-- Graphics.mesa -- Last changed by Doug Wyatt, September 8, 1980 1:44 PM -- This is the lower-level interface to the Cedar Graphics package DIRECTORY Vector USING [Vec, Matrix], ImageObj USING [Handle], Cubic USING [Coeffs], Style USING [PaintingFunction, Texture, Color], OpaqueDevice USING [DeviceContext]; Graphics: DEFINITIONS = { DisplayContext: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO DisplayData; DisplayData: PRIVATE TYPE; DeviceContext: TYPE = OpaqueDevice.DeviceContext; -- NewContext returns a display context for the given device. -- The initial clipping boundary is the entire screen. -- The initial transformation puts the origin in the lower left corner -- and establishes a coordinate system measured in points. -- If the DeviceContext is NIL, NewContext returns a DisplayContext -- for the full Alto display. NewContext: PROCEDURE[device: DeviceContext _ NIL] RETURNS[DisplayContext]; InitContext: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; PushContext: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; PushBaseContext: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; PopContext: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- CopyContext copies the information in the given display context. CopyContext: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[DisplayContext]; -- FreeContext frees the storage for a display context. FreeContext: PROCEDURE[dcPtr: LONG POINTER TO DisplayContext]; -- Drawing Style routines PaintingFunction: TYPE = Style.PaintingFunction; -- {replace,paint,invert,erase}; Texture: TYPE = Style.Texture; -- for now, a 4x4 bit block white: Texture=0; black: Texture=177777B; grey: Texture=122645B; Color: TYPE = Style.Color; -- SetPaint sets the painting function for area filling. SetPaint: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, p: PaintingFunction _ paint]; -- GetPaint returns the current painting function. GetPaint: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[PaintingFunction]; -- SetTexture sets the texture for area filling. SetTexture: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, t: Texture _ black]; -- GetTexture returns the current texture. GetTexture: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[Texture]; -- SetColor sets the color for area filling. SetColor: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, c: Color _ [255,255,255]]; -- GetColor returns the current color. GetColor: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[Color]; -- Display information Vec: TYPE = Vector.Vec; -- DisplaySize returns the size of a bounding rectangle for the display. DisplaySize: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[Vec]; -- Transformation routines -- Translate translates the context coordinate system by (v.x,v.y). -- (x' , y') = (x - v.x , y - v.y) Translate: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec]; -- Scale scales the context coordinate system by (v.x,v.y). -- (x' , y') = (x * v.x , y * v.y) Scale: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec]; -- Rotate rotates the display coordinate system counterclockwise. -- The angle is measured in degrees. -- (x' , y') = (y , -x) after a 90 degree rotation. Rotate: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, angle: REAL]; -- Concatenate postmultiplies the current transformation by the given matrix. Concatenate: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, m: Vector.Matrix]; -- Map maps a point from one context coordinate system to another. -- The source point (sp) is interpreted in the source context (sdc). -- The resulting point (dp) is the same point expressed in the -- coordinate system of the destination context (ddc). Map: PROCEDURE[sdc,ddc: DisplayContext, sp: Vec] RETURNS[dp: Vec]; -- This is a temporary crock for mapping the cursor position into user space. ScreenPoint: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec] RETURNS[Vec]; -- Line and Area drawing routines SetLineWidth: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, w: REAL]; GetLineWidth: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[REAL]; MoveTo,RelMoveTo: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec]; DrawTo,RelDrawTo: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec]; DrawCubic: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, c: POINTER TO Cubic.Coeffs]; -- GetPosition returns the current position in user coordinates. GetPosition: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[Vec]; -- The following routines fill a specified area on the display, using the -- current display context values for paint, texture, and color. -- EnterPoint, EnterCubic, and NewBoundary are used to define a region -- to be filled by DrawArea. -- A path is a set of one or more polygonal boundaries. -- StartLinePath initializes a path for a line of the given width. StartLinePath: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, width: REAL]; -- StartSplinePath initializes a path for a spline curve. StartSplinePath: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, width: REAL]; -- StartAreaPath initializes a path for a filled area. StartAreaPath: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, oddeven: BOOLEAN_FALSE]; -- EnterPoint stores a point into the current boundary. EnterPoint: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, v: Vec]; -- EnterCubic stores the given cubic section into the current boundary. EnterCubic: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, c: POINTER TO Cubic.Coeffs]; -- NewBoundary ends the current boundary and starts a new one. NewBoundary: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- DestroyPath discards the current path, if any. DestroyPath: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- DrawArea fills the area defined by the current path, using the -- current style parameters. It then discards the path. DrawArea: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- DrawImage fills the area defined by the current path, using the -- given source image. It then discards the path. DrawImage: PUBLIC PROC[dc:DisplayContext,image:ImageObj.Handle]; -- DrawRectangle fills a rectangle with the given corners, -- using the current style parameters. DrawRectangle: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, ll,ur: Vec]; -- DrawScreenArea draws an area covering the entire screen DrawScreenArea: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- Text display routines -- The following procedures are used for the display of text. They use -- and modify the display context position (set by MoveTo or RelMoveTo). FontId: TYPE[1]; -- a short identifier for a font family and face -- MakeFont and MakeTexFont returns a short unique identifier for the -- given font family and face (e.g., Helvetica bold, CMR10) MakeFont: PROCEDURE[family: STRING, bold,italic: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS[FontId]; MakeTexFont: PROCEDURE[family: STRING, logicalSize: REAL] RETURNS[FontId]; -- SetFont sets the font to be used for text display. The size parameter -- gives the font's "point size" in user coordinates. Coordinates in -- a newly-created display context are measured in points, so -- helvB_MakeFont["Helvetica", bold: TRUE]; -- SetFont[dc,helvB,10]; DisplayString["Hello"]; -- will display "Hello" in 10-point Helvetica bold. SetFont: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, font: FontId, size: REAL]; -- DisplayChar displays a character in the current font. The character's -- origin is placed at the current position, and the position is updated -- by the character's width. DisplayChar: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, c: CHARACTER]; -- DisplayString displays a string in the current font. It has the same -- effect as calling DisplayChar for each character, but is more efficient. DisplayString: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, s: LONG STRING]; -- The routines in the following group all return dimensions in the -- current coordinate system. CharData: TYPE = RECORD[size,origin,width: Vec]; -- For some cd: CharData, -- cd.size gives the width and height of the box -- dx=cd.size.x, dy=cd.size.y -- cd.offset is a vector from the character origin to the box origin -- ox=cd.offset.x, oy=cd.offset.y. -- cd.width is a vector from the character origin to the origin -- of the following character -- GetCharBox obtains the bounding box and width vector for a character -- in the current font. GetCharBox: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, c: CHARACTER, data: POINTER TO CharData]; -- GetStringBox obtains the bounding box and width vector for a string -- in the current font. GetStringBox: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, s: LONG STRING, data: POINTER TO CharData]; -- GetFontBox obtains the font bounding box and maximum width -- for the current font. GetFontBox: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, data: POINTER TO CharData]; -- Boxing and clipping BoundingBox: TYPE = ARRAY [0..4) OF Vec; -- InitBoxer initializes the display context variables that determine the -- boxing parameters of a display object. The boxer will maintain a bounding -- box for all subsequent displayed objects. InitBoxer: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- StopBoxer stops the boxing process. -- It returns the bounding box in the user coordinate system. StopBoxer: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, bbox: POINTER TO BoundingBox]; -- PushClipBox sets the bounding box for an object about to be displayed. -- Subsequently displayed objects must fall within the given box until -- PopClipBox is called. Use this with caution! PushClipBox: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext, bbox: POINTER TO BoundingBox]; -- PopClipBox ends the scope of the previously given bounding box. PopClipBox: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- Visible returns TRUE if any portion of the clipping area -- (within the current bounding box, if any) is visible. Visible: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]; -- SetClipArea sets the clipping area to that defined by the current path. SetClipArea: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; -- IntersectClipArea sets the clipping area to the intersection of the -- current clipping area and the area defined by the current path. IntersectClipArea: PROCEDURE[dc: DisplayContext]; GraphicsImpl: PRIVATE PROGRAM; GraphicsControl: PROGRAM; }.(673)