-- WalnutStream.Mesa -- Contents: types and procedures which take an explicit stream parameter -- Last Edited by: Willie-Sue, May 18, 1983 3:05 pm DIRECTORY GVRetrieve USING[Handle], IO USING [STREAM], WalnutLog; WalnutStream: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN WalnutLog; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- utility routines for parsing log-style files ReadPrefixInfo: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, headersPos: INT] RETURNS[msgID: ROPE, categories: ROPE, outOfSynch: BOOL]; FindStartOfEntry: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, doReport: BOOL] RETURNS[startPos, prefixLength, entryLength: INT, entryChar: CHAR]; TagAndValue: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, inc: INT] RETURNS[tag, value: ROPE]; RopeFromStream: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, startPos, len: INT] RETURNS[ROPE]; -- reads arbitrary length ROPE from a stream MsgRecFromStream: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, prefixLength, msgLength: INT] RETURNS[msgRec: MsgRec]; ReadOldMailFile: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, defaultPrefix: ROPE] RETURNS [ok: BOOL]; -- UpdateFromStream is implemented in WalnutUpdateImpl UpdateFromStream: PROC[strm: IO.STREAM, startPos: INT] RETURNS[success: BOOL]; -- reads entries from strm, starting at startPos, and updates the database by making -- calls into WalnutDB ExpungeFromStream: PROC[strm, tempLog: IO.STREAM, doUpdates, tailRewrite: BOOL] RETURNS[startExpungePos: INT, ok: BOOL]; -- Dumping is driven from the log file (strm) & preserves the bits that came from Grapevine -- Dumps all the Msgs in the database to a tempLog, setting all -- their body pointers to reference the NEW log; does NOT copy tempLog to strm -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- the following procs write on strm MakeLogEntry: PROC [ strm: IO.STREAM, entryType: LogEntryType, entryText: ROPE, msgID: ROPE_ NIL] RETURNS [endStrmPos: INT]; GVLogEntry: PROC [strm: IO.STREAM, gvH: GVRetrieve.Handle, prefix: ROPE] RETURNS [lastIndex: INT, ok: BOOL]; END.