DIRECTORY Ascii, Atom USING [MakeAtom], BasicTime USING [GMT, Period, earliestGMT], FS USING [ComponentPositions, Error, ExpandName, FileInfo, StreamOpen], Intime USING [EventTime], IO USING [STREAM, Close, Error, GetIndex, int, Put, PutRope, SetLength], GPM USING [Close, Error, GetChar, GetIndex, Handle, Open], Interminal USING [KeyName], Rope USING [Concat, ROPE, FromRefText, Substr], TIPPrivate, TIPUser, TIPTables; TIPTableBuilder: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS BasicTime, TIPPrivate, FS, GPM, Rope, Atom, IO EXPORTS TIPPrivate, TIPUser = { OPEN TIPPrivate, TIPTables, TIPUser; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; ReservedWord: REF PACKED ARRAY Symbol OF BOOL _ NEW[PACKED ARRAY Symbol OF BOOL]; fh: GPM.Handle; filename: ROPE; errlogfh: STREAM; fastOption: BOOL; fastMouseOption: BOOL; keyOption : KeyOption; errorText : PUBLIC REF ARRAY [0..nrOfErrors] OF ROPE _ NEW[ARRAY [0..nrOfErrors] OF ROPE]; keyNames: PUBLIC REF ARRAY Interminal.KeyName OF ROPE _ NEW[ARRAY Interminal.KeyName OF ROPE]; thereAreErrors: BOOL; ch: CHAR; nextch: CHAR; havenext: BOOL; symbol: Symbol; atom: ATOM; keyName: Interminal.KeyName; symPos: INT; number: CARDINAL; ident: REF TEXT _ NEW[TEXT[100]]; errcnt: CARDINAL; printKeyTable, defaultKeyTable: TIPTable _ NIL; DefaultTable: PROC [printKeys: BOOL] RETURNS [TIPTable] = TRUSTED { key: Interminal.KeyName; enableTerm: keyEnable TIPTerm _ [keyEnable[[Ctrl, up]]]; charTerm: char TIPTerm _ [char[stdChar]]; resultTerm: result TIPTerm _ [result[LIST[]]]; IF printKeys THEN { IF printKeyTable = NIL THEN { ctrlUpDefault: TIPChoice _ CONS[enableTerm, CONS[charTerm, LIST[resultTerm]]]; printKeyTable _ NEW[fast TIPTableRec]; printKeyTable.ignore.down _ FALSE; FOR key IN Interminal.KeyName DO -- includes CR, TAB and Space! SELECT key FROM IN [Five..BackSlash], IN [Three..RightBracket], IN [One..One], IN [TAB..F], IN [C..Z], IN [Period..Arrow], IN [R..M], IN [Space..Equal] => WITH printKeyTable SELECT FROM fast => keyDown[key] _ ctrlUpDefault; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [printKeyTable]; } ELSE { IF defaultKeyTable = NIL THEN { normalDefault: TIPChoice _ CONS[charTerm, LIST[resultTerm]]; ctrlUpDefault: TIPChoice _ CONS[enableTerm, CONS[charTerm, LIST[resultTerm]]]; defaultKeyTable _ NEW[fast TIPTableRec]; defaultKeyTable.ignore.down _ FALSE; FOR key IN Interminal.KeyName DO -- includes CR and Space! SELECT key FROM E, IN [D..V], K, P, IN [W..A], IN [I..L], F, IN [C..Z], IN [R..H], IN [N..M] => WITH defaultKeyTable SELECT FROM fast => keyDown[key] _ normalDefault; ENDCASE; IN [Five..Six], IN [Seven..Seven], IN [Zero..Zero], IN [Dash..Dash], IN [Slash..BackSlash], IN [Three..Two], IN [Nine..Nine], IN [Comma..RightBracket], IN [One..One], IN [Period..Arrow], IN [Eight..Eight], IN [Space..Equal], IN [DEL..DEL], IN [LF..BS], IN [ESC..TAB] => WITH printKeyTable SELECT FROM fast => keyDown[key] _ normalDefault; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN [defaultKeyTable]; }; }; -- DefaultTable EndOfFile: SIGNAL = CODE; GetChar: PROC = { GetGPMChar: PROC RETURNS [ch: CHAR] = INLINE { ch _ GPM.GetChar[fh ! GPM.Error => { IF ec=EndOfStream THEN ch _ 0C; CONTINUE }] }; IF havenext THEN { havenext _ FALSE; ch _ nextch } ELSE ch _ GetGPMChar[]; IF ch = '- THEN { IF (nextch _ GetGPMChar[]) = '- THEN { -- scan over comment DO -- go to CR or double dash SELECT GetGPMChar[] FROM Ascii.CR, 0C => EXIT; '- => SELECT GetGPMChar[] FROM '-, Ascii.CR => EXIT; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; ch _ Ascii.SP } ELSE havenext _ TRUE; }; }; NCONC: PROC [list1, list2: TIPChoice] RETURNS[TIPChoice] = { l: TIPChoice _ list1; IF l = NIL THEN RETURN[list2]; UNTIL = NIL DO l _; ENDLOOP; _ list2; RETURN[list1]; }; InstantiateNewTIPTable: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [table: TIPTable _ NIL] = { comp: ROPE; -- name of the compiled file tryC: BOOL _ TRUE; stream: STREAM; fileCD, compCD: BasicTime.GMT; option, newKeyOption: KeyOption; newTable: TIPTable; file _ FS.ExpandName[file].fullFName; {-- construct the tipC name from the tip name cp: FS.ComponentPositions; [cp: cp] _ FS.ExpandName[file]; IF cp.ver.length # 0 THEN comp _ Rope.Substr[file, cp.base.start, cp.ver.start - cp.base.start] ELSE comp _ Rope.Substr[file, cp.base.start]; comp _ Rope.Concat[comp,"C"]; }; fileCD _ FS.FileInfo[file ! FS.Error => {tryC _ FALSE; CONTINUE}].created; IF tryC THEN compCD _ FS.FileInfo[comp ! FS.Error => {tryC _ FALSE; CONTINUE}].created; IF tryC THEN tryC _ BasicTime.Period[from: BasicTime.earliestGMT, to: fileCD] < BasicTime.Period[from: BasicTime.earliestGMT, to: compCD]; IF tryC THEN { stream _ FS.StreamOpen[comp, $read]; [table, option] _ ReadTIPTable[stream ! BadTable => CONTINUE]; IO.Close[stream] }; IF table # NIL THEN { IF option # none THEN { _ DefaultTable[option=printKeys]; table.opaque _ FALSE }; RETURN }; [table, option] _ BuildNewTIPTable[file]; stream _ FS.StreamOpen[comp, $create]; WriteTIPTable[table, option, stream]; IO.Close[stream]; stream _ FS.StreamOpen[comp, $read]; [newTable, newKeyOption] _ ReadTIPTable[stream]; IO.Close[stream]; IF newKeyOption # option THEN ERROR; EqualTables[table, newTable]; }; BuildNewTIPTable: ENTRY PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS [table: TIPTable _ NIL, option: KeyOption] = { ENABLE UNWIND => IF thereAreErrors THEN { GPM.Close[fh]; TruncateErrorLog[]; IO.Close[errlogfh]}; GetFile: PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS [fh: STREAM _ NIL] = CHECKED { file _ FS.ExpandName[file].fullFName; fh _ FS.StreamOpen[file, $read]; }; errMsg: ROPE; { -- fake begin to get around bug where double catch phrase fails ENABLE { GPM.Error => {errMsg _ errorMsg; GOTO MacroCleanup}; TIPError => GOTO Cleanup; }; statement: TIPChoiceSeries; filename _ file; fh _ GPM.Open[GetFile[file]]; fh.startCall _ '[; fh.endCall _ ']; fh.singleQuote _ '; -- 004 octal fh.startQuote _ '(; fh.endQuote _ '); fh.sepArg _ ',; fh.numArg _ '~; thereAreErrors _ FALSE; errcnt _ 0; havenext _ FALSE; fastOption _ FALSE; fastMouseOption _ FALSE; keyOption _ none; GetChar; GetSymbol; IF symbol = OptionSym THEN Options; option _ keyOption; IF symbol = Select THEN { GetSymbol; IF symbol = Trigger THEN { GetSymbol; statement _ TriggerStmt[]; } ELSE Error[5]; IF symbol # Dot THEN Error[3]; } ELSE Error[1]; GPM.Close[fh]; IF ~thereAreErrors THEN table _ CreateTable[statement]; IF thereAreErrors THEN ErrorFinish; -- finish the error log and raise signal EXITS Cleanup => { ErrorFinish }; MacroCleanup => { IF ~thereAreErrors THEN OpenErrorLog; thereAreErrors _ TRUE; errcnt _ errcnt+1; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, "Error from macro package\n\n"]; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, errMsg]; ErrorFinish }; }; -- fake block (see above) }; -- InstantiateNewTIPTable TruncateErrorLog: PROC = { ENABLE IO.Error => GOTO Exit; IO.SetLength[errlogfh, IO.GetIndex[errlogfh]]; EXITS Exit => {}; }; ErrorFinish: PROC = { TruncateErrorLog[]; IO.Close[errlogfh]; SIGNAL InvalidTable[Rope.Concat[filename," errors on TIP.ERRORS"]]; }; CreateTable: PROC[series: TIPChoiceSeries] RETURNS[table: TIPTable] = TRUSTED { IF fastOption THEN { table _ NEW[fast TIPTableRec]; WITH table SELECT FROM fast => FOR choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries _ series, UNTIL choiceSeries = NIL DO choice: TIPChoice _ choiceSeries.first; WITH choice.first SELECT FROM keyTrigger => IF keyState.state = up THEN { ignore.up _ FALSE; IF keyUp[keyState.key] # NIL THEN DoubleDef[keyState.key]; keyUp[keyState.key] _; } ELSE { ignore.down _ FALSE; IF keyDown[keyState.key] # NIL THEN DoubleDef[keyState.key]; keyDown[keyState.key] _; }; mouseTrigger => { ignore.move _ FALSE; IF mouse # NIL THEN Error[25]; mouse _ }; timeTrigger => Error[]; -- to be detected earlier !!! ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE; } ELSE { table _ NEW[small TIPTableRec]; WITH table SELECT FROM small => { FOR choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries _ series, UNTIL choiceSeries = NIL DO choice: TIPChoice _ choiceSeries.first; WITH choice.first SELECT FROM keyTrigger => IF keyState.state = up THEN ignore.up _ FALSE ELSE ignore.down _ FALSE; mouseTrigger => ignore.move _ FALSE; timeTrigger => Error[]; -- to be detected earlier !!! ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; all _ series; }; ENDCASE; }; IF keyOption # none THEN { _ DefaultTable[keyOption=printKeys]; table.opaque _ FALSE; }; IF fastMouseOption THEN table.mouseTicks _ 0; }; -- CreateTable Options: PROC = { GetSymbol; DO -- until see Semicolon SELECT symbol FROM Fast => fastOption _ TRUE; Small => fastOption _ FALSE; DefaultKeys => keyOption _ defaultKeys; PrintKeys => keyOption _ printKeys; FastMouse => fastMouseOption _ TRUE; SlowMouse => fastMouseOption _ FALSE; ENDCASE => Error[18]; GetSymbol; SELECT symbol FROM Semicolon => EXIT; Comma => NULL; ENDCASE => Error[19]; GetSymbol; ENDLOOP; GetSymbol; }; -- Options CheckForUniqueSymbol: PROC[symbols: LIST OF ATOM] = { FOR list: LIST OF ATOM _ symbols, UNTIL list = NIL DO IF list.first = atom THEN GOTO notUnique; REPEAT notUnique => Error[17]; FINISHED => symbols _ CONS[atom, symbols]; -- !!! ENDLOOP; }; TriggerStmt: PROC RETURNS[choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries] = { usedSymbols: LIST OF ATOM _ NIL; IF symbol = From THEN GetSymbol ELSE { Error[6]; }; choiceSeries _ TriggerChoiceSeries[]; }; -- TriggerStmt EnableStmt: PROC RETURNS[choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries] = { usedSymbols: LIST OF ATOM _ NIL; IF symbol = From THEN GetSymbol ELSE { Error[20]; }; choiceSeries _ EnableChoiceSeries[]; }; -- EnableStmt TriggerChoiceSeries: PROC RETURNS[choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries] = { choice: TIPChoice; IF symbol = Endcase THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ FinalChoice[]; RETURN }; choice _ TriggerChoice[]; IF symbol = Semicolon THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ CONS[choice, TriggerChoiceSeries[]]; } ELSE IF symbol = Endcase THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ CONS[choice, FinalChoice[]]; -- may be NIL !?!? } ELSE { Error[2]; }; }; -- TriggerChoiceSeries EnableChoiceSeries: PROC RETURNS[choiceSeries: TIPChoiceSeries] = { choice: TIPChoice; IF symbol = Endcase THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ FinalChoice[]; RETURN }; choice _ EnableChoice[]; IF symbol = Semicolon THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ CONS[choice, EnableChoiceSeries[]]; } ELSE IF symbol = Endcase THEN { GetSymbol; choiceSeries _ CONS[choice, FinalChoice[]]; -- may be NIL !?!? } ELSE { Error[2]; }; }; -- EnableChoiceSeries TriggerChoice: PROC RETURNS[triggerChoice: TIPChoice] = { term: TIPChoice _ TriggerTerm[]; triggerChoice _ NCONC[term, Expression[]]; }; -- TriggerChoice EnableChoice: PROC RETURNS[enableChoice: TIPChoice] = { term: TIPChoice _ EnableTerm[]; enableChoice _ NCONC[term, Expression[]]; }; -- EnableChoice TriggerTerm: PROC RETURNS[triggerTerm: TIPChoice] = { SELECT symbol FROM KeyIdent => { keyTerm: keyTrigger TIPTerm; keyTerm.keyState _ Key[]; triggerTerm _ LIST[keyTerm]; }; Mouse => { mouseTerm: mouseTrigger TIPTerm; triggerTerm _ LIST[mouseTerm]; GetSymbol; }; ENDCASE => { Error[8]; }; IF symbol = Before OR symbol = After THEN triggerTerm _ CONS[TimeOut[], triggerTerm]; }; -- TriggerTerm EnableTerm: PROC RETURNS[enableTerm: TIPChoice] = { IF symbol = KeyIdent THEN enableTerm _ Keys[] ELSE IF symbol = Ident THEN { predTerm: predEnable TIPTerm; predTerm.predicate _ atom; enableTerm _ LIST[predTerm]; GetSymbol; } ELSE { Error[21] }; }; -- EnableTerm Keys: PROC RETURNS[enableTerm: TIPChoice] = TRUSTED { first: TIPKeyState _ Key[]; SELECT symbol FROM VertBar => { rest: TIPChoice; GetSymbol; IF symbol # KeyIdent THEN Error[21]; rest _ Keys[]; WITH x:rest.first SELECT FROM keyEnable => { keyTerm: key2Enable TIPTerm; keyTerm.keyState1 _ first; keyTerm.keyState2 _ x.keyState; enableTerm _ LIST[keyTerm]; }; key2Enable => { keyTerm: keyEnableList TIPTerm; keyTerm.lst _ LIST[first, x.keyState1, x.keyState2]; enableTerm _ LIST[keyTerm]; }; keyEnableList => { keyTerm: keyEnableList TIPTerm; keyTerm.lst _ CONS[first, x.lst]; enableTerm _ LIST[keyTerm]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ENDCASE => { keyTerm: keyEnable TIPTerm; keyTerm.keyState _ first; enableTerm _ LIST[keyTerm]; }; }; -- Keys Key: PROC RETURNS[keySt: TIPKeyState] = { name: Interminal.KeyName _ keyName; GetSymbol; IF symbol = Up OR symbol = Down THEN { keySt _ [key: name, state: IF symbol = Up THEN up ELSE down]; GetSymbol; } ELSE Error[12]; }; -- Key TimeOut: PROC RETURNS[timeoutExpr: timeTrigger TIPTerm] = { fl: TimeoutFlavor _ IF symbol = Before THEN lt ELSE gt; GetSymbol; IF symbol = Number THEN { timeoutExpr.flavor _ fl; timeoutExpr.mSecs _ number; GetSymbol; } ELSE { Error[10]; }; }; -- TimeOut Expression: PROC RETURNS[expression: TIPChoice] = { SELECT symbol FROM And => { GetSymbol; expression _ TriggerChoice[]; }; While => { GetSymbol; expression _ EnableChoice[]; }; RightArrow => { GetSymbol; expression _ Statement[]; }; ENDCASE => Error[22]; }; -- Expression Results: PROC RETURNS[resultList: LIST OF REF ANY, resultChoice: TIPChoice] = { resultItem: REF ANY; resultExpr: REF TIPTerm; IF symbol = LeftCurly THEN { GetSymbol; [resultList, resultChoice] _ ResultItems[]; RETURN; }; [resultItem, resultExpr] _ ResultItem[]; SELECT symbol FROM Comma => { resultItemList: LIST OF REF ANY; resultExprList: TIPChoice; GetSymbol; [resultItemList, resultExprList] _ Results[]; resultList _ CONS[resultItem, resultItemList]; resultChoice _ IF resultExpr = NIL THEN resultExprList ELSE CONS[resultExpr^, resultExprList]; }; ENDCASE => { userResultList: result TIPTerm; resultList _ LIST[resultItem]; resultChoice _ IF resultExpr = NIL THEN LIST[userResultList] ELSE CONS[resultExpr^, LIST[userResultList]]; }; }; -- Results Store: PROC[resultList: LIST OF REF ANY, tree: TIPChoice] = { nestedChoice: TIPChoiceSeries; FOR choice: TIPChoice _ tree, UNTIL choice=NIL DO TRUSTED {WITH term: choice.first SELECT FROM nested => FOR nestedChoice _ term.statement, UNTIL nestedChoice=NIL DO Store[resultList, nestedChoice.first]; ENDLOOP; result => { IF term.list = NIL THEN term.list _ resultList ELSE { Error[24]; term.list _ resultList; -- !!! }; }; ENDCASE}; ENDLOOP; }; -- Store ResultItems: PROC RETURNS[resultList: LIST OF REF ANY, resultChoice: TIPChoice] = { resultItem: REF ANY; resultExpr: REF TIPTerm; [resultItem, resultExpr] _ ResultItem[]; SELECT symbol FROM RightCurly => { userResultList: result TIPTerm; GetSymbol; resultList _ LIST[resultItem]; resultChoice _ IF resultExpr = NIL THEN LIST[userResultList] ELSE CONS[resultExpr^, LIST[userResultList]]; }; ENDCASE => { resultItemList: LIST OF REF ANY; resultExprList: TIPChoice; [resultItemList, resultExprList] _ ResultItems[]; resultList _ CONS[resultItem, resultItemList]; resultChoice _ IF resultExpr = NIL THEN resultExprList ELSE CONS[resultExpr^, resultExprList]; }; }; ResultItem: PROC RETURNS[resultItem: REF ANY, resultExpr: REF TIPTerm _ NIL] = { SELECT symbol FROM Char => { resultExpr _ NEW[char TIPTerm _ [char[resultItem _ stdChar]]]; GetSymbol; }; Coords => { resultExpr _ NEW[coords TIPTerm _ [coords[resultItem _ stdCoords]]]; GetSymbol; }; Time => { resultExpr _ NEW[time TIPTerm _ [time[resultItem _ stdTime]]]; GetSymbol; }; KeyIdent, -- result names might be key names Ident => { resultItem _ atom; GetSymbol; }; Number => { resultItem _ NEW[LONG INTEGER]; WITH resultItem SELECT FROM z: REF LONG INTEGER => z^ _ number; ENDCASE; GetSymbol; }; String => { resultItem _ NEW[TEXT[ident.length]]; WITH resultItem SELECT FROM z: REF TEXT => { FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..ident.length) DO z[i] _ ident[i]; ENDLOOP; z.length _ ident.length; }; ENDCASE; GetSymbol; }; ENDCASE => IF ReservedWord[symbol] THEN { resultItem _ atom; GetSymbol; } ELSE Error[9]; }; -- ResultItem FinalChoice: PROC RETURNS[finalChoice: TIPChoiceSeries] = { IF symbol = RightArrow THEN { GetSymbol; finalChoice _ LIST[Statement[]]; }; }; -- FinalChoice Statement: PROC RETURNS[stmt: TIPChoice] = { IF symbol = Select THEN { term: nested TIPTerm; GetSymbol; IF symbol = Trigger OR symbol = Enable THEN { sy: Symbol _ symbol; GetSymbol; term.statement _ IF sy = Trigger THEN TriggerStmt[] ELSE EnableStmt[]; stmt _ LIST[term]; } ELSE { Error[13]; }; } ELSE { userResults: LIST OF REF ANY; [userResults, stmt] _ Results[]; Store[userResults, stmt]; }; }; -- Statement stdChar: PUBLIC REF CHAR _ NEW[CHAR]; stdCoords: PUBLIC TIPScreenCoords _ NEW[TIPScreenCoordsRec]; stdTime: PUBLIC TIPTables.TIPTime _ NEW[Intime.EventTime]; InvalidTable: PUBLIC SIGNAL [errorMsg: ROPE] = CODE; OpenErrorLog: PROC = { errlogfh _ FS.StreamOpen["tip.errors", $create]; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, filename]; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, " TIP TABLE error log.\n\n"] }; DoubleDef: PROC[key: Interminal.KeyName] = { IF ~thereAreErrors THEN OpenErrorLog[]; thereAreErrors _ TRUE; errcnt _ errcnt+1; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, keyNames[key]]; IO.PutRope[errlogfh, " entry must not occur more than once in table.\n\n"]; }; TIPError: ERROR = CODE; debug: BOOL _ FALSE; Error: PROC[nr: CARDINAL _ 0] = { OPEN IO; IF ~thereAreErrors THEN OpenErrorLog; thereAreErrors _ TRUE; errcnt _ errcnt+1; PutRope[errlogfh, errorText[nr]]; PutRope[errlogfh, " at "]; Put[errlogfh, int[symPos]]; PutRope[errlogfh, "\n\n"]; IF debug THEN ERROR ELSE ERROR TIPError }; GetSymbol: PROC = { GetNumber: PROC = { symbol _ Number; number _ 0; WHILE ch IN ['0..'9] DO number _ 10*number + ch-'0; GetChar; ENDLOOP; }; TranslateAtom: PROC[name: Interminal.KeyName, sym: Symbol] = INLINE { symbol _ sym; keyName _ name }; GetWord: PROC = { dummy: Interminal.KeyName = allUp; i: CARDINAL _ 0; WHILE ch IN ['0..'9] OR ch IN ['a..'z] OR ch IN ['A..'Z] DO ident[i] _ ch; i _ i + 1; GetChar; ENDLOOP; ident.length _ i; atom _ Atom.MakeAtom[Rope.FromRefText[ident]]; SELECT atom FROM $OPTIONS => TranslateAtom[dummy, OptionSym]; $SELECT => TranslateAtom[dummy, Select]; $TRIGGER => TranslateAtom[dummy, Trigger]; $ENABLE => TranslateAtom[dummy, Enable]; $FROM => TranslateAtom[dummy, From]; $ENDCASE => TranslateAtom[dummy, Endcase]; $END => TranslateAtom[dummy, End]; $AND => TranslateAtom[dummy, And]; $WHILE => TranslateAtom[dummy, While]; $AFTER => TranslateAtom[dummy, After]; $BEFORE => TranslateAtom[dummy, Before]; $Up => TranslateAtom[dummy, Up]; $Down => TranslateAtom[dummy, Down]; $Mouse => TranslateAtom[dummy, Mouse]; $Char => TranslateAtom[dummy, Char]; $Coords => TranslateAtom[dummy, Coords]; $TIME => TranslateAtom[dummy, Time]; $Small => TranslateAtom[dummy, Small]; $Fast => TranslateAtom[dummy, Fast]; $FastMouse => TranslateAtom[dummy, FastMouse]; $SlowMouse => TranslateAtom[dummy, SlowMouse]; $PrintKeys => TranslateAtom[dummy, PrintKeys]; $DefaultKeys => TranslateAtom[dummy, DefaultKeys]; $x0 => TranslateAtom[x0, KeyIdent]; $x1 => TranslateAtom[x1, KeyIdent]; $x2 => TranslateAtom[x2, KeyIdent]; $x3 => TranslateAtom[x3, KeyIdent]; $x4 => TranslateAtom[x4, KeyIdent]; $x5 => TranslateAtom[x5, KeyIdent]; $x6 => TranslateAtom[x6, KeyIdent]; $Pen => TranslateAtom[pen, KeyIdent]; $Keyset1 => TranslateAtom[Keyset1, KeyIdent]; $Keyset2 => TranslateAtom[Keyset2, KeyIdent]; $Keyset3 => TranslateAtom[Keyset3, KeyIdent]; $Keyset4 => TranslateAtom[Keyset4, KeyIdent]; $Keyset5 => TranslateAtom[Keyset5, KeyIdent]; $Red => TranslateAtom[Red, KeyIdent]; $Blue => TranslateAtom[Blue, KeyIdent]; $Yellow => TranslateAtom[Yellow, KeyIdent]; $Five => TranslateAtom[Five, KeyIdent]; $Four => TranslateAtom[Four, KeyIdent]; $Six => TranslateAtom[Six, KeyIdent]; $E => TranslateAtom[E, KeyIdent]; $Seven => TranslateAtom[Seven, KeyIdent]; $D => TranslateAtom[D, KeyIdent]; $U => TranslateAtom[U, KeyIdent]; $V => TranslateAtom[V, KeyIdent]; $Zero => TranslateAtom[Zero, KeyIdent]; $K => TranslateAtom[K, KeyIdent]; $Dash => TranslateAtom[Dash, KeyIdent]; $P => TranslateAtom[P, KeyIdent]; $Slash => TranslateAtom[Slash, KeyIdent]; $BackSlash => TranslateAtom[BackSlash, KeyIdent]; $LF => TranslateAtom[LF, KeyIdent]; $BS => TranslateAtom[BS, KeyIdent]; $Three => TranslateAtom[Three, KeyIdent]; $Two => TranslateAtom[Two, KeyIdent]; $W => TranslateAtom[W, KeyIdent]; $Q => TranslateAtom[Q, KeyIdent]; $S => TranslateAtom[S, KeyIdent]; $A => TranslateAtom[A, KeyIdent]; $Nine => TranslateAtom[Nine, KeyIdent]; $I => TranslateAtom[I, KeyIdent]; $X => TranslateAtom[X, KeyIdent]; $O => TranslateAtom[O, KeyIdent]; $L => TranslateAtom[L, KeyIdent]; $Comma => TranslateAtom[Comma, KeyIdent]; $Quote => TranslateAtom[Quote, KeyIdent]; $RightBracket => TranslateAtom[RightBracket, KeyIdent]; $Spare2 => TranslateAtom[Spare2, KeyIdent]; $BW => TranslateAtom[BW, KeyIdent]; $One => TranslateAtom[One, KeyIdent]; $ESC => TranslateAtom[ESC, KeyIdent]; $TAB => TranslateAtom[TAB, KeyIdent]; $F => TranslateAtom[F, KeyIdent]; $Ctrl => TranslateAtom[Ctrl, KeyIdent]; $C => TranslateAtom[C, KeyIdent]; $J => TranslateAtom[J, KeyIdent]; $B => TranslateAtom[B, KeyIdent]; $Z => TranslateAtom[Z, KeyIdent]; $LeftShift => TranslateAtom[LeftShift, KeyIdent]; $Period => TranslateAtom[Period, KeyIdent]; $SemiColon => TranslateAtom[SemiColon, KeyIdent]; $Return => TranslateAtom[Return, KeyIdent]; $Arrow => TranslateAtom[Arrow, KeyIdent]; $DEL => TranslateAtom[DEL, KeyIdent]; $FL3 => TranslateAtom[FL3, KeyIdent]; $R => TranslateAtom[R, KeyIdent]; $T => TranslateAtom[T, KeyIdent]; $G => TranslateAtom[G, KeyIdent]; $Y => TranslateAtom[Y, KeyIdent]; $H => TranslateAtom[H, KeyIdent]; $Eight => TranslateAtom[Eight, KeyIdent]; $N => TranslateAtom[N, KeyIdent]; $M => TranslateAtom[M, KeyIdent]; $Lock => TranslateAtom[Lock, KeyIdent]; $Space => TranslateAtom[Space, KeyIdent]; $LeftBracket => TranslateAtom[LeftBracket, KeyIdent]; $Equal => TranslateAtom[Equal, KeyIdent]; $RightShift => TranslateAtom[RightShift, KeyIdent]; $Spare3 => TranslateAtom[Spare3, KeyIdent]; $FL4 => TranslateAtom[FL4, KeyIdent]; ENDCASE => TranslateAtom[dummy, Ident]; }; GetString: PROC = { i: CARDINAL _ 0; DO -- process the characters of the string SELECT ch _ GPM.GetChar[fh] FROM '" => EXIT; '\\ => SELECT ch _ GPM.GetChar[fh] FROM 'n, 'N, 'r, 'R => ch _ Ascii.CR; 't, 'T => ch _ Ascii.TAB; 'b, 'B => ch _ Ascii.BS; 'f, 'F => ch _ Ascii.FF; 'l, 'L => ch _ Ascii.LF; '\\, '', '" => NULL; IN ['0..'3] => { d: CARDINAL _ ch-'0; IF (ch _ GPM.GetChar[fh]) NOT IN ['0..'7] THEN Error[26]; d _ d*8 + ch-'0; IF (ch _ GPM.GetChar[fh]) NOT IN ['0..'7] THEN Error[26]; d _ d*8 + ch-'0; ch _ LOOPHOLE[d] }; ENDCASE => Error[26]; ENDCASE; ident[i] _ ch; i _ i + 1; ENDLOOP; ident.length _ i; GetChar; symbol _ String; }; GetPunctuation: PROC = { SELECT ch FROM '; => symbol _ Semicolon; ', => symbol _ Comma; '> => symbol _ Greater; '. => symbol _ Dot; '| => symbol _ VertBar; '= => { GetChar; IF ch = '> THEN symbol _ RightArrow ELSE symbol _ Illegal; }; '{ => symbol _ LeftCurly; '} => symbol _ RightCurly; ENDCASE => symbol _ Illegal; GetChar[]; }; WHILE ch = Ascii.SP OR ch = Ascii.TAB OR ch = Ascii.CR DO GetChar[]; ENDLOOP; symPos _ GPM.GetIndex[fh]-1; SELECT ch FROM IN ['0..'9] => GetNumber[]; IN ['a..'z], IN ['A..'Z] => GetWord[]; = '" => GetString[]; ENDCASE => GetPunctuation[]; }; InitBuilder[]; FOR s: Symbol IN Symbol DO ReservedWord[s] _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; ReservedWord[String] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Semicolon] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Comma] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Greater] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Dot] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[RightArrow] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Illegal] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[LeftCurly] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[RightCurly] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[VertBar] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[Number] _ FALSE; ReservedWord[KeyIdent] _ FALSE; }. κTIPTableBuilder.mesa McGregor, September 10, 1982 10:28 am Paxton, July 30, 1982 9:08 am Maxwell, January 3, 1983 11:59 am Paul Rovner, July 21, 1983 11:09 am Russ Atkinson, November 16, 1983 7:44 pm (removed use of long names to access *.tip) global scanner variables: charTerm: char TIPTerm _ [char[qZ.NEW[CHAR]]]; - for the general case - *** the scanner: *** Satterthwaite suggested all this crap about the GOTO. FS.Error will percolate up maintain the list symbols used to label the branches of the current statement TriggerStmt ::= SELECT TRIGGER FROM TriggerChoiceSeries skip until choice-begin EnableStmt ::= SELECT ENABLE FROM EnableChoiceSeries skip until (enable)choice-begin TriggerChoiceSeries ::= TriggerChoice ; TriggerChoiceSeries | TriggerChoice ENDCASE FinalChoice | ENDCASE FinalChoice skip until choice-begin or else EnableChoiceSeries ::= EnableChoice ; EnableChoiceSeries | EnableChoice ENDCASE FinalChoice | ENDCASE FinalChoice skip until choice-begin or else TriggerChoice ::= TriggerTerm Expression EnableChoice ::= EnableTerm Expression TriggerTerm ::= Key TimeOut | MOUSE TimeOut skip EnableTerm ::= Keys | PredicateIdent Keys ::= Key | Key "|" Keys KeyIdent UP | KeyIdent DOWN TimeOut ::= empty | BEFORE Number | AFTER Number skip Expression ::= AND TriggerChoice | WHILE EnableChoice | => Statement Results ::= ResultItem | ResultItem , Results | { ResultItem* } find all leaves l:[result TIPTermRec] of the tree, append the list found there to a copy of resultList, and store the resulting list as l.list ResultItems ::= ResultItem } | ResultItem ResultItems ResultItem ::= COORDS | CHAR | TIME | String | Number | ResultIdent FinalChoice ::= empty | => Statement Statement ::= TriggerStmt | EnableStmt | Results note that all parameters share the same variable for notification users must copy parameter if they want to save value after returning from notify $Opaque => TranslateAtom[dummy, Opaque]; $FR5 => TranslateAtom[FR5, KeyIdent]; find next symbol: classify symbol: main code: Κ"ψ– "Mesa" style˜šΟc™Jš%™%Jš™J™!J™#™(J™+——J˜šΟk ˜ J˜Jšœžœ ˜Jšœ žœžœ˜+Jšžœžœ?˜GJšœžœ ˜Jšžœžœžœ8˜HJšžœžœ1˜:Jšœ žœ ˜Jšœžœ žœ˜/J˜ J˜J˜ J˜—Jšœžœž˜˜Jšžœžœžœž˜6Jšžœ˜Jšžœ ˜$J˜Jšž œž˜Jšžœžœžœžœ˜J˜š œžœžœžœžœžœ˜/Jš žœžœžœžœžœ˜!—Jšœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœ˜J˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜š œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜6Jšžœžœžœžœ˜#J˜—š œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜7Jšžœžœžœžœ˜&J˜—Jš™Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ žœ˜J˜Jšœžœ˜ J˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜Jš œžœžœžœžœ˜!Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœžœ˜ J˜—š Οn œžœ žœžœžœ˜CJ˜J˜8J˜)JšG™GJšœ%žœ˜9J˜šžœ žœ˜šžœžœžœ˜Jšœžœ žœ žœ˜NJšœžœ˜&Jšœžœ˜"J˜šžœžœžœ˜?šžœž˜Jšžœ˜Jšžœ˜Jšžœ ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜ Jšžœžœžœ˜ Jšžœ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜ šžœžœžœž˜3J˜%Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšœ˜—Jšžœ˜Jšœ˜—šžœ˜šžœžœžœ˜Jšœžœ žœ˜Jšžœ˜—šžœ žœžœ˜šžœžœ˜J˜,Jšœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜ —J˜)Jšœ žœ˜&J˜%Jšžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜$J˜0Jšžœ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜$J˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœžœžœ˜)Jšžœžœ˜6˜Jš5™5J˜—šžœžœžœžœ˜)Jšžœ žœ˜7J˜—šŸœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜AJšœžœ˜%šœžœ˜ Jšœ™—Jšœ˜J˜—šœžœ˜ J˜—šžœ?˜AJ˜šžœ˜Jšžœžœ˜4Jšœ žœ ˜Jšœ˜J˜——J˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜Jšœ ˜!J˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœžœ˜J˜ Jšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜J˜J˜J˜J˜Jšžœžœ ˜#J˜J˜šžœžœ˜J˜ šžœžœ˜J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜Jšžœžœ ˜Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜J˜Jšžœ ˜Jšžœžœ ˜7Jšžœžœ(˜LJ˜Jšž˜J˜˜Jšžœžœ˜%Jšœžœ˜J˜šžœ3˜5Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšžœ˜J˜Jšžœ˜J˜—šŸœžœ˜Jšžœžœ žœ˜Jšžœžœ˜.Jšžœ ˜Jšœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜J˜Jšžœ˜Jšžœ=˜CJšœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœžœ˜Ošžœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšžœžœžœ ˜Jšžœ;˜>šžœžœž˜J˜'šžœžœž˜˜ šžœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜:J˜"Jšœ˜—šžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšžœžœžœ˜Jšœ˜—šžœ˜J˜ Jš™Jšœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—šŸœžœžœ#˜CJš8™8Jš"™"Jš™J˜J˜šžœžœ˜J˜ J˜Jšž˜Jšœ˜—J˜šžœžœ˜J˜ Jšœžœ˜2Jšœ˜—šžœžœžœ˜J˜ Jšœžœ˜>Jšœ˜—šžœ˜J˜ Jš™Jšœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜9Jš(™(J˜J˜ Jšœžœ˜*Jšžœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜7Jš&™&J˜J˜Jšœžœ˜)Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜5Jš+™+J˜šžœž˜šœ ˜ ˜J˜—Jšœžœ ˜Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ J˜ Jšœžœ ˜J˜ Jšœ˜—šžœ˜ J˜ Jš™Jšœ˜J˜——šžœžœž˜)Jšœžœ˜+—Jšžœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜3Jš$™$J˜Jšžœžœ˜-šžœžœžœ˜J˜J˜Jšœ žœ ˜J˜ Jšœ˜—šžœ˜J˜ Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœžœžœ˜5Jš™J˜J˜J˜šžœž˜šœ ˜ J˜J˜ šžœžœ ˜$J˜šžœžœž˜šœ˜J˜J˜J˜Jšœ žœ ˜Jšœ˜—šœ˜J˜Jšœžœ"˜4Jšœ žœ ˜Jšœ˜—šœ˜J˜Jšœžœ˜!Jšœ žœ ˜Jšœ˜—Jšžœžœ˜—Jšœ˜——šžœ˜ J˜˜Jšœ žœ ˜—Jšœ˜——Jšžœ˜ J˜—šŸœžœžœ˜)Jš™J˜J˜#J˜ šžœ žœžœ˜&˜šœžœ žœ˜Jšžœ˜ ——J˜ Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜Jšžœ˜ J˜—šŸœžœžœ&˜;Jš0™0J˜šœžœžœ˜.Jšžœ˜—J˜ šžœžœ˜J˜J˜J˜ Jšœ˜—šžœ˜J˜ Jš™Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜ J˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜3JšD™DJ˜šžœž˜šœ˜J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—šœ˜J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ ˜J˜—šŸœžœžœ žœžœžœžœ˜2Jšœ˜Jš?™?J˜Jšœ žœžœ˜Jšœ žœ ˜J˜šžœžœ˜J˜ J˜+Jšžœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—J˜(šžœž˜šœ ˜ š œžœžœžœžœ˜ J˜—˜ J˜-Jšœ žœ˜.šœžœžœžœ˜6Jšžœžœ˜'—Jšœ˜——šžœ˜ J˜Jšœ žœ ˜š œžœžœžœžœ˜J˜ —Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ šœ žœ4˜DJ˜ —Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ šœ žœ.˜>J˜ —Jšœ˜—Jšœ "˜-šœ ˜ J˜J˜ Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ šœ žœžœžœ˜šžœ žœž˜Jšœžœžœžœ˜#Jšžœ˜——J˜ Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ šœ žœžœ˜%šžœ žœž˜šœžœžœ˜šžœžœžœž˜'J˜Jšžœ˜—J˜——šœ˜Jšžœ˜——˜ Jšœ˜——šžœ˜ šžœžœ˜J˜J˜ šœ˜Jšžœ ˜————Jšžœ ˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ"˜;Jš$™$J˜šžœžœ˜J˜ Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœ˜,Jš0™0J˜šžœžœ˜J˜J˜ šžœžœžœ˜-J˜J˜ Jšœžœžœžœ˜FJšœžœ˜Jšœ˜—šžœ˜J˜ Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜—šžœ˜Jš œ žœžœžœžœ˜J˜ J˜Jšœ˜—Jšžœ ˜J˜J˜—JšA™AJšP™P˜Jš œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜%Jšœ žœžœ˜