-- CGClipperImpl.mesa -- Last changed by Doug Wyatt, September 20, 1982 4:19 pm DIRECTORY CGArea, CGClipper, CGReducer, CGStorage USING [pZone, qZone], GraphicsBasic, Inline USING [BITAND, BITOR]; CGClipperImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CGArea, CGReducer, CGStorage, Inline EXPORTS CGClipper = { OPEN CGClipper, GraphicsBasic; repZone: ZONE = CGStorage.qZone; boxZone: ZONE = CGStorage.qZone; dataZone: ZONE = CGStorage.pZone; nodeZone: ZONE = CGStorage.qZone; edgeZone: ZONE = CGStorage.qZone; Edge: TYPE = CGReducer.Edge; EdgeRep: TYPE = CGReducer.EdgeRep; nil: CGReducer.EdgeIndex = CGReducer.nil; nullBox: Box = [0,0,0,0]; nullNode: NodeRep = [FALSE,0,0,0,0,NIL,NIL]; nullEdge: EdgeRep = [this: nil, next: nil, up: FALSE, vert: FALSE, line: FALSE, lastR: FALSE, tag: 0, xbot: 0, ybot: 0, xtop: 0, ytop: 0, a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, slope: 0, yemit: 0]; Error: PUBLIC ERROR[type: ErrorType] = CODE; New: PUBLIC PROC[size: NAT] RETURNS[Ref] = { self: Ref _ repZone.NEW[Rep _ [isbox: FALSE, isallboxes: TRUE, size: 0, data: NIL, box: NIL]]; [] _ GetData[self,size]; self.box _ boxZone.NEW[Box _ nullBox]; RETURN[self]; }; GetData: PROC[self: Ref, size: NAT] RETURNS[Data] = { data: Data _ self.data; space: NAT _ IF data=NIL THEN 0 ELSE data.space; IF space0 AND mybox.ymin<=p.y AND p.y0 AND mybox.ymin=box.ymax THEN EXIT; -- nodes are sorted by ymin IF box.ymin0 AND mybox.ymin=box.ymax THEN EXIT; -- nodes are sorted by ymin IF box.yminymax OR ymin>=mybox.ymax THEN RETURN; IF p.x<=q.x THEN { xmin _ p.x; xmax _ q.x } ELSE { xmin _ q.x; xmax _ p.x }; IF mybox.xmin>xmax OR xmin>=mybox.xmax THEN RETURN; FOR i: NAT IN[0..size) DO node: Node _ data[i]; IF node.ymin>ymax THEN EXIT; -- nodes are sorted by ymin IF yminnode.ymax THEN out.top _ TRUE; IF xnode.xmax THEN out.right _ TRUE; RETURN[out] }; Reject: PROC[a,b: Out] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN[Inline.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[a],LOOPHOLE[b]]#LOOPHOLE[0]] }; Accept: PROC[a,b: Out] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN[Inline.BITOR[LOOPHOLE[a],LOOPHOLE[b]]=LOOPHOLE[0]] }; outp: Out _ Code[pp.x,pp.y]; outq: Out _ Code[qq.x,qq.y]; UNTIL Reject[outp,outq] DO out: Out; x,y: REAL; IF Accept[outp,outq] THEN { IF pp.y<=qq.y THEN proc[[ ybot: pp.y, xbotL: pp.x, xbotR: pp.x, ytop: qq.y, xtopL: qq.x, xtopR: qq.x, line: TRUE]] ELSE proc[[ ybot: qq.y, xbotL: qq.x, xbotR: qq.x, ytop: pp.y, xtopL: pp.x, xtopR: pp.x, line: TRUE]]; EXIT }; out _ IF outp#noneOut THEN outp ELSE outq; SELECT TRUE FROM out.bottom => { x _ pp.x + (qq.x - pp.x)*(node.ymin - pp.y)/(qq.y - pp.y); y _ node.ymin }; out.top => { x _ pp.x + (qq.x - pp.x)*(node.ymax - pp.y)/(qq.y - pp.y); y _ node.ymax }; out.left => { y _ pp.y + (qq.y - pp.y)*(node.xmin - pp.x)/(qq.x - pp.x); x _ node.xmin }; out.right => { y _ pp.y + (qq.y - pp.y)*(node.xmax - pp.x)/(qq.x - pp.x); x _ node.xmax }; ENDCASE; IF out=outp THEN { pp.x _ x; pp.y _ y; outp _ Code[x,y] } ELSE { qq.x _ x; qq.y _ y; outq _ Code[x,y] }; ENDLOOP; }; ENDLOOP; }; Load: PUBLIC PROC[self: Ref, reducer: CGReducer.Ref] = { size: NAT _ self.size; data: Data _ self.data; FOR i: NAT IN[0..size) DO node: Node _ data[i]; CGReducer.Clip[reducer,node.edgeL,node.edgeR]; ENDLOOP; }; -- load all clipping edges into reducer SetBox: PUBLIC PROC[self: Ref, box: Box] = { data: Data _ GetData[self,1]; node: Node _ data[0]; edgeL: Edge _ node.edgeL; edgeR: Edge _ node.edgeR; node.isbox _ TRUE; node.ymin _ edgeL.ybot _ edgeR.ybot _ box.ymin; node.ymax _ edgeL.ytop _ edgeR.ytop _ box.ymax; node.xmin _ edgeL.xbot _ edgeL.xtop _ box.xmin; node.xmax _ edgeR.xbot _ edgeR.xtop _ box.xmax; edgeL.slope _ edgeR.slope _ 0; edgeL.a _ edgeR.a _ -1; edgeL.b _ edgeR.b _ 0; edgeL.c _ box.xmin; edgeR.c _ box.xmax; edgeL.vert _ edgeR.vert _ TRUE; self.box^ _ box; self.isbox _ TRUE; self.isallboxes _ TRUE; self.size _ 1; }; -- set the clip area to the given box SetArea: PUBLIC PROC[self: Ref, area: CGArea.Ref] = { size: NAT _ CGArea.Size[area]; data: Data _ GetData[self,size]; box: REF Box _ self.box; self.isallboxes _ TRUE; FOR i: NAT IN[0..size) DO trap: Trap _ CGArea.Remove[area]; node: Node _ data[i]; edgeL: Edge _ node.edgeL; edgeR: Edge _ node.edgeR; IF trap.rectangle THEN { node.isbox _ TRUE; node.ymin _ edgeL.ybot _ edgeR.ybot _ trap.ybot; node.ymax _ edgeL.ytop _ edgeR.ytop _ trap.ytop; node.xmin _ edgeL.xbot _ edgeL.xtop _ trap.xbotL; node.xmax _ edgeR.xbot _ edgeR.xtop _ trap.xbotR; edgeL.slope _ edgeR.slope _ 0; edgeL.a _ edgeR.a _ -1; edgeL.b _ edgeR.b _ 0; edgeL.c _ trap.xbotL; edgeR.c _ trap.xbotR; edgeL.vert _ edgeR.vert _ TRUE; } ELSE { dy: REAL _ trap.ytop - trap.ybot; dxL: REAL _ trap.xtopL - trap.xbotL; dxR: REAL _ trap.xtopR - trap.xbotR; node.isbox _ FALSE; self.isallboxes _ FALSE; node.ymin _ edgeL.ybot _ edgeR.ybot _ trap.ybot; node.ymax _ edgeL.ytop _ edgeR.ytop _ trap.ytop; edgeL.xbot _ trap.xbotL; edgeL.xtop _ trap.xtopL; edgeL.slope _ (trap.xtopL - trap.xbotL)/dy; edgeL.vert _ (edgeL.slope=0); edgeR.xbot _ trap.xbotR; edgeR.xtop _ trap.xtopR; edgeR.slope _ (trap.xtopR - trap.xbotR)/dy; edgeL.a _ dy; edgeL.b _ -dxL; edgeL.c _ trap.ybot*dxL-trap.xbotL*dy; edgeR.a _ dy; edgeR.b _ -dxR; edgeR.c _ trap.ybot*dxR-trap.xbotR*dy; edgeR.vert _ (edgeR.slope=0); node.xmin _ MIN[edgeL.xbot,edgeL.xtop]; node.xmax _ MAX[edgeR.xbot,edgeR.xtop]; }; IF i=0 THEN { box.xmin _ node.xmin; box.xmax _ node.xmax; box.ymin _ node.ymin; box.ymax _ node.ymax; } ELSE { box.xmin _ MIN[box.xmin,node.xmin]; box.xmax _ MAX[box.xmax,node.xmax]; box.ymin _ MIN[box.ymin,node.ymin]; box.ymax _ MAX[box.ymax,node.ymax]; }; ENDLOOP; IF size=0 THEN box^ _ nullBox; self.isbox _ size=1 AND self.isallboxes; self.size _ size; }; -- set the clip area to the given area Copy: PUBLIC PROC[self: Ref] RETURNS[Ref] = { size: NAT _ self.size; old: Data _ self.data; copy: Ref _ New[size]; new: Data _ copy.data; FOR i: NAT IN[0..size) DO oldnode: Node _ old[i]; newnode: Node _ new[i]; newnode.isbox _ oldnode.isbox; newnode.xmin _ oldnode.xmin; newnode.xmax _ oldnode.xmax; newnode.ymin _ oldnode.ymin; newnode.ymax _ oldnode.ymax; newnode.edgeL^ _ oldnode.edgeL^; newnode.edgeR^ _ oldnode.edgeR^; ENDLOOP; copy.box^ _ self.box^; copy.isbox _ self.isbox; copy.isallboxes _ self.isallboxes; copy.size _ size; RETURN[copy]; }; -- make a copy of the clipper Assign: PUBLIC PROC[self: Ref, copy: Ref] = { size: NAT _ copy.size; new: Data _ copy.data; old: Data _ GetData[self,size]; FOR i: NAT IN[0..size) DO newnode: Node _ new[i]; oldnode: Node _ old[i]; oldnode.isbox _ newnode.isbox; oldnode.xmin _ newnode.xmin; oldnode.xmax _ newnode.xmax; oldnode.ymin _ newnode.ymin; oldnode.ymax _ newnode.ymax; oldnode.edgeL^ _ newnode.edgeL^; oldnode.edgeR^ _ newnode.edgeR^; ENDLOOP; self.box^ _ copy.box^; self.isbox _ copy.isbox; self.isallboxes _ copy.isallboxes; self.size _ size; }; -- restore the clip area from another clipper }. 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