-- ColorDisplayDoc.tioga
-- Mik Lamming - January 11, 1984 9:04 am
Last Edited by: Ken Pier, February 2, 1984 3:47 pm
Last Edited by: Nickell, April 1, 1985 5:57:20 am PST
DF file: /indigo/PostCedar5.2/Top/ColorDisplay.df
Documentation: /indigo/PostCedar5.2/Documentation/ColorDisplayDoc.tioga
Implementor: Lamming, Pier
Maintainer: Nickell.pasa
Has been change for PostCedar5.2 from Cedar5.1 as follows:
1. A client interface has been added
2. Can now determine the actual state of the color display, and therefore gets less confused when interacting with other packages that modify the state of the display.
3. Is a little smarter about what to do when only the side of the color display is being changed.
4. Restores viewers and icons to the color column if it was necessary to turn off the color display.
The Interface
ColorDisplay has now been broken into a client interface (and implementation...) and a client which implements a command which folks can use from a CommandTool. See ColorDisplay.mesa for details of the interface.
The Button
When the ColorDisplay command is initialized, a Color button is established in the message window. Left-click to turn the color display on and off. Right-click for more options, and to see the current state. Middle-click to blank the the color display for about 10 seconds (the significance of which is that the color display ceases to be a Dorado pig for right around 10 seconds).
The Command
% ColorDisplay -- Turns it on if it was off or vice-versa.
-- When turning it on it sets it up like it was when last turned off
% ColorDisplay on -- Turns it on whatever state it was in before
% ColorDisplay off -- Turns it off whatever state it was in before
% ColorDisplay <n> -- Turns the display on with <n> bits per point n = {1,2,4,8,24}
% ColorDisplay left -- Turns the display on with the color display logically to the left of the b/w display
% ColorDisplay right -- Turns the display on with the color display logically to the right of the b/w display
% ColorDisplay default -- Turns the display on in default mode described by profile
% ColorDisplay ? -- Report display mode
User profile options:
Color Display Tool Options
ColorDisplay.Side: [left/right]
ColorDisplay.BitsPerPoint: [1,2,4,8,24]
ColorDisplay.Type: [1024x768, 640x480]