Last edited by Spreitzer, March 14, 1985 11:59:22 am PST
© Copyright 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
TermEm emulates a standard array-of-characters style terminal.
Keywords: terminal, emulate, simulate, TTY, glass, character, screen
XEROX  Xerox Corporation
   Palo Alto Research Center
   3333 Coyote Hill Road
   Palo Alto, California 94304

For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. User Interface
TermEm is like Chat, in that it provides Pup telnet connections. It differs from Chat in that the kind of terminal it emulates is more sophisticated. Chat can only append characters to a linear typescript. TermEm models a terminal with an array of characters, which is randomly addressable.
Currently, the only terminal type available is a VT52. Perhaps someone will change this in the future.
2. Installation
BringOver the public part of TermEm.DF into ///Commands/. Then, from any directory, issue the TermEm command.
3. Bugs and Misfeatures
You can shift-select from a TermEm viewer. You should not try to `stuff' characters into it.
The control keys have the usual ASCII meanings. The looks key sets the eighth bit of the character.
You should not try any Tioga editing operations on the TermEm viewer. Since the control and looks keys have been trapped, there are few available. But if you think of one, don't try it.
To attract the attention of a TermEm viewer, simply select anywhere in it. User selection operations do not affect where the logical cursor of the terminal is. The caret you see tries to track the logical cursor, but fails sometimes. When a TermEm viewer is first created, it looks like you have its attention, but you don't; click in it before trying to do something.
Tioga will scroll the viewer psuedo-randomly.