Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
MBrown on October 20, 1983 11:37 pm
Russ Atkinson, December 3, 1984 5:47:46 pm PST
Notes on the data structure
The color of a node should be thought of as the color of the edge coming into the
node. The general color invariants for red-black trees are that (1) all external nodes
are black, while internals are red or black, and (2) all paths from an internal node
to an external node contain the same number of black arcs.
The tree edges of a 2-3-4 tree become black arcs in the binarized red-black
representation, while the internal 2-, 3-, and 4-nodes are represented by connected
red subtrees: the degenerate one with one node, both of the possible two node trees,
and the completely balanced tree on three nodes. Another way of stating this
invariant is to say that no path contains two consecutive red arcs.
The top-down insertion algorithm below is from Program 5 of "A Dichromatic Framework
for Balanced Trees" by Leo Guibas and Bob Sedgewick. The deletion algorithm
incorporates several changes to the algorithm in that paper. This program was
originally adapted from Dave Gifford's StringStorageImpl.Mesa.
Basics USING [Comparison],
WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable USING[Node, Key, GetKey, Compare, Table, ErrorType];
WaterlilyRedBlackTreeImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable
EXPORTS WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable
SHARES WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable
= BEGIN OPEN WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable;
Comparison: TYPE = Basics.Comparison;
RedBlack: TYPE = BOOL;
Black: BOOL = FALSE;
DuplicateKey: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE;
Error: PUBLIC ERROR [ec: ErrorType] = CODE;
doChecking: BOOLEAN = TRUE;
forces extra validity checking of inputs.
Shared variables
y: Node;
z: Node ← NIL;
Procedures exported to WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable
Initialize: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [sentinel1, sentinel2: Node] = {
sentinel1.rbColor ← Red; sentinel1.rbLLink ← sentinel1.rbRLink ← NIL;
sentinel2.rbColor ← Black; sentinel2.rbLLink ← sentinel2.rbRLink ← sentinel1;
y ← sentinel1; z ← sentinel2 };
CreateTable: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[header: Node] RETURNS[Table] = {
IF z = NIL THEN ERROR Error[notInitialized];
header.rbColor ← Black; header.rbLLink ← NIL; header.rbRLink ← z;
RETURN [[header]] };
Insert: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table, nodeToInsert: Node, insertKey: Key] = {
Requires self.rbColor = self.rbRLink.rbColor = z.rbColor = Black, y.rbColor = Red.
x, gg, g, f: Node;
keyAlreadyPresent: BOOLEANTRUE;
c: Comparison ← greater; --since actual tree sits in right subtree of header node...
search the tree, rebalancing on the way down.
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
f ← self; x ← f.rbRLink;
IF (x.rbLLink.rbColor=Red) AND (x.rbRLink.rbColor=Red) THEN {
IF x=z THEN {
an external node has been found; check to be sure that a duplicate key is not present.
IF c = equal THEN EXIT;
perform the insertion.
x ← nodeToInsert; keyAlreadyPresent ← FALSE;
x.rbLLink ← z; x.rbRLink ← z;
IF c = less THEN f.rbLLink ← x ELSE f.rbRLink ← x;
c ← equal;
};--IF x is external
do color flip.
x.rbLLink.rbColor ← Black; x.rbRLink.rbColor ← Black; x.rbColor ← Red;
IF f.rbColor=Red THEN {
two reds in a row, so rebalance (gg may be self).
g ← Balance[gg, g, f, x];
x ← g;
};--IF parent is red
};--IF both children are red
IF c = equal THEN EXIT;
gg ← g; g ← f; f ← x;
x ← IF (c ← Compare[insertKey, x]) = less THEN x.rbLLink ELSE x.rbRLink;
self.rbRLink.rbColor ← Black; --root is always black
IF keyAlreadyPresent THEN RETURN WITH ERROR DuplicateKey;
Delete: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table, deleteKey: Key] RETURNS [deletedNode: Node] = {
f, result, parentOfResult: Node;
x, g, b: Node;
c: Comparison;
result ← NIL;
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
f ← self; x ← f.rbRLink;
y.rbColor ← Black; --children of external nodes have no red to contribute to rebalancing.
Inject a red node at the root if necessary.
IF (x.rbLLink.rbColor = Black) AND (x.rbRLink.rbColor = Black) THEN x.rbColor ← Red;
IF (c ← Compare[deleteKey, x]) = equal THEN { result ← x; parentOfResult ← f; };
Search the tree for the symmetric order succecessor of the node containing key
(or the node itself if its RLink is z)
g ← f; f ← x;
IF c = less THEN { b ← x.rbRLink; x ← x.rbLLink; }
ELSE { b ← x.rbLLink; x ← x.rbRLink; };
If x is the node we're to return, save pointers to it and its parent for later.
IF (c ← Compare[deleteKey, x]) = equal AND x # z THEN { result ← x; parentOfResult ← f; };
Note that if x is Red, no rotations happen now; this is what re-establishes the
properties of g and f eventually...
IF x.rbColor=Red OR x.rbLLink.rbColor=Red OR x.rbRLink.rbColor=Red THEN LOOP;
IF b.rbColor=Red THEN {
Single rotation to move the red link b onto the search path.
IF b = f.rbLLink THEN { f.rbLLink ← b.rbRLink; b.rbRLink ← f; }
ELSE { f.rbRLink ← b.rbLLink; b.rbLLink ← f; };
f.rbColor ← Red; b.rbColor ← Black;
IF f = g.rbLLink THEN g.rbLLink ← b ELSE g.rbRLink ← b;
Move back up the path to allow g and f to get re-established
x ← b; GOTO FixCompare;
};--IF b.rbColor=Red
It is essential that this exit test be right here - after the single rotation,
but before the double rotations.
x.rbColor ← Red;
IF b.rbLLink.rbColor = Red THEN {
b.rbLLink.rbColor ← Black; x ← Balance[g, f, b, b.rbLLink]; GOTO FixCompare;
IF b.rbRLink.rbColor = Red THEN {
b.rbRLink.rbColor ← Black; x ← Balance[g, f, b, b.rbRLink]; GOTO FixCompare;
"Color flip"
f.rbColor ← Black; b.rbColor ← Red;
FixCompare => c ← Compare[deleteKey, x];
self.rbRLink.rbColor ← Black;
z.rbColor ← Black; y.rbColor ← Red;--undo the color mess
If search has been successful, f is now the symmetric order successor of result
(or result itself if result.rbRLink = z), and g is its parent. f is Red, unless
it is also the root. x and b are irrelevant.
IF result # NIL THEN {
detach f from the tree.
IF g.rbLLink = f THEN g.rbLLink ← z ELSE g.rbRLink ← z;
if f is not the result node, splice f into tree in place of result.
IF f # result THEN {
IF parentOfResult.rbLLink = result THEN parentOfResult.rbLLink ← f
ELSE parentOfResult.rbRLink ← f;
f.rbLLink ← result.rbLLink; f.rbRLink ← result.rbRLink;
f.rbColor ← result.rbColor;
};--IF f # result
};--IF result # NIL
Lookup: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table, lookupKey: Key] RETURNS [equalNode: Node] = {
c: Comparison;
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
equalNode ← self.rbRLink;
IF equalNode = z THEN RETURN [NIL];
IF (c ← Compare[lookupKey, equalNode]) = equal THEN RETURN [equalNode];
IF c = less THEN equalNode ← equalNode.rbLLink ELSE equalNode ← equalNode.rbRLink;
Lookup3: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table, lookupKey: Key]
RETURNS[leftNode, equalNode, rightNode: Node] = {
c: Comparison;
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
equalNode ← self.rbRLink;
IF equalNode = z THEN RETURN[leftNode, NIL, rightNode];
IF (c ← Compare[lookupKey, equalNode]) = equal THEN EXIT;
IF c = less THEN { rightNode ← equalNode; equalNode ← equalNode.rbLLink }
ELSE { leftNode ← equalNode; equalNode ← equalNode.rbRLink; };
IF equalNode.rbLLink # z THEN {
leftNode ← equalNode.rbLLink;
WHILE leftNode.rbRLink # z DO leftNode ← leftNode.rbRLink ENDLOOP };
IF equalNode.rbRLink # z THEN {
rightNode ← equalNode.rbRLink;
WHILE rightNode.rbLLink # z DO rightNode ← rightNode.rbLLink ENDLOOP };
RETURN[leftNode, equalNode, rightNode] };
LookupSmallest: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table] RETURNS[smallestNode: Node] = {
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
smallestNode ← self.rbRLink;
IF smallestNode=z THEN RETURN[NIL];
UNTIL smallestNode.rbLLink=z DO smallestNode ← smallestNode.rbLLink ENDLOOP;
RETURN[smallestNode] };
LookupNextLarger: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table, lookupKey: Key]
RETURNS[largerNode: Node] = {
x: Node ← self.rbRLink;
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
largerNode ← NIL;
IF Compare[lookupKey, x] = less THEN { largerNode ← x; x ← x.rbLLink }
ELSE x ← x.rbRLink;
RETURN[largerNode] };
LookupLargest: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[self: Table] RETURNS[largestNode: Node] = {
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
largestNode ← self.rbRLink;
IF largestNode=z THEN RETURN[NIL];
UNTIL largestNode.rbRLink=z DO largestNode ← largestNode.rbRLink ENDLOOP;
RETURN[largestNode] };
LookupNextSmaller: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [self: Table, lookupKey: Key]
RETURNS[smallerNode: Node] = {
x: Node ← self.rbRLink;
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
smallerNode ← NIL;
IF Compare[lookupKey, x] = greater THEN { smallerNode ← x; x ← x.rbRLink }
ELSE x ← x.rbLLink;
RETURN[smallerNode] };
DestroyTable: PUBLIC--EXTERNAL--PROC [self: Table] = {
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
[] ← CreateTable[self] };
EnumerateIncreasing: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [
self: Table, procToApply: PROC [Node] RETURNS [--stop--BOOLEAN]] = {
quick and dirty recursive implementation, has overhead of one procedure call
per call to procToApply.
VisitSubtree: INTERNAL PROC [root: Node] RETURNS [--stop--BOOLEAN] = {
never called with root = z; this saves half of the procedure calls.
IF root.rbLLink # z AND VisitSubtree[root.rbLLink] THEN RETURN [TRUE];
IF procToApply[root] THEN RETURN [TRUE];
IF root.rbRLink # z THEN RETURN [VisitSubtree[root.rbRLink]] ELSE RETURN [FALSE] };
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
IF self.rbRLink = z THEN RETURN;
[] ← VisitSubtree [self.rbRLink] };
Assert: PROC[p: BOOLEAN] = {
IF NOT p THEN ERROR Error[badTable] };
CheckTable: PUBLIC PROC [self: Table] = {
ERRORs Error[badTable] if the table t is not well-formed.
Check1: PROC[x: Node, maxKey: Key] RETURNS[Key, INTEGER, BOOLEAN] = {
Returns largest key in subtree rooted at x, number of black arcs on paths to
external nodes from x, and whether or not this node is red. ERRORs if it finds
two reds in a row, finds different distances to the external nodes (counting
only red arcs), or finds keys out of order. If x is an internal node,
increments count.
dl, dr: INTEGER;
redChild: BOOLEAN;
RETURN[maxKey, 0, FALSE];
[maxKey, dl, redChild] ← Check1[x.rbLLink, maxKey];
Assert[~(redChild AND (x.rbColor=Red))];
Assert[Compare[maxKey,x] = (IF count=0 THEN equal ELSE less)];
count ← count + 1;
[maxKey, dr, redChild] ← Check1[x.rbRLink, GetKey[x]];
Assert[~(redChild AND (x.rbColor=Red))];
RETURN[maxKey, dl+(IF x.rbColor=Black THEN 1 ELSE 0), x.rbColor=Red];
count: LONG INTEGER ← 0;
check structure of the table header, sentinels, etc.
The following assertions may fail during intermediate states of Delete.
check structure of table.
IF self.rbRLink # z THEN [] ← Check1[self.rbRLink, GetKey[LookupSmallest[self]]] };
RootNode: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [self: Table] RETURNS [rootNode: Node] = {
IF doChecking AND self.rbLLink # NIL THEN ERROR Error[badTable];
RETURN [IF self.rbRLink = z THEN NIL ELSE self.rbRLink] };
Private procedure, used by Insert (1 call), Delete (2 calls).
Balance: INTERNAL PROC [gg, g, f, x: Node] RETURNS [Node] = {
Balances a local portion of the tree.
g is a child of gg (it may be either child).
if g -rlink-> f -rlink-> x, or x <-llink- f <-llink- g, then only a single
rotation is needed; otherwise two rotations are used.
when called from insert, g is black and both f and x are red.
after rebalancing, the new g is black, and is the parent of both the new f and
the new x, which are both red.
t: Node;
tc: RedBlack;
do first rotation if necessary
IF f=g.rbLLink THEN {
IF x=f.rbRLink THEN {
f.rbRLink ← x.rbLLink; x.rbLLink ← f;
t ← f; f ← x; x ← t;
IF x=f.rbLLink THEN {
f.rbLLink ← x.rbRLink; x.rbRLink ← f;
t ← f; f ← x; x ← t;
do second rotation
IF x=f.rbLLink THEN { g.rbLLink ← f.rbRLink; f.rbRLink ← g; }
ELSE { g.rbRLink ← f.rbLLink; f.rbLLink ← g; };
update link in great grandparent
IF g = gg.rbRLink THEN gg.rbRLink ← f ELSE gg.rbLLink ← f;
do color swap (when called from Insert, g is always Black and f is always Red)
tc ← g.rbColor; g.rbColor ← f.rbColor; f.rbColor ← tc;
return g, new child of gg (name changed in second rotation)
RETURN[f] };
Created by MBrown on January 18, 1980 10:58 AM
It worked the first time!
Changed by MBrown on January 19, 1980 8:50 PM
Implemented EnumerateIncreasing. Fixed a bug in CheckTable that defeated checking of
key order. Made changes to allow MinusInfinity as a Key. Changed Insert to use
keyPresent flag, as in Guibas-Sedgewick Program 5.
Changed by MBrown on 20-Jan-80 13:28
Changed Balance to compare pointers rather than keys, and eliminated the code for
"swap g and f" since only g is returned from Balance.
Changed by MBrown on March 4, 1980 2:17 PM
Moved inline definitions of Node structure to WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable, which we now OPEN.
Changed by MBrown on April 13, 1980 4:21 PM
Coded Delete. Made LookupSmallest and LookupNextLarger PUBLIC, since they may be
useful in testing Delete.
Changed by MBrown on April 13, 1980 6:01 PM
Delete seemed to work the first time, a surprise. I removed some the redundant
checks that were there for debugging; the old version will be called
Changed by MBrown on May 1, 1980 10:03 PM
Changed Delete to avoid a search from the root to find the parent of the result node.
This involved actually understanding the algorithm; "cleaning up" the way rebalancing
is done introduced several bugs.
Changed by MBrown on May 7, 1980 6:36 PM
Added DestroyTable and Size. We now allocate/free TableObjects using procs in the
WaterlilyOrderedSymbolTable interface. Renamed module.
Changed by MBrown on August 11, 1980 10:17 PM
Major revisions (prompted by first real client, the Juniper locks code, which will
make further changes for its special needs). We take the key comparison function from
the interface, instead of requiring "<" to be applicable. This means that comparisons
may be expensive, so we save the result in a local variable to avoid doing twice the
required number. MinusInfinity is no longer treated specially in the code. We do
explicit field selections for the links and color fields, instead of using inline
procs from the interface. Added Lookup3 proc for Juniper locks application. We now
pass in ALL storage, including storage for table objects. y and z now point to nodes
in the global frame of this module, rather than being replicated for each table; thus
it is now unsafe for multiple processes to be inside of an instance of this module,
even if they operate on distinct tables (it was always unsafe to perform concurrent
operations on a single table).
Changed by MBrown on October 29, 1980 8:42 PM
Eliminated all reference to MinusInfinity (it was being used in CheckTable).
Changed by MBrown on January 7, 1981 9:47 PM
Changes for collectible storage, module monitor.
Changed by MBrown on March 1, 1982 3:30 pm
New version for use in Alpine. No allocation done in package, even for sentinels. No
more "AssignKey[,]", which was used only for sentinels; instead, check for z explicitly. No
more "Key[]", and Compare now takes a Key and a Node. A Table is just a Node; no count
of number of nods in a table is kept in the table.
Other variants that are possible (but hopefully are not required):
(1) use < and = instead of 3-way compares.
(2) use object monitor (requires replicating z and y per-table), or no monitor.
(3) Table and Node are different types (this is required for object monitor, to hold y and z.)
Changed by MBrown on March 2, 1982 4:20 pm
Table is a RECORD [Node]. Clean up errors in interface.
Changed by MBrown on June 28, 1982 11:12 am
CEDAR implementation.
Changed by MBrown on August 26, 1982 11:11 pm
Use Environment.Comparison.
Changed by MBrown on November 10, 1982 6:34 pm
DuplicateKey is now an ERROR.
Changed by MBrown on October 20, 1983 11:38 pm
Conversion to Cedar 5.0.
Changed by Russ Atkinson, December 3, 1984 5:49:07 pm PST
Cloned for Waterlily.