All Cedar code, as well as lower-level comments, have the format "code". Use of that format has two major effects:
1. Top-level declarations (at level 2, immediately below the headings) get extra leading automatically; there is no need to insert empty nodes.
2. When a code line wraps around, the continuation lines get a large indentationmuch larger than the indentation for the next level of nesting. This makes the difference between a continuation and a nested statement immediately apparent. It also eliminates the need to manually break long statements in the middle. Just let every statement occupy a line, and it will be formatted correctly regardless of the width of the viewer displaying the program.
RETURNS [Results];
! List of ERRORs and SIGNALs that can be raised by the procedure;
Description of procedure. This node has property Comment: TRUE and no other looks or formats.
RETURNS [Results];
! List of ERRORs and SIGNALs that can be raised by the procedure;
Description of procedure. This node has property Comment: TRUE and no other looks or formats.