edited by Teitelman May 4, 1983 12:27 pm
AMBridge USING [TVForReferent],
AMModel USING [ContextName, ParentContext],
BBContext USING [GlobalFrameSearch],
Buttons USING [Create],
ConvertUnsafe USING [ToRope],
ExecOps USING [Outcome],
DeskTops USING [Create],
Directory USING [Lookup, ignore, GetProps],
Feedback USING [BeginItemProc, CreateProc, DestroyProc, FinishItemProc, NoteProgressProc, Procs],
File USING [Capability],
InputFocus USING [GetInputFocus],
IO USING [char, CharsAvail, CreateOutputStreamToRope, EndOf, EndOfStream, Error, Flush, GetChar, GetOutputStreamRope, GetToken, IDProc, int, noWhereStream, Put, PutF, PutRope, PutTV, ROPE, rope, SkipOver, Signal, STREAM, string, TokenProc, TV, UserAborted, WhiteSpace],
List USING [Nconc1],
Menus USING [AppendMenuEntry, ClickProc, CreateEntry, Menu],
MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink],
Process USING [Detach, GetPriority, MsecToTicks, Pause, Priority, priorityBackground, SetPriority, SetTimeout, Ticks],
Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, IsEmpty, Length, Letter, Replace, ROPE, Substr, ToRefText],
Runtime USING [IsBound, RunConfig],
Spell USING [defaultModes],
TemporarySpecialExecOps USING [BindUsingFeedback, CompileUsingFeedback],
TiogaMenuOps USING [Open, DefaultMenus],
TiogaOps USING [GetSelection, GetTextKey, LastLocWithin, TextKeyNotFound, ViewerDoc, SelectPoint, Location, SelectionGrain],
TypeScript USING [Create],
UserExec USING [AcquireResource, CheckForAbort, CheckForFile, CommandProc, Confirm, CreateUserExecutive, ExecHandle, GetExecHandle, GetStreams, GetTheFile, HistoryEvent, HistoryList, MethodProc, RegisterCommand, RegisterMethod, ReleaseResource, RopeSubst, SetUserAbort, SetUserResponse, StartListening, UserAbort, UserAborted],
UserExecExtras USING [],
UserExecPrivate USING [CaptionForExec, DestroyExec, execHandleList, ExecPrivateRecord, GetPrivateStuff, HistoryEventPrivateRecord, ReadQuietly, RenameFile, version, SplitViewerProc, StoreInSymTab],
UserProfile USING [Boolean, CallWhenProfileChanges, ProfileChanged, ProfileChangedProc, Token, GetErrorLog],
ViewerAbort USING [SetUserAbort],
ViewerClasses USING [Column, Viewer],
ViewerEvents USING [EventProc, RegisterEventProc],
ViewerOps USING [BlinkIcon, ComputeColumn, CreateViewer, DestroyViewer, FindViewer, OpenIcon, RestoreViewer, SaveViewer],
ViewerTools USING [GetSelectedViewer, GetSelectionContents, SelPos, SetSelection]
ViewerExecOpsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS NARROW[exec.privateStuff, REF ExecPrivateRecord] USING exec: UserExec.ExecHandle
IMPORTS AMBridge, AMModel, BBContext, Buttons, ConvertUnsafe, DeskTops, Directory, InputFocus, IO, List, Menus, MessageWindow, Process, Rope, Runtime, Spell, TemporarySpecialExecOps, TiogaMenuOps, TiogaOps, TypeScript, UserExec, UserExecPrivate, UserProfile, ViewerAbort, ViewerEvents, ViewerOps, ViewerTools
EXPORTS UserExec, UserExecExtras, UserExecPrivate
SHARES UserProfile
Type Definitions
ExecHandle: TYPE = UserExec.ExecHandle;
HistoryEvent: TYPE = UserExec.HistoryEvent;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
ClickProc: TYPE = Menus.ClickProc;
connecting concrete and opaque types
ExecPrivateRecord: PUBLIC TYPE = UserExecPrivate.ExecPrivateRecord;
to access evalMode in CreateExecProc, CreateExec, and ChangeAreaMode, and historyList in GetEventsFromSelection
HistoryEventPrivateRecord: PUBLIC TYPE = UserExecPrivate.HistoryEventPrivateRecord;
to access eventNum in RedoButton
Running the Binder
Bind: UserExec.CommandProc -- [exec: ExecHandle] RETURNS[ok: BOOLEAN ← TRUE] -- = {
ENABLE FailedToLoad => GOTO Failed; -- so don't get log, which contains result of last binding..
outCome: ExecOps.Outcome ← RunBinder[event, exec];
[] ← ShowLog["Binder.log", outCome = ok, exec];
RETURN[outCome = ok];
Failed => RETURN[FALSE];
RunBinder: PROC [event: HistoryEvent, exec: ExecHandle] RETURNS[outCome: ExecOps.Outcome] = TRUSTED { -- Process.SetPriority, BindUsingFeedback, RunConfig, Lookup
priority: Process.Priority = Process.GetPriority[];
out: STREAM = UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out;
Release: PROC = TRUSTED {[] ← UserExec.ReleaseResource[$Binder]; Process.SetPriority[priority]};
ENABLE UNWIND => Release[];
someMissing: BOOLEANFALSE;
line: ROPE;
[] ← UserExec.AcquireResource[resource: $Binder, owner: "Binder", exec: exec];
binderRec.exec ← exec;
binderRec.out ← out;
IF NOT Runtime.IsBound[TemporarySpecialExecOps.BindUsingFeedback] THEN
ENABLE ANY => GOTO FailedToLoad;
out.PutF["*mLoading Binder.bcd...\n*s"];
Runtime.RunConfig[Directory.Lookup["Binder.bcd"L], 1, TRUE];
[line, , someMissing] ← ProcessLine[ext: "config", event: event, exec: exec];
binderRec.cmdText ← LOOPHOLE[Rope.ToRefText[Rope.Concat[binderSwitches, line]], REF StringBody];
binderRec.cmd ← LOOPHOLE[@(binderRec.cmdText.text)];
outCome ← TemporarySpecialExecOps.BindUsingFeedback[binderRec.cmd, @binderProcs];
IF someMissing THEN outCome ← errors;
FailedToLoad => {UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutF["*eBinder Failed to load.*s\n"]; Release[]; ERROR FailedToLoad};
IF outCome = aborted THEN UserExec.UserAborted[exec];
BCreate: Feedback.CreateProc = {RETURN[NIL]};
BDestroy: Feedback.DestroyProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- binder will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
BBeginItem: Feedback.BeginItemProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- binder will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
BNoteProgress: Feedback.NoteProgressProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- binder will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
binderRec.out.PutRope[" ."];
BFinishItem: Feedback.FinishItemProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- binder will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
binderRec.out.PutF[" %g\n", string[trailer]];
binderProcs: Feedback.Procs ← [BCreate, BDestroy, BBeginItem, BNoteProgress, BFinishItem];
BinderRec: TYPE = RECORD[
cmdText: REF StringBody ← NIL,
exec: ExecHandle ← NIL,
separateLogs: BOOL ← FALSE,
openLogs: BOOLTRUE,
numberOfFiles: INT ← 0,
thisFile, warnings, errors, errorsOrWarnings: ROPENIL
FailedToLoad: ERROR = CODE;
binderRec: REF BinderRec ← NEW[BinderRec ← []];
Running the Compiler
saveOldLog: BOOLTRUE;
compilerRec: REF BinderRec ← NEW[BinderRec ← []];
Compile: UserExec.CommandProc = {
ENABLE FailedToLoad => GOTO Failed;
outCome: ExecOps.Outcome;
IF saveOldLog THEN [] ← UserExecPrivate.RenameFile[oldName: "Compiler.log", newName: "Compiler.log$", out: IO.noWhereStream];
IO.SkipOver[event.commandLineStream, IO.WhiteSpace];
IF IO.EndOf[event.commandLineStream] AND NOT Rope.IsEmpty[compilerRec.errorsOrWarnings] THEN {
line: ROPE = Rope.Concat["compile", compilerRec.errorsOrWarnings];
UserExecPrivate.ReadQuietly[rope: line, exec: exec];
outCome ← RunCompiler[event, exec];
ok, warnings => RETURN[TRUE]; -- so user can write compile ... ; bind ... and not have it stop because of warnings.
Failed => RETURN[FALSE];
RunCompiler: PROC [event: HistoryEvent, exec: ExecHandle] RETURNS[outCome: ExecOps.Outcome] = TRUSTED {
priority: Process.Priority = Process.GetPriority[];
out: STREAM;
{[] ← UserExec.ReleaseResource[$Compiler]; Process.SetPriority[priority]};
ENABLE UNWIND => Release[];
someMissing: BOOLEANFALSE;
line: ROPE;
files: LIST OF ROPE;
[] ← UserExec.AcquireResource[resource: $Compiler, owner: "Compiler", exec: exec];
out ← UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out;
compilerRec.exec ← exec;
compilerRec.out ← out;
IF NOT Runtime.IsBound[TemporarySpecialExecOps.CompileUsingFeedback] THEN
ENABLE ANY => GOTO FailedToLoad;
out.PutF["*mLoading Compiler.bcd...\n*s"];
Runtime.RunConfig[Directory.Lookup["Compiler.bcd"L], 1, TRUE];
[line, files, someMissing] ← ProcessLine[ext: "mesa", event: event, exec: exec];
line ← Rope.Concat[compilerSwitches, line];
compilerRec.separateLogs ← (Rope.Find[line, "/-g"] # -1);
compilerRec.openLogs ← TRUE;
compilerRec.cmdText ← LOOPHOLE[Rope.ToRefText[line], REF StringBody];
compilerRec.cmd ← LOOPHOLE[@(compilerRec.cmdText.text)];
compilerRec.errors ← compilerRec.warnings ← compilerRec.errorsOrWarnings← NIL;
compilerRec.numberOfFiles ← 0;
outCome ← TemporarySpecialExecOps.CompileUsingFeedback[compilerRec.cmd, @compilerProcs];
IF compilerRec.warnings # NIL THEN out.PutF["*n*m-- Warnings in --*s%g", rope[compilerRec.warnings]];
IF compilerRec.errors # NIL THEN out.PutF["*n*e-- Errors in --*s%g", rope[compilerRec.errors]];
IF NOT Rope.Find[s1: line, s2: "/-g", case: FALSE] # -1 THEN [] ← ShowLog["Compiler.log", outCome = ok, exec]
FailedToLoad => {out.PutF["*eCompiler Failed to load.*s\n"]; Release[]; ERROR FailedToLoad};
IF outCome = aborted THEN UserExec.UserAborted[exec];
CCreate: Feedback.CreateProc = {RETURN[NIL]};
CDestroy: Feedback.DestroyProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
{UserExec.SetUserAbort[compilerRec.exec]; CONTINUE};
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- compiler will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
CBeginItem: Feedback.BeginItemProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
{UserExec.SetUserAbort[compilerRec.exec]; CONTINUE};
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- compiler will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
thisFile: ROPE ← ConvertUnsafe.ToRope[item];
i: INT;
thisFile ← Rope.Substr[base: thisFile, start: 11]; -- to strip off the "Compiling: "
i ← Rope.Find[thisFile, "/"];
IF i # -1 THEN thisFile ← Rope.Substr[base: thisFile, len: i];
compilerRec.thisFile ← thisFile;
CNoteProgress: Feedback.NoteProgressProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
{UserExec.SetUserAbort[compilerRec.exec]; CONTINUE};
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- compiler will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
compilerRec.out.PutRope[" ."];
CFinishItem: Feedback.FinishItemProc = {
IO.Error => IF ec = StreamClosed THEN
{UserExec.SetUserAbort[compilerRec.exec]; CONTINUE};
ABORTED => CONTINUE; -- compiler will notice this next time it checks.
IO.UserAborted => CONTINUE;
space: ROPE = " ";
compilerRec.numberOfFiles ← compilerRec.numberOfFiles + 1;
compilerRec.out.Put[char[' ], string[trailer], char['\n]];
warnings, errors, errorsAndWarnings => {
compilerRec.errorsOrWarnings ← Rope.Cat[compilerRec.errorsOrWarnings, space, compilerRec.thisFile]; -- need to get these in right order.
IF outcome = warnings THEN compilerRec.warnings ← Rope.Cat[compilerRec.warnings, space, compilerRec.thisFile]
ELSE compilerRec.errors ← Rope.Cat[compilerRec.errors, space, compilerRec.thisFile];
IF compilerRec.separateLogs THEN {
log: Viewer ← ShowLog[name: Rope.Concat[compilerRec.thisFile, ".errlog"], ok: FALSE, exec: IF compilerRec.openLogs THEN compilerRec.exec ELSE NIL];
compilerRec.openLogs ← FALSE; -- only open at most one icon
IF log # NIL THEN { -- we opened the errlog, open the source too.
name: ROPE = Rope.Concat[compilerRec.thisFile, ".mesa"];
viewer: Viewer = ViewerOps.FindViewer[name];
IF viewer = NIL THEN
[] ← CreateLog[name: name, iconic: log.iconic] should be able to just call TiogaMenuOps here (Reason we dont call CreateLog is because that might use a different icon).
{IF log.iconic THEN [] ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Text, info: [name: name, file: name, iconic: TRUE]]
ELSE [] ← TiogaMenuOps.Open[name];
ELSE IF viewer.iconic AND NOT log.iconic THEN [] ← ViewerOps.OpenIcon[viewer];
ENDCASE => IF compilerRec.separateLogs THEN -- restore log --
[] ← ShowLog[Rope.Concat[compilerRec.thisFile, ".errlog"], TRUE, compilerRec.exec];
compilerProcs: Feedback.Procs ← [CCreate, CDestroy, CBeginItem, CNoteProgress, CFinishItem];
compilerSwitches, binderSwitches: ROPENIL;
SetDefaultSwitches: UserProfile.ProfileChangedProc = {
compilerSwitches ← UserProfile.Token["Compiler.Switches"];
IF UserProfile.Boolean["Compiler.SeparateLogs", FALSE] THEN compilerSwitches ← Rope.Concat["/-g", compilerSwitches];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[compilerSwitches] THEN compilerSwitches ← Rope.Concat[compilerSwitches, ";"]; --for Ed's parser
binderSwitches ← UserProfile.Token["Binder.Switches"];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[binderSwitches] THEN binderSwitches ← Rope.Concat[binderSwitches, ";"]; --for Ed's parser
destroyLogOnSuccess ← UserProfile.Boolean["Compiler.DestroyLogOnSuccess", TRUE];
experimentalNewFeatures ← UserProfile.Boolean["ExperimentalNewFeatures", FALSE];
ProcessLine: PROC [ext: ROPE, event: HistoryEvent, exec: ExecHandle] RETURNS[line: ROPE, files: LIST OF ROPE, someMissing: BOOLEANFALSE] = {
commandLineStream: STREAM = event.commandLineStream;
id, nextId, lastId: ROPE;
length, pos: INT ← 0;
files ← NIL;
id ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream];
file: ROPE;
{ -- to provide an exits clause
IF Rope.Equal[id, "/"] THEN
{[] ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream, IO.IDProc]; -- skip over switches
GOTO GetNext;
nextId ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream];
IF Rope.Equal[nextId, "←"] OR Rope.Equal[nextId, ":"] THEN {id ← nextId; GOTO GetNext};
IF NOT Rope.Letter[Rope.Fetch[id, 0]] THEN NULL-- e.g. skip ,'
ELSE IF (file ← UserExec.GetTheFile[file: id, defaultExt: IF Rope.Equal[lastId, ":"] THEN "bcd" ELSE ext, event: event, exec: exec]) = NIL THEN someMissing ← TRUE
files ← LOOPHOLE[List.Nconc1[LOOPHOLE[files], file]];
WaitUntilSaved[file, exec];
lastId ← id;
id ← nextId;
GetNext => {lastId ← id; id ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream]};
line ← event.commandLine;
length ← Rope.Length[line];
IF (pos ← Rope.Find[s1: line, s2: "\n"]) # -1 AND pos # length -1 THEN -- embedded CR's, which must be changed to spaces.
line ← UserExec.RopeSubst[old: "\n", new: " ", base: line];
IF (pos ← Rope.Find[s1: line, s2: "\n"]) = -1 THEN line ← Rope.Concat[line, "\n"]; -- no trailing CR. must be added because of way binder/compiler scanner works.
WaitUntilSaved: PUBLIC PROC [fileName: ROPE, exec: UserExec.ExecHandle] = {
viewer: Viewer = ViewerOps.FindViewer[fileName];
IF viewer # NIL AND viewer.newVersion THEN
waitForSave: CONDITION;
SomeSaveInProgress: PROC RETURNS[someSaveInProgress: BOOLFALSE] = CHECKED {
v: Viewer ← viewer;
IF viewer.saveInProgress THEN RETURN[TRUE];
WHILE (v ← v.link) # NIL AND (v # viewer) DO
IF v.saveInProgress THEN RETURN[TRUE];
WaitForSave: ENTRY PROC [exec: ExecHandle] = CHECKED {
WHILE SomeSaveInProgress[] DO WAIT waitForSave;
IF NOT SomeSaveInProgress[] THEN {
IF UserProfile.Boolean["Compiler.AutoSave", FALSE] THEN NULL
ELSE IF NOT UserExec.Confirm[msg: Rope.Concat["Save ", viewer.name], timeout: Spell.defaultModes.timeout, defaultConfirm: Spell.defaultModes.defaultConfirm, exec: exec] THEN UserExec.UserAborted[exec];
out ← UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out;
IF SomeSaveInProgress[] THEN -- if we get to here, either a save is in progress, or the user said it was ok to save. The reason for checking again is that if the user clicked Save and then called compile, the save might not have started at the time the user asked whether or not to save. While he was confirming, the save got started. Now only necessary to do one save.
out.PutF["*n*mWaiting for %g to finish being saved...", rope[viewer.name]];
Process.SetTimeout[@waitForSave, 100];
out.PutF["*n*mSaving %g...", rope[viewer.name]];
destroyLogOnSuccess: BOOLEAN;
ShowLog: PROC [name: ROPE, ok: BOOLEAN, exec: ExecHandle, blinkIt: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS[log: Viewer] = {
log ← ViewerOps.FindViewer[name];
createIconic: BOOLEAN ← TRUE;
IF exec # NIL AND NOT exec.viewer.iconic AND (InputFocus.GetInputFocus[].owner = exec.viewer) THEN createIconic ← FALSE;
IF UserProfile.Boolean["Compiler.IconicLogs", FALSE] THEN createIconic ← TRUE;
IF log # NIL THEN ViewerOps.RestoreViewer[log]
ELSE IF UserExec.CheckForFile[name] THEN log ← CreateLog[name: name, iconic: createIconic]; -- log not there in case of no such source
IF log # NIL AND log.iconic AND blinkIt AND UserProfile.Boolean["Compiler.BlinkLogs", TRUE] THEN BlinkIcon[log];
IF destroyLogOnSuccess THEN {ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[log]; log ← NIL}
ELSE ViewerOps.RestoreViewer[log];
CreateLog: PROC [name: ROPE, iconic: BOOLTRUE] RETURNS[viewer: Viewer] = {
IF iconic THEN viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Text, info: [name: name, file: name, iconic: iconic, icon: typescript]]
ELSE {viewer ← TiogaMenuOps.Open[name]; viewer.icon ← typescript};
BlinkIcon: PUBLIC PROC [icon: Viewer, n: INT ← 10] = TRUSTED {
Process.Detach[FORK Blink[icon, n]];
Blink: PROC [viewer: Viewer, n: INT ← 10] = TRUSTED {
howOften: Process.Ticks = Process.MsecToTicks[500];
n ← (n * 3)/2; -- gradually slow down rate of blinking
FOR i: NAT IN [0..2*n) DO -- blink every n seconds, but wake up every half second.
IF viewer.destroyed OR NOT viewer.iconic OR viewer = ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[] THEN RETURN;
Creating and Destroying Execs
CreateExecProc: UserExec.CommandProc = {
private: REF ExecPrivateRecord = exec.privateStuff;
CreateExec: PROC [evalMode: BOOL] = {
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
exec: UserExec.ExecHandle;
private: REF ExecPrivateRecord;
viewer ← TypeScript.Create[info: [name: "Does it matter?", iconic: FALSE, column: right], paint: FALSE]; -- done this way so can start typing ahead as soon as viewer is created. created iconic so that the OpenIcon will take care of recomputing/repainting the column.
exec ← UserExec.CreateUserExecutive[paint: FALSE, viewer: viewer, startListening: FALSE];
private ← exec.privateStuff;
private.evalMode ← evalMode;
[] ← UserExecPrivate.CaptionForExec[exec: exec, paint: FALSE];
CreateExec: PROC [evalMode: BOOL] = {
exec: UserExec.ExecHandle = UserExec.CreateUserExecutive[paint: FALSE, startListening: FALSE, iconic: TRUE];
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = exec.viewer;
private: REF ExecPrivateRecord = exec.privateStuff;
private.evalMode ← evalMode;
[] ← UserExecPrivate.CaptionForExec[exec: exec, paint: FALSE];
DestroyExec: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED {
IF UserExecPrivate.execHandleList.rest = NIL THEN Process.Detach[FORK CreateNewWorkAreaButton[]];
newWorkAreaButtonUp: BOOLFALSE;
CreateNewWorkAreaButton: PROC = {
IF NOT newWorkAreaButtonUp THEN {
[] ← Buttons.Create[info: [name: "Exec"], documentation: "Create New Work Area", proc: NewExec];
newWorkAreaButtonUp ← TRUE;
Herald: UserExec.CommandProc = {
commandLine: ROPE = event.commandLine;
out: STREAM;
out ← UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out;
[] ← exec.viewer.class.scroll[self: exec.viewer, op: up, amount: LAST[INTEGER]];
ChangeAreaMode: UserExec.CommandProc = {
private: REF ExecPrivateRecord = exec.privateStuff;
private.evalMode ← NOT private.evalMode;
[] ← UserExecPrivate.CaptionForExec[exec];
Exec Buttons: Stop, Compile, Eval, Redo
Desktop: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED {
commandLineStream: STREAM = event.commandLineStream;
name: ROPE;
name ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream, IO.IDProc];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[name] THEN name ← "Default";
[] ← DeskTops.Create[name: name];
NewExec: ClickProc -- PROC [viewer: Viewer, clientData: REF ANY, redButton: BOOL] -- = {
CreateExec[(mouseButton = blue)];
Stop: ClickProc -- [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL, mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE] -- = {
viewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
exec: ExecHandle = FindExecFromViewer[viewer];
private: REF UserExecPrivate.ExecPrivateRecord = UserExecPrivate.GetPrivateStuff[exec];
stream: IO.STREAM;
stream ← private.in;
UNTIL stream = NIL DO
FlushChars: PROC [stream: IO.STREAM] = {
WHILE stream.CharsAvail[] DO
[] ← stream.GetChar[!
IO.Signal => IF ec = Rubout THEN CONTINUE;
stream ← stream.backingStream; -- so that if user mistakenly stuffs a large amount of text, can clear it out.
UserExec.SetUserResponse[viewer, NIL]; -- in case exec is waiting on confirmation.
CompileButton: ClickProc -- [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL, mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE] -- = {
viewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
exec: ExecHandle = FindExecFromViewer[viewer];
selectedViewer: Viewer ← ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[];
sel: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
r: ROPE;
pointSel: BOOLFALSE;
Failed: PROC [rope: ROPE] = TRUSTED {
MessageWindow.Append[rope, TRUE]; -- don't acquire streams, because may already be acquired.
FindConfig: PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS[config: ROPE] = TRUSTED {
tv: TV;
i: INT;
IF Rope.Find[s1: name, s2: ".config", case: FALSE] # -1 THEN RETURN[Rope.Concat[name, "\n"]];
IF (i ← Rope.Find[name, "."]) # -1 THEN name ← Rope.Substr[base: name, len: i];
tv ← BBContext.GlobalFrameSearch[context: NIL, frameName: name].gf;
name: ROPE = AMModel.ContextName[AMModel.ParentContext[tv]];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[name] AND (i ← Rope.Find[name, ":"]) # -1 THEN config ← Rope.Substr[base: name, len: Rope.Find[name, ":"]];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[config] THEN
{MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Concat["Couldn't find config containing ", name], TRUE];
IF selectedViewer = NIL THEN {Failed["No selected viewer"]; RETURN};
IF Rope.Length[sel] <= 1 THEN {
IF selectedViewer.class.flavor # $Text THEN {Failed["Selected viewer not a tioga document"]; RETURN};
pointSel ← TRUE;
sel ← selectedViewer.name; -- point selection, compile indicated viewer
IF ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[] # viewer THEN ViewerTools.SetSelection[viewer, NIL];
i: INT ← 0;
WHILE (i ← Rope.Find[s1: sel, s2: "\n", pos1: i]) # -1 DO
IF i + 1 < Rope.Length[sel] THEN sel ← Rope.Replace[base: sel, start: i, len: 1, with: " "];
i ← i + 1;
SELECT mouseButton FROM
red => r ← Rope.Cat[IF Rope.Find[s1: sel, s2: ".config", case: FALSE] # -1 THEN "Bind " ELSE "Compile ", sel, "\n"];
yellow =>
IF NOT pointSel THEN r ← Rope.Cat["Bind ", sel, "\n"]
ELSE IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[r ← FindConfig[sel]] THEN r ← Rope.Cat["Bind ", r];
blue =>
{r ← FindConfig[sel];
IF Rope.IsEmpty[r] THEN r ← "??";
r ← Rope.Cat["Compile ", sel, "; Bind ", r];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[r] THEN StuffIt[exec, Rope.Cat["\021", r]];-- control q to erase any typeahead on the line.  
EvalButton: ClickProc -- [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL, mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE] -- = {
viewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
exec: ExecHandle = FindExecFromViewer[viewer];
selectedViewer: Viewer ← ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[];
sel: Rope.ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[];
Failed: PROC [rope: ROPE] = TRUSTED {
MessageWindow.Append[rope, TRUE]; -- don't acquire streams, because may already be acquired.
IF selectedViewer = NIL THEN {Failed["No selection"]; RETURN};
StuffIt[exec, IF mouseButton = blue THEN "\021CurrentSelection\n" ELSE Rope.Cat["\021", "← ", sel, "\n"]];-- control q to erase any typeahead on the line.
RedoButton: Menus.ClickProc -- [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY ← NIL, mouseButton: MouseButton ← red, shift, control: BOOL ← FALSE] -- = {
viewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent];
exec: UserExec.ExecHandle = FindExecFromViewer[viewer];
start, end: HistoryEvent;
startsPrivateStuff, endsPrivateStuff: REF HistoryEventPrivateRecord;
out: STREAM = CreateOutputStreamToRope[];
[start, end] ← GetEventsFromSelection[exec];
startsPrivateStuff ← start.privateStuff;
endsPrivateStuff ← end.privateStuff;
FOR i: NAT IN [startsPrivateStuff.eventNum..endsPrivateStuff.eventNum] DO
out.Put[char[' ], int[i]];
StuffIt[exec, Rope.Cat["\021", "Redo", IO.GetOutputStreamRope[out], IF mouseButton = red THEN "\n" ELSE "\030"]];
StuffIt: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [exec: UserExec.ExecHandle, rope: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANYNIL] = {
private: REF UserExecPrivate.ExecPrivateRecord = UserExecPrivate.GetPrivateStuff[exec];
viewer: Viewer = exec.viewer;
IF TiogaOps.GetSelection[].viewer = viewer THEN TiogaOps.SelectPoint[viewer: viewer, caret: TiogaOps.LastLocWithin[TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[viewer]]];
IF NOT Rope.IsEmpty[rope] THEN viewer.class.notify[viewer, LIST[rope]];
IF list # NIL THEN viewer.class.notify[viewer, list];
GetEventsFromSelection: PROC [exec: UserExec.ExecHandle] RETURNS [start, end: HistoryEvent] = {
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
private: REF UserExecPrivate.ExecPrivateRecord = UserExecPrivate.GetPrivateStuff[exec];
loc1, loc2: TiogaOps.Location;
[viewer, loc1, loc2] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF FindExecFromViewer[viewer] # exec THEN RETURN[private.historyList.first, private.historyList.first]; -- selection is in some other viewer other than the one containing the redo button
IF loc1.node # loc2.node THEN ERROR; -- should worry about being in separate nodes
FOR l: UserExec.HistoryList ← private.historyList, l.rest UNTIL l = NIL DO
event: HistoryEvent = l.first;
loc: TiogaOps.Location = TiogaOps.GetTextKey[node: loc1.node, key: l.first ! TiogaOps.TextKeyNotFound => GOTO Cant];
IF loc.node # loc1.node THEN ERROR;
IF end = NIL AND loc.where < loc2.where THEN end ← event;
IF loc.where < loc1.where THEN {start ← event; RETURN};
Cant => {
MessageWindow.Append[message: "Can't find corresponding event", clearFirst: TRUE];
Viewer related operations
NewProc: UserExec.CommandProc = {
commandLineStream: STREAM = event.commandLineStream;
name: ROPE;
UNTIL Rope.IsEmpty[name ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream, IO.WhiteSpace ! IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Out]] DO
OpenViewer[name: name, event: event, exec: exec, newViewer: TRUE];
Out => RETURN;
OpenProc: UserExec.CommandProc = {
commandLineStream: STREAM = event.commandLineStream;
name: ROPE;
UNTIL Rope.IsEmpty[name ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream, IO.WhiteSpace ! IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Out]] DO
OpenViewer[name: name, event: event, exec: exec, newViewer: FALSE];
Out => RETURN;
ImplicitOpen: UserExec.MethodProc = {
commandLineStream: STREAM = event.commandLineStream;
name: ROPE;
UNTIL Rope.IsEmpty[name ← IO.GetToken[commandLineStream, IO.WhiteSpace ! IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Out]] DO
IF Rope.Find[s1: name, s2: ".mesa", case: FALSE] = -1 THEN RETURN[FALSE];
OpenViewer[name: name, event: event, exec: exec, newViewer: FALSE];
Out => RETURN;
OpenViewer: PROC [name: ROPE, event: HistoryEvent, exec: ExecHandle, newViewer: BOOLEANFALSE] = {
viewer: Viewer;
out: IO.STREAM = UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out;
IF newViewer THEN {
viewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Text, info: [name: IF Rope.IsEmpty[name] THEN "No Name" ELSE name,
file: name, iconic: FALSE], paint: FALSE];
TiogaMenuOps.DefaultMenus[viewer, FALSE]; -- does not recompute column
ELSE viewer ← TiogaMenuOps.Open[name-- , exec.viewer --]; -- workaround
IF viewer = NIL THEN out.PutF["*n*mViewer file not found: %g*s", rope[name]]
tv: TV = AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW[ViewerClasses.Viewer ← viewer]];
out.PutF["*nCreated Viewer: %g\n", rope[viewer.name]];
out.PutTV[tv: tv];
UserExecPrivate.StoreInSymTab[value: tv, event: event, exec: exec];
DirectoryLookup: PROC [name: LONG STRING] = TRUSTED {
f: File.Capability ← Directory.Lookup[fileName: name, permissions: Directory.ignore];
[] ← Directory.GetProps[f, name];
FindExecFromViewer: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer] RETURNS [ExecHandle] = {
FOR lst: LIST OF ExecHandle ← UserExecPrivate.execHandleList, lst.rest UNTIL lst = NIL DO
v1: Viewer ← NARROW[lst.first.viewer];
v2: Viewer;
IF v1 = viewer THEN RETURN[lst.first];
IF (v2 ← v1.link) # NIL THEN
UNTIL v2 = v1 DO
IF v2 = viewer THEN RETURN[lst.first];
v2 ← v2.link;
CurrentSelection: UserExec.CommandProc = {
value: REF ANY;
handle: UserExec.ExecHandle;
TiogaSelection: TYPE = RECORD[
viewer: Viewer,
start, end: TiogaOps.Location,
level: TiogaOps.SelectionGrain,
caretBefore: BOOL,
pendingDelete: BOOL
TiogaSelection1: TYPE = RECORD[
handle: UserExec.ExecHandle,
viewer: Viewer,
start, end: TiogaOps.Location,
level: TiogaOps.SelectionGrain,
caretBefore: BOOL,
pendingDelete: BOOL
sel: TiogaSelection;
[sel.viewer, sel.start, sel.end, sel.level, sel.caretBefore, sel.pendingDelete] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF sel.viewer = NIL THEN {
viewer: Viewer ← ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[];
IF viewer # NIL THEN {
IF (handle ← UserExec.GetExecHandle[viewer: viewer]) # NIL THEN value ← NEW[UserExec.ExecHandle ← handle]
ELSE value ← NEW[ViewerClasses.Viewer ← viewer];
IF (handle ← UserExec.GetExecHandle[viewer: sel.viewer]) # NIL THEN value ← NEW[TiogaSelection1 ← [handle, sel.viewer, sel.start, sel.end, sel.level, sel.caretBefore, sel.pendingDelete]]
ELSE value ← NEW[TiogaSelection ← sel];
IF value = NIL THEN UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutF["*n*mNothing selected\n"]
tv: TV = AMBridge.TVForReferent[value];
UserExec.GetStreams[exec].out.PutTV[tv: tv];
UserExecPrivate.StoreInSymTab[value: tv, event: event, exec: exec];
ForAllSplitViewers: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer, proc: UserExecPrivate.SplitViewerProc] = {
v: Viewer ← viewer;
WHILE (v ← v.link) # NIL AND (v # viewer) DO
WasProfileEdited: ViewerEvents.EventProc -- [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, event: ViewerEvent] -- = {
name: ROPE = viewer.name;
pos: INT = Rope.Find[name, "."];
IF pos # -1 AND Rope.Equal["profile", Rope.Substr[base: name, start: pos + 1], FALSE] THEN
TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK ProcessProfile[]]};
WasAnExecDestroyed: ViewerEvents.EventProc -- [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, event: ViewerEvent] -- = {
exec: ExecHandle = FindExecFromViewer[viewer];
IF exec # NIL THEN {
v: Viewer ← viewer;
WHILE (v ← v.link) # NIL AND (v # viewer) DO -- split
IF NOT v.destroyed THEN
exec.viewer ← v;
IF ViewerTools.GetSelectedViewer[] = viewer THEN ViewerTools.SetSelection[v, NIL];
[] ← DestroyExec[event: NIL, exec: exec];
ProcessProfile: PUBLIC PROC = {
errorLog: ROPE;
MessageWindow.Append[message: "Processing User Profile for changed entries...", clearFirst: TRUE];
IF (errorLog ← UserProfile.GetErrorLog[]) # NIL THEN
MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat["problems encountered, see ", errorLog, "..."]];
IF errorLog # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Blink[];
experimentalNewFeatures: PUBLIC BOOLEAN;
execMenu: PUBLIC Menus.Menu ← NIL;
Init: PROC = {
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = TypeScript.Create[info: [], paint: FALSE];
execMenu ← viewer.menu;
ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[viewer]; -- created solely to get hold of the menu
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu: execMenu, entry: Menus.CreateEntry[name: "New", proc: NewExec, documentation: "Create New Work Area", fork: FALSE]]; -- not forked since is going to change the input focus
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu: execMenu, entry: Menus.CreateEntry[name: "Stop", proc: Stop, documentation: "Aborts current operation", fork: FALSE]];
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu: execMenu, entry: Menus.CreateEntry [name: "Compile", proc: CompileButton, fork: TRUE, documentation: "Compiles the indicated file/viewer, first saving contents if edits have been performed."]];
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu: execMenu, entry: Menus.CreateEntry [name: "Eval", proc: EvalButton, fork: TRUE, documentation: "Evaluates the current selection in the corresponding work area."]];
Menus.AppendMenuEntry[menu: execMenu, entry: Menus.CreateEntry[name: "Redo", proc: RedoButton, documentation: "Redo selected event(s)"]];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["Bind", Bind, "Bind a list of configurations."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["Compile", Compile, "Compile a list of modules."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["New", NewProc, "Create new viewer(s)."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["Open", OpenProc, "Create viewer(s) on existing file(s)."];
UserExec.RegisterMethod[proc: ImplicitOpen, name: "Implicit Open", doc: "If the first token on the input line is of the form file.mesa, same as Open file.mesa, i.e. creates a viewer on file.mesa."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["DestroyExec", DestroyExec, "Terminates an executive."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["CreateExec", CreateExecProc, "Creates a new executive.", "Creates a new executive."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["Desktop", Desktop, "Creates a new desktop with the given name."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["Herald", Herald, "Scrolls executive to top and reprints herald."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["ChangeAreaMode", ChangeAreaMode, "Makes an Interpreter into an Executive and vice versa."];
UserExec.RegisterCommand["CurrentSelection", CurrentSelection, "Describes the selected object.", "Describes the selected object. Not terribly useful unless invoked via (right clicking) the Eval menu button."];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: WasProfileEdited, event: save, filter: $Text, before: FALSE];
[] ← ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[proc: WasAnExecDestroyed, filter: $Typescript, event: destroy];
Edited on December 8, 1982 9:52 pm, by Teitelman
fixed bug in RunCompiler causing bogus compiler.log when spelling correction failed
changes to: RunCompiler
Edited on December 9, 1982 2:00 pm, by Teitelman
yellow button => bind, blue button => compile and bind
changes to: CompileButton, DIRECTORY, IMPORTS
Edited on December 17, 1982 3:44 pm, by Teitelman
New button now creates a new interpreter area if clicked with blue, otherwise an executive area, rather than flipping the mode of the previous area.
changes to: NewExec, UserExec.RegisterCommand["CreateExec"
Edited on December 21, 1982 3:26 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, ProcessLine, NameDesktop, DoViewerOp, ImplicitOpen
Edited on January 23, 1983 7:42 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: EvalButton
Edited on January 29, 1983 1:57 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, ShowResult, NewProc, OpenProc, ImplicitOpen, OpenViewer, UserExec, UserExec, NewProc, binderRec, RunCompiler
Edited on February 1, 1983 8:38 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: RunCompiler, DIRECTORY, Compile, Bind, ShowLog, DIRECTORY, compilerRec, Compile
Edited on February 3, 1983 12:42 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: BinderRec, RunCompiler, CFinishItem, ShowLog, TiogaMenuOpsOpen, BlinkIcon, DIRECTORY, Compile
Edited on February 4, 1983 3:17 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: CFinishItem
Edited on February 7, 1983 1:41 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: NameDesktop, Desktop, NewExec, UserExec, UserExec
Edited on March 1, 1983 4:00 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: newWorkAreaButtonUp, CreateNewWorkAreaButton
Edited on March 7, 1983 11:20 am, by Teitelman
changes to: ProcessLine, WaitUntilSaved, destroyLogOnSuccess, CompileButton, DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, Desktop
Edited on March 10, 1983 2:54 am, by Teitelman
Edited on March 25, 1983 4:40 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: ShowLog, DIRECTORY
Edited on March 28, 1983 3:43 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: FindExecFromViewer, ForAllSplitViewers, DIRECTORY, TiogaOps, TiogaOps, UserProfile, RunBinder, RunCompiler
Edited on March 29, 1983 5:18 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: DIRECTORY
Edited on April 6, 1983 3:59 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: EvalButton, FindExecFromViewer, SelectedObject, SelectedObject, DIRECTORY, IMPORTS, SetDefaultSwitches, UserExec, UserExec, CurrentSelection, UserExec, DIRECTORY, CreateLog, CreateLog
Edited on April 15, 1983 4:03 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: CurrentSelection, DIRECTORY, Stop, FlushChars (local of Stop), DIRECTORY, Stop
Edited on April 19, 1983 5:47 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: RedoButton, GetEventsFromSelection
Edited on April 21, 1983 5:34 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: GetEventsFromSelection
Edited on April 24, 1983 12:07 pm, by Teitelman
changes to: OpenViewer, WaitUntilSaved
Edited on May 2, 1983 8:10 pm, by Teitelman
changed registration of event for WasAnExecDestroyed to before from after. Problem was the links were already gone by the time I got in.
changes to: [ 
Edited on May 4, 1983 12:27 pm, by Teitelman
added filters to call to ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc