce=↑U:cl=100↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\177:dl=↑D:dm=:\
qe|exidy|exidy2500|exidy sorcerer as dm2500:\
	:li#16:ma=j↑Jk↑Pl :nd=\E+@A:pc=\200:sr=\E=@@↑K:up=↑K:
# This came from the comp ctr who got it from some user.  Smart indeed!
qs|sexidy|exidy smart:\
	:ce=\Ed:cl=↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:nd=↑L:up=↑K:\
	:ma=j↑Jk↑P↑K↑Pl :ho=↑↑:
qx|xitex|xitex sct-100:\
	:li#16:ma=j↑Jk↑Pl :nd=\E+@A:pc=\200:sr=\E=@@↑K:up=↑K:
# # --------------------------------
# Special "terminals".  These are used to label tty lines when you don't
# know what kind of terminal is on it.  The characteristics of an unknown
# terminal are the lowest common denominator - they look about like a ti 700.
# # --------------------------------
t3|ti|ti700|ti733|735|ti735|ti silent 700:\
t4|ti745|745|743|ti silent 745:\
t8|ti800|ti omni 800:\
# # --------------------------------
# There are some tvi's that require incredible amounts of padding and
# some that don't.  I'm assuming 912 and 920 are the old slow ones,
# and 912b, 912c, 920b, 920c are the new ones that don't need padding.
v1|tvi912|912|920|tvi920|old televideo:\
	:al=33*\EE:le=↑H:ce=\ET:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=↑Z:co#80:dc=\EW:dl=33*\ER:ei=:\
	:ma=↑K↑P↑L :sg#1:ug#1:
# the 912 has a <funct> key that's like shift: <funct>8 xmits "↑A8\r".
# The 920 has this plus real function keys that xmit different things.
# Termcap makes you use the funct key on the 912 but the real keys on the 920.
v2|912b|912c|tvi912b|tvi912c|tvi|new televideo 912:\
v3|920b|920c|tvi920b|tvi920c|new televideo 920:\
# set to page 1 when entering ex (\E-17 )
# reset to page 0 when exiting ex (\E-07 )
v4|tvi912-2p|tvi920-2p|912-2p|920-2p|tvi-2p|televideo w/2 pages:\
	:ti=\E-17 :te=\E-07 :tc=tvi912:\
v5|tvi950-ap|tvi 950 w/alt pages:\
	:is=\E\\1:ti=\E-06 :te=\E-16 :tc=tvi950:
v6|tvi950-b|bare tvi950 no is:\
v7|tvi950-ns|tvi950 w/no standout:\
v8|tvi925|925|televideo model 925:\
	:hs:xn:am:bs:co#80:li#24:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=↑Z:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:is=\El\E":\
	:up=↑K:do=↑V:kb=↑H:ku=↑K:kd=↑V:kl=↑H:kr=↑L:kh=↑↑:ma=↑V↑J↑L :\
# entry by Tim Curry 5/21/82 Univ. of Central Fla. duke!ucf-cs!tim
v9|925a|tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925:\
        :al=\EE:am:bs:bt=\EI:bw:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:dc=\EW:\
# The following tvi descriptions from B:pjphar and virus!mike
# is for all 950's.  It sets the following attributes:
# full duplex (\EDF)		write protect off (\E()
# conversation mode (\EC)	graphics mode off (\E%)
# white on black (\Ed)		auto page flip off (\Ew)
# turn off status line (\Eg)	clear status line (\Ef\r)
# normal video (\E0)		monitor mode off (\EX or \Eu)
# edit mode (\Er)		load blank char to space (\Ee\040)
# line edit mode (\EO)		enable buffer control (↑O)
# protect mode off (\E\047)	duplex edit keys (\El)
# program unshifted send key to send line all (\E016)
# program shifted send key to send line unprotected (\E004)
# set the following to nulls:
#	field delimiter (\Ex0\200\200)
#	line delimiter (\Ex1\200\200)
#	start-protected field delimiter (\Ex2\200\200)
#	end-protected field delimiter (\Ex3\200\200)
# set end of text delimiter to carriage return/null (\Ex4\r\200)
	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
	:al=\EE:am:le=↑H:bs:bt=\EI:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
# is for 950 with two pages adds the following:
#	set 48 line page (\E\\2)
#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek)
# two page 950 adds the following:
#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
#	when exiting ex, reset 48 line page (\E\\2)
#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
#	set duplex (send) edit keys (\El) when entering vi
#	set local (no send) edit keys (\Ek) when exiting vi
vb|tvi950-2p|950-2p|televideo950 w/2 pages:\
	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
	\Ex3\200\200\Ex4\r\200\E\\2\E-07 \
	:te=\E\\2\E-07 :ti=\E\\1\E-07 :ks=\El:ke=\Ek:tc=tvi950:
# is for 950 with four pages adds the following:
#	set 96 line page (\E\\3)
#	place cursor at page 0, line 24, column 1 (\E-07 )
# four page 950 adds the following:
#	when entering ex, set 24 line page (\E\\1)
#	when exiting ex, reset 96 line page (\E\\3)
#			 place cursor at 0,24,1 (\E-07 )
vc|tvi950-4p|950-4p|televideo950 w/4 pages:\
	:is=\EDF\EC\Ed\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
	\Ex3\200\200\Ex4\r\200\E\\3\E-07 \
	:te=\E\\3\E-07 :ti=\E\\1\E-07 :ks=\El:ke=\Ek:tc=tvi950:
# is for reverse video 950 changes the following:
#	set reverse video (\Ed)
# set vb accordingly (\Ed ...nulls... \Eb)
vd|tvi950-rv|950-rv|televideo950 rev video:\
	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
# uses the appropriate entries from 950-2p and 950-rv
ve|tvi950-rv-2p|950-rv-2p|televideo950 rev video w/2 pages:\
	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Eg\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
	\Ex3\200\200\Ex4\r\200\E\\2\E-07 :\
	:te=\E\\2\E-07 :ti=\E\\1\E-07 :ks=\El:ke=\Ek:tc=tvi950:
# uses the appropriate entries from 950-4p and 950-rv
vf|tvi950-rv-4p|950-rv-4p|televideo950 rev video w/4 pages:\
	:is=\EDF\EC\Eb\EG0\Er\EO\E\047\E(\E%\Ew\EX\Ee ↑O\
	\Ex3\200\200\Ex4\r\200\E\\3\E-07 :\
	:te=\E\\3\E-07 :ti=\E\\1\E-07 :ks=\El:ke=\Ek:tc=tvi950:
ve|tvi924|924|televideo model 924:\
	:am:bs:xn:co#80:li#24:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=\E*0:cd=\Ey:ce=\Et:is=\Ek0\E"↑O:\
# # --------------------------------
# Note two things called "teleray".  Reorder should move the common one
# to the front if you have either.  A dumb teleray with the cursor stuck
# on the bottom and no obvious model number is probably a 3700.
y1|t3700|teleray|dumb teleray 3700:\
y3|t3800|teleray 3800 series:\
	:le=↑H:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=↑L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80: \
	:do=\n:ho=\EH:li#24:ll=\EY7 :nd=\EC:ta=↑I:pt:up=↑K:
y6|t1061|teleray 1061:\
	:al=2*\EL:am:le=↑H:bs:cd=1\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=1↑L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:\
	:li#24:nd=\EC:ta=↑I:pt:se=\ER@:so= \ERD:\
# "Teleray Arpa Special", offically designated as
# "Teleray Arpa network model 10" with "Special feature 720".
# This is the new (1981) fast microcode updating the older "arpa" proms
# (which gave meta-key and pgmmable-fxn keys).  720 is much much faster,
# converts the keypad to programmable function keys, and has other goodies.
# Standout mode is still broken (magic cookie, etc) so is suppressed as no
# programs handle such lossage properly.
# Note: this is NOT the old termcap's "t1061f with fast proms."
# From Univ of Utah, J.Lepreau  Tue Feb  1 06:39:37 1983
# lepreau@utah-cs, harpo!utah-cs!lepreau
y7|t10|teleray 10 special:\
	:al=\EL:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=30\Ej:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:\
yf|t1061f|teleray 1061 with fast PROMs:\
# Wyse 50 entry by Toni Guttman extended by Jeff Anton
ye|w50|wyse50|Wyse 50:\
	:al=\EE:am:bs:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#80:\
#	:hs:ts=\Ef:fs=\Eg:	status line does not work with sysline
yg|w50-132|wyse50-132|Wyse 50-132:\
	:al=\EE:am:bs:bt=\EI:cd=\EY:ce=\ET:cl=↑Z:cm=\E=%+ %+ :co#132:\
# # --------------------------------
# z: MISC (cont)
z4|cad68-3|cgc3|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 3 chars:\
z5|cad68-2|cgc2|cad68 basic monitor transparent mode size 2 chars:\
z6|v50|visual 50:\
z7|trs2|trsII|trs80II|Radio Shack Model II using P&T CP/M:\
	:al=↑D:am:bs:cd=↑B:ce=↑A:cl=↑L:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:\
	:al=\EI:am:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:ch=\EN%d:cl=↑L:cm=\EM%+ %d):\
	:cv=\EO+ :dc=\EP:dl=\EL:do=\EB:ei=\ER:im=\EQ:mi:nd=\EC:se=\ET:sf=\EE:\
z9|ps300|Picture System 300:us@:ue@:so@:se@:xt:pt@:tc=vt100:
# Kimtron TC entries include (undocumented) codes for: enter dim mode (mh),
# enter bold mode (md), enter reverse mode (mr), turn off all attributes (me)
# Kimtron ABM 85 added by Dual Systems
zd|abm85|Kimtron ABM 85:\
	:cm=\E=%+ %+ :do=↑J:nd=↑L:up=↑K:bt=\EI:\
# Kimtron ABM 85H added by Dual Systems.
# Some notes about the 85h entries:
# 1) there are several firmware revs of 85H in the world. Use o85h for 
#    firmware revs prior to SP51
# 2) Make sure to use 85h entry if the terminal is in 85H mode and the
#    85e entry if it is in 920 emulation mode. They are incompatible in
#    some places and NOT software settable i.e., `is' can't fix change it)
# 3) In 85h mode, the arrow keys and special functions transmit when
#    the terminal is in dup-edit, and work only locally in local-edit.
#    Vi won't swallow `del char' for instance, but `vs' turns on
#    dup-edit anyway so that the arrow keys will work right. If the
#    arrow keys don't work the way you like, change `vs', `ve', and `is'.
#    920E mode does not have software commands to toggle between dup
#    and local edit, so you get whatever was set last on the terminal.
# 4) vb attribute is nice, but seems too slow to work correctly (\Eb<pad>\Ed)
# 5) Make sure `hidden' attributes are selected. If `embedded' attributes
#    are selected, the entries :sg@: and :ug@: should be removed.
# 6) auto new-line should be on (selectable from setup mode only)
ze|85h|85H|abm85h|Kimtron ABM 85H, 85H mode:\
zf|85e|85E|abm85e|Kimtron ABM 85H, 920E mode:\
zg|o85h|oabm85h:Kimtron ABM 85H, old firmware rev.:\
zh|appleII|apple ii plus:vs=\024\103\066:ve=\024\103\062:\
        :cd=\013:so=\017:se=\016:cm=\036%r%+ %+ :is=\024T1\016:do=↑J:kd=↑J:\
#  Gary Ford 21NOV83
zi|apple-80|apple II with smarterm 80 col:\
        :cl=50↑L:cm=5↑↑%r%+ %+ :ta=↑I:bt=2↑R:cd=50↑K:\
zj|lisa|apple lisa xenix console display (white on black):\
zk|ibm|ibmpc|IBM PC xenix console display:\
zl|ibmc|ibmcpc|IBM PC xenix color console display:\
zm|kaypro|kaypro II:\
	:am:bs:cm=\E=%+ %+ :cl=1↑Z:co#80:ho=↑↑:li#24:ma=↑K↑P:nd=↑L:up=↑K:\
        :kr=:kl=↑H:ku=:kd=↑J:
# From Suk Lee ..!{decvax,linus,allegra,ihnp4}!utcsrgv!spoo
zn|trs100|Radio Shack Model 100:\
	:cd=\EJ:cl=\EE:xt:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
zt|mac|macintosh|Macintosh with MacTerminal:\
        :cm=\E=%+ %+ :cd=\EY:co#80:li#24:\
zu|go140|graphon go-140:\
zv|go140w|graphon go-140 in 132 column mode:\
zw|sanyo55|sanyo|sanyo mbc-55x pc compatible:\
# KERMIT standard all versions.  (gts 9-25-84)
# Straight ascii keyboard. :sr=\EI: not avail. many versions + bug prone in vi.
K0|kermit|standard kermit:\
	:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cl=\EE:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:ho=\EH:li#24:nd=\EC:up=\EA:\
	:ku=↑K:kd=↑J:kl=↑H:kr=↑L:kh=↑↑:ma=h\012jklH:\
	:is=K0 Standard Kermit  9-25-84\n:
K1|kermitam|standard kermit plus am:\
	:am:is=K1 Standard Kermit plus Automatic Margins\n:tc=kermit:
# IBMPC Kermit 1.2.  (gts 8-30-84)
# Bugs :cd:ce: do not work except at beginning of line!  :cl: does not work,
# but fake with :cl=\EH\EJ (since :cd=\EJ: works at beginning of line).
K2|pckermit|pckermit12|UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2:\
	:is=K2 UCB IBMPC Kermit 1.2  8-30-84\n:tc=kermit:
#  ------------------------