-- File: WalnutExtrasImpl.mesa -- Contents: operations invoked by buttons & menus in Walnut Control window -- created May, 1983 by Willie-Sue -- Last edit by: -- Willie-Sue on: December 12, 1983 5:22 pm DIRECTORY AlpineFS USING [StreamOpen], Buttons USING [ButtonProc], DB USING [EraseSegment, TransactionOf], FS USING [Error, StreamOpen], Icons USING [IconFlavor, NewIconFromFile], IO, WQueue USING [QueueClientAction], Menus USING [Menu, MenuProc], PrincOpsUtils USING [IsBound], Rope, ViewerClasses USING [Viewer], ViewerOps, ViewerTools USING [GetContents, SetContents], WalnutControlPrivate USING [FlushWQueue], WalnutDB USING [Msg, MsgSet, Relship, RelshipMsgSetPair, activeMsgSet, deletedMsgSet, ArchiveMsgSet, DeclareMsg, DeclareMsgSet, DestroyMsgSet, EqEntities, GetName, MsgRecToMsg, Null, NumInMsgSet], WalnutDisplayerOps USING [msgName, msgSetName], WalnutMsgOps USING [AddParsedMsgToMSViewer, BuildListOfMsgsViewer, BuildMsgSetViewer, BuildMsgViewer, MsgInViewer, MsgSetInViewer], WalnutExtras USING [ChangeDatabase, ChangeWalnutMenu, DoExpunge, InternalNewMail, LoadBcdForWalnut], WalnutLog USING [MsgRec, currentSegment, CloseLogStream, CloseWalnutTransaction, InitializeLog, LogCreateMsgSet, LogDestroyMsgSet, LogLength, MarkWalnutTransaction, NextMsgRecFromLog, OpenWalnutTransaction, ResetLogToExpectedLength, UpdateFromLog], WalnutPrintOps USING [PrintMsgSet], WalnutRetrieve USING [RetrieveGVMessages], WalnutStream USING [ReadOldMailFile], WalnutWindow USING [MsgSetButton, fileNameText, msgIcon, msgSetIcon, msgSetText, newMailIcon, walnut, walnutLogName, walnutNullTrans, walnutQueue, walnutSegmentFile, walnutMenu, workingMenu, AddMsgSetButton, DeleteMsgSetButton, DestroyAllMsgSetButtons, GetSelectedMsgSets, FindMSViewer, Report, ReportRope, UserConfirmed]; WalnutExtrasImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS DB, Icons, WQueue, AlpineFS, FS, IO, PrincOpsUtils, Rope, ViewerOps, ViewerTools, WalnutControlPrivate, WalnutDB, WalnutDisplayerOps, WalnutMsgOps, WalnutExtras, WalnutLog, WalnutPrintOps, WalnutRetrieve, WalnutStream, WalnutWindow EXPORTS WalnutDisplayerOps, WalnutExtras, WalnutWindow SHARES WalnutWindow = BEGIN OPEN WalnutDB, WalnutExtras, WalnutWindow; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; noMsgSetsSelected: ROPE = "No selected MsgSet(s)"; alpineFileTest: ROPE = ".alpine]"; noAlpineFS: ROPE = "Can't read alpine file without being able to run AlpineFSImpl"; noAlpineWrite: ROPE = "Can't write an alpine file without being able to run AlpineFSImpl"; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WalnutQueueEntry: TYPE = REF QueueEntryObject; QueueEntryObject: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD[params, result: REF ANY, condition: CONDITION]; DoWaitCall: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[proc: PROC[REF ANY], ra: REF ANY_ NIL] = -- puts proc on Walnut's queue and waits for its execution to finish BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; wqe: WalnutQueueEntry_ NEW[QueueEntryObject_ [params: ra]]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[walnutQueue, proc, wqe]; WAIT wqe.condition; END; DoWaitCallWithResult: ENTRY PROC[proc: PROC[REF ANY], ra: REF ANY_ NIL] RETURNS[REF ANY_ NIL] = -- puts proc on Walnut's queue and waits for its execution to finish BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; wqe: WalnutQueueEntry_ NEW[QueueEntryObject_ [params: ra]]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[walnutQueue, proc, wqe]; WAIT wqe.condition; RETURN[wqe.result]; END; NotifyIfAppropriate: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; IF (ra = NIL) OR ~ISTYPE[ra, WalnutQueueEntry] THEN RETURN; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ExpungeProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; DoExpunge[TRUE, TRUE]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; DumpProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; DoExpunge[FALSE, FALSE]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; ChangeDBProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; ChangeDatabase[wqe.params]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; ScavengeProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; DoScavenge[startPos: 0]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -- for access from the outside; must run under the Notifier RefForDisplayList: TYPE = REF DisplayListObject; DisplayListObject: TYPE = RECORD[mL: LIST OF ROPE, name: ROPE, oldV: Viewer]; DisplayListOfMsgs: PUBLIC PROC[mL: LIST OF ROPE, name: ROPE, oldV: Viewer] RETURNS[v: Viewer] = BEGIN rdl: RefForDisplayList_ NEW[DisplayListObject_ [mL, name, oldV]]; result: REF ANY_ DoWaitCallWithResult[DoDisplayListOfMsgs, rdl]; v_ NARROW[result]; END; DoDisplayListOfMsgs: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; rdl: RefForDisplayList; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; rdl_ NARROW[wqe.params]; wqe.result_ WalnutMsgOps.BuildListOfMsgsViewer[rdl.mL, rdl.name, rdl.oldV]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; -- * * * * * * * * * RefForDisplayInViewer: TYPE = REF DisplayInViewerObject; DisplayInViewerObject: TYPE = RECORD[name: ROPE, v: Viewer, shift: BOOL]; DisplayMsgInViewer: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, v: Viewer, shift: BOOL_ FALSE] = BEGIN rdv: RefForDisplayInViewer_ NEW[DisplayInViewerObject_ [name, v, shift]]; DoWaitCall[DoDisplayMsgInViewer, rdv]; END; DoDisplayMsgInViewer: ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; msg: Msg; rdv: RefForDisplayInViewer; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; rdv_ NARROW[wqe.params]; msg_ DeclareMsg[rdv.name, OldOnly].msg; IF ~Null[msg] THEN []_ WalnutMsgOps.MsgInViewer[rdv.name, msg, rdv.v, rdv.shift]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; DisplayMsgSetInViewer: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, v: Viewer, shift: BOOL_ FALSE] = BEGIN rdv: RefForDisplayInViewer_ NEW[DisplayInViewerObject_ [name, v, shift]]; DoWaitCall[DoDisplayMsgSetInViewer, rdv]; END; DoDisplayMsgSetInViewer: ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; msgSet: MsgSet; rdv: RefForDisplayInViewer; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; rdv_ NARROW[wqe.params]; msgSet_ DeclareMsgSet[rdv.name, OldOnly].msgSet; IF ~Null[msgSet] THEN []_ WalnutMsgOps.MsgSetInViewer[rdv.name, msgSet, rdv.v, rdv.shift]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; -- * * * * * * * * * RefForCreateViewer: TYPE = REF CreateViewerObject; CreateViewerObject: TYPE = RECORD[name: ROPE, shift, paint: BOOL]; CreateMsgViewer: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, shift, paint: BOOL_ FALSE] RETURNS[v: Viewer] = BEGIN rcv: RefForCreateViewer_ NEW[CreateViewerObject_ [name, shift, paint]]; result: REF ANY_ DoWaitCallWithResult[DoCreateMsgViewer, rcv]; v_ NARROW[result]; END; DoCreateMsgViewer: ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; msg: Msg; rcv: RefForCreateViewer; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; rcv_ NARROW[wqe.params]; msg_ DeclareMsg[rcv.name, OldOnly].msg; IF ~Null[msg] THEN wqe.result_ WalnutMsgOps.BuildMsgViewer[rcv.name, msg, rcv.shift, rcv.paint]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; CreateMsgSetViewer: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE, shift, paint: BOOL_ FALSE] RETURNS[v: Viewer] = BEGIN rcv: RefForCreateViewer_ NEW[CreateViewerObject_ [name, shift, paint]]; result: REF ANY_ DoWaitCallWithResult[DoCreateMsgSetViewer, rcv]; v_ NARROW[result]; END; DoCreateMsgSetViewer: ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; msgSet: MsgSet; rcv: RefForCreateViewer; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; rcv_ NARROW[wqe.params]; msgSet_ DeclareMsgSet[rcv.name, OldOnly].msgSet; IF ~Null[msgSet] THEN wqe.result_ WalnutMsgOps.BuildMsgSetViewer[rcv.name, msgSet, rcv.shift, rcv.paint]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DoScavenge: PUBLIC PROC[startPos: INT] = BEGIN OPEN WalnutLog; IF DB.TransactionOf[currentSegment]#NIL THEN CloseWalnutTransaction[]; TakeDownWalnutViewers[]; DestroyAllMsgSetButtons[]; WalnutControlPrivate.FlushWQueue[]; -- re-initialize the segment to erase it DB.EraseSegment[segment: currentSegment]; OpenWalnutTransaction[currentSegment, walnutNullTrans, TRUE]; -- no transaction, noLog Report[" Erasing walnut segment"]; []_ InitializeLog[walnutLogName]; []_ UpdateFromLog[startPos]; CloseWalnutTransaction[]; OpenWalnutTransaction[currentSegment, NIL, FALSE] -- with transaction END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RetrieveNewMailProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; ChangeWalnutMenu[workingMenu]; InternalNewMail[]; ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; DoNewMail: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN startPos: INT_ WalnutLog.LogLength[doFlush: TRUE]; autoCommit: BOOL_ walnutSegmentFile.Find[alpineFileTest, 0, FALSE] > 0; numRetrieved: INT; IF autoCommit THEN WalnutLog.MarkWalnutTransaction[]; numRetrieved_ WalnutRetrieve.RetrieveGVMessages[].numRetrieved; IF numRetrieved # 0 THEN { numNew: INT_ GetMessagesFromLog[startPos]; IF numNew # numRetrieved THEN Report[IO.PutFR["Only %g messages were new", IO.int[numNew]]]; IF autoCommit THEN WalnutLog.MarkWalnutTransaction[]; }; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GetMessagesFromLog: PROC[startPos: INT] RETURNS[numNew: INT] = BEGIN anymore, mExisted: BOOL; endPos: INT; sPos: INT_ startPos; msV: Viewer_ NIL; prevMsgSet: MsgSet_ NIL; msg: Msg; msgRec: WalnutLog.MsgRec; newMsgSetList: LIST OF MsgSet; newRelList: LIST OF RelshipMsgSetPair; numNew_ 0; DO [endPos, anymore, msgRec]_ WalnutLog.NextMsgRecFromLog[sPos]; IF ~anymore THEN EXIT; IF msgRec = NIL THEN {sPos_ endPos; LOOP}; [msg, mExisted, newMsgSetList, newRelList]_ MsgRecToMsg[msgRec]; IF ~mExisted THEN numNew_ numNew + 1; FOR mL: LIST OF MsgSet_ newMsgSetList, mL.rest UNTIL mL=NIL DO AddMsgSetButton[msgSet: mL.first, msName: GetName[mL.first], select: FALSE]; ENDLOOP; FOR rL: LIST OF RelshipMsgSetPair_ newRelList, rL.rest UNTIL rL = NIL DO IF ~EqEntities[rL.first.msgSet, prevMsgSet] THEN msV_ FindMSViewer[prevMsgSet_ rL.first.msgSet]; IF msV#NIL THEN WalnutMsgOps.AddParsedMsgToMSViewer[msg, msgRec, msV, rL.first.rel]; ENDLOOP; sPos_ endPos; ENDLOOP; RETURN[numNew]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ReadMailProc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN wqe: WalnutQueueEntry; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => { NOTIFY wqe.condition}; mfp: LIST OF ROPE; wqe_ NARROW[ra]; mfp_ NARROW[wqe.params]; DoReadMailFile[mfp]; NOTIFY wqe.condition; END; END; DoReadMailFile: PROC[mfp: LIST OF ROPE] = BEGIN OPEN WalnutLog; defaultPrefix: ROPE; fStream: IO.STREAM; startPos, numNew: INT; fName: ROPE_ mfp.first; msName: ROPE_ mfp.rest.first; IF fName = NIL THEN {Report["No input file specified so quitting"]; RETURN}; BEGIN IF walnut = NIL THEN -- walnut not running startPos_ InitializeLog[walnutLogName] -- set up WalnutDB & log ELSE { ChangeWalnutMenu[workingMenu]; MarkWalnutTransaction[]; -- get in a good state startPos_ LogLength[TRUE]; }; IF msName = NIL THEN msName_ "Active" ELSE IF ~DoCreateMsgSet[msName, FALSE, FALSE] THEN RETURN; defaultPrefix_ Rope.Cat["Categories: ", msName, "\n"]; BEGIN isAlp, ok: BOOL; [isAlp, ok]_ CheckForAlpineFile[fName]; IF ~ok THEN {Report[noAlpineFS]; RETURN}; IF isAlp THEN fStream_ AlpineFS.StreamOpen[fName ! FS.Error => IF error.group = user THEN GOTO BadOpen] ELSE fStream_ FS.StreamOpen[fName ! FS.Error => IF error.group = user THEN GOTO BadOpen]; END; Report["Reading messages from ", fName, "... "]; IF ~WalnutStream.ReadOldMailFile[fStream, defaultPrefix] THEN { fStream.Close[]; Report["There were problems reading ", fName]; Report["Bug Confirm to keep messages successfully read, Deny to throw them away"]; IF ~UserConfirmed[] THEN { ResetLogToExpectedLength[]; RETURN}; }; fStream.Close[]; numNew_ GetMessagesFromLog[startPos]; IF numNew = 0 THEN Report[" No messages in ", fName, " were new"] ELSE Report[IO.PutFR[ "%g new messages from %g were added to database", IO.int[numNew], IO.rope[fName]]]; []_ LogLength[doFlush: TRUE]; MarkWalnutTransaction[]; IF walnut = NIL THEN CloseLogStream[]; EXITS BadOpen => Report["Can't open ", fName, "\n"]; END; IF walnut # NIL THEN ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CreateMsgSetButtonProc: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = { WQueue.QueueClientAction [walnutQueue, CreateMsgSetProc, ViewerTools.GetContents[msgSetText]]; }; CreateMsgSetProc: PROC[data: REF ANY] = BEGIN msName: ROPE_ NARROW[data]; []_ DoCreateMsgSet[msName, TRUE, TRUE]; END; DoCreateMsgSet: PROC[msName: ROPE, doReport, select: BOOL] RETURNS[nameOK: BOOL] = BEGIN msgSet: MsgSet; existed: BOOL; IF msName.Length[] = 0 THEN { Report["No MsgSet specified"]; RETURN[FALSE]}; -- get the entity IF msName.Find[" "] >=0 THEN { Report[" MsgSet names may not contain spaces"]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [msgSet, existed]_ DeclareMsgSet[msName]; IF existed THEN {IF doReport THEN Report["MsgSet: ", msName, " already exists"]} ELSE { WalnutLog.LogCreateMsgSet[msName]; []_ AddMsgSetButton[msgSet, msName, select]; }; RETURN[TRUE]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * SizeOfMsgSetsProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = { msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ GetSelectedMsgSets[]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[walnutQueue, SzOfMsgSetsProc, msgSetList]; }; SzOfMsgSetsProc: PROC[data: REF ANY] = BEGIN msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ NARROW[data]; IF msgSetList = NIL THEN { Report[noMsgSetsSelected]; RETURN}; FOR mL: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ msgSetList, mL.rest UNTIL mL=NIL DO num: INT_ NumInMsgSet[mL.first.msgSet]; Report[IO.PutFR[" %g msgs in MsgSet %g", IO.int[num], IO.rope[mL.first.selector.name]]]; ENDLOOP; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * DeleteMsgSetsProc: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = { msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ GetSelectedMsgSets[]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[walnutQueue, DelMsgSetsProc, msgSetList]; }; DelMsgSetsProc: PROC[data: REF ANY] = BEGIN msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ NARROW[data]; IF msgSetList = NIL THEN { Report[noMsgSetsSelected, " to delete"]; RETURN}; ChangeWalnutMenu[workingMenu]; FOR mL: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ msgSetList, mL.rest UNTIL mL=NIL DO msgSet: MsgSet_ mL.first.msgSet; msName: ROPE_ GetName[msgSet]; IF EqEntities[msgSet, deletedMsgSet] THEN { Report["Can't delete the Deleted MsgSet"]; LOOP}; IF NumInMsgSet[msgSet] # 0 THEN { Report[" Confirm deletion of messages in MsgSet: ", msName]; IF ~UserConfirmed[] THEN {ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; RETURN} }; WalnutLog.LogDestroyMsgSet[msName]; DeleteMsgSetButton[msgSet]; []_ DestroyMsgSet[msgSet]; IF ~EqEntities[msgSet, activeMsgSet] THEN Report["MsgSet: ", msName, " has been deleted"] ELSE Report["Msgs have been removed from Active"]; ENDLOOP; ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * PrintMsgSetsProc: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = { msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ GetSelectedMsgSets[]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[walnutQueue, PrtMsgSetsProc, msgSetList]; }; PrtMsgSetsProc: PROC[data: REF ANY] = BEGIN msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ NARROW[data]; IF msgSetList = NIL THEN { Report[noMsgSetsSelected, " to print"]; RETURN}; ChangeWalnutMenu[workingMenu]; FOR mL: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ msgSetList, mL.rest UNTIL mL=NIL DO msgSet: MsgSet_ mL.first.msgSet; msName: ROPE_ GetName[msgSet]; IF ~WalnutPrintOps.PrintMsgSet[msgSet, msName] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * ArchiveButtonProc: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = BEGIN fileName: ROPE _ ViewerTools.GetContents[fileNameText]; msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ GetSelectedMsgSets[]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[q: walnutQueue, proc: ArchiveProc, data: NEW[ArchiveDataObj_ [fileName, msgSetList, FALSE]]]; END; AppendButtonProc: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = BEGIN fileName: ROPE _ ViewerTools.GetContents[fileNameText]; msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ GetSelectedMsgSets[]; WQueue.QueueClientAction[q: walnutQueue, proc: ArchiveProc, data: NEW[ArchiveDataObj_ [fileName, msgSetList, TRUE]]]; END; ArchiveData: TYPE = REF ArchiveDataObj; ArchiveDataObj: TYPE = RECORD[fName: ROPE, mL: LIST OF MsgSetButton, append: BOOL]; ArchiveProc: PROC[data: REF ANY] = BEGIN num: INT_ 0; strm: IO.STREAM; archiveData: ArchiveData_ NARROW[data]; fileName: ROPE_ archiveData.fName; msgSetList: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ archiveData.mL; newRelList: LIST OF Relship_ NIL; -- no used for now msgSet: MsgSet; isAlp, ok: BOOL; IF fileName.Length[] = 0 THEN { Report["No Archive file specified"]; RETURN}; IF msgSetList = NIL THEN { Report[noMsgSetsSelected, " to archive"]; RETURN}; -- make sure didn't specify same name as log file IF fileName.Find["."] < 0 THEN { fileName_ fileName.Concat[".ArchiveLog"]; ViewerTools.SetContents[fileNameText, fileName] }; IF Rope.Equal[fileName, walnutLogName, FALSE] THEN { Report["Can't archive on log file"]; RETURN}; [isAlp, ok]_ CheckForAlpineFile[fileName]; IF ~ok THEN { Report[noAlpineWrite]; RETURN}; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {IF strm # NIL THEN strm.Close[]}; ChangeWalnutMenu[workingMenu]; IF archiveData.append THEN { strm_ IF isAlp THEN AlpineFS.StreamOpen[fileName, $append] ELSE FS.StreamOpen[fileName, $append]; Report["Appending msgs to the file: ", fileName] } ELSE strm_ IF isAlp THEN AlpineFS.StreamOpen[fileName, $create] ELSE FS.StreamOpen[fileName, $create]; ReportRope["Archiving the MsgSet(s): "]; FOR mL: LIST OF MsgSetButton_ msgSetList, mL.rest UNTIL mL = NIL DO ReportRope[GetName[msgSet_ mL.first.msgSet]]; ReportRope[" "]; num_ num + NumInMsgSet[msgSet]; newRelList_ ArchiveMsgSet[msgSet: msgSet, strm: strm, doDelete: FALSE]; ENDLOOP; strm.Close[]; Report[IO.PutFR["\n %g messages archived on file: %g", IO.int[num], IO.rope[fileName]]]; ChangeWalnutMenu[walnutMenu]; END; END; -- ********************************************************************** EnumWalnutViewers: PUBLIC PROC[keepSeparate: BOOL] RETURNS [msgSetList, msgList, queryList: LIST OF Viewer] = BEGIN Enum: ViewerOps.EnumProc = BEGIN ra: REF ANY; fullName: ROPE; IF (ra_ ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $WalnutQuery]) # NIL THEN { IF keepSeparate THEN queryList_ CONS[v, queryList] ELSE msgSetList_ CONS[v, msgSetList]; RETURN[TRUE] }; IF (ra_ ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $Entity]) = NIL THEN RETURN[TRUE]; fullName_ NARROW[ra]; IF fullName.Find[WalnutDisplayerOps.msgSetName, 0, FALSE] = 0 THEN msgSetList_ CONS[v, msgSetList] ELSE IF fullName.Find[WalnutDisplayerOps.msgName, 0, FALSE] = 0 THEN { IF keepSeparate THEN msgList_ CONS[v, msgList] ELSE msgSetList_ CONS[v, msgSetList]; }; RETURN[TRUE]; END; ViewerOps.EnumerateViewers[Enum] END; TakeDownWalnutViewers: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN FOR vL: LIST OF Viewer_ EnumWalnutViewers[FALSE].msgSetList, vL.rest UNTIL vL=NIL DO ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[vL.first]; ENDLOOP; END; ClearMsgSetDisplayers: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN child, v: Viewer; FOR vL: LIST OF Viewer_ EnumWalnutViewers[TRUE].msgSetList, vL.rest UNTIL vL=NIL DO v_ vL.first; UNTIL (child_ v.child) = NIL DO ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[child, FALSE] ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; SetWalnutIcons: PUBLIC PROC[file: ROPE] = BEGIN newMailIcon_ Icons.NewIconFromFile[file, 5]; msgSetIcon_ Icons.NewIconFromFile[file, 1]; msgIcon_ Icons.NewIconFromFile[file, 2]; END; EstablishFileNames: PUBLIC PROC[sName: ROPE, lName: ROPE_ NIL] RETURNS[segName, logName: ROPE, logIsAlp, alpNeeded: BOOL] = BEGIN log: ROPE; pos: INT; alp: ROPE = ".alpine]"; alpineServer: ROPE = "[Luther.alpine]"; alpNeeded_ FALSE; SELECT sName.Fetch[0] FROM '< => {sName_ alpineServer.Concat[sName]; alpNeeded_ TRUE}; '[ => IF sName.Find[alp, 0, FALSE] > 0 THEN alpNeeded_ TRUE; ENDCASE => sName_ Rope.Concat["[Local]", sName]; -- check for extension pos_ MAX[sName.Find[">"], 0]; IF Rope.Find[sName, ".", pos] > 0 THEN segName_ sName -- has extension ELSE segName_ sName.Concat[".Segment"]; IF ~alpNeeded THEN log_ segName.Substr[7, segName.Find[".", 8]-7] ELSE { sPos: INT_ segName.Find[">"]+1; log_ segName.Substr[0, segName.Find[".", sPos]]; }; IF lName.Length[] = 0 THEN logName_ log.Concat[".DBLog"] ELSE { pos_ MAX[lName.Find[">"], 0]; logName_ lName; IF logName.Find[".", pos] < 0 THEN logName_ logName.Concat[".DBLog"]; }; alpNeeded_ (logIsAlp_ (logName.Find[alp, 0, FALSE] > 0)) OR alpNeeded; END; CheckForAlpineFile: PROC[fName: ROPE] RETURNS[isAlp: BOOL, ok: BOOL] = BEGIN IF fName.Find[alpineFileTest, 0, FALSE] < 0 THEN RETURN[FALSE, TRUE]; IF PrincOpsUtils.IsBound[AlpineFS.StreamOpen] THEN RETURN[TRUE, TRUE]; IF ~LoadBcdForWalnut["AlpineFSImpl"] THEN RETURN[TRUE, FALSE]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END.