File: EntityEditor.mesa
Contents: interface to a "related entities" subwindow for use by nut implementations
Created by: Donahue, October 18, 1982 1:48 pm
Last edited by:
Donahue, April 8, 1983 2:27 pm
Cattell, April 6, 1983 2:48 pm
DB: TYPE USING[ Entity, Segment ],
ViewerClasses: TYPE USING[ Viewer ],
VTables: TYPE USING[ VTable ];
EntityEditor: DEFINITIONS =
BEGIN OPEN DB, ViewerClasses, VTables;
SaveFailed: ERROR;
DisplayEntities: PROC[of: Entity, parent: Viewer, in: DB.Segment,
noEdits: BOOLEANFALSE] RETURNS[viewer: VTable];
make a nested viewer (a VTable) that has all of the tuples for the "*" relation, using the
entity provided as the "of" field
if noEdits is true then the table produced cannot be changed
the viewer produced is NOT painted
the entities are displayed in iconic form (yellow-bugging them "opens" them, blue-bugging
deletes them from the display)
NewEntry: PROC[ is: Entity, table: VTable ];
add a new entry to the table
The table will be expanded as necessary to contain the new icon (duplicates are not stored)
Again, the table is not painted and no updates are actually made to the database
SaveEntities: PROC[ viewer: Viewer, newOf: Entity ← NIL ];
given a table set up by DisplayEntities, add all of its contents to the database
if a newOf is provided, then it will be used to create new relationships with all of the
entities that are displayed in the table; otherwise all of the existing relationships for the
entity provided when the table was created will be updated