DIRECTORY AMBridge, AMTypes, IO, PrintTV, Rope, RopePrivate, Rosary; RosaryImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, IO, PrintTV, RopePrivate EXPORTS Rosary ~ BEGIN OPEN Rosary; Malformed: PUBLIC ERROR ~ CODE; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; NonNeg: PROC [x: INT] RETURNS [INT] ~ RopePrivate.NonNeg; Size: PUBLIC PROC [r: Ref] RETURNS [INT] ~ { RETURN [IF r = NIL THEN 0 ELSE r.size] }; InlineSize: PROC [r: Ref] RETURNS [INT] ~ INLINE { RETURN [IF r = NIL THEN 0 ELSE r.size] }; BoundsCheck: PROC [i: INT, max: INT] ~ INLINE { boundsCheck: [0..0] ~ MIN[max-i, 0]; }; Fetch: PUBLIC PROC [base: Ref, index: INT] RETURNS [Item] ~ { BoundsCheck[index, InlineSize[base]-1]; DO WITH base SELECT FROM f: REF Rep.leaf => {RETURN [f.item]}; c: REF Rep.concat => { pos: INT ~ c.base.size; IF index < pos THEN base _ c.base ELSE {base _; index _ index-pos}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Malformed; ENDLOOP; }; FetchRun: PUBLIC PROC [base: Ref, index: INT] RETURNS [Run] ~ { BoundsCheck[index, InlineSize[base]-1]; DO WITH base SELECT FROM f: REF Rep.leaf => {RETURN [[f.item, f.size-index]]}; c: REF Rep.concat => { pos: INT ~ c.base.size; IF index < pos THEN base _ c.base ELSE {base _; index _ index-pos}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Malformed; ENDLOOP; }; FromItem: PUBLIC PROC [item: Item, repeat: INT] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { r: REF Rep.leaf _ NEW[Rep.leaf]; r.size _ repeat; r.height _ 1; r.item _ item; RETURN [r]; }; Substr: PUBLIC PROC [base: Ref, start: INT, len: INT] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { [[base, start, len]] _ FixSegment[[base, start, len]]; IF base = NIL OR (start = 0 AND len = base.size) THEN RETURN [base]; RETURN [CatSegments[[base, start, len], nullSegment, nullSegment]]; }; LazyConcat: PROC [base, rest: Ref] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { IF base=NIL THEN RETURN [rest] ELSE IF rest=NIL THEN RETURN [base] ELSE { r: REF Rep.concat _ NEW[Rep.concat]; r.size _ base.size + rest.size; r.height _ 1+MAX[base.height, rest.height]; r.base _ base; _ rest; RETURN [r]; }; }; Concat: PUBLIC PROC [base, rest: Ref] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { IF base=NIL THEN RETURN [rest]; IF rest=NIL THEN RETURN [base]; IF base.height >= maxHeight-1 OR rest.height >= maxHeight-1 THEN { RETURN [CatSegments[[base], [rest], nullSegment]]; } ELSE RETURN [LazyConcat[base, rest]]; }; Cat: PUBLIC PROC [r0, r1, r2, r3, r4: Ref] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { RETURN [Concat[Concat[r0,r1], Concat[Concat[r2, r3], r4]]]; }; CatSegments: PUBLIC PROC [s0, s1, s2: Segment] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { a: ARep; -- An extensible array that is very cheap if it is small. aN: INT _ 0; AElement: TYPE ~ Ref; d: NAT ~ 40; ARep: TYPE ~ RECORD[index: INT_0, sub: ARRAY [0..d) OF AElement, rest: REF ARep_NIL]; accel: REF ARep _ NIL; StoreA: PROC [i: INT, e: AElement] ~ { IF i-a.index < d THEN a.sub[i-a.index] _ e ELSE { IF = NIL THEN { _ accel _ NEW[ARep]; accel.index _ d}; IF i < accel.index THEN accel _; WHILE i-accel.index >= d DO IF = NIL THEN { _ NEW[ARep];}; accel _; ENDLOOP; accel.sub[i-accel.index] _ e; }; }; ASub: PROC [i: INT] RETURNS [e: AElement] ~ { IF i-a.index < d THEN e _ a.sub[i-a.index] ELSE { IF i < accel.index THEN accel _; WHILE i-accel.index >= d DO accel _ ENDLOOP; e _ accel.sub[i-accel.index]; }; }; nb: NAT _ 0; b: Item _ NIL; Flush: PROC ~ { IF nb > 0 THEN { f: REF Rep.leaf _ NEW[Rep.leaf]; f.size _ nb; f.height _ 1; f.item _ b; nb _ 0; b _ NIL; StoreA[aN, f]; aN _ aN + 1; }; }; CheckItem: PROC[new: Item] ~ { IF nb = 0 AND aN > 0 THEN { WITH ASub[aN-1] SELECT FROM f: REF Rep.leaf => { IF f.item = new THEN { b _ new; nb _ f.size; aN _ aN - 1; }; }; ENDCASE => NULL; }; }; SaveSegment: PROC [segment: Segment] ~ { IF segment.base # NIL THEN WITH segment.base SELECT FROM f: REF Rep.leaf => { CheckItem[f.item]; IF nb > 0 AND b = f.item THEN nb _ nb + segment.size ELSE { Flush[]; IF segment.start = 0 AND segment.size = f.size THEN {StoreA[aN, f]; aN _ aN + 1} ELSE {b _ f.item; nb _ segment.size}; }; }; ENDCASE => { IF segment.start = 0 AND segment.size = segment.base.size THEN NULL ELSE ERROR; Flush[]; StoreA[aN, segment.base]; aN _ aN + 1; }; }; BalanceRange: PROC [first: INT, end: INT, size: INT] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { Dbl: PROC [int: INT] RETURNS [INT] ~ INLINE { IF int > LAST[INT]/2 THEN RETURN [LAST[INT]] ELSE RETURN [int+int]; }; IF first = end THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE IF end-first = 1 THEN RETURN[ASub[first]] ELSE { i: INT _ first+1; sizetoi: INT _ ASub[first].size; FOR sizei: INT _ ASub[i].size, ASub[i].size WHILE i < end-1 AND ((sizetoi+sizei)*2 < size OR ABS[sizetoi*2-size] > ABS[(sizetoi+sizei)*2-size]) DO sizetoi _ sizetoi + sizei; i _ i + 1; ENDLOOP; RETURN[LazyConcat[BalanceRange[first, i, sizetoi], BalanceRange[i, end, size-sizetoi]]]; }; }; s0 _ FixSegment[s0]; s1 _ FixSegment[s1]; s2 _ FixSegment[s2]; MapSegments[s0, SaveSegment, SegmentIsBalanced]; MapSegments[s1, SaveSegment, SegmentIsBalanced]; MapSegments[s2, SaveSegment, SegmentIsBalanced]; Flush[]; RETURN [BalanceRange[0, aN, s0.size+s1.size+s2.size]] }; FixSegment: PROC [s: Segment] RETURNS [Segment] ~ { [] _ NonNeg[s.start]; [] _ NonNeg[s.size]; IF s.base = NIL THEN {[] _ NonNeg[-s.start]; s.size _ 0} ELSE {s.size _ NonNeg[MIN[s.size, s.base.size-s.start]]}; RETURN [s]; }; BadSegment: SIGNAL ~ CODE; SegmentIsBalanced: PROC [segment: Segment] RETURNS [BOOL] ~ { IF segment.base = NIL THEN RETURN [TRUE] ELSE { size: INT ~ segment.base.size; height: INT ~ segment.base.height; IF segment.start # 0 OR segment.size # size OR height > maxHeight OR size < minSizeForHeight[height] THEN RETURN [FALSE] ELSE RETURN [TRUE] }; }; minSizeForHeight: ARRAY [0..maxHeight) OF INT ~ InitMinSizeForHeight[]; InitMinSizeForHeight: PROC RETURNS [h: ARRAY [0..maxHeight) OF INT] ~ { h[0] _ 0; -- NIL has height 0, size 0. h[1] _ 1; -- Must have at least one element to warrant any allocation. h[2] _ 2; -- Must be at least this big to warrant any concat nodes. FOR i: NAT IN [3..maxHeight) DO IF INT.LAST - h[i-1] < h[i-2] THEN h[i] _ INT.LAST ELSE h[i] _ h[i-1] + h[i-2]; ENDLOOP; }; MapSegments: PROC[segment: Segment, action: PROC[Segment], stopDescent: PROC[Segment]RETURNS[BOOL]_NIL] ~{ IF stopDescent#NIL AND stopDescent[segment] THEN action[segment] ELSE { size: INT ~ InlineSize[segment.base]; end: INT ~ segment.start+segment.size; IF segment.start < 0 OR end NOT IN [segment.start..segment.start+size] THEN ERROR BadSegment; WITH segment.base SELECT FROM concat: REF Rep.concat => { pos: INT ~ concat.base.size; IF segment.start < pos THEN { MapSegments[[concat.base, segment.start, MIN[end, pos]-segment.start], action, stopDescent]; }; IF end > pos THEN { newStart: INT _ MAX[segment.start-pos, 0]; newEnd: INT _ end-pos; MapSegments[[, newStart, newEnd-newStart], action, stopDescent]; }; }; ENDCASE => action[segment]; }; }; FromProc: PUBLIC PROC [size: INT, proc: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS[Item]] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { p: PROC[q: PROC[item: Item, repeat: INT _ 1]] ~ { FOR i: INT IN [0..size) DO q[proc[], 1]; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [FromProcProc[p]]; }; FromProcProc: PUBLIC PROC [p: PROC[q: PROC[item: Item, repeat: INT]]] RETURNS [Ref _ NIL] ~ { a: ARRAY [0..maxHeight] OF Ref; nb: NAT _ 0; b: Item _ NIL; Fold: PROC [new: Ref] ~ { i: NAT _ 0; DO IF a[i] = NIL THEN {a[i] _ new; EXIT}; new _ LazyConcat[a[i], new]; a[i] _ NIL; IF i < maxHeight THEN i _ i + 1; ENDLOOP; }; Flush: PROC ~ { IF nb > 0 THEN { f: REF Rep.leaf _ NEW[Rep.leaf]; f.size _ nb; f.height _ 1; f.item _ b; nb _ 0; Fold[f]; }; }; q: PROC[item: Item, repeat: INT] ~ { IF nb > 0 AND item = b THEN {nb _ nb + repeat} ELSE {Flush[]; b _ item; nb _ repeat}; }; ref: Ref _ NIL; p[q]; Flush[]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..maxHeight] DO IF a[i] # NIL THEN { ref _ LazyConcat[a[i], ref]; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN [ref]; }; Map: PUBLIC PROC [s: Segment, action: ActionType] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { stack: ARRAY [0..maxHeight) OF Ref; stackSize: [0..maxHeight] _ 0; s _ FixSegment[s]; DO -- exit by RETURN WITH s.base SELECT FROM c: REF Rep.concat => { pos: INT ~ c.base.size; IF s.start < pos THEN {stack[stackSize]; stackSize_stackSize+1; s.base_c.base} ELSE {s.start _ s.start - pos; s.base _}; }; t: REF Rep.leaf => { WHILE s.start < t.size DO IF action[t.item] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; s.start _ s.start + 1; s.size _ s.size - 1; ENDLOOP; IF stackSize = 0 THEN RETURN [FALSE]; stackSize _ stackSize - 1; s.base _ stack[stackSize]; s.start _ 0; }; ENDCASE => RETURN [FALSE]; ENDLOOP; }; MapRuns: PUBLIC PROC [s: Segment, action: RunActionType] RETURNS [quit: BOOLEAN] ~ { IF s.base # NIL THEN { s.size _ NonNeg[MIN[s.size, s.base.size-s.start]]; DO WITH s.base SELECT FROM f: REF Rep.leaf => { start: INT ~ s.start; end: INT ~ start+s.size; item: Item ~ f.item; IF action[item, s.size] THEN RETURN [TRUE]; EXIT; }; c: REF Rep.concat => { IF s.start < c.base.size THEN { IF MapRuns[[c.base, s.start, s.size], action].quit THEN RETURN [TRUE]; }; s.start _ s.start - c.base.size; IF s.start < 0 THEN { s.size _ s.size + s.start; s.start _ 0; }; s.base _; IF s.size <= 0 THEN EXIT; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Malformed; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [FALSE]; }; FetchBuffer: PUBLIC PROC [base: Ref, index: INT, maxCount: [0..bufferSize]] RETURNS [b: Buffer] ~ { stack: ARRAY [0..maxHeight) OF Ref; stackSize: [0..maxHeight] _ 0; b.count _ 0; DO -- exit by RETURN WITH base SELECT FROM c: REF Rep.concat => { pos: INT ~ c.base.size; IF index < pos THEN {stack[stackSize]; stackSize_stackSize + 1; base_c.base} ELSE {index _ index - pos; base _}; }; t: REF Rep.leaf => { WHILE index < t.size DO IF b.count = maxCount THEN RETURN; b.a[b.count] _ t.item; index _ index + 1; b.count _ b.count + 1; ENDLOOP; IF stackSize = 0 THEN RETURN; stackSize _ stackSize - 1; base _ stack[stackSize]; index _ 0; }; ENDCASE => RETURN; ENDLOOP; }; FromList: PUBLIC PROC [list: LIST OF REF] RETURNS [Ref] ~ { p: PROC[q: PROC[item: REF, repeat: INT _ 1]] ~ { FOR l: LIST OF REF _ list, UNTIL l = NIL DO q[l.first]; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [FromProcProc[p]] }; ToList: PUBLIC PROC [r: Ref] RETURNS [LIST OF REF] ~ { head: LIST OF REF ~ LIST[NIL]; tail: LIST OF REF _ head; action: ActionType ~ { _ LIST[item]; tail _; }; RETURN []; }; TVPrint: PrintTV.TVPrintProc ~ TRUSTED { IF NOT AMBridge.IsRemote[tv] THEN RETURN [RefPrint[AMBridge.ReadOnlyRefFromTV[tv], NIL, stream, depth, width, verbose]]; }; RefPrint: PrintTV.RefPrintProc ~ TRUSTED { WITH LOOPHOLE[ref, REF] SELECT FROM r: Ref => { size: INT ~ Size[r]; i: INT _ 0; action: ActionType ~ TRUSTED { itemTV: AMTypes.TV; WITH item SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => itemTV _ AMBridge.TVForATOM[atom]; rope: ROPE => itemTV _ AMBridge.TVForROPE[rope]; ENDCASE => { itemTV _ AMBridge.TVForReadOnlyReferent[item]; IF item # NIL THEN IO.PutRope[stream, "^"]; }; PrintTV.Print[tv: itemTV, put: stream, depth: depth, width: width, verbose: verbose]; i _ i + 1; IF i # size THEN IO.PutRope[stream, ", "]; quit _ (i >= width); }; IO.PutRope[stream, "ROSARY["]; IF Map[[r],action].quit THEN IO.PutRope[stream, "..."]; IO.PutRope[stream, "]"]; RETURN [useOld: FALSE]; }; ENDCASE => NULL; RETURN [useOld: TRUE]; }; PrintTV.RegisterTVPrintProc[[CODE[Rep]], TVPrint]; END. „RosaryImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Michael Plass, March 11, 1985 3:02:38 pm PST Never trys to rebalance. Tries to pull the last item back into b, if it will coalese with the new one. Balances pieces [first..end), whose sizes must sum to size. Examines only the root. Use Fibonacci recurrence to compute rest. Be careful about overflow here... The contents of the current node is represented by the concatenation of ropes in order by decreasing index, together with the contents of b. The size of a[i] is either 0 or approximately flatMax*2**i; building the Ref this way yields a balanced Ref. ΚΩ˜™Icodešœ Οmœ1™