-- WhiteboardImpl.mesa -- last edited by: -- John Maxwell on: September 22, 1982 12:19 pm -- Willie-Sue on: February 22, 1983 4:19 pm -- Cattell on: April 21, 1983 4:02 pm -- Donahue, August 15, 1983 1:31 pm DIRECTORY Atom, DB, DBNames, DBIcons USING[GetIcon], Graphics, Icons USING [DrawIcon, IconFlavor], IconManager USING [selectedIcon], Interminal, InputFocus, Keys, KeyboardFace USING[DownUp], Nut USING [ Display, UpdateProc], NutOps USING[ EntityValued, GetRelation ], NutViewer USING[ConvertViewerToEntity, GetIconFromName, GetNutInfo], Process USING[ Detach ], Rope USING [Equal, Flatten, Find, Substr, Length, ROPE], AMTypes USING [TV], SafeStorage USING [NarrowRefFault], Terminal, VFonts USING [EstablishFont, GraphicsFont], ViewerClasses USING [ PaintProc, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerRec, ViewerFlavor], ViewerEvents, ViewerLocks USING [CallUnderWriteLock], ViewerOps, ViewerTools USING [MakeNewTextViewer], VirtualDesktops USING[ EnumerateViewers ], Whiteboard; WhiteboardImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Atom, DB, DBNames, DBIcons, Graphics, Icons, Nut, NutOps, NutViewer, Rope, SafeStorage, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools, VirtualDesktops, Whiteboard, ViewerLocks, ViewerEvents, Process, IconManager, Terminal, InputFocus, Interminal EXPORTS Whiteboard SHARES ViewerOps = BEGIN OPEN DB, ViewerClasses, Whiteboard; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; TV: TYPE = AMTypes.TV; WBError: SIGNAL = CODE; --************************************************ -- painting procedures --************************************************ h: INTEGER _ 620; w: INTEGER _ 30; Line: TYPE = RECORD[of, is: Viewer, name: ROPE]; GetLines: PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[LIST OF Line] = INLINE { RETURN[NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $LineList]]]}; SetLines: PROC[v: Viewer, lines: LIST OF Line] = INLINE { ViewerOps.AddProp[v, $LineList, lines]}; PaintRelships: PUBLIC ViewerClasses.PaintProc = BEGIN lines: LIST OF Line _ GetLines[self]; FOR lines _ lines, lines.rest WHILE lines # NIL DO IF lines.first.is = NIL OR lines.first.is.destroyed THEN LOOP; IF lines.first.of = NIL OR lines.first.of.destroyed THEN LOOP; IF lines.first.of = lines.first.is THEN LOOP; DrawLine[context, lines.first.of, lines.first.is, lines.first.name]; ENDLOOP; END; a: INTEGER _ 8; DrawLine: PROCEDURE[context: Graphics.Context, from, to: Viewer, name: ROPE] = BEGIN x1, x2, y1, y2: INTEGER; [x1, y1] _ Clip[from.wx+32, from.wy+32, to.wx+32, to.wy+32, 32]; [x2, y2] _ Clip[to.wx+32, to.wy+32, from.wx+32, from.wy+32, 32]; -- draw line Graphics.SetCP[context, x1, y1]; Graphics.DrawTo[context, x2, y2]; -- draw arrow Graphics.SetCP[context, x2-3, y2-3]; Graphics.DrawRope[context, "o"]; -- draw label Graphics.SetCP[context, (x1 + x2 - 20)/2, (y1 + y2)/2]; Graphics.Scale[context, 1, -1]; Graphics.DrawRope[context, name]; Graphics.Scale[context, 1, -1]; END; Clip: PROCEDURE[x1, y1, x2, y2, w: INTEGER] RETURNS[newX, newY: INTEGER] = BEGIN left: BOOLEAN; -- is (x2, y2) above the left diagonal? (\) right: BOOLEAN; -- is (x2, y2) above the right diagonal? (/) -- figure out which edge it intersects left _ (x2-x1) > -(y2-y1); right _ (x2-x1) < (y2-y1); IF left = right THEN { -- top or bottom edge newY _ y1 + (IF left THEN w ELSE -w); newX _ x1 + ((x2-x1)*(newY-y1))/(y2-y1)} -- think of it as: x1 + (dx times y%) ELSE { -- left or right edge newX _ x1 + (IF left THEN w ELSE -w); newY _ y1 + ((y2-y1)*(newX-x1))/(x2-x1)}; END; PaintIconic: PUBLIC ViewerClasses.PaintProc = BEGIN mark: Graphics.Mark = Graphics.Save[context]; IF ~self.newVersion THEN FOR child: Viewer _ self.child, child.sibling WHILE child # NIL DO IF child.newVersion THEN {self.newVersion _ TRUE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF ~self.iconic THEN SIGNAL WBError; IF self.newVersion THEN Icons.DrawIcon[DirtyWBicon, context, 0, 0, Strip[self.name]] ELSE Icons.DrawIcon[WBicon, context, 0, 0, Strip[self.name]]; IF IconManager.selectedIcon = self THEN { Graphics.Restore[context, mark]; [] _ Graphics.SetPaintMode[context, invert]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [0, 0, 64, 64]]; -- now set the context back to it's original value Graphics.Restore[context, mark] } END; DrawRectangle: PROCEDURE[context: Graphics.Context, x1, y1, x2, y2: REAL] = BEGIN path: Graphics.Path; path _ Graphics.NewPath[4]; Graphics.Rectangle[path, x1, y1, x2, y2]; Graphics.DrawStroke[self: context, path: path, closed: TRUE]; END; Strip: PROCEDURE[name: ROPE] RETURNS[ROPE] = INLINE BEGIN pos: INT; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; IF (pos _ name.Find[":"]) > 0 THEN RETURN[name.Flatten[pos+2, name.Length[]]] ELSE RETURN[name]; END; ShortName: PUBLIC PROC[name: ROPE] RETURNS[suffix: ROPE] = { -- strip off leading server/directory information i, j: INT; IF (i _ Rope.Find[name, "/"]) # -1 THEN { UNTIL (j _ Rope.Find[s1: name, s2: "/", pos1: i + 1]) = -1 DO i _ j ENDLOOP; suffix _ Rope.Substr[base: name, start: i + 1] } ELSE suffix _ name }; PaintIcon: PUBLIC ViewerClasses.PaintProc = BEGIN name: ROPE _ self.name; domainName: ROPE; viewer: Viewer; iconRef: REF Icons.IconFlavor _ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[self, $IconFlavor]]; icon: Icons.IconFlavor _ IF iconRef = NIL THEN unInit ELSE iconRef^; screenGrey: CARDINAL = 104042B; mark: Graphics.Mark = Graphics.Save[context]; viewer _ NARROW[self.data, Viewer]; IF viewer # NIL AND viewer.destroyed THEN {self.data _ viewer _ NIL}; IF viewer = NIL AND iconRef = NIL THEN { -- no hope to Graphics.SetStipple[context, screenGrey]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [0, 0, 64, 64]]; RETURN}; IF name = NIL THEN -- try to find a nice name to print on the icon { name _ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[self, $IconLabel]]; -- try it's iconLabel first IF viewer#NIL AND Rope.Equal[name,""] THEN -- try label of Viewer attached name _ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $IconLabel], ROPE]; IF Rope.Equal[name,""] THEN -- still no luck; use the DB entity name { name _ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[self, $Entity]]; IF name # NIL THEN { segName, entityName, domainName: ROPE; [segName, domainName, entityName] _ DBNames.DecomposeName[name]; IF Rope.Equal[domainName, "TextViewer"] THEN name _ ShortName [entityName] ELSE name _ entityName } } ELSE IF viewer # NIL THEN name _ viewer.name; self.name _ name }; -- paint the icon SELECT TRUE FROM icon = private AND viewer # NIL => { -- private icon oldClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass = self.class; oldIcon: Icons.IconFlavor = self.icon; oldIconic: BOOLEAN = self.iconic; oldData: REF ANY = self.data; self.class _ viewer.class; self.icon _ viewer.icon; self.data _ viewer.data; self.iconic _ TRUE; -- convince it that it's an icon self.class.paint[self, context, NIL, TRUE]; -- paint it self.class _ oldClass; self.icon _ oldIcon; self.data _ oldData; self.iconic _ oldIconic}; icon = private AND Rope.Equal[domainName, "Whiteboard"] => Icons.DrawIcon[WBicon, context, 0, 0, name]; icon = private => { DrawRectangle[context, 0, 1, 62, 61]; Graphics.SetCP[context, 4, 40]; IF name # NIL THEN Graphics.DrawRope[self: context, rope: name, font: iconFont] }; ENDCASE => Icons.DrawIcon[icon, context, 0, 0, name]; IF self.spare0 THEN -- this icon has been inverted by OpenIcon; keep it that way { -- reset the context (which may have been changed by DrawIcon) Graphics.Restore[context, mark]; [] _ Graphics.SetPaintMode[context, invert]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [0, 0, 64, 64]] }; END; --************************************************ -- child addition/deletion procedures -- --************************************************ -- the AddTextBox and AddIcon procedures DO NOT paint the viewers they create AddTextBox: PUBLIC PROC[wb: Viewer, e: Entity, x, y, w, h: INTEGER] RETURNS[child: Viewer] = BEGIN grid: NAT = GetGrid[wb]; MakeChild: PROC[] = { child _ ViewerTools.MakeNewTextViewer[paint: FALSE, info: [parent: wb, wx: 0, wy: 0, ww: 800, wh: 800]]; ViewerOps.MoveViewer[child, x-(x MOD grid), y-(y MOD grid), w-(w MOD grid), h-(h MOD grid), FALSE] }; registration: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration; ViewerLocks.CallUnderWriteLock[MakeChild, wb]; wb.newVersion _ TRUE; IF NOT DB.Null[e] THEN StoreEntity[child, e]; -- if e = NIL, not necessary -- Note: we are assuming that there is no sharing among textBox entities; -- thus, there is no attempt to add lines between textboxes or any check to see -- if the box is already on the whiteboard (it can't be!!) registration _ ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[ SetNew, edit, child ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ child, $registration, registration ] END; SetNew: ViewerEvents.EventProc = { viewer.parent.newVersion _ TRUE; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer.parent, hint: caption]]}}; AddIcon: PUBLIC PROC[wb, viewer: Viewer, name: ROPE, x, y: INTEGER] RETURNS[child: Viewer] = -- AddIcon works just like AddTextBox; it just adds the icon entity to the whiteboard -- (the name is the name of the associated DB entity and is used if the viewer is NIL) BEGIN OPEN ViewerOps; iconEntity: DB.Entity; icon: Icons.IconFlavor _ unInit; seg: DB.Segment; grid: NAT = GetGrid[wb]; IF viewer = NIL THEN iconEntity _ DBNames.NameToEntity[name] ELSE { WHILE viewer.parent # NIL DO viewer _ viewer.parent; ENDLOOP; -- convert the viewer supplied to a DB entity [iconEntity, name] _ NutViewer.ConvertViewerToEntity[viewer]; [seg,,] _ NutViewer.GetNutInfo[viewer] }; -- add the icon IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; -- nothing we can do here child _ CreateViewer[flavor: $WhiteboardIcon, paint: FALSE, info: [ parent: wb, wx: x - (x MOD grid), wy: y - (y MOD grid), wh: 64, ww: 64, border: FALSE, scrollable: FALSE]]; child.data _ viewer; StoreEntity[child, iconEntity, seg, name]; -- now find the icon for the viewer {toolInfo: REF Whiteboard.ToolInfo = IF viewer = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $ToolInfo]]; iconAtom: ATOM = IF toolInfo = NIL THEN NIL ELSE toolInfo.icon; iconName: ROPE = IF toolInfo = NIL THEN NIL ELSE Atom.GetPName[iconAtom]; IF toolInfo # NIL THEN IF iconName # NIL THEN icon _ DBIcons.GetIcon[iconName, Icons.IconFlavor[tool]] ELSE icon _ tool ELSE IF viewer # NIL AND viewer.icon = private THEN icon _ private ELSE icon _ NutViewer.GetIconFromName[name] }; ViewerOps.AddProp[child, $IconFlavor, NEW[Icons.IconFlavor _ icon]]; wb.newVersion _ TRUE; [] _ AddAllLines[wb, child]; END; GetGrid: PUBLIC PROC[ wb: Viewer ] RETURNS[ grid: NAT ] = { gridSize: REF NAT = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[wb, $gridSize]]; RETURN[ IF gridSize = NIL THEN 1 ELSE gridSize^ ] }; SetGrid: PUBLIC PROC[ wb: Viewer, grid: NAT ] = { gridSize: REF NAT = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[wb, $gridSize]]; IF gridSize = NIL THEN ViewerOps.AddProp[wb, $gridSize, NEW[NAT _ grid]] ELSE gridSize^ _ grid }; OpenIcon: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[icon: Viewer] = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => icon.spare0 _ FALSE; viewer: Viewer; e: Entity; IF icon = NIL THEN RETURN; -- invert the icon first to give information on when display complete ViewerOps.InvertForMenus[icon, 0, icon.wy, icon.ww, icon.wh]; icon.spare0 _ TRUE; -- remember that the viewer is inverted viewer _ NARROW[icon.data, Viewer]; IF viewer # NIL AND viewer.destroyed THEN {icon.data _ viewer _ NIL}; IF viewer = NIL THEN e _ FetchEntity[icon]; --! IF e # NIL THEN icon.data _ viewer _ Whiteboard.FindViewer[e]; SELECT TRUE FROM viewer = NIL => IF e # NIL THEN { dontSpawn: BOOLEAN = DB.Eq[DB.DomainOf[e], Whiteboard.TextViewer] OR DB.Eq[DB.DomainOf[e], Whiteboard.ToolViewer]; icon.data _ Nut.Display[e: e, parent: icon.parent, method: IF dontSpawn THEN oneOnly ELSE spawned] }; viewer.iconic => ViewerOps.OpenIcon[viewer]; ENDCASE => ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer, all]; -- now repaint the icon that was inverted when this got started IF NOT icon.destroyed THEN ViewerOps.InvertForMenus[icon, 0, icon.wy, icon.ww, icon.wh]; icon.spare0 _ FALSE -- reset the inverted bit (checked by PaintIconic) END; RemoveChild: PUBLIC PROC[wb, child: Viewer] = BEGIN relships, last: LIST OF Line; destroyList: LIST OF Entity _ NARROW[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[wb, $destroyList] ]; entity: Entity = Whiteboard.WBEntityForViewer[child]; relships _ GetLines[wb]; FOR lines: LIST OF Line _ relships, lines.rest WHILE lines # NIL DO IF lines.first.of # child AND lines.first.is # child THEN {last _ lines; LOOP}; IF last = NIL THEN relships _ relships.rest ELSE last.rest _ lines.rest; ENDLOOP; SetLines[wb, relships]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[child]; IF NOT DB.Null[entity] THEN IF destroyList = NIL THEN ViewerOps.AddProp[wb, $destroyList, LIST[entity]] ELSE ViewerOps.AddProp[ wb, $destroyList, destroyList _ CONS[entity, destroyList] ] END; --************************************************ -- relship addition/deletion --************************************************ ShowLines: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[wb: Viewer, show: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair; changes: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; entities _ GetEntities[wb]; -- reset the world SetLines[wb, NIL]; ViewerOps.AddProp[wb, $ShowLines, IF show THEN $Yes ELSE NIL]; -- reconstruct the lines IF show THEN FOR entities _ entities, entities.rest WHILE entities # NIL DO changes _ AddAllLines[wb, entities.first.v] OR changes ENDLOOP; IF changes THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[wb, client] END; AddAllLines: PROCEDURE[wb, child: Viewer] RETURNS[ changed: BOOLEAN ] = BEGIN entity: Entity; lines: LIST OF Line; entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair; props: LIST OF Whiteboard.BinaryProperty; IF ViewerOps.FetchProp[wb, $ShowLines] = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; changed _ FALSE; lines _ GetLines[wb]; entities _ GetEntities[wb, FALSE]; entity _ FetchEntity[child]; props _ GetBinaryProperties[entity]; FOR props _ props, props.rest WHILE props # NIL DO new: BOOLEAN; [lines, new] _ AddLine[lines, entities, props.first]; changed _ changed OR new; ENDLOOP; SetLines[wb, lines]; END; AddLine: PROCEDURE[lines: LIST OF Line, entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair, prop: BinaryProperty] RETURNS[LIST OF Line, BOOLEAN]= BEGIN -- convert property to line line: Line _ ConvertProperty[lines, entities, prop]; IF line.is = NIL OR line.of = NIL THEN { RETURN[lines, FALSE] }; -- add new line to list FOR list: LIST OF Line _ lines, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first.of # line.of OR list.first.is # line.is THEN LOOP; IF Rope.Equal[list.first.name, line.name] THEN RETURN[lines, TRUE]; ENDLOOP; lines _ CONS[line, lines]; RETURN[lines, TRUE]; END; ConvertProperty: PROC[lines: LIST OF Line, entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair, prop: BinaryProperty] RETURNS[line: Line] = BEGIN line _ [NIL, NIL, prop.name]; FOR pairs: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair _ entities, pairs.rest WHILE pairs # NIL DO IF line.is # NIL AND line.of # NIL THEN EXIT; IF Eq[prop.is, pairs.first.e] THEN line.is _ pairs.first.v; IF Eq[prop.of, pairs.first.e] THEN line.of _ pairs.first.v; ENDLOOP; END; -- relship changes in data base -- UpdateRelships: PUBLIC Nut.UpdateProc = BEGIN prop: BinaryProperty; UpdateWhiteboard: ViewerOps.EnumProc = BEGIN found: BOOLEAN; lines: LIST OF Line; entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair; IF v = NIL OR v.destroyed THEN RETURN[TRUE]; IF v.class.flavor # $Whiteboard THEN RETURN[TRUE]; lines _ GetLines[v]; entities _ GetEntities[v]; SELECT updateType FROM create => { [lines, found] _ AddLine[lines, entities, prop]; IF ~found THEN RETURN[TRUE]}; destroy => { last: LIST OF Line; line: Line _ ConvertProperty[lines, entities, prop]; IF line.is = NIL OR line.of = NIL THEN RETURN[TRUE]; -- remove line from list FOR list: LIST OF Line _ lines, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first.is # line.is THEN {last _ list; LOOP}; IF list.first.of # line.of THEN {last _ list; LOOP}; IF ~Rope.Equal[list.first.name, line.name] THEN {last _ list; LOOP}; IF last = NIL THEN lines _ lines.rest ELSE last.rest _ list.rest; ENDLOOP}; ENDCASE => ERROR; -- show the change SetLines[v, lines]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[v, all]; RETURN[TRUE]; END; prop _ ConvertRelship[tuple]; IF prop.name = NIL THEN RETURN; VirtualDesktops.EnumerateViewers[UpdateWhiteboard]; END; ConvertRelship: PROCEDURE[relship: Relship] RETURNS[prop: BinaryProperty] = BEGIN ENABLE DB.Error, SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault => CHECKED{ CONTINUE }; of, is: Attribute; relation: Relation; prop _ [NIL, NIL, NIL]; relation _ RelationOf[relship]; of _ DeclareAttribute[r: relation, name: "of", version: OldOnly]; is _ DeclareAttribute[r: relation, name: "is", version: OldOnly]; prop.of _ V2E[GetF[relship, of]]; prop.is _ V2E[GetF[relship, is]]; prop.name _ GetName[relation]; END; -- utility routines -- GetEntities: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[wb: Viewer, text: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS[entities: LIST OF Whiteboard.Pair] = BEGIN -- make up a list of entities on the whiteboard GetEntity2: ViewerOps.EnumProc = { iconEntity: DB.Entity; IF v.class.flavor = $Text AND NOT text THEN RETURN[TRUE]; iconEntity _ Whiteboard.FetchEntity[v]; IF iconEntity # NIL THEN entities _ CONS[ [iconEntity, v], entities ]; RETURN[TRUE]}; ViewerOps.EnumerateChildren[wb, GetEntity2]; END; GetBinaryProperties: PUBLIC PROC[e: Entity] RETURNS[list: LIST OF Whiteboard.BinaryProperty] = BEGIN rs: RelshipSet; relship: Relship; is, of: Attribute; flag: BOOLEAN; relation: Relation; name, relationName: ROPE; attributes: LIST OF Attribute; -- enumerate all of the neighbors of the child's entity attributes _ GetAllRefAttributes[e]; FOR attributes _ attributes, attributes.rest WHILE attributes # NIL DO IF attributes.first = NIL THEN LOOP; name _ GetName[attributes.first]; relation _ NutOps.GetRelation[attributes.first]; relationName _ GetName[relation]; IF Rope.Equal[relationName, "container"] THEN LOOP; -- find all of the "of-is" relships rs _ RelationSubset[relation, LIST[[attributes.first, e]]]; flag _ FALSE; WHILE ~Null[relship _ NextRelship[rs]] DO ENABLE SafeStorage.NarrowRefFault => LOOP; prop: Whiteboard.BinaryProperty; IF NOT flag THEN { flag _ TRUE; [of, is] _ GetOfIsAttributes[relation, attributes.first]; IF of = NIL OR is = NIL THEN EXIT}; prop.of _ V2E[GetF[relship, of]]; prop.is _ V2E[GetF[relship, is]]; IF prop.of = NIL OR prop.is = NIL THEN LOOP; prop.name _ relationName; list _ CONS[prop, list]; ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; ENDLOOP; END; GetOfIsAttributes: PROC[r: Relation, a: Attribute] RETURNS [of, is: Attribute] = -- Returns the first entity-valued attribute of r other than a; returns NIL if -- there is no other. BEGIN other: Attribute; AIsFirst, entityValued: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; aL: LIST OF Attribute_ VL2EL[GetPList[r, aRelationOf, aRelationIs]]; FOR al1: LIST OF Attribute_ aL, al1.rest UNTIL al1=NIL DO -- skip non-entityValued attributes entityValued _ FALSE; entityValued _ NutOps.EntityValued[other_ al1.first ! Error => CHECKED{ IF code=IllegalEntity THEN CONTINUE } ]; IF ~entityValued THEN LOOP; IF ~Eq[other, a] THEN EXIT ELSE AIsFirst _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; IF a = NIL OR other = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, NIL]; SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[GetName[a], "of"] => RETURN[a, other]; Rope.Equal[GetName[other], "of"] => RETURN[other, a]; Rope.Equal[GetName[a], "is"] => RETURN[other, a]; Rope.Equal[GetName[other], "is"] => RETURN[a, other]; ENDCASE => IF AIsFirst THEN RETURN[a, other] ELSE RETURN[other, a]; END; --************************************************ -- child manipulation procedures --************************************************ keys: REF Keys.KeyBits = NEW[Keys.KeyBits _ Terminal.GetKeys[Interminal.terminal]]; mouse: Terminal.Position; MoveChild: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[child: Viewer] = BEGIN parent: Viewer; dx, dy: INTEGER; grid: NAT; old, new: Terminal.Position; IF child # NIL THEN parent _ child.parent ELSE RETURN; grid _ GetGrid[parent]; InputFocus.CaptureButtons[parent.class.notify, parent.tipTable, parent]; old _ Terminal.GetMousePosition[Interminal.terminal]; TRUSTED { DO mouse _ Terminal.GetMousePosition[Interminal.terminal]; Terminal.GetKeysRef[Interminal.terminal, keys]; IF keys[Keys.KeyName[Red]] = KeyboardFace.DownUp[up] THEN EXIT; IF mouse # old THEN new _ mouse ELSE LOOP; dx _ new.x - old.x; dy _ new.y - old.y; IF child.wx + dx < 0 THEN dx _ -child.wx; IF child.wy + dy < 0 THEN dy _ -child.wy; IF child.wx + child.ww + dx > parent.ww THEN dx _ parent.ww - child.wx - child.ww; IF child.wy + child.wh + dy > parent.wh THEN dy _ parent.wh - child.wy - child.wh; IF dx = 0 AND dy = 0 THEN LOOP; MoveViewer[child, child.wx + dx, child.wy + dy, child.ww, child.wh]; old _ new; ENDLOOP; }; -- end TRUSTED child.parent.newVersion _ TRUE; IF grid # 1 THEN ViewerOps.MoveViewer[child, child.wx-(child.wx MOD grid), child.wy-(child.wy MOD grid), child.ww, child.wh, FALSE]; InputFocus.ReleaseButtons[]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[parent, all]; -- repaint everything END; boxW: INTEGER = 128; boxH: INTEGER = 32; corner: {ll, lr, ul, ur}; GrowBox: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[wb: Viewer, box: Viewer, x, y: INTEGER] = TRUSTED BEGIN dx, dy: INTEGER; min, delta: INTEGER; grid: NAT = GetGrid[wb]; corner: {ll, lr, ul, ur} _ ll; old, new: Terminal.Position; IF box = NIL THEN RETURN; InputFocus.CaptureButtons[wb.class.notify, wb.tipTable, wb]; old _ mouse; -- choose the nearest corner min _ delta _ LAST[INTEGER]; delta _ ABS[x - box.wx] + ABS[y - box.wy]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ul}; delta _ ABS[x - (box.wx + box.ww)] + ABS[y - box.wy]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ur}; delta _ ABS[x - box.wx] + ABS[y - (box.wy + box.wh)]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ll}; delta _ ABS[x - (box.wx + box.ww)] + ABS[y - (box.wy + box.wh)]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ lr}; InputFocus.CaptureButtons[wb.class.notify, wb.tipTable, wb]; old _ Terminal.GetMousePosition[Interminal.terminal]; DO mouse _ Terminal.GetMousePosition[Interminal.terminal]; Terminal.GetKeysRef[Interminal.terminal, keys]; IF keys[Keys.KeyName[Blue]] = KeyboardFace.DownUp[up] THEN EXIT; IF mouse # old THEN new _ mouse ELSE LOOP; dx _ new.x - old.x; dy _ new.y - old.y; -- set limits on where it can end up IF (corner = ll OR corner = ul) AND box.wx + dx < 0 THEN dx _ -box.wx; IF (corner = ul OR corner = ur) AND box.wy + dy < 0 THEN dy _ -box.wy; IF (corner = ur OR corner = lr) AND box.wx + box.ww + dx > wb.ww THEN dx _ wb.ww - box.wx - box.ww; IF (corner = ll OR corner = lr) AND box.wy + box.wh + dy > wb.wh THEN dy _ wb.wh - box.wy - box.wh; -- set limits on the minimum size IF (corner = lr OR corner = ur) AND box.ww + dx < boxW THEN dx _ boxW - box.ww; IF (corner = ll OR corner = lr) AND box.wh + dy < boxH THEN dy _ boxH - box.wh; IF (corner = ll OR corner = ul) AND box.ww - dx < boxW THEN dx _ box.ww - boxW; IF (corner = ul OR corner = ur) AND box.wh - dy < boxH THEN dy _ box.wh - boxH; -- move the corner IF dx = 0 AND dy = 0 THEN LOOP; SELECT corner FROM ul => { MoveViewer[box, box.wx + dx, box.wy + dy, box.ww - dx, box.wh - dy] }; ur => { MoveViewer[box, box.wx, box.wy + dy, box.ww + dx, box.wh - dy] }; ll => { MoveViewer[box, box.wx + dx, box.wy, box.ww - dx, box.wh + dy] }; lr => { MoveViewer[box, box.wx, box.wy, box.ww + dx, box.wh + dy] }; ENDCASE; old _ new; ENDLOOP; wb.newVersion _ TRUE; InputFocus.ReleaseButtons[]; IF grid # 1 THEN ViewerOps.MoveViewer[box, box.wx-(box.wx MOD grid), box.wy-(box.wy MOD grid), box.ww-(box.ww MOD grid), box.wh-(box.wh MOD grid), FALSE]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[wb, all]; END; MoveViewer: PROCEDURE[self: Viewer, x, y, w, h: INTEGER] = BEGIN parent: Viewer = self.parent; EraseViewer[self]; ViewerOps.MoveViewer[self, x, y, w, h, FALSE]; -- don't repaint ViewerOps.PaintViewer[self, all]; -- avoids repainting parent and sibling END; EraseViewer: PROCEDURE[self: Viewer] = BEGIN context: Graphics.Context; IF self = NIL THEN RETURN; context _ ViewerOps.AcquireContext[self.parent]; Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.white]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [self.wx, self.wy, self.wx + self.ww, self.wy + self.wh]]; ViewerOps.ReleaseContext[context]; END; NearestChild: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[wb: Viewer, x, y: INTEGER, type: ViewerFlavor _ NIL] RETURNS[nearest: Viewer] = BEGIN min, delta: INTEGER _ LAST[INTEGER]; IF wb.class.flavor = $WhiteboardIcon THEN { IF type = NIL THEN RETURN[wb]; IF type = $WhiteboardIcon THEN RETURN[wb]; RETURN[NIL]}; FOR child: Viewer _ wb.child, child.sibling DO IF child = NIL THEN EXIT; IF type # NIL AND child.class.flavor # type THEN LOOP; IF x < child.wx THEN delta _ child.wx - x ELSE delta _ MAX[0, x - (child.wx + child.ww)]; IF y < child.wy THEN delta _ delta + child.wy - y ELSE delta _ delta + MAX[0, y - (child.wy + child.wh)]; IF delta > min THEN LOOP; min _ delta; nearest _ child; ENDLOOP; IF min > 40 THEN {nearest _ NIL; RETURN}; -- if you're looking for a text box, set the corner too min _ delta _ LAST[INTEGER]; delta _ ABS[x - nearest.wx] + ABS[y - nearest.wy]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ul}; delta _ ABS[x - (nearest.wx + nearest.ww)] + ABS[y - nearest.wy]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ur}; delta _ ABS[x - nearest.wx] + ABS[y - (nearest.wy + nearest.wh)]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ ll}; delta _ ABS[x - (nearest.wx + nearest.ww)] + ABS[y - (nearest.wy + nearest.wh)]; IF delta < min THEN {min _ delta; corner _ lr}; END; FetchEntity: PUBLIC PROC[ v: ViewerClasses.Viewer ] RETURNS[e: DB.Entity] = { handle: DB.Entity; name: ROPE; IF NOT DB.Null[handle_ DB.V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $EntityHandle]]] THEN RETURN[handle] ELSE IF (name_NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $Entity], ROPE])#NIL THEN RETURN[DBNames.NameToEntity[name, NOT Whiteboard.readOnly]] ELSE RETURN[NIL] }; StoreEntity: PUBLIC PROC[ v: ViewerClasses.Viewer, e: DB.Entity, seg: DB.Segment _ NIL, name: ROPE _ NIL ] = { ViewerOps.AddProp[v, $EntityHandle, e]; IF DB.Null[e] THEN ViewerOps.AddProp[v, $Entity, name] ELSE ViewerOps.AddProp[v, $Entity, DBNames.EntityToName[e, seg]] }; DoDeregister: ViewerOps.EnumProc = { registration: ViewerEvents.EventRegistration = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $registration]]; IF registration # NIL THEN ViewerEvents.UnRegisterEventProc[registration, edit] }; DeRegister: ViewerEvents.EventProc = TRUSTED { Process.Detach[ FORK ViewerOps.EnumerateChildren[viewer, DoDeregister] ] }; iconFont: Graphics.FontRef _VFonts.GraphicsFont[VFonts.EstablishFont["TimesRoman", 8]]; WBicon: Icons.IconFlavor _ DBIcons.GetIcon["Whiteboard"]; DirtyWBicon: Icons.IconFlavor _ DBIcons.GetIcon["DirtyWhiteboard"]; [] _ ViewerEvents.RegisterEventProc[ proc: DeRegister, event: destroy, filter: $Whiteboard ]; END.. Change log. Willie-Sue December 13, 1982: aFooProp => aFooIs, for new system properties