<> <> <> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Basics USING [DIVMOD], FS USING [ComponentPositions, ComponentRopes, maxFNameLength, Position], FSBackdoor USING [highestVersion, lowestVersion, ProduceError, Version], FSFileOps USING [GetVolumeDesc, VolumeDesc], FSName USING [ParsedFName, VersionInfo], List USING [Assoc], ProcessProps USING [GetPropList], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Fetch, Flatten, Index, Length, Match, NewText, Replace, Substr, ROPE, Text]; FSNameImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Basics, FSBackdoor, FSFileOps, List, ProcessProps, Rope EXPORTS FS, FSBackdoor, FSName SHARES Rope = { ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Version: TYPE = FSBackdoor.Version; <> initialDefaultWDir: ROPE = "[]<>"; validNameChars: ROPE _ "$-+'_"; <, '., '!, '#, '*}>> defaultWDir: ROPE _ initialDefaultWDir; <> <> SetDefaultWDir: PUBLIC PROC [dir: ROPE] = { IF Rope.Length[dir] = 0 THEN dir _ initialDefaultWDir ELSE { places: Places; [dir, places] _ ExpandAndFindPlaces[dir, GetDefaultWDir[], directory]; IF places.serverEnd # 1 THEN DirNotLocal[dir]; IF places.dirEnd = places.serverEnd THEN NoVolumePart[dir]; dir _ Rope.Flatten[dir]; }; defaultWDir _ dir; }; GetDefaultWDir: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [ROPE] = { RETURN [defaultWDir]; }; ExpandName: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, wDir: ROPE] RETURNS [fullFName: ROPE, cp: FS.ComponentPositions, dirOmitted: BOOL _ FALSE] = { places: Places; fNLen: INT; [fullFName, places] _ ExpandAndFindPlaces[name, wDir, pattern]; fNLen _ Rope.Length[fullFName]; cp.server _ [1, places.serverEnd-1]; IF places.dirEnd >= places.serverEnd+2 THEN cp.dir _ [places.serverEnd+2, places.dirEnd-places.serverEnd-2] ELSE { dirOmitted _ TRUE; cp.dir _ [places.serverEnd+1, 0] }; cp.subDirs _ IF places.subDirEnd > places.dirEnd THEN [places.dirEnd+1, places.subDirEnd-places.dirEnd-1] ELSE [places.dirEnd+1, 0]; cp.base _ [places.subDirEnd+1, places.rootEnd-places.subDirEnd-1]; cp.ext _ IF places.bang > places.rootEnd THEN [places.rootEnd+1, places.bang-places.rootEnd-1] ELSE [places.rootEnd, 0]; IF places.bang < fNLen THEN { [] _ ParseVersion[fullFName, places.bang+1, TRUE]; cp.ver _ [places.bang+1, fNLen-places.bang-1]; } ELSE cp.ver _ [fNLen, 0]; }; ConstructFName: PUBLIC PROC [cr: FS.ComponentRopes, omitDir: BOOL] RETURNS [fName: ROPE] = { fName _ Rope.Cat[ "[", cr.server, "]" ]; IF NOT omitDir THEN fName _ Rope.Cat[ fName, "<", cr.dir, ">" ]; IF Rope.Length[cr.subDirs] > 0 THEN fName _ Rope.Cat[ fName, cr.subDirs, ">" ]; fName _ Rope.Cat[ fName, cr.base ]; IF Rope.Length[cr.ext] > 0 THEN fName _ Rope.Cat[ fName, ".", cr.ext ]; IF Rope.Length[cr.ver] > 0 THEN fName _ Rope.Cat[ fName, "!", cr.ver ]; }; <> MakeFName: PUBLIC PROC [nameBody: ROPE, version: Version, prefix: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE] = { con: ROPE _ Rope.Concat [ nameBody, VersionPartFromVersion[version] ]; IF NOT Rope.Match["[*", nameBody] THEN { IF prefix = NIL THEN prefix _ initialDefaultWDir; con _ Rope.Concat [ prefix, con ]; }; RETURN [con]; }; <> ParseClientName: PUBLIC PROC [clientName, wDir: ROPE, defaultVersionHigh, pattern: BOOL] RETURNS [pn: FSName.ParsedFName, vI: FSName.VersionInfo] = { vName: ROPE _ NIL; places: Places; [pn.fullName, places] _ ExpandAndFindPlaces[clientName, wDir, IF pattern THEN pattern ELSE fName]; IF places.bang < Rope.Length[pn.fullName] THEN [pn.version, vI] _ ParseVersion[pn.fullName, places.bang+1, pattern] ELSE { vI _ missing; pn.version _ IF defaultVersionHigh THEN FSBackdoor.highestVersion ELSE FSBackdoor.lowestVersion; }; IF IsLocal[pn.fullName] THEN { vL: CARDINAL _ places.dirEnd - places.serverEnd - 2; IF vL # 0 THEN vName _ Rope.Substr[pn.fullName, places.serverEnd + 2, vL]; pn.nameBody _ Rope.Flatten[ Rope.Substr[pn.fullName, places.dirEnd + 1, places.bang - places.dirEnd - 1] ]; } ELSE pn.nameBody _ Rope.Flatten[ Rope.Substr[pn.fullName, 0, places.bang] ]; pn.volDesc _ FSFileOps.GetVolumeDesc[vName]; }; ParseCacheName: PUBLIC PROC [volName, cacheName: ROPE, pattern: BOOL] RETURNS [pn: FSName.ParsedFName, vI: FSName.VersionInfo] = { firstChar: CHARACTER; length, bangIndex: CARDINAL; nameUse: NameUse = IF pattern THEN pattern ELSE fName; pn _ [NIL, NIL, FSBackdoor.highestVersion, FSFileOps.GetVolumeDesc[volName]]; vI _ missing; IF Rope.Length[cacheName] = 0 THEN { IF pattern THEN { pn.nameBody _ "[*"; RETURN } ELSE IllegalName[cacheName, nameUse]; }; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. Rope.Length[cacheName]) DO -- determine syntax convention SELECT Rope.Fetch[cacheName, i] FROM '[, '], '<, '> => EXIT; '/ => { cacheName _ ConvertSlashName[cacheName]; EXIT }; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; firstChar _ Rope.Fetch[cacheName, 0]; IF firstChar # '[ THEN { IF firstChar = '* THEN cacheName _ Rope.Concat["[", cacheName] ELSE IllegalName[cacheName, nameUse]; }; length _ Rope.Length[cacheName]; bangIndex _ Rope.Index[cacheName, IF length > 6 THEN length - 6 ELSE 0, "!"]; IF bangIndex # length AND NOT (bangIndex = length-2 AND Rope.Fetch[cacheName, length-1] = '*) THEN [pn.version, vI] _ ParseVersion[cacheName, bangIndex+1, pattern]; pn.nameBody _ Rope.Flatten[ Rope.Substr[cacheName, 0, bangIndex] ]; }; ConvertNamebodyPattern: PUBLIC PROC [nbP: ROPE] RETURNS [Rope.Text] = { RETURN [ IF Rope.Length[nbP] = 0 THEN "*" ELSE ConvertSlashName[nbP] ] }; ParseName: PUBLIC PROC [volName, fName: ROPE] RETURNS [p: FSName.ParsedFName] = { length: CARDINAL = Rope.Length[fName]; bangIndex: CARDINAL = Rope.Index[fName, IF length > 6 THEN length - 6 ELSE 0, "!"]; IF bangIndex = length THEN p.version _ FSBackdoor.highestVersion ELSE [p.version, ] _ ParseVersion[fName, bangIndex+1, FALSE]; p.nameBody _ Rope.Flatten[ Rope.Substr[fName, 0, bangIndex] ]; p.fullName _ fName; p.volDesc _ FSFileOps.GetVolumeDesc[volName]; }; IsLocal: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN[ Rope.Length[name]=0 OR Rope.Fetch[name, 0]#'[ OR Rope.Fetch[name, 1]='] ]}; ServerAndFileRopes: PUBLIC PROC [gName: ROPE] RETURNS [server, file: ROPE] = { closingBracket: CARDINAL = Rope.Index[gName, 0, "]"]; server _ Rope.Substr[gName, 1, closingBracket-1]; file _ Rope.Substr[gName, closingBracket+1]; }; BangStarFile: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE] = { length: CARDINAL = Rope.Length[file]; bangIndex: CARDINAL = Rope.Index[file, IF length > 6 THEN length - 6 ELSE 0, "!"]; RETURN [ Rope.Replace [ file, bangIndex, length - bangIndex, "!*" ] ]; }; BangVersionFile: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE, version: Version] RETURNS [ROPE] = { length: CARDINAL = Rope.Length[file]; bangIndex: CARDINAL = Rope.Index[file, IF length > 6 THEN length - 6 ELSE 0, "!"]; RETURN [ Rope.Replace [ file, bangIndex, length - bangIndex, VersionPartFromVersion[version] ] ]; }; VersionFromRope: PUBLIC PROC [r: ROPE] RETURNS [v: Version] = { IF Rope.Length[r] = 0 THEN v _ FSBackdoor.highestVersion ELSE [v, ] _ ParseVersion[r, 0, FALSE]; }; VersionPartFromVersion: PUBLIC PROC [version: Version] RETURNS [r: Rope.Text] = { Decimate: PROC [num: CARDINAL] = { q, r: CARDINAL; [q, r] _ Basics.DIVMOD[num, 10]; IF q # 0 THEN Decimate[q]; AppendChar[t, r+'0]; }; t: REF TEXT; SELECT version FROM FSBackdoor.lowestVersion, FSBackdoor.highestVersion => r _ NIL; ENDCASE => TRUSTED { r _ Rope.NewText[6]; t _ LOOPHOLE[r]; t[0] _ '!; t.length _ 1; Decimate[version]; }; }; <> NameUse: TYPE = {fName, pattern, directory}; Places: TYPE = RECORD[serverEnd, dirEnd, subDirEnd, bang, rootEnd, firstStar: CARDINAL _ 0]; ExpandAndFindPlaces: PROC [name, wDir: ROPE, nameUse: NameUse] RETURNS [fN: ROPE, p: Places] = { <> <> <" THEN p.serverEnd ELSE index of first ">";>> <" THEN p.dirEnd ELSE index of last ">";>> <> <> <> <> i: INT; leftPoint: BOOL _ FALSE; fNLen: CARDINAL _ Rope.Length[name]; fN _ name; IF fNLen # 0 THEN SELECT Rope.Fetch[fN, 0] FROM '[ => NULL; '/ => fN _ ConvertSlashName[fN]; ENDCASE => { <> IF Rope.Length[wDir] = 0 THEN { ref: REF _ List.Assoc[key: $WorkingDirectory, aList: ProcessProps.GetPropList[]]; WITH ref SELECT FROM wd: ROPE => wDir _ wd; ENDCASE; }; IF Rope.Length[wDir] = 0 THEN wDir _ GetDefaultWDir[] ELSE wDir _ ConvertWDir[wDir]; FOR i IN [1 .. fNLen) DO -- convert the name part if necessary SELECT Rope.Fetch[fN, i] FROM '], '<, '>, '! => NULL; '/ => fN _ ConvertSlashName[fN]; ENDCASE => LOOP; EXIT; ENDLOOP; fN _ Rope.Cat[wDir, fN]; }; -- of need a working directory fNLen _ Rope.Length[fN]; i _ 0; DO c: CHAR _ 0C; i _ i + 1; IF i >= fNLen THEN EXIT; c _ Rope.Fetch[fN, i]; SELECT c FROM IN ['a .. 'z], IN ['A .. 'Z], IN ['0 .. '9] => {}; '] => IF p.serverEnd = 0 THEN p.subDirEnd _ p.dirEnd _ p.serverEnd _ i ELSE IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; -- this is the second '] '< => IF p.serverEnd = i - 1 THEN leftPoint _ TRUE ELSE IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; -- '< does not immediately follow '] '> => IF leftPoint AND ( i > p.subDirEnd + 1 ) THEN { IF p.dirEnd = p.serverEnd THEN p.dirEnd _ i; -- end of directory part p.subDirEnd _ i; -- end of subdirectory part } ELSE IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; -- '> in the wrong place '. => p.rootEnd _ i; '! => { p.bang _ i; EXIT}; '# => IF p.serverEnd # 0 THEN { <> IF p.serverEnd = 1 AND leftPoint AND i = 3 THEN DO -- LName with a max 20 digit hex number as a volume id i _ i + 1; IF i >= fNLen THEN EXIT; IF i > 23 THEN IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; SELECT Rope.Fetch[fN, i] FROM IN ['0 .. '9], IN ['A .. 'H] => NULL; ENDCASE => IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; ENDLOOP ELSE IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; -- sharpSign in the wrong place }; '* => IF nameUse = pattern THEN { IF p.firstStar = 0 THEN p.firstStar _ i } ELSE NoPatterns[fN]; -- star and we're not parsing a pattern ENDCASE => { valid: Rope.Text = Rope.Flatten[validNameChars]; IF valid # NIL THEN FOR j: NAT IN [0..valid.length) DO IF valid[j] = c THEN GO TO legal; ENDLOOP; IllegalCharacter[fN]; EXITS legal => {}; }; ENDLOOP; IF p.serverEnd = 0 THEN IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; -- server part didn't end IF p.bang = 0 THEN p.bang _ fNLen; IF p.bang > FS.maxFNameLength - 6 THEN TooLong[fN]; IF p.firstStar = 0 THEN { <> IF p.serverEnd = 1 AND nameUse # directory AND p.subDirEnd+1 >= p.bang THEN <> IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; } ELSE { <> IF (p.serverEnd = 1 AND p.firstStar < p.dirEnd) OR (p.firstStar < p.serverEnd) THEN <> IllegalName[fN, nameUse]; }; IF p.rootEnd <= p.subDirEnd THEN p.rootEnd _ p.bang; }; ParseVersion: PROC [name: ROPE, index: CARDINAL, pattern: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [value: Version, vI: FSName.VersionInfo] = { c: CHAR; lastIndex: CARDINAL = Rope.Length[name] - 1; IF lastIndex IN [index .. index+4] THEN SELECT c _ Rope.Fetch[name, index] FROM IN ['0 .. '9] => { num: LONG CARDINAL _ 0; DO num _ num*10 + (c - '0); IF index = lastIndex THEN { IF num NOT IN (FSBackdoor.lowestVersion .. FSBackdoor.highestVersion) THEN EXIT; value _ [num]; vI _ number; RETURN; }; index _ index + 1; c _ Rope.Fetch[name, index]; IF c NOT IN ['0 .. '9] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; 'H, 'h => IF index = lastIndex THEN { value _ FSBackdoor.highestVersion; vI _ bangH; RETURN }; 'L, 'l => IF index = lastIndex THEN { value _ FSBackdoor.lowestVersion; vI _ bangL; RETURN }; '* => IF index = lastIndex AND pattern THEN { value _ FSBackdoor.highestVersion; vI _ bangStar; RETURN }; ENDCASE; IllegalVersion[name]; }; QuotedName: PROC [n: ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE] = { quoteRope: ROPE = "\""; RETURN [ Rope.Cat[quoteRope, n, quoteRope] ]; }; DirNotLocal: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[badWorkingDir, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " is not a local directory."] ] }; NoVolumePart: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[badWorkingDir, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " needs a volume part."] ] }; TooLong: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[ illegalName, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " has more than 120 characters."] ] }; IllegalCharacter: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[ illegalName, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " contains an illegal character."] ] }; IllegalVersion: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[ illegalName, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " has an illegal version part."] ] }; IllegalName: PROC [n: ROPE, nameUse: NameUse] = { e: ROPE = SELECT nameUse FROM fName => " is not a legal FName.", pattern => " is not a legal pattern.", directory => " is not a legal directory name", ENDCASE => ERROR; FSBackdoor.ProduceError [illegalName, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], e] ]; }; NoPatterns: PROC [n: ROPE] = { FSBackdoor.ProduceError[ patternNotAllowed, Rope.Concat[QuotedName[n], " contains a \"*\", but patterns are not allow for this operation."] ] }; AppendChar: PROC [text: REF TEXT, c: CHAR] = INLINE { text[text.length] _ c; text.length _ text.length + 1; }; ConvertWDir: PROC [wDir: ROPE] RETURNS [w: ROPE] = { SELECT Rope.Fetch[wDir, 0] FROM '[ => { c: CHAR = Rope.Fetch[wDir, Rope.Length[wDir] - 1]; IF c # '> AND c # '] THEN wDir _ Rope.Cat[wDir, ">"]; w _ wDir; }; '/ => { c: CHAR = Rope.Fetch[wDir, Rope.Length[wDir] - 1]; IF c # '/ THEN wDir _ Rope.Cat[wDir, "/"]; w _ ConvertSlashName[wDir]; }; ENDCASE => IllegalName[wDir, directory]; }; ConvertSlashName: PROC [r: ROPE] RETURNS [t: Rope.Text] = TRUSTED { rL: INT = Rope.Length[r]; text: REF TEXT; slashCount: CARDINAL _ IF Rope.Fetch[r, 0] = '/ THEN 0 ELSE 2; t _ Rope.NewText[rL+1]; text _ LOOPHOLE[t]; text.length _ 0; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. rL) DO c: CHAR = Rope.Fetch[r, i]; SELECT c FROM '/ => { slashCount _ slashCount + 1; SELECT slashCount FROM 1 => AppendChar[text, '[]; 2 => { -- end of server part AppendChar[text, ']]; FOR j: INT IN [i+1 .. rL) DO -- see if we also need a "<" SELECT Rope.Fetch[r, j] FROM '/, '*, '> => {AppendChar[text, '<]; EXIT}; '! => EXIT; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => AppendChar[text, '>]; }; '* => { -- "*" can hide any number of slashes IF slashCount < 2 THEN slashCount _ 2; AppendChar[text, c]; }; ENDCASE => AppendChar[text, c]; ENDLOOP; }; }.