-- ExecHacks.df -- Edited by Doug Wyatt, September 14, 1983 4:37 pm -- Edited by Michael Plass, December 16, 1983 9:08 am -- Adds some handy menu buttons to CommandTool viewers: "Compile" and "Redo". "Compile" deduces a filename from the selection, and then does a "Compile", "Bind", or "@" with the root of the filename, depending on the extension. It is purely textual, and extracts just the root of the file name because the Compile command doesn't accept fNames (as of this writing). So watch your working directories. "Redo" is a simple replay of the last command. Exports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top> CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top> ExecHacks.df 16-Dec-83 09:40:01 PST Exports [Indigo]<Cedar>ExecHacks> CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>ExecHacks> +ExecHacks.bcd!1 16-Dec-83 09:36:41 PST Directory [Indigo]<Cedar>ExecHacks> CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>ExecHacks> ExecHacks.mesa!1 16-Dec-83 09:36:06 PST Imports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>FS.df Of 21-Dec-83 21:46:00 PST CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top>FS.df Using [FS.bcd] Imports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Rope.df Of 21-Dec-83 21:46:45 PST CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top>Rope.df Using [Rope.bcd] Imports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Terminal.df Of 21-Dec-83 21:47:01 PST CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top>Terminal.df Using [Terminal.bcd] Imports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Tioga.df Of 21-Dec-83 21:47:02 PST CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top>Tioga.df Using [TiogaOps.bcd, TiogaOpsDefs.bcd] Imports [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Viewers.df Of 21-Dec-83 21:47:11 PST CameFrom [Indigo]<PreCedar>Top>Viewers.df Using [InputFocus.bcd, Menus.bcd, ViewerClasses.bcd, ViewerEvents.bcd, ViewerOps.bcd, ViewerTools.bcd]