CSL Notebook Entry
Recipients Your name
Release asTargetFileName
Came from
WorkingFileName ([Indigo]<Cedar®>Forms>CSLNotebook.form)
Last editedby Person, CTRL-T
Abstract A pithy descriptive paragraph, if appropriate
Attributes formal, informal, draft, technical, non-technical ,  Alto, Alpine, Cedar, Computer organization, Communication, Dandelion, Database, Distributed computing, Dorado, General, Juniper, Knowledge based assistance, Lisp, Mesa, Page imaging, Programming research, Voice, VLSI 
head Node, repeat as needed, nest for subheads if appropriate
body node, repeat as needed
There is some magic Tioga formatting in this form. The whole document has a local style appropriate for producing the Xerox corporate standard Internal Memo design [reference Xerox Corporate Identification Graphics Standards, Section 2, page 15]. The first node has a Mark property, insideHeader, that makes CSL Notebook Entry appear on each page. The second node has no text content and a special format that interacts with the third node, the Xerox logo, to position the logo on the first printed page. The To and Subject nodes are Tioga subtrees with sufficient empty nodes to space them properly to conform to the Internal Memo design.