<> <> <> <> <> <<>> <> < allocated length at Open time?>> <<>> DIRECTORY BasicTime USING [GMT], Basics USING [LongNumber, BITAND], FS, FileStream , FileStreamPrivate , FSBackdoor USING [ProduceError], FSLock USING [RecordREF ], Process USING [ Pause ], IO, IOUtils, Rope, SafeStorage USING [EnableFinalization], VM USING [ AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, BytesForPages, CantAllocate, Free, PageNumber] ; FileStreamCreateImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS fileData.lockRecord USING fileData: FileDataHandle IMPORTS Basics, FileStream, FileStreamPrivate, FS, FSBackdoor, FSLock, IO, IOUtils, Process, SafeStorage, VM EXPORTS FileStream = BEGIN OPEN Basics; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; ByteCount: TYPE = INT; ByteNumber: TYPE = ByteCount; -- index rather than count PageNumber: TYPE = VM.PageNumber; PageCount: TYPE = VM.PageNumber; bytesPerFilePage: CARDINAL = FS.BytesForPages[1]; maxVMPagesPerBuffer: INT = 65536/VM.BytesForPages[pages: 1] ; clearLowBits: CARDINAL = CARDINAL.LAST-(bytesPerFilePage-1); Data: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.Data; FSDataHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FSDataHandle; BufferNode: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.BufferNode; BufferNodeHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.BufferNodeHandle; FileDataHandle: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FileDataHandle; FileData: TYPE = FileStreamPrivate.FileData; ProcHandle: TYPE = REF IO.StreamProcs; <> <> <> <> <> <> StreamFromOpenFile: PUBLIC PROC [ openFile: FS.OpenFile, accessRights: FS.Lock, initialPosition: FS.InitialPosition, streamOptions: FS.StreamOptions, streamBufferParms: FS.StreamBufferParms, extendFileProc: FS.ExtendFileProc] RETURNS [stream: STREAM] = { <> <> pageAllocation: PageCount; byteLength: ByteCount; fileName: ROPE = openFile.GetName[].fullFName; fsData: FSDataHandle; fsDataFile: FileDataHandle ; node: BufferNodeHandle ; <> IF streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer = 128 THEN streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer _ 127 ; IF accessRights = $write AND GetFileLock[openFile] # $write THEN FSBackdoor.ProduceError[wrongLock, fileName]; [pages: pageAllocation, bytes: byteLength] _ openFile.GetInfo[]; fsData _ NEW[Data _ []]; fsDataFile _ NEW[FileData _ [ fileName: fileName, accessRights: accessRights, fileLength: byteLength, fileHandle: openFile, streamBufferParms: streamBufferParms, extendFileProc: extendFileProc, streamOptions: streamOptions, byteLength: byteLength, byteSize: pageAllocation*bytesPerFilePage, validBytesOnDisk: byteLength] ]; IF fsDataFile.byteLength > fsDataFile.byteSize THEN ERROR; fsData.fileData _ fsDataFile ; fsDataFile.firstBufferNode _ node _ CreateBufferSpace[vmPagesPerBuffer: streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer]; FOR i: INT IN [2..streamBufferParms.nBuffers] DO node.nextBufferNode _ CreateBufferSpace[vmPagesPerBuffer: streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer]; node _ node.nextBufferNode ; ENDLOOP; stream _ IO.CreateStream[FileStreamPrivate.ProcHandleFromAccessRights[accessRights], fsData]; IOUtils.StoreData[self: stream, key: $Name, data: fsDataFile.fileName]; IF accessRights = $write THEN { fsDataFile.writeStreamData _ fsData ; fsData.isWriteStream _ TRUE ; IF fsDataFile.byteSize = 0 THEN { fsDataFile.byteSize _ NewByteSize[fsDataFile.byteSize]; SetFileSize[fsDataFile.fileHandle, fsDataFile.byteSize]; }; } ELSE { fsDataFile.firstReadStream _ fsData; }; IF initialPosition = start THEN { [] _ FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fsDataFile, fsData: fsData, fileByte: 0] } ELSE { -- initialPosition = end node _ FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fsDataFile, fsData: fsData, fileByte: PageContainingLastByte[fsDataFile.fileLength]]; fsData.index _ node.dataBytesInBuffer; }; IF streamOptions[tiogaRead] AND byteLength > 0 THEN { isTioga: BOOL; len: INT; [yes: isTioga, len: len] _ IsThisThingATiogaFile[stream]; IF isTioga THEN { IF accessRights = $read THEN { <> <> FileStream.SetLength[stream, len]; fsDataFile.tiogaReader _ TRUE } ELSE { <> stream.Close[]; FSBackdoor.ProduceError[cantUpdateTiogaFile, fileName]; } } }; IF FileStreamPrivate.DoFinalization THEN { FSLock.RecordREF[fsData]; SafeStorage.EnableFinalization[fsData]; }; fsData.ConvertFStoIOErrors _ TRUE; fsData _ NIL ; RETURN[stream]; };--StreamFromOpenFile PageContainingLastByte: PROC [byteLen: INT] RETURNS [INT] = INLINE { IF byteLen = 0 THEN RETURN[0] ELSE { byteLen _ byteLen - 1; LOOPHOLE[byteLen, LongNumber[num]].lowbits _ BITAND[LOOPHOLE[byteLen, LongNumber[num]].lowbits, clearLowBits]; RETURN[byteLen] }}; OpenFileFromStream: PUBLIC PROC [self: STREAM] RETURNS [FS.OpenFile] = { WITH self.streamData SELECT FROM fsData: FSDataHandle => RETURN [fsData.fileData.fileHandle]; ENDCASE => ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, self]; }; StreamFromOpenStream: PUBLIC PROC [self: STREAM] RETURNS [stream: STREAM] = { newData: FSDataHandle ; filePos: INT ; WITH self.streamData SELECT FROM selfData: FSDataHandle => { fileData: FileDataHandle = selfData.fileData ; IF NOT selfData.isWriteStream OR fileData.firstReadStream # NIL THEN FSBackdoor.ProduceError [code: notImplemented, explanation: "self is not a write stream, or there already is a read stream"]; newData _ NEW[Data _ [ ] ]; newData.fileData _ fileData ; stream _ IO.CreateStream[FileStreamPrivate.ProcHandleFromAccessRights[$read], newData]; IOUtils.StoreData[self: stream, key: $Name, data: fileData.fileName]; fileData.firstReadStream _ newData; filePos _ SetUpClonedStream[fileData: fileData, fsData: selfData]; [] _ FileStreamPrivate.SetupBuffer[fileData: fileData, fsData: newData, fileByte: selfData.currentNode.firstFileByteInBuffer] ; newData.index _ selfData.index ; IF FileStreamPrivate.DoFinalization THEN { FSLock.RecordREF[newData]; SafeStorage.EnableFinalization[newData]; }; newData.ConvertFStoIOErrors _ TRUE; newData _ NIL ; }; ENDCASE => ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, self]; }; SetUpClonedStream: ENTRY PROC [fileData: FileDataHandle, fsData: FSDataHandle] RETURNS [filePos: INT]= { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; node: BufferNodeHandle _ fileData.firstBufferNode; <> UNTIL node.nextBufferNode = NIL DO node _ node.nextBufferNode ; ENDLOOP ; <> FOR i:INT IN [1..fileData.streamBufferParms.nBuffers] DO node.nextBufferNode _ CreateBufferSpace[vmPagesPerBuffer: fileData.streamBufferParms.vmPagesPerBuffer]; node _ node.nextBufferNode ; ENDLOOP; fileData.numberOfStreams _ fileData.numberOfStreams + 1 ; filePos _ fsData.index + fsData.currentNode.firstFileByteInBuffer ; fsData _ NIL ; }; <> CreateBufferSpace: PROC [vmPagesPerBuffer: INT [1 .. 128]] RETURNS [BufferNodeHandle] = { vmPages: INT _ MIN[vmPagesPerBuffer, maxVMPagesPerBuffer] ; newBuffer: BufferNodeHandle _ NEW[BufferNode]; newBuffer.bufferInterval _ VM.Allocate[count: vmPages ! VM.CantAllocate => { <> <> TRUSTED {VM.Free[interval: bestInterval]}; Process.Pause[4]; RETRY; }; ]; TRUSTED{newBuffer.buffer _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[newBuffer.bufferInterval.page]}; newBuffer.bufferBytes _ VM.BytesForPages[pages: vmPages] ; RETURN[newBuffer] }; NewByteSize: PROC [byteCount: ByteCount] RETURNS [ByteCount] = { RETURN [byteCount+5120]; }; <> SetFileSize: PROC [f: FS.OpenFile, byteSize: ByteCount] = { f.SetPageCount[pages: (byteSize+bytesPerFilePage-1)/bytesPerFilePage]; }; GetFileLock: PROC [f: FS.OpenFile] RETURNS [FS.Lock] = { RETURN [f.GetInfo[].lock] }; <> IsThisThingATiogaFile: PROC [h: STREAM] RETURNS [yes: BOOL, len: INT] = { pos, length: INT; { -- block so EXITS code can use pos, len, and length. controlHeaderId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [235C,312C]; controlTrailerId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [205C,227C]; commentHeaderId: ARRAY [0..fileIdSize) OF CHAR = [0C,0C]; fileIdSize: NAT = 2; numTrailerLengths: NAT = 3; -- endSize: NAT = fileIdSize+numTrailerLengths*4; -- trailer plus three lengths ReadLen: PROC [h: STREAM] RETURNS [INT] = { start: PACKED ARRAY [0..3] OF CHARACTER; start[0] _ h.GetChar[]; start[1] _ h.GetChar[]; start[2] _ h.GetChar[]; start[3] _ h.GetChar[]; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[start]] }; commentStart, commentLen, propsLen, controlLen, controlEnd: INT; pos _ h.GetIndex[]; -- save position to restore later length _ h.GetLength[]; -- length including any trailer stuff controlEnd _ length-endSize; -- where the trailer info starts IF controlEnd <= 0 THEN GOTO fail; -- too small h.SetIndex[controlEnd]; -- set up to read the trailer FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- read the controlTrailerId IF h.GetChar[] # controlTrailerId[i] THEN GOTO fail; ENDLOOP; IF (propsLen _ ReadLen[h]) NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail; IF (commentStart _ ReadLen[h]) NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail; IF ReadLen[h] # length THEN GOTO fail; IF commentStart > 0 THEN { -- may have padded text with a null h.SetIndex[commentStart-1]; len _ IF h.GetChar[]=0C THEN commentStart-1 ELSE commentStart } ELSE h.SetIndex[len _ commentStart]; FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- read the commentHeaderId IF h.GetChar[] # commentHeaderId[i] THEN GOTO fail; ENDLOOP; commentLen _ ReadLen[h]; -- the length of the comment section IF commentStart+commentLen NOT IN [0..controlEnd) THEN GOTO fail; h.SetIndex[commentStart+commentLen]; -- go to start of control info FOR i:NAT IN [0..fileIdSize) DO -- check the controlHeaderId IF h.GetChar[] # controlHeaderId[i] THEN GOTO fail; ENDLOOP; controlLen _ ReadLen[h]; -- the length of the control section IF commentStart+commentLen+controlLen # length THEN GOTO fail; GOTO succeed; EXITS fail => { h.SetIndex[pos]; RETURN [FALSE, length] }; succeed => { h.SetIndex[pos]; RETURN [TRUE, len] }; }}; END. CHANGE LOG Created by Hagmann on November 22, 1983 4:30 pm <> Changed by Hagmann on November 28, 1983 12:01 pm <> Changed by Hagmann on December 6, 1983 4:52 pm <> Changed by Hagmann on January 3, 1984 11:33 am <>