DIRECTORY AMBridge USING [SetTVFromLC, SetTVFromLI], AMTypes USING [Class, Index, Status, TypedVariable, ErrorReason, New, TypeClass, Size], BrandXSymbolDefs USING [SymbolConstructorIndex, SymbolIdIndex, nullSymbolIndex, SymbolModuleIndex, thisModuleIndex, symbolIndexForANY], BrandYSymbolDefs USING [SymbolConstructorIndex, SymbolIdIndex, nullSymbolIndex, SymbolModuleIndex, thisModuleIndex, symbolIndexForANY], Rope USING [ROPE, Equal], RTSymbolDefs USING [SymbolTableBase, SymbolConstructorIndex, SymbolContextIndex, SymbolIdIndex, SymbolRecordIndex, SymbolIndex, nullBase], RTSymbolOps USING [EnumerateCtxIseis, EnumerateRecordIseis, CountComponents, AcquireType, AcquireSequenceType, AcquireRope, STBToModuleName, SEUnderType, ISEConstant, IDCardinalValue, ISEName, ISEImmutable, ISEType, ISEInfo], RTSymbols USING [GetTypeSymbols, GetOriginalTypeSymbols, ReleaseSTB], RTTCache USING [RefEntry, LookupRef, FillRefEntry, IntEntry, LookupInt, FillIntEntry, ComponentMap, NewComponentMap, FillTypeComponent, FillNameComponent, GetComponentAtIndex, GetComponentForName, ComponentEntry], RTTypesPrivate USING[], SafeStorage USING [Type, unspecType, nullType, fhType, gfhType, anyType]; AMTypesAImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, AMTypes, Rope, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbols, RTTCache EXPORTS AMTypes, RTTypesPrivate = BEGIN OPEN AMBridge, AMTypes, bx: BrandXSymbolDefs, by: BrandYSymbolDefs, SafeStorage, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbolDefs, RTSymbols; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Error: PUBLIC ERROR[ reason: ErrorReason, msg: ROPE _ NIL, type: Type _ nullType,-- used with TypeFault, IncompatibleTypes otherType: Type _ nullType -- used with IncompatibleTypes ] = CODE; NComponents: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--record, structure--] RETURNS [ans: Index] = TRUSTED { entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; IF type = nullType THEN RETURN[0]; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, NComponents]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN RETURN [int]; {stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM record => ans _ CountComponents[stb, LOOPHOLE[csei]]; definition => {proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {ans _ ans + 1; RETURN[FALSE]}; ans _ 0; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.defCtx]], proc]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM record => ans _ CountComponents[stb, LOOPHOLE[csei]]; definition => {proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = {ans _ ans + 1; RETURN[FALSE]}; ans _ 0; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.defCtx]], proc]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]}; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, ans]; }; IndexToType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--record, structure, union--, index: Index] RETURNS[ans: Type] = TRUSTED { proc1: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] = { ans _ IF index = 0 THEN AcquireType[stb, ISEType[stb, isei]] ELSE AcquireType[stb, ISEInfo[stb, isei]]}; proc2: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] = { sei: SymbolIndex _ ISEType[stb, isei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH cse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM sequence => { recstb: SymbolTableBase; recsei: SymbolIndex; [recstb, recsei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; ans _ AcquireSequenceType[stb, sei, recstb, LOOPHOLE[SEUnderType[recstb, recsei], SymbolRecordIndex] ! UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[recstb]]; ReleaseSTB[recstb]}; ref => { IF cse.var THEN sei _ [x[cse.refType]]; ans _ AcquireType[stb, sei]}; ENDCASE => ans _ AcquireType[stb, sei]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH cse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM sequence => { recstb: SymbolTableBase; recsei: SymbolIndex; [recstb, recsei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; ans _ AcquireSequenceType[stb, sei, recstb, LOOPHOLE[SEUnderType[recstb, recsei], SymbolRecordIndex] ! UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[recstb]]; ReleaseSTB[recstb]}; ref => { IF cse.var THEN sei _ [y[cse.refType]]; ans _ AcquireType[stb, sei]}; ENDCASE => ans _ AcquireType[stb, sei]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; entry: RTTCache.RefEntry; map: RTTCache.ComponentMap; class: Class; n: NAT _ 0; type _ UnderType[type]; class _ TypeClass[type]; SELECT class FROM record, structure => n _ NComponents[type]; union => n _ NValues[Domain[type]]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; entry _ RTTCache.LookupRef[type, IndexToType]; map _ NARROW[entry.ref, RTTCache.ComponentMap]; IF map # NIL AND index IN [] AND map[index-1].validType THEN RETURN [map[index-1].type]; SELECT class FROM record, structure => RecordComponentISEI[type, index, proc2]; union => ComponentISEI[type, index, proc1]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; IF n > 0 AND index IN [1..n] THEN { IF map = NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillRefEntry[entry, map _ RTTCache.NewComponentMap[n]]; [] _ RTTCache.FillTypeComponent[map, index-1, ans]}; }; IndexToStatus: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type--record, structure--, index: Index] RETURNS[ans: Status] = { proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] = { ans _ (IF ISEImmutable[stb, isei] THEN readOnly ELSE IF ISEConstant[stb, isei] THEN const ELSE mutable)}; RecordComponentISEI[type, index, proc]; }; NameToIndex: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--record, structure, union, enumerated--, name: ROPE] RETURNS [ans: CARDINAL _ 0] = TRUSTED { enumerated: BOOL _ FALSE; stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; class: Class; n: INT _ 0; found: BOOL _ FALSE; entry: RTTCache.RefEntry; map: RTTCache.ComponentMap; proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = { IF enumerated THEN ans _ IDCardinalValue[stb, isei] + 1 ELSE ans _ ans + 1; stop _ Rope.Equal[name, AcquireRope[stb, ISEName[stb, isei]]]}; type _ UnderType[type]; class _ TypeClass[type]; SELECT class FROM record, structure => n _ NComponents[type]; enumerated => n _ NValues[type]; union => n _ NValues[Domain[type]]; ENDCASE; IF n IN [1..256) THEN { entry _ RTTCache.LookupRef[type, IndexToType]; map _ NARROW[entry.ref, RTTCache.ComponentMap]; IF map # NIL THEN { int: INT _ RTTCache.GetComponentForName[map, name].index; IF int >= 0 THEN RETURN [int+1]}}; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => {csei: bx.SymbolConstructorIndex _ t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => {srx: SymbolIndex = [x[csei]]; found _ EnumerateRecordIseis[stb, LOOPHOLE[srx, SymbolRecordIndex], proc]}; definition => found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.defCtx]], proc]; union => found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.caseCtx]], proc]; enumerated => {enumerated _ TRUE; found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.valueCtx]], proc]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]}; t: SymbolTableBase.y => {csei: by.SymbolConstructorIndex _ t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM record => {srx: SymbolIndex = [y[csei]]; found _ EnumerateRecordIseis[stb, LOOPHOLE[srx, SymbolRecordIndex], proc]}; definition => found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.defCtx]], proc]; union => found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.caseCtx]], proc]; enumerated => {enumerated _ TRUE; found _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.valueCtx]], proc]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF NOT found THEN ERROR Error[reason: badName, type: type, msg: name]; IF ans > 0 AND n IN [1..256) THEN { IF map = NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillRefEntry[entry, map _ RTTCache.NewComponentMap[n]]; [] _ RTTCache.FillNameComponent[map, ans-1, name]}; }; -- end NameToIndex IndexToName: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--record, structure, union, enumerated--, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[ans: ROPE] = TRUSTED { proc: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] = { ans _ AcquireRope[stb, ISEName[stb, isei]]}; n: INT _ 0; class: Class; entry: RTTCache.RefEntry; map: RTTCache.ComponentMap _ NIL; type _ UnderType[type]; class _ TypeClass[type]; SELECT class FROM record, structure => n _ NComponents[type]; enumerated => n _ NValues[type]; union, sequence => IF index = 0 THEN { entry _ RTTCache.LookupRef[type, IndexToName]; IF entry.valid THEN RETURN [NARROW[entry.ref]]; ComponentISEI[type, 0, proc]; entry.ref _ ans; entry.valid _ TRUE; RETURN} ELSE { IF class = sequence THEN GO TO err; n _ NValues[Domain[type]]; }; ENDCASE; IF n IN [1..256) THEN { entry _ RTTCache.LookupRef[type, IndexToType]; map _ NARROW[entry.ref, RTTCache.ComponentMap]; IF map = NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillRefEntry[entry, map _ RTTCache.NewComponentMap[n]]; IF index IN [] THEN { comp: RTTCache.ComponentEntry _ RTTCache.GetComponentAtIndex[map, index-1]; IF comp.validName THEN RETURN []}; }; SELECT class FROM record, structure => RecordComponentISEI[type, index, proc]; union, enumerated => ComponentISEI[type, index, proc]; ENDCASE => GO TO err; IF map # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillNameComponent[map, index-1, ans]; EXITS err => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; }; IsPacked: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--array, sequence--] RETURNS [ans: BOOL] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM array => ans _ ser.packed; sequence => ans _ ser.packed; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM array => ans _ ser.packed; sequence => ans _ ser.packed; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; Domain: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--array, sequence, union, transfer, descriptor, longDescriptor, relativePointer--] RETURNS[ans: Type] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, Domain]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM relative => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.offsetType]]]; array => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.indexType]]]; sequence => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[t.e.seb[ser.tagSei].idType]]]; union => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[t.e.seb[ser.tagSei].idType]]]; transfer => ans _ (IF ser.typeIn = bx.nullSymbolIndex THEN nullType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.typeIn]]]); ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM relative => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.offsetType]]]; array => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.indexType]]]; sequence => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[t.e.seb[ser.tagSei].idType]]]; union => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[t.e.seb[ser.tagSei].idType]]]; transfer => ans _ (IF ser.typeIn = by.nullSymbolIndex THEN nullType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.typeIn]]]); ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[ans, CARDINAL]]; }; Range: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[ans: Type] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, Range]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; SELECT TypeClass[UnderType[type]] FROM array, sequence, procedure, signal, process, list, ref, pointer, longPointer, descriptor, longDescriptor, relativePointer, basePointer => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM array => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.componentType]]]; sequence => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.componentType]]]; transfer => ans _ (IF ser.typeOut = bx.nullSymbolIndex THEN nullType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.typeOut]]]); relative => ans _ Range[AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.resultType]]]]; ref => {IF ser.counted THEN ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ans _ (IF t.e.UnderType[ser.refType] = bx.symbolIndexForANY THEN unspecType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.refType]]])}; arraydesc => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.describedType]]]; long => WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => ans _ (IF t.e.UnderType[rse.refType] = bx.symbolIndexForANY THEN unspecType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [x[rse.refType]]]); arraydesc => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[rse.describedType]]]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM array => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.componentType]]]; sequence => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.componentType]]]; transfer => ans _ (IF ser.typeOut = by.nullSymbolIndex THEN nullType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.typeOut]]]); relative => ans _ Range[AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.resultType]]]]; ref => {IF ser.counted THEN ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ans _ (IF t.e.UnderType[ser.refType] = by.symbolIndexForANY THEN unspecType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.refType]]])}; arraydesc => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.describedType]]]; long => WITH rse: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => ans _ (IF t.e.UnderType[rse.refType] = by.symbolIndexForANY THEN unspecType ELSE AcquireType[stb, [y[rse.refType]]]); arraydesc => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[rse.describedType]]]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]}; -- END ENABLE UNWIND [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[ans, CARDINAL]]; }; ReferentStatus: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--address--] RETURNS [ans: Status] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; readOnlyReferent: BOOL _ FALSE; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, ReferentStatus]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]] SELECT FROM long => WITH ser1: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM arraydesc => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser.readOnly; relative => WITH ser2: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.resultType]] SELECT FROM long => WITH ser1: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser2.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser2.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; arraydesc => readOnlyReferent _ ser.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]] SELECT FROM long => WITH ser1: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.rangeType]] SELECT FROM arraydesc => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser.readOnly; relative => WITH ser2: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser.resultType]] SELECT FROM long => WITH ser1: t.e.seb[t.e.UnderType[ser2.rangeType]] SELECT FROM ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser1.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ref => readOnlyReferent _ ser2.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; arraydesc => readOnlyReferent _ ser.readOnly; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; ans _ IF readOnlyReferent THEN readOnly ELSE mutable; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[ans, CARDINAL]]; }; -- end ReferentStatus TypeToName: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--definition--, moduleName, fileName: REF ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [ans: ROPE] = TRUSTED { SELECT type FROM nullType => RETURN[NIL]; unspecType => RETURN ["UNSPECIFIED"]; fhType => RETURN ["SomeFrameHandle"]; gfhType => RETURN["SomeGlobalFrameHandle"]; anyType => RETURN["ANY"]; ENDCASE; { stb: SymbolTableBase _ nullBase; sei: SymbolIndex; class: Class _ TypeClass[type]; IF class = atom THEN RETURN["ATOM"] ELSE IF class = rope THEN RETURN["ROPE"]; IF moduleName # NIL OR fileName # NIL THEN [stb, sei] _ GetOriginalTypeSymbols[type ! Error => CONTINUE]; IF stb = nullBase THEN [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; mdi: bx.SymbolModuleIndex _ bx.thisModuleIndex; WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM id => {ans _ AcquireRope[stb, [x[ser.hash]]]; IF moduleName # NIL OR fileName # NIL THEN {WITH cer: t.e.ctxb[ser.idCtx] SELECT FROM included => mdi _ cer.module; ENDCASE; IF moduleName # NIL THEN moduleName^ _ AcquireRope[stb, [x[t.e.mdb[mdi].moduleId]]]; IF fileName # NIL THEN fileName^ _ AcquireRope[stb, [x[t.e.mdb[mdi].fileId]]]}}; ENDCASE => { csei: bx.SymbolConstructorIndex = t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]; IF moduleName # NIL THEN moduleName^ _ STBToModuleName[stb]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM definition => ans _ STBToModuleName[stb]; -- interface type ENDCASE => ans _ NIL}; }; t: SymbolTableBase.y => { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; mdi: by.SymbolModuleIndex _ by.thisModuleIndex; WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM id => { ans _ AcquireRope[stb, [y[ser.hash]]]; IF moduleName # NIL OR fileName # NIL THEN { WITH cer: t.e.ctxb[ser.idCtx] SELECT FROM included => mdi _ cer.module; ENDCASE; IF moduleName # NIL THEN moduleName^ _ AcquireRope[stb, [y[t.e.mdb[mdi].moduleId]]]; IF fileName # NIL THEN fileName^ _ AcquireRope[stb, [y[t.e.mdb[mdi].fileId]]]}}; ENDCASE => { csei: by.SymbolConstructorIndex = t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]; IF moduleName # NIL THEN moduleName^ _ STBToModuleName[stb]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM definition => ans _ STBToModuleName[stb]; -- interface type ENDCASE => ans _ NIL}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; }; Ground: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--definition, subrange--] RETURNS [ans: Type] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, Ground]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; SELECT TypeClass[type] FROM definition, subrange => {}; ENDCASE => GO TO fault; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM id => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.idInfo]]]; -- a definition ENDCASE => { csei: bx.SymbolConstructorIndex _ t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.x].e]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM subrange => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [x[ser.rangeType]]]; ENDCASE; }; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM id => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.idInfo]]]; -- a definition ENDCASE => { csei: by.SymbolConstructorIndex _ t.e.UnderType[NARROW[sei, SymbolIndex.y].e]; WITH ser: t.e.seb[csei] SELECT FROM subrange => ans _ AcquireType[stb, [y[ser.rangeType]]]; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[ans, CARDINAL]]; EXITS fault => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; }; GroundStar: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--definition, subrange--] RETURNS [Type] = TRUSTED { entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, GroundStar]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; DO SELECT TypeClass[type] FROM definition, subrange => type _ Ground[type]; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[type, CARDINAL]]; RETURN[type]; }; UnderType: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--definition--] RETURNS [Type] = TRUSTED { entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; int: INT; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, UnderType]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN {card: CARDINAL _ int; RETURN [LOOPHOLE[card]]}; UNTIL TypeClass[type] # definition DO type _ Ground[type]; ENDLOOP; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, LOOPHOLE[type, CARDINAL]]; RETURN[type]; }; First: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--enumerated, subrange, basic--] RETURNS [tv: TypedVariable] = TRUSTED { class: Class = TypeClass[UnderType[type]]; IF class = subrange THEN { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; csei _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM subrange => {empty: BOOL = ser.empty; ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF empty THEN ERROR Error[reason: rangeFault]}; ENDCASE => {ReleaseSTB[stb]; ERROR}; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM subrange => {empty: BOOL = ser.empty; ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF empty THEN ERROR Error[reason: rangeFault]}; ENDCASE => {ReleaseSTB[stb]; ERROR}; ENDCASE => ERROR; tv _ New[type]; RETURN}; -- the "0" that's there already is always the right stored representation!! tv _ New[type]; SELECT class FROM enumerated => SetTVFromLC[tv, 0]; cardinal => SetTVFromLC[tv, FIRST[CARDINAL]]; integer => SetTVFromLI[tv, LONG[FIRST[INTEGER]]]; character => SetTVFromLC[tv, LONG[LOOPHOLE[FIRST[CHARACTER], CARDINAL]]]; longInteger => SetTVFromLI[tv, FIRST[LONG INTEGER]]; longCardinal => SetTVFromLC[tv, FIRST[LONG CARDINAL]]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; }; Last: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--enumerated, subrange, basic--] RETURNS[tv: TypedVariable] = TRUSTED { class: Class = TypeClass[UnderType[type]]; tv _ New[type]; SELECT class FROM enumerated, subrange => { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; i: INTEGER; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM enumerated => i _ LOOPHOLE[ser.nValues - 1, INTEGER]; subrange => { IF ser.empty THEN ERROR Error[reason: rangeFault]; i _ ser.origin + ser.range}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM enumerated => i _ LOOPHOLE[ser.nValues - 1, INTEGER]; subrange => { IF ser.empty THEN ERROR Error[reason: rangeFault]; i _ ser.origin + ser.range}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF class = enumerated THEN SetTVFromLC[tv, LONG[LOOPHOLE[i, CARDINAL]]] ELSE SetTVFromLI[tv, LONG[i]]; }; cardinal => SetTVFromLC[tv, LAST[CARDINAL]]; integer => SetTVFromLI[tv, LONG[LAST[INTEGER]]]; character => SetTVFromLC[tv, LONG[LOOPHOLE[LAST[CHARACTER], CARDINAL]]]; longInteger => SetTVFromLI[tv, LAST[LONG INTEGER]]; longCardinal => SetTVFromLC[tv, LAST[LONG CARDINAL]]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; }; NValues: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--enumerated, subrange--] RETURNS [int: INT] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry; type _ UnderType[type]; entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, NValues]; int _; IF int >= 0 THEN RETURN[int]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; {ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM enumerated => int _ IF ser.nValues = 0 THEN 200000B ELSE ser.nValues; subrange => int _ IF ser.empty THEN 0 ELSE 1 + ser.range; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM enumerated => int _ IF ser.nValues = 0 THEN 200000B ELSE ser.nValues; subrange => int _ IF ser.empty THEN 0 ELSE 1 + ser.range; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, int]; }; Value: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [type: Type--enumerated--, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS [tv: TypedVariable] = TRUSTED { type _ UnderType[type]; IF TypeClass[type] # enumerated THEN ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; IF index > NValues[type] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; tv _ AMTypes.New[type]; SetTVFromLC[tv, index-1]; }; ComponentISEI: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type--union, enumerated--, index: CARDINAL, p: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex]] = { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; n: CARDINAL _ 0; ctxi: SymbolContextIndex; enumeration: BOOL _ FALSE; looker: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = { n _ n + 1; IF enumeration THEN { IF index-1 = IDCardinalValue[stb, isei] THEN {p[stb, isei]; RETURN[TRUE]} ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; } ELSE IF n = index THEN {p[stb, isei]; RETURN[TRUE]} ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; }; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM union => IF index = 0 THEN {p[stb, [x[ser.tagSei]]]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; RETURN} ELSE ctxi _ [x[ser.caseCtx]]; sequence => { p[stb, [x[ser.tagSei]]]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; RETURN}; enumerated => {enumeration _ TRUE; ctxi _ [x[ser.valueCtx]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM union => IF index = 0 THEN {p[stb, [y[ser.tagSei]]]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; RETURN} ELSE ctxi _ [y[ser.caseCtx]]; sequence => { p[stb, [y[ser.tagSei]]]; ReleaseSTB[stb]; RETURN}; enumerated => {enumeration _ TRUE; ctxi _ [y[ser.valueCtx]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF NOT EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, ctxi, looker] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; RecordComponentISEI: PUBLIC PROC [type: Type--record, structure--, index: Index, p: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex]] = { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; n: Index _ 0; looker: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = { n _ n + 1; IF n = index THEN {p[stb, isei]; RETURN[TRUE]} ELSE RETURN[FALSE]}; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM record => IF NOT EnumerateRecordIseis[stb, LOOPHOLE[csei, SymbolRecordIndex], looker] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; definition => IF NOT EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [x[ser.defCtx]], looker] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM record => IF NOT EnumerateRecordIseis[stb, LOOPHOLE[csei, SymbolRecordIndex], looker] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; definition => IF NOT EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, [y[ser.defCtx]], looker] THEN ERROR Error[reason: badIndex]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error[reason: typeFault, type: type]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; }; CtxEntries: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, ctx: SymbolContextIndex] RETURNS[CARDINAL] = { n: CARDINAL _ 0; counter: PROC[stb: SymbolTableBase, isei: SymbolIdIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOL] = { n _ n + 1; RETURN[FALSE]; }; [] _ EnumerateCtxIseis[stb, ctx, counter]; RETURN[n]; }; GetOrigin: PUBLIC SAFE PROC[type: Type] RETURNS[origin: INTEGER _ 0] = TRUSTED { stb: SymbolTableBase; sei: SymbolIndex; csei: SymbolConstructorIndex; entry: RTTCache.IntEntry _ NIL; IF Size[type] > 1 THEN RETURN[0]; -- no subranges in long domain entry _ RTTCache.LookupInt[type, GetOrigin]; IF # -1 THEN RETURN[]; [stb, sei] _ GetTypeSymbols[type]; { ENABLE UNWIND => ReleaseSTB[stb]; csei _ SEUnderType[stb, sei]; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: SymbolTableBase.x => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.x].e] SELECT FROM subrange => origin _ ser.origin ENDCASE; t: SymbolTableBase.y => WITH ser: t.e.seb[NARROW[csei, SymbolConstructorIndex.y].e] SELECT FROM subrange => origin _ ser.origin ENDCASE; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ReleaseSTB[stb]; IF entry # NIL THEN [] _ RTTCache.FillIntEntry[entry, origin]; }; END. êAMTypesAImpl.Mesa NOTE do Equal, AsGoodAs try to avoid acquisition of already acquired symbol tables status stuff is wrong. Paul Rovner, June 29, 1983 4:50 pm Russ Atkinson, May 11, 1984 12:04:07 pm PDT Use AMTypes.New instead of SafeStoragePrivate.NewObject formatted, moved ReleaseSTB out of UNWIND scope to avoid double releases T Y P E S E R R O R P U B L I C P R O C E D U R E S These procedures have applicability restrictions, noted as comments This returns the Type of the specified component of instances of the type. index starts at 1. put the answer back into the cache This returns the Status of the specified component of instances of the type. index starts at 1. index starts at 1 raises typeFault, badName RRA: the tag name is cached differently from other component names RRA: only union types are further processed applicable to array, sequence, procedure, signal, process, address (not atom, rope) peels off one layer raises typeFault, badIndex index range is [1..NValues[type]] This is exported to RTTypesPrivate, and is imported by RTTypedVariablesImpl RRA: to get the name of a sequence tag RRA: to get the name of a sequence tag ... NOTE and procedures for dealing with code TypedVariables... Procedures private to this module Ê 2˜šœ™šœ™Jšœ:™:Jšœ™—Jšœ"™"šœ+™+J™7J™HJ˜——šÏk ˜ Jšœ œ˜*JšœœI˜Wšœ˜J˜p—šœ˜J˜p—Jšœœœ ˜šœ ˜J˜w—šœ ˜J˜Ï—Jšœ œ6˜Ešœ ˜J˜Æ—Jšœœ˜Jšœ œ7˜IJ˜—šœ˜š˜Jšœ9˜9—š˜Jšœ˜—šœœ˜ Jšœq˜qJ˜——™ Jšœœœ˜J˜—šœ ™ šœœœ˜)Jšœœœ˜JšœÏc)˜?Jšœž˜9Jšœœ˜ J˜——Jšœ!™!˜JšœC™CJ˜—šÏn œœœ˜Jšœ žœœœ˜BJ˜Jšœœ˜ Jšœœœ˜"J˜.J˜Jšœ œœ˜J˜˜J˜J˜"šœœœ˜#J˜5J˜šœœ˜˜šœœ$œ˜GJšœ%œ˜5˜ šœœ,œœ˜LJšœœœ˜J˜J˜4——Jšœœ&˜6——˜šœœ$œ˜GJšœ%œ˜5˜ šœœ,œœ˜LJšœœœ˜J˜J˜4——Jšœœ&˜6——Jšœœ˜—J˜—J˜—J˜'˜J˜——šŸ œœœ˜Jšœ žœ˜6Jšœœ˜Jšœ]™]šœœ/˜:šœœ ˜Jšœ%˜)Jšœ'˜+——šœœ/˜:Jšœ&˜&šœœ˜˜šœœœ˜J˜ J˜J˜J˜(˜+šœ˜%J˜—Jšœœ˜ —J˜—šœ˜Jšœ œ˜'J˜—Jšœ ˜'——˜šœœœ˜J˜ J˜J˜J˜(˜+šœ˜%J˜—Jšœœ˜ —J˜—šœ˜Jšœ œ˜'J˜—Jšœ ˜'——Jšœœ˜—J˜—J˜J˜J˜ Jšœœ˜ J˜J˜šœ˜J˜+J˜#Jšœœ&˜6—J˜.Jšœœ#˜/š œœœœœ˜AJšœœ˜ J˜—šœ˜J˜=J˜+Jšœœ(˜8J˜—šœœœœ˜#Jšœ"™"šœœ˜J˜E—J˜4—˜J˜——šŸ œœ˜Jšœ žœœ˜HJšœ_™_šœœ/˜9Jšœœœ ˜/Jšœœœ˜)Jšœ ˜—J˜'J˜J˜—šŸ œœœ˜Jšœ ž(œœ˜@Jšœœœ˜(Jšœ™Jšœ™Jšœ œœ˜J˜J˜J˜ Jšœœ˜ Jšœœœ˜J˜J˜šœœ,œœ˜MJšœ œ&œ˜KJ˜?J˜—J˜J˜šœ˜J˜+J˜ J˜#Jšœ˜J˜—šœœ œ˜Jšœ.˜.Jšœœ#˜/šœœœ˜Jšœœ1˜9Jšœ œœ ˜"J˜——J˜"J˜šœœœ˜#šœœ˜˜šœ1œ˜Ošœœ˜#˜(˜!Jšœ˜!J˜——J˜DJ˜@˜ Jšœœ;˜M—Jšœœ'˜7———˜šœ1œ˜Ošœœ˜#˜(˜!Jšœ˜!J˜——J˜DJ˜@˜ Jšœœ;˜M—Jšœœ'˜7————Jšœœ˜J˜J˜—J˜Jšœœœœ/˜Fšœ œœ œ˜#šœœ˜J˜E—J˜3—Jšœž˜J˜—šŸ œœœ˜Jšœ ž(œœœ˜EJšœœœ˜šœœ/˜9Jšœ,˜,—Jšœœ˜ J˜ J˜Jšœœ˜!J˜J˜J˜J˜šœ˜J˜+J˜ ˜šœ ˜ šœ˜JšœB™BJ˜.Jšœ œœœ ˜/J˜J˜Jšœœ˜Jšœ˜—šœ˜Jšœ+™+Jšœœœœ˜#J˜J˜———Jšœ˜J˜—šœœ œ˜Jšœ.˜.Jšœœ#˜/šœ˜ JšœF˜J—šœœœ˜Jšœ˜J˜+Jšœœœ˜+—J˜J˜—šœ˜J˜šœ˜ Jšœ0œ˜Nšœœ˜#Jšœ7˜7—Jšœ˜J˜———˜šœœœ˜;Jšœ/ž˜>šœ˜ Jšœ0œ˜Nšœœ˜#Jšœ7˜7—Jšœ˜—J˜——Jšœœ˜—J˜—šœ˜J˜—Jšœ"œœ˜;Jšœ œ&˜:J˜J˜—šŸ œœœ˜Jšœ žœ œ œ˜?Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜ J˜-J˜Jš œ œœœœ ˜Aš˜šœ˜Jšœ,˜,Jšœœ˜—Jšœ˜—Jšœ"œœ˜J˜J˜—Jšœ˜J˜J˜—…—qÈ–ä