--FILE: [Indigo]<PostCedar5.0>Top>ViewRec.DF
--last edited by Spreitzer on January 24, 1984 12:41:41 pm PST

Exports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>     ReleaseAs [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>
  ViewRec.DF                                   11-Jul-84 11:55:34 PDT

Exports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>ViewRec>     ReleaseAs [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>ViewRec>
  ViewRec.Mesa                                 12-Dec-83 21:48:11 PST
  ViewRec.BCD                                  12-Dec-83 21:50:12 PST
  ViewRecExtras.Mesa                           03-Feb-84 13:59:48 PST
  ViewRecExtras.BCD                            03-Feb-84 14:29:15 PST

-- The two implementation files needed by indirect clients of ViewRec:
 +ViewRecImpl.BCD                              03-Feb-84 14:41:06 PST
  ViewRec.icons                                31-Aug-83 15:53:44 PDT
-- ViewRec.icons must be in working directory at the time ViewRecImpl is started

-- A few "debuggerish" extensions to ViewRec:
 +VBug.BCD                                     14-Dec-83 11:03:26 PST

-- A couple of useful packages also exported by ViewRec:
  MJSContainers.Mesa                           31-Oct-83 11:05:55 PST
  MJSContainers.BCD                            12-Dec-83 16:37:31 PST
  MJSContainersImpl.BCD                        12-Dec-83 16:46:10 PST
  TypeProps.Mesa                               12-Dec-83 20:21:36 PST
  TypeProps.BCD                                12-Dec-83 20:23:42 PST
  TypePropsImpl.BCD                            08-Jan-84 17:04:39 PST

Exports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Documentation>     ReleaseAs [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Documentation>

  ViewRecIntroduction.Tioga                    10-Feb-84 13:31:14 PST
  ViewRecDoc.Tioga                             10-Feb-84 13:45:08 PST

Directory [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>ViewRec>     ReleaseAs [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>ViewRec>

  ViewRecImpl.config                           03-Feb-84 14:37:15 PST
  MakeViewRec.cm                               03-Feb-84 14:20:04 PST
  VBug.Mesa                                    14-Dec-83 11:02:41 PST
  ViewRecInsides.Mesa                          03-Feb-84 14:01:35 PST
  ViewRecInsides.BCD                           03-Feb-84 14:27:17 PST
  ViewRecCreate.Mesa                           03-Feb-84 14:40:04 PST
  ViewRecCreate.BCD                            03-Feb-84 14:40:33 PST
  ViewRecOther.Mesa                            03-Feb-84 14:35:06 PST
  ViewRecOther.BCD                             03-Feb-84 14:35:27 PST
  ViewRecSample.Mesa                           03-Feb-84 14:25:13 PST
  ViewRecSample.BCD                            03-Feb-84 14:29:20 PST
  ViewRecAux.Mesa                              14-Dec-83 12:14:03 PST
  ViewRecAux.BCD                               14-Dec-83 12:15:29 PST
  ViewRecExampleClient.mesa                    12-Dec-83 22:12:03 PST
 +ViewRecExampleClient.BCD                     12-Dec-83 22:12:21 PST
  MJSContainersImpl.Mesa                       12-Dec-83 16:45:35 PST
  TypePropsImpl.Mesa                           08-Jan-84 17:04:03 PST

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>AMEvents.df Of ~=
  Using [AMEvents.BCD, AMEvents.Mesa]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>AMModel.df Of ~=
  Using [AMModel.BCD, AMModel.Mesa, AMModelBridge.bcd, AMModelBridge.Mesa, AMMiniModel.BCD,

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>AMTypes.df Of ~=
  Using [AMBridge.BCD, AMBridge.Mesa, AMTypes.BCD, AMTypes.Mesa]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>BasicTime.df Of ~=
  Using [BasicTime.BCD, BasicTime.Mesa]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>Interpreter.df Of ~=
  Using [EvalQuote.bcd, Interpreter.bcd]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>IO.df Of ~=
  Using [Convert.bcd, IO.bcd]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>MesaRuntime.df Of ~=
  Using [Process.BCD, Process.Mesa, PrincOpsUtils.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>CedarRuntime.df Of ~=
  Using [ProcessProps.Mesa, ProcessProps.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>PrintTV.df Of ~=
  Using [PrintTV.BCD, PrintTV.Mesa]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>Real.df Of ~=
  Using [Real.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>Rope.df Of ~=
  Using [Rope.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>SafeStorage.df Of ~=
  Using [SafeStorage.BCD, SafeStorage.Mesa, Atom.BCD, Atom.Mesa, List.BCD, List.Mesa]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>Tioga.df Of ~=
  Using [TiogaOps.Mesa, TiogaOps.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>ViewerIO.df Of ~=
  Using [ViewerIO.Mesa, ViewerIO.BCD]

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>Viewers.df Of ~=
  Using [Buttons.BCD, Containers.BCD, Cursors.BCD, Cursors.Mesa, Icons.BCD, InputFocus.BCD,
    Labels.BCD, Menus.BCD, MessageWindow.BCD, Rules.BCD, VFonts.BCD, ViewerClasses.BCD,
    ViewerLocks.BCD, ViewerOps.BCD, ViewerTools.BCD, TIPTables.BCD, TIPUser.BCD,

Imports [Indigo]<Cedar5.3>Top>WorldVM.df Of ~=
  Using [WorldVM.BCD]