<> <> <> DIRECTORY Rope, TSObject, TextNode, NodeStyle; TSTranslate: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN ProgressProc: TYPE = PROC [progress: REAL]; -- reports on the progress of the translation phase, as a percentage TreeToVlist: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [t: TextNode.Ref, progressProc: ProgressProc _ NIL] RETURNS [galley: TSObject.ItemList, style: NodeStyle.Ref]; <> FontNotFound: SIGNAL [fontName: Rope.ROPE, location: INT] RETURNS [substitute: Rope.ROPE]; END. Michael Plass, June 28, 1982 8:54 am. Renamed from TPTranslate. Michael Plass, November 16, 1982 3:46 pm. Changed TreeToVlist to return style. Michael Plass, November 17, 1982 12:01 pm. Added FontNotFound.