Package: PressFileUtilities Filed on [Indigo]Documentation>PressFileUtilitiesDoc.tioga Maintainer: Plass Date: January 1, 1985 7:14:41 pm PST DF file: [Indigo]Top>PressFileUtilities.df Purpose: Commands for operating on press files. Executive commands: PressExtract _ PAGES 1, 3, [10..15] extracts the specified pages from the press file PressPages Breaks a press file into single-page press files SendSinglePages PAGES 1, 3, [10..15] TO RockNRoll Sends single pages to a server Caveat for the three commands above: the entire font directory is copied to each extracted or resulting press file. Should some fonts require scan converting (because of odd sizes for conference papers) then all single pages will require scan converting and you might consider formatting complex pages separately. PressOverlay _ Overlays two press files on each other, page by page. will have the same number of pages as ; will be cycled through as necessary. Good for adding platemaker corner marks, private data seals, etc. This one actually picks the press files apart to a fine grain and puts them back together. Consequently, it could be used to eliminate unnecessary fonts by making inputFile2 be an empty page. Note that this implies it is better to add corner marks for the platemaker AFTER breaking the files into separate pages. PressBBox Scans the pressFile and determines the bounding box dimensions suitable for use as an IncludePress node in a Tioga document. PressRescue result.txt _ Produces a plaintext rendition of the text portions of the press file. Useful for rescuing data when all you have is a press file, or for having a quick look at where the page breaks are. PressImageExtract Writes one AIS file for each sampled image in the press file. Lists the names of the output files in the CommandTool, as well as where on the pages the images originated. ListFontsInPressFile Lists (in the command tool) the fonts used by the press file. SetPressPrintingMode Forces the printing mode of the press file. The options are: -- normal R -- "Reverse" or "TShirt" mode; printed pages are mirror images of the specified pages. S -- "Solid" T -- "Transparent", useful for VLSI checkplots. Κ3˜JšΟnœY˜`Iunitš œ˜Kšœ ˜$Kšœ.˜5Kšœ(˜/šœ˜table0šΟl*Πlsž˜>J˜0—šž˜Idefaultšœ0˜0—šžŸžŸž ˜?Mšœ˜IblockšΠbt$Οt–˜Ί—šž Πltœ(˜5Mšœμ˜μInotešœΊ˜Ί—šž ’œ ˜M˜|—šž ’ž˜&M˜Ό—šž’ž ˜M˜«—šž’ž ˜"M˜=—šž’ž˜,˜