<> <> <> DIRECTORY NodeStyle, RopeReader, LooksReader, TSObject, TextEdit, TextLooks, TextNode, TSTranslate, TSFont, TSTypes, TSGlue; TSTranslatePrivate: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN TSTypes; State: TYPE = REF StateRec; -- points to the working storage for the translation. StateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ nodeStyle: NodeStyle.Ref, charStyle: NodeStyle.Ref, ropeReader: RopeReader.Ref, looksReader: LooksReader.Ref, level: INTEGER, currentNode: TextNode.Ref, currentTextNode: TextNode.RefTextNode, totalChars, charsToGo: INT, progressProc: TSTranslate.ProgressProc, leftIndent: Dimn, galleyWidth: Dimn, firstIndentItem: REF ANY, leftFillParameter, rightFillParameter: TSObject.ListParameter, endFill: LIST OF REF ANY, rope: TextEdit.ROPE, runs: TextLooks.Runs, remainingLength: LONG INTEGER, tabStops: REAL, minTabWidth: REAL, bodyIndent: Dimn _ zeroDimn, curfont: TSFont.Ref, oldLooks: TextLooks.Looks, underlining: NodeStyle.FontUnderlining _ None, strikeout: NodeStyle.FontUnderlining _ None, bottomLeading: Dimn _ nilDimn ]; NewState: PROCEDURE RETURNS [s: State]; InitializeStateForNewNode: PROCEDURE [listWriter: TSObject.ListWriter, state: State]; FontFromStyle: PROCEDURE [style: NodeStyle.Ref] RETURNS [TSFont.Ref]; GetNewLooks: PROCEDURE [listWriter: TSObject.ListWriter, state: State, looks: TextLooks.Looks]; ProduceBottomLeadingStretchAndShrink: PROCEDURE [listWriter: TSObject.ListWriter, state: State]; Tabify: PROCEDURE [hlist: TSObject.ItemList, state: State] RETURNS [newHList: TSObject.ItemList]; END. Michael Plass, June 28, 1982 8:58 am. Renamed from TPTranslatePrivate.