last edited by Levin on December 21, 1983 1:51 pm
PrincOps USING [flagsNone, flagsReadOnly, PageState],
PrincOpsUtils USING [SetPageFlags],
Process USING [GetPriority, Priority, priorityFaultHandlers, SetPriority],
AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, CantAllocate, DataState, Interval, IOErrorType, nullInterval, PageCount, PageNumber, PageState],
VMInternal USING [
AllocateForSwapIn, Age, CleanDone, CleanOutcome, ConsiderCleaning, Crash, DoIO, HasBackingStorage, IOResult, lastVMPage, MakeReadOnly, MakeReadWrite, NoteFreePages, NoteDirtyVictim, Outcome, RealPageNumber, SetDataState, State, swapBufferSize, SwapInDone, SwapInDoneWithoutIO, SwapInOutcome, Unpin, Victim, VictimWriteDone],
VMStatistics USING [];
IMPORTS PrincOpsUtils, Process, VM, VMInternal
EXPORTS VM, VMStatistics =
swapBufferSize: PageCount = VMInternal.swapBufferSize;
reservedPriority: Process.Priority = Process.priorityFaultHandlers;
Global variables protected by the monitor
swapBuffer: Interval ← VM.nullInterval; -- allocated on the first call of ReserveSwapBuffer
The following are manipulated only by Reserve/ReleaseSwapBuffer
swapBufferReserved: BOOLFALSE;
swapBufferAvailable: CONDITION ← [timeout: 0];
Exports to VMStatistics
swapInCalls, swapInVirtualRuns, swapInPhysicalRuns: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
swapInPages, swapInAlreadyIn, swapInNoRead, swapInReads: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
swapInDirtyVictims, swapInFailedToCleanVictims: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
cleanCalls, cleanVirtualRuns, cleanPhysicalRuns: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
cleanPages, cleanWrites, cleanCantWrites: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
cleanCheckOutCleans, cleanUnneededCheckOutCleans: PUBLIC INT ← 0;
Exports to VM
CantDoIO: PUBLIC SAFE ERROR [reason: IOErrorType, page: PageNumber] = CODE;
WriteProtectFault: PUBLIC SAFE ERROR [address: LONG POINTER] = CODE; -- not actually raised; here for convenience
State: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [page: PageNumber] RETURNS [state: PageState] = TRUSTED {
ValidateInterval[[page, 1]];
SetDataState: PUBLIC UNSAFE PROC [interval: Interval, dataState: DataState] = {
SetOneDataState: PROC[vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [VMInternal.Outcome] = {
RETURN[VMInternal.SetDataState[vmPage, dataState]]
DoInterval[interval, SetOneDataState];
IF dataState = $none THEN VMInternal.NoteFreePages[interval];
interval: Interval, kill: BOOLFALSE, pin: BOOLFALSE, nextPage: PageNumber ← 0] = TRUSTED {
Conceptually, the implementation is just a loop over the pages of the interval which assigns real memory (unless already assigned), reads the page from backing store (unless already in or "kill" is TRUE), and pins the real memory if "pin" is TRUE. The following performance considerations, however, transform the simple loop noticeably:
1) Disk reads are not requested individually; rather, runs of consecutive swapped-out pages are built up and passed to the DoReads procedure, which typically can initiate all reads as a single disk request.
2) DoReads (actually, VMInternal.DoIO) breaks up a run of virtual page reads into runs of physically contiguous disk page reads. Typically, the entire virtual page run will be a single physical page run.
3) The call of DoReads after a virtual page run has been completed is generally deferred until the first page of the next run is known. This permits DoReads to issue the physical I/O request and follow it immediately with a request to seek to the starting disk address of the subsequent run.
4) The swap buffer (and the state vector needed to protect it) are not acquired until it is known that a disk operation will occur. This optimizes the frequent case of kill=pin=TRUE, which is used by the file system's Read operation.
5) The swap buffer is of fixed size, and a request to SwapIn an interval larger than the swap buffer may be broken into multiple calls of DoReads, and consequently multiple disk requests, even though the interval could have been swapped in with a single disk request. The size chosen for the swap buffer is supposed to be large enough that this is a rare event.
6) Dirty victims cause the virtual page run being built up to be terminated and DoReads called immediately. Dirty victims are supposed to occur rarely; if they don't, the Laundry process isn't working properly. For the same reason, no attempt is made to build up writes of dirty victims into successive runs.
pagesInSwapBuffer: PageCount ← 0;
haveSwapBuffer: BOOLFALSE;
swapBufferBase: PageNumber;
DoReads: PROC [subsequentSeek: PageNumber] = {
swapIndex: PageCount ← 0;
--*stats*-- IF pagesInSwapBuffer > 0 THEN swapInVirtualRuns ← swapInVirtualRuns.SUCC;
UNTIL swapIndex >= pagesInSwapBuffer DO
ioResult: VMInternal.IOResult;
countDone: PageCount;
CleanUpAndReportError: PROC = --INLINE-- {
failedIndex: PageCount = swapIndex + countDone;
errorType: IOErrorType;
FOR page: PageCount IN [swapIndex..pagesInSwapBuffer) DO
vmPage: swapBufferBase + page,
bufferPage: swapBuffer.page + page,
worked: page < failedIndex
ReleaseSwapBuffer[]; -- pagesInSwapBuffer ← 0;
labelCheck => errorType ← software;
someOtherError => errorType ← hardware;
ENDCASE => VMInternal.Crash[];
ERROR CantDoIO[reason: errorType, page: swapBufferBase + failedIndex]
--*stats*-- swapInPhysicalRuns ← swapInPhysicalRuns.SUCC;
[ioResult, countDone] ← VMInternal.DoIO[
direction: read, backingPage: swapBufferBase+swapIndex,
interval: [swapBuffer.page+swapIndex, pagesInSwapBuffer-swapIndex],
subsequentSeek: subsequentSeek];
IF ioResult ~= ok THEN CleanUpAndReportError[];
FOR page: PageCount IN [swapIndex..swapIndex + countDone) DO
vmPage: swapBufferBase + page,
bufferPage: swapBuffer.page + page,
worked: TRUE
swapIndex ← swapIndex + countDone;
pagesInSwapBuffer ← 0;
AddToSwapBuffer: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, rmPage: VMInternal.RealPageNumber] = {
IF ~haveSwapBuffer THEN {ReserveSwapBuffer[]; haveSwapBuffer ← TRUE};
IF SwapBufferEmpty[] THEN swapBufferBase ← vmPage;
Assert: swapBufferBase + pagesInSwapBuffer = vmPage
virtual: swapBuffer.page+pagesInSwapBuffer, real: rmPage, flags: PrincOps.flagsNone];
pagesInSwapBuffer ← pagesInSwapBuffer.SUCC;
SwapBufferEmpty: PROC RETURNS [empty: BOOL] = INLINE {
RETURN[pagesInSwapBuffer = 0]};
SwapBufferFull: PROC RETURNS [full: BOOL] = INLINE {
RETURN[pagesInSwapBuffer = swapBuffer.count]};
CleanVictim: PROC [
winner: PageNumber, victim: dirty VMInternal.Victim, willReadWinner: BOOL]
RETURNS [worked: BOOL] = {
Cleaning a victim may require acquisition of the swap buffer and/or allocation of the state vector for the first time. The victim is always written from the first page of the swap buffer and a single page at a time.
AddToSwapBuffer[victim.vmPage, victim.realPage];
The reasoning behind setting subsequentSeek as indicated below is a little subtle. If "willReadWinner" is TRUE, we are about to put "winner" into the swap buffer (at the next level up) to be read. Since the swap buffer has been flushed in preparation for the dirty victim write, "winner" will be the first page in the swap buffer and therefore will be the target of the next I/O request we make.
worked ← VMInternal.DoIO[
direction: write, backingPage: swapBufferBase, interval: [swapBuffer.page, 1],
subsequentSeek: IF willReadWinner THEN winner ELSE 0].result = ok;
IF worked THEN swapInDirtyVictims ← swapInDirtyVictims.SUCC
ELSE swapInFailedToCleanVictims ← swapInFailedToCleanVictims.SUCC;
VMInternal.VictimWriteDone[winner, swapBuffer.page, victim, worked];
pagesInSwapBuffer ← 0;
state: {reading, skipping} ← reading; -- initially skipping would also be OK, but less efficient
page: PageNumber ← interval.page;
--*stats*-- swapInCalls ← swapInCalls.SUCC;
UNTIL page >= interval.page+interval.count DO
outcome: VMInternal.SwapInOutcome;
victim: VMInternal.Victim;
[outcome, victim] ← VMInternal.AllocateForSwapIn[vmPage: page, kill: kill, pin: pin];
--*stats*-- swapInPages ← swapInPages.SUCC;
noReadNecessary => {
No read is necessary for this page, although it has been checked out. A victim has been claimed however, and, if it is dirty, it must be written out.
--*stats*-- swapInNoRead ← swapInNoRead.SUCC;
WITH victim: victim SELECT FROM
dirty => {
DoReads[subsequentSeek: victim.vmPage];
IF ~CleanVictim[page, victim, FALSE] THEN LOOP;
VMInternal.SwapInDoneWithoutIO[vmPage: page, victim: victim];
state ← skipping;
needsRead => {
-- A read is required for this page; it has been checked out.
--*stats*-- swapInReads ← swapInReads.SUCC;
reading => {
We were already building up a run for DoReads, and this page needs to be added to it. However, if the victim is dirty, we must terminate the run and swap out the victim first.
WITH victim: victim SELECT FROM
dirty => {
DoReads[subsequentSeek: victim.vmPage];
IF ~CleanVictim[page, victim, TRUE] THEN LOOP;
IF SwapBufferFull[] THEN DoReads[subsequentSeek: page];
skipping => {
This is the first page of a new run. We can now start to read the preceding run, if any, since we know the "subsequentSeek" address to give it.
DoReads[subsequentSeek: page];
WITH victim: victim SELECT FROM
dirty => IF ~CleanVictim[page, victim, TRUE] THEN LOOP;
state ← reading;
AddToSwapBuffer[page, victim.realPage];
alreadyIn => {
This page was already swapped in. If we were reading, this completes a run, so we enter the "skipping" state. We defer the call of DoReads until we find the next page that requires a read (or until we come to the end of the requested interval). This permits us to supply the "subsequentSeek" address.
--*stats*-- swapInAlreadyIn ← swapInAlreadyIn.SUCC;
state ← skipping;
addressFault => {
This page isn't allocated. We issue the pending reads, if any, to clean up the swap buffer and check in the pages, then we release the swap buffer and raise a signal.
DoReads[subsequentSeek: 0];
IF haveSwapBuffer THEN ReleaseSwapBuffer[];
ERROR AddressFault[address: AddressForPageNumber[page]];
writeFault => {
This page is write-protected, and "kill" was requested. We issue the pending reads, if any, to clean up the swap buffer and check in the pages, then we release the swap buffer and raise a signal.
DoReads[subsequentSeek: 0];
IF haveSwapBuffer THEN ReleaseSwapBuffer[];
ERROR WriteProtectFault[address: AddressForPageNumber[page]];
ENDCASE => VMInternal.Crash[];
page ← page.SUCC;
DoReads[subsequentSeek: nextPage];
IF haveSwapBuffer THEN ReleaseSwapBuffer[];
Unpin: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [interval: Interval] = TRUSTED {
For each page in "interval", this procedure inspects State[page].pinCount. If it is zero, Unpin has no effect. If it is greater than zero, it is decreased by one and, if the result is zero, the real memory associated with the page becomes eligible to be reclaimed by a subsequent SwapIn.
DoInterval[interval, VMInternal.Unpin];
MakeReadOnly: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [interval: Interval] = TRUSTED {
If, for any page in "interval", State[page].data = none, AddressFault is raised. Otherwise, for each page in "interval", State[page].readOnly becomes TRUE. Performance note: no I/O occurs as a side-effect of this operation.
DoInterval[interval, VMInternal.MakeReadOnly];
MakeReadWrite: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [interval: Interval] = TRUSTED {
If, for any page in "interval", State[page].data = none, AddressFault is raised. For each page in "interval", State[page].readOnly becomes FALSE. Performance note: no I/O occurs as a side-effect of this operation.
DoInterval[interval, VMInternal.MakeReadWrite];
Clean: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [interval: Interval] = TRUSTED {
This procedure has no visible effect on the PageState of any page in the interval. It ensures that the backing storage for each page in the interval contains the same information as the associated real memory (if any).
pagesInSwapBuffer, dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer: PageCount ← 0;
haveSwapBuffer: BOOLFALSE;
swapBufferBase: PageNumber;
DoWrites: PROC [subsequentSeek: PageNumber] = {
swapIndex: PageCount ← 0;
--*stats*-- IF dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer > 0 THEN cleanVirtualRuns ← cleanVirtualRuns.SUCC;
There is a (potentially empty) tail of clean pages in the swap buffer that need not be written. We mark them clean again (i.e., check them in) and cut the swap buffer back to the last dirty page.
FOR page: PageCount IN [dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer..pagesInSwapBuffer) DO
vmPage: swapBufferBase + page,
bufferPage: swapBuffer.page + page,
worked: TRUE
--*stats*-- cleanUnneededCheckOutCleans ←
cleanUnneededCheckOutCleans + pagesInSwapBuffer - dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer;
UNTIL swapIndex >= pagesInSwapBuffer DO
ioResult: VMInternal.IOResult;
countDone: PageCount;
CleanUpAndReportError: PROC = --INLINE-- {
failedIndex: PageCount = swapIndex + countDone;
errorType: IOErrorType;
FOR page: PageCount IN [swapIndex..pagesInSwapBuffer) DO
vmPage: swapBufferBase + page,
bufferPage: swapBuffer.page + page,
worked: page < failedIndex
ReleaseSwapBuffer[]; -- pagesInSwapBuffer ← 0;
labelCheck => errorType ← software;
someOtherError => errorType ← hardware;
ENDCASE => VMInternal.Crash[];
ERROR CantDoIO[reason: errorType, page: swapBufferBase + failedIndex]
--*stats*-- cleanPhysicalRuns ← cleanPhysicalRuns.SUCC;
[ioResult, countDone] ← VMInternal.DoIO[
direction: write, backingPage: swapBufferBase+swapIndex,
interval: [swapBuffer.page+swapIndex, pagesInSwapBuffer-swapIndex],
subsequentSeek: subsequentSeek];
--*stats*-- cleanPages ← cleanPages + countDone;
IF ioResult ~= ok THEN CleanUpAndReportError[];
FOR page: PageCount IN [swapIndex..swapIndex + countDone) DO
vmPage: swapBufferBase + page,
bufferPage: swapBuffer.page + page,
worked: TRUE
swapIndex ← swapIndex + countDone;
pagesInSwapBuffer ← dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer ← 0;
AddToSwapBuffer: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber, real: VMInternal.RealPageNumber] = {
IF ~haveSwapBuffer THEN {ReserveSwapBuffer[]; haveSwapBuffer ← TRUE};
IF SwapBufferEmpty[] THEN swapBufferBase ← vmPage;
Assert: swapBufferBase + pagesInSwapBuffer = vmPage
virtual: swapBuffer.page+pagesInSwapBuffer, real: real, flags: PrincOps.flagsReadOnly];
pagesInSwapBuffer ← pagesInSwapBuffer.SUCC;
SwapBufferEmpty: PROC RETURNS [empty: BOOL] = INLINE {
RETURN[pagesInSwapBuffer = 0]};
SwapBufferFull: PROC RETURNS [full: BOOL] = INLINE {
RETURN[pagesInSwapBuffer = swapBuffer.count]};
state: {writing, skipping} ← writing;
page: PageNumber ← interval.page;
--*stats*-- cleanCalls ← cleanCalls.SUCC;
UNTIL page >= interval.page+interval.count DO
outcome: VMInternal.CleanOutcome ← cantWrite;
realPage: VMInternal.RealPageNumber;
IF VMInternal.HasBackingStorage[page] THEN
[outcome, realPage] ← VMInternal.ConsiderCleaning[
vmPage: page, checkOutClean: ~SwapBufferEmpty[] AND ~SwapBufferFull[]];
checkedOutClean => {
The page is clean and swappable and has been checked out. This can only happen if the swap buffer already contains a dirty page and the swap buffer is not already full. We tentatively add it to the swap buffer, hoping that another dirty page will be found before we have to call DoWrites, thereby permitting us to write everything in one operation. However, if DoWrites is called first, it will check in the clean pages at the end of the swap buffer without actually writing them to backing storage.
--*stats*-- cleanCheckOutCleans ← cleanCheckOutCleans.SUCC;
AddToSwapBuffer[page, realPage];
needsWrite => {
This page is dirty and swappable.
--*stats*-- cleanWrites ← cleanWrites.SUCC;
writing => {
We were already building up a run for DoWrites, and this page needs to be added to it.
IF SwapBufferFull[] THEN DoWrites[subsequentSeek: page];
skipping => {
This is the first page of a new run. We can now start to write the preceding run, if any, since we know the "subsequentSeek" address to give it.
state ← writing;
DoWrites[subsequentSeek: page];
AddToSwapBuffer[page, realPage];
dirtyPagesInSwapBuffer ← pagesInSwapBuffer;
cantWrite => {
This page is pinned and therefore cannot be relocated to the swap buffer.
--*stats*-- cleanCantWrites ← cleanCantWrites.SUCC;
state ← skipping;
addressFault => {
This page isn't allocated. We issue the pending writes, if any, to clean up the swap buffer and check in the pages, then we release the swap buffer and raise a signal.
DoWrites[subsequentSeek: 0];
IF haveSwapBuffer THEN ReleaseSwapBuffer[];
ERROR AddressFault[address: AddressForPageNumber[page]];
ENDCASE => VMInternal.Crash[];
page ← page.SUCC;
DoWrites[subsequentSeek: 0];
IF haveSwapBuffer THEN ReleaseSwapBuffer[];
Age: PUBLIC SAFE PROC [interval: Interval] = TRUSTED {
This procedure has no visible effect on the PageState of any page in the interval. It increases the likelihood that the backing storage associated with pages in the interval will be selected for replacement. However, this procedure does not initiate any I/O operations.
DoInterval[interval, VMInternal.Age];
Procedures private to the implementation
DoInterval: --EXTERNAL-- PROC [
interval: Interval,
perPage: PROC [vmPage: PageNumber] RETURNS [outcome: VMInternal.Outcome]] = {
FOR page: PageNumber IN [interval.page..interval.page+interval.count) DO
SELECT perPage[page] FROM
$ok => NULL;
$addressFault => ERROR AddressFault[AddressForPageNumber[page]];
ENDCASE => VMInternal.Crash[];
ValidateInterval: --EXTERNAL-- PROC [interval: Interval] = {
IF interval.page + interval.count > VMInternal.lastVMPage + 1 THEN
ERROR AddressFault[AddressForPageNumber[VMInternal.lastVMPage + 1]]
ReserveSwapBuffer: PROC = INLINE {
ReserveSwapBufferEntry: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {
WHILE swapBufferReserved DO WAIT swapBufferAvailable; ENDLOOP;
swapBufferReserved ← TRUE;
IF swapBuffer.count = 0 THEN
swapBuffer ← VM.Allocate[count: swapBufferSize ! VM.CantAllocate => VMInternal.Crash[]];
ReleaseSwapBuffer: PROC = INLINE {
ReleaseSwapBufferEntry: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {
swapBufferReserved ← FALSE;
NOTIFY swapBufferAvailable;
Implementation notes concerning state vectors:
A state vector is required for those periods of time when a process might relinquish the processor while holding a resource that is essential for fault handling. If a state vector were not guaranteed to be available to a process during such a period, it might lose its implicitly available state vector when it gives up the processor and not be able to reacquire it later (because the state vector has been used by a now-faulted process). The only resources essential for fault handling are the VMState monitor and the swap buffer. The former is not a problem because the implementation is guaranteed not to relinquish the processor while holding the VMState monitor. Therefore, state vector reservation is required only when the swap buffer is in use.
At present, the architecture does not permit reservation of the state vector implicitly available to the running process. (Klamath will fix this.) In the interim, the only way to guarantee a state vector to a specific process is to reserve a priority level for the process and set up a state vector (using MakeBoot) at that level.
Since state vector reservation occurs after the swap buffer has been acquired, only one process will ever attempt to do so at a time. Consequently, state vector reservation can never cause the process to relinquish the processor, since there is guaranteed to be one state vector at the reserved priority level. However, state vector release CAN cause preemption, since it is implemented by priority change. This means that, to avoid a deadlock, the priority change cannot occur with the monitor lock held. (Actually, preemption can occur on reservation as well, but since that will only occur if priority is being dropped, the preemption cannot be by a fault handling process)..
The normal case of reservation occurs when SwapIn wishes to do input in response to a call from the page fault process. We arrange for this process to operate at the reserved priority level and thereby eliminate unnecessary process switches to reserve and release the state vector. This explains the peculiar looking code in the following procedures.
stateVectorReserved: BOOLFALSE;
stateVectorAvailable: CONDITION ← [timeout: 0];
oldPriority: Process.Priority;
ReserveStateVector: PROC = INLINE {
ReserveInner: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {
WHILE stateVectorReserved DO WAIT stateVectorAvailable; ENDLOOP;
stateVectorReserved ← TRUE;
oldPriority ← Process.GetPriority[];
IF oldPriority ~= reservedPriority THEN Process.SetPriority[reservedPriority];
ReleaseStateVector: PROC = INLINE {
ReleaseInner: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {
stateVectorReserved ← FALSE;
NOTIFY stateVectorAvailable;
p: Process.Priority = oldPriority;
IF p ~= reservedPriority THEN Process.SetPriority[p];