Name: Talker

Maintainer: Paul Rovner

Date: March 11, 1983

Purpose: Talker is a simple tool for typescript-style communication between 2 or more Cedar users. It is included in the automatic bringover and in the prerun line of the standard user.profile.  Talker registers a "Talk" command with the UserExec.

Where to get it: [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Talker.df

How to use it if you don't put it in your user profile's prerun line:

Type the following to the user exec:

    Bringover /p [Indigo]<Cedar>Top>Talker
    Run Talker  (this registers a "Talk" command with the UserExec. Meant to be prerun)
    Talk <user name> <user name>...<user name>

What it does:

The registered command "Talk <user name> <user name>...<user name> <CR>" establishes contact with each specified Talker user by creating an Icon in her Cedar world and flashing it (once every 6 seconds) until it is opened.  Communication is a line at a time; lines from other conversants are inserted while you are composing the next line to send to them.  After a Talker viewer is closed, it will not flash again until a new line arrives from one of the other conversants.  This can be used (for example) to leave a high priority message for someone.  Another conversant can be added to a conversation in progress by selecting the new conversant's name and hitting the JoinConversation menu item.