DIRECTORY AMBridge USING [TVForGFHReferent], AMTypes USING [TV], BBObjectLocation USING [Location, LocationFromGFandPC, LocationToSource], Convert USING [ValueToRope], IO USING [ card, char, CR, CreateViewerStreams, Error, int, Put, PutF, rope, STREAM, string, TAB, time, UserAbort], PrincOps USING [GFTIndex, GlobalFrameHandle], PrincOpsRuntime USING [GetFrame, GFT], Process USING [Priority], PSB USING [PsbIndex], Rope USING [Cat, FromChar, Length, ROPE, Substr], RTSymbolDefs USING [CallableBodyIndex, SymbolTableBase], RTSymbolOps USING [AcquireRope, BodyName], RTSymbols USING [AcquireSTBFromGFH, ReleaseSTB], RTTypesPrivate USING [GetCBTI, GetEp], Runtime USING [GetBcdTime], SpyClient USING [ClearBreaks, DataType, InitializeSpy, StartSpy, StopSpy], SpyLog USING [spy], SpyOps USING [ ProcessRef, Call, Count, DestroyLog, GFHFromGFI, justMe, levelData, modules, notScheduled, pageFaults, Procedure, processes, PrintBreaks, ReadLog, runningTime, skips, wakeups, watching, wordsAllocated, wordsReclaimed], System USING [PulsesToMicroseconds], Time USING [Append, Unpack]; SpyPrintImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, BBObjectLocation, Convert, IO, PrincOpsRuntime, Rope, RTSymbolOps, RTSymbols, RTTypesPrivate, Runtime, SpyClient, SpyLog, SpyOps, System, Time EXPORTS SpyClient = BEGIN OPEN IO, SpyOps; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Error: SIGNAL = CODE; procMin: Count; total, min: Count; printAll: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; current: SpyClient.DataType; DisplayData: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[cutoff: CARDINAL, herald: ROPE, stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN BEGIN ENABLE { ABORTED => {stream.Put[rope[" . . . aborted.\n"]]; CONTINUE}; IO.Error => CONTINUE}; IF stream = NIL THEN stream _ IO.CreateViewerStreams["Spy log"].out; total _ SpyOps.wakeups; -- cache wakeups and watching because they will change current _ SpyOps.watching; -- if the Spy is watching itself PrintHeader[herald, stream]; PrintStatistics[stream]; PrintInstructions[stream]; IF cutoff # 0 THEN {min _ MAX[1, total/100]; procMin _ cutoff*min} ELSE {min _ procMin _ 1}; IF SpyLog.spy THEN { SpyClient.ClearBreaks[]; [] _ SpyClient.InitializeSpy[breakProcess]; SpyClient.StartSpy[]}; SpyOps.ReadLog[typescript: stream, datatype: current]; PrintTree[stream]; END; SpyOps.DestroyLog[]; IF SpyLog.spy THEN SpyClient.StopSpy[]; END; PrintHeader: PROCEDURE[herald: ROPE, stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN time: STRING _ [40]; stream.Put[rope["\n\n==========================================================\n"]]; Time.Append[time, Time.Unpack[Runtime.GetBcdTime[]]]; stream.Put[rope["Cedar Spy of: "], string[time], rope[".\n"]]; stream.Put[rope["Executed at: "], IO.time[], rope[".\n"]]; IF herald # NIL THEN stream.Put[rope[herald], char[CR]]; SELECT current FROM CPU, process, breakProcess => stream.Put[rope["Measuring CPU usage."]]; pagefaults => stream.Put[rope["Measuring page faults."]]; allocations => stream.Put[rope["Measuring allocations."]]; wordsAllocated => stream.Put[rope["Measuring words allocated."]]; spaces => stream.Put[rope["Measuring creations and deletions of spaces."]]; userDefined => stream.Put[rope["Measuring user breaks."]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; stream.Put[char[CR]]; IF SpyOps.watching IN [process..breakProcess] THEN stream.Put[rope["Watching process: "], rope[Octal[SpyOps.justMe]], rope[".\n"]]; SpyOps.PrintBreaks[stream]; stream.Put[char[CR]]; END; PrintStatistics: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN seconds: INT; IF total = 0 THEN RETURN; seconds _ MAX[1, System.PulsesToMicroseconds[SpyOps.runningTime]/1000000]; stream.PutF["Spy ran for %g minutes %g seconds.\n", card[seconds/60], card[seconds MOD 60]]; stream.Put[rope["Total wakeups = "], card[total]]; stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[total/seconds], rope[" per second).\n"]]; IF current # pagefaults THEN { stream.Put[rope["Total page faults = "], card[SpyOps.pageFaults]]; stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[SpyOps.pageFaults/seconds], rope[" per second).\n"]]}; stream.Put[rope["Total words allocated = "], card[SpyOps.wordsAllocated]]; stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[SpyOps.wordsAllocated/seconds], rope[" per second).\n"]]; stream.Put[rope["Total words reclaimed = "], card[SpyOps.wordsReclaimed]]; stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[SpyOps.wordsReclaimed/seconds], rope[" per second).\n"]]; stream.Put[rope["\nScheduled Process-Priority Summary:\n"]]; IF SpyOps.notScheduled # 0 THEN { stream.Put[rope[" processor idle"]]; PrintCount[stream, SpyOps.notScheduled, 0, total]}; IF SpyOps.skips # 0 THEN { stream.Put[rope[" processor waiting on disk"]]; PrintCount[stream, SpyOps.skips, 0, total]}; FOR i: Process.Priority IN Process.Priority DO IF SpyOps.levelData[i] = 0 THEN LOOP; stream.Put[rope[" priority "], rope[LevelName[i]]]; PrintCount[stream, SpyOps.levelData[i], 0, total]; ENDLOOP; stream.Put[char[CR]]; END; PrintInstructions: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN stream.Put[rope["Instructions (see Spy.doc for more information):"], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Indentation is used to show containment."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Periods are used to keep track of procedures at the same level of indentation."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Exclamation points (!) are used to group together sets of disjoint procedures."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Italics are used to indicate procedures with more than one parent."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Bold is used to indicate procedures which actually had allocations or page faults."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope["Impl.Proc = x, y (o%) (z%):"], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope[" x = counts in Impl.Proc."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope[" y = counts in procedures called from Impl.Proc."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope[" o = x/ total % (only displayed if > 1%)."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[TAB], rope[" z = (x + y)/ total = % time IN THE CALL STACK."], char[CR]]; stream.Put[char[CR]]; END; PrintTree: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN assorted: Count _ 0; procs: LIST OF Procedure _ NIL; next _ " "; SortProcesses[processes]; stream.Put[ rope["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"], rope["Breakdown of interesting processes.\n"], rope["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"]]; indention _ NIL; FOR p: LIST OF ProcessRef _ processes, DO IF p = NIL THEN EXIT; IF p.first.calls < min --AND RTProcess.GetPSBIPageFaults[p.first.psb] = 0 THEN {assorted _ assorted + p.first.calls; LOOP}; PrintProcess[stream, p.first]; ENDLOOP; IF assorted > 0 THEN { stream.Put[char[CR], rope["Assorted processes"]]; PrintCount[stream, assorted, 0, total]}; stream.Put[ rope["\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"], rope["Breakdown of interesting procedures.\n"], rope["~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"]]; PrintProcs[stream, FindProcs[NIL]]; IF procMin > 1 THEN stream.Put[ rope["\nThe remaining procedures had less than "], card[procMin], rope[" wakeups.\n"]] ELSE stream.Put[rope["\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"]]; procs _ NIL; END; -- handling processes -- SortProcesses: PROCEDURE[list: LIST OF ProcessRef] = BEGIN temp: ProcessRef; changed: BOOLEAN; l: LIST OF ProcessRef; IF list = NIL THEN RETURN; DO changed _ FALSE; l _ list; UNTIL = NIL DO IF l.first.calls < THEN { temp _ l.first; l.first _; _ temp; changed _ TRUE}; l _; ENDLOOP; IF ~changed THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; PrintProcess: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, process: ProcessRef] = BEGIN faults: LONG CARDINAL _ 0; IF stream.UserAbort[] THEN ERROR ABORTED; stream.Put[ char[CR], rope["Process "], rope[Octal[process.psb]]]; stream.Put[ rope[" running at priority "], char['[], rope[LevelName[process.level[0]]]]; IF process.level[1] # 0 THEN FOR i:CARDINAL IN [1..4] DO IF process.level[i] = 0 THEN EXIT; stream.Put[ rope[", "], rope[LevelName[process.level[i]]]]; ENDLOOP; stream.Put[char[']]]; IF faults > 0 THEN stream.Put[ rope[" ("], int[faults], rope[" page faults)"]]; PrintCount[stream, process.calls, 0, total]; FOR p: LIST OF Call _ process.sons, DO IF p = NIL THEN EXIT; PrintCall[stream, NIL, p.first]; ENDLOOP; END; LevelName: PROCEDURE[l: Process.Priority] RETURNS[ROPE] = INLINE {RETURN[SELECT l FROM 0 => "monitoring", 3 => "foreground", 1 => "background", 4 => "pagefaultLow", 2 => "normal", 5 => "pagefaultHigh", ENDCASE => "interrupt"]}; --printing procedures -- EnumerateProcs: PROCEDURE[userProc: PROC[Procedure] RETURNS[BOOLEAN]] RETURNS[last: Procedure] = INLINE BEGIN FOR m: LIST OF Procedure _ modules, WHILE m # NIL DO FOR p: LIST OF Call _ m.first.sons, WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.first.proc.count = 0 AND p.first.proc.calls = 0 THEN LOOP; IF userProc[p.first.proc] THEN RETURN[p.first.proc]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; END; FindProcs: PROCEDURE[container: Procedure] RETURNS[list: LIST OF Procedure _ NIL] = BEGIN FindProc: PROCEDURE[next: Procedure] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = { IF container = NIL THEN IF next.container = next THEN list _ CONS[next, list] ELSE RETURN[FALSE]; IF next.container = container THEN IF next.container = next THEN RETURN[FALSE] ELSE list _ CONS[next, list]; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ EnumerateProcs[FindProc]; IF list # NIL THEN SortProcs[list]; END; SortProcs: PROCEDURE[list: LIST OF Procedure] = BEGIN temp: Procedure; changed: BOOLEAN; l: LIST OF Procedure; xCount, yCount: Count; IF list = NIL THEN RETURN; DO changed _ FALSE; l _ list; UNTIL = NIL DO xCount _ l.first.count + l.first.calls; yCount _ +; IF xCount < yCount THEN { temp _ l.first; l.first _; _ temp; changed _ TRUE}; l _; ENDLOOP; IF ~changed THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; END; indention, next: ROPE _ NIL; PrintProcs: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, procs: LIST OF Procedure] = BEGIN count: NAT _ 0; procsToPrint: BOOLEAN; keepLooping: BOOLEAN; break: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; list, last: LIST OF Procedure; allParentsPrinted: BOOLEAN; Printable: PROC[procs: LIST OF Procedure] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN[procs # NIL AND procs.first.calls + procs.first.count >= procMin]}; WHILE procs # NIL DO list _ NIL; keepLooping _ TRUE; WHILE keepLooping DO last _ NIL; keepLooping _ FALSE; FOR l: LIST OF Procedure _ procs, WHILE l # NIL DO allParentsPrinted _ TRUE; FOR f: LIST OF Procedure _ l.first.parents, WHILE f # NIL DO IF ~f.first.marked THEN {allParentsPrinted _ FALSE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF ~allParentsPrinted THEN {last _ l; LOOP}; IF last = NIL THEN procs _ ELSE _; IF break THEN count _ count + 1; -- a place to break on IF Printable[l] -- 'print' procs that won't be printed THEN list _ CONS[l.first, list] ELSE {PrintProc[stream, l.first]; keepLooping _ TRUE}; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF list = NIL THEN { IF procs = NIL THEN RETURN; list _ CONS[procs.first, NIL]; procs _}; IF # NIL THEN SortProcs[list]; IF break THEN count _ count + 1; -- a place to break on procsToPrint _ Printable[procs]; FOR list _ list, WHILE list # NIL DO IF Printable[] THEN next _ "! " ELSE IF procsToPrint THEN next _ ". " ELSE next _ " "; PrintProc[stream, list.first]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; END; PrintProc: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, proc: Procedure] = BEGIN looks: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; length: LONG INTEGER _ 0; list: LIST OF Procedure _ NIL; IF proc = NIL THEN RETURN; IF proc.marked THEN ERROR ELSE proc.marked _ TRUE; IF proc.gfi = 0 AND proc.entryPC = 0 THEN RETURN; -- "source" module IF proc.calls + proc.count >= procMin THEN { IF ~proc.named THEN SetName[proc]; stream.Put[rope[indention]]; IF proc.count > 0 AND ~(current IN [CPU..breakProcess]) THEN { looks _ TRUE; stream.PutF["%l", rope["b"]]}; IF proc.parents # NIL AND # NIL THEN { looks _ TRUE; stream.PutF["%l", rope["i"]]}; stream.Put[rope[]]; IF looks THEN stream.PutF["%l", rope[" "]]; stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[proc.refs], rope[" refs)"]]; PrintCount[stream, proc.count, proc.calls, total]; FOR p: LIST OF Call _ proc.sons, DO IF p = NIL THEN EXIT; IF p.first.calls < min THEN LOOP; PrintCall[stream, proc, p.first]; ENDLOOP; stream.Put[rope[indention], rope[next], char[CR]]}; list _ FindProcs[proc]; IF list = NIL THEN RETURN; indention _ Rope.Cat[indention, next]; PrintProcs[stream, list]; indention _ Rope.Substr[indention, 0, indention.Length[]-2]; END; PrintCall: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, proc: Procedure, call: Call] = BEGIN IF ~call.proc.named THEN SetName[call.proc]; stream.Put[rope[indention], rope[next]]; IF proc # NIL AND proc.symbols THEN stream.Put[rope["("], card[Source[proc.gfi, call.pc]], rope[") "]]; stream.Put[rope[]]; PrintCount[stream, call.calls, 0, total]; IF stream.UserAbort[] THEN ERROR ABORTED; END; SetName: PROCEDURE[proc: Procedure] = BEGIN stb: RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase _ [x[e: NIL]]; BEGIN ENABLE ANY => {IF stb # [x[e: NIL]] THEN RTSymbols.ReleaseSTB[stb]; CONTINUE}; name: ROPE; temp: Procedure; gfh: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle; gfh _ SpyOps.GFHFromGFI[proc.gfi]; stb _ RTSymbols.AcquireSTBFromGFH[gfh, TRUE ! ANY => CONTINUE]; FOR m: LIST OF Procedure _ modules, WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.first.gfi # proc.gfi THEN LOOP; FOR p: LIST OF Call _ m.first.sons, WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.first.proc # proc AND p.first.proc.count + p.first.proc.calls < min THEN LOOP; IF p.first.proc.named THEN LOOP; name _ NIL; temp _ p.first.proc; IF stb # [x[e: NIL]] THEN { -- get the name from the symbol table ep: CARDINAL _ RTTypesPrivate.GetEp[[temp.entryPC], gfh, stb].ep; cbti: RTSymbolDefs.CallableBodyIndex _ RTTypesPrivate.GetCBTI[stb, ep]; name _ RTSymbolOps.AcquireRope[stb, RTSymbolOps.BodyName[stb, cbti]]}; IF name = NIL THEN {temp.symbols _ FALSE; name _ Octal[temp.entryPC]}; _ Rope.Cat[, name]; temp.named _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF stb # [x[e: NIL]] THEN RTSymbols.ReleaseSTB[stb]; END; END; Sons: PROCEDURE[list: LIST OF Call] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN FOR list _ list, DO IF list = NIL THEN EXIT; IF list.first.calls >= min THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; END; Source: PROCEDURE[gfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex, pc: CARDINAL] RETURNS[CARDINAL _ 0] = INLINE BEGIN ENABLE {ABORTED => NULL; ANY => CONTINUE}; loc: BBObjectLocation.Location; gfh: AMTypes.TV = AMBridge.TVForGFHReferent[PrincOpsRuntime.GetFrame[PrincOpsRuntime.GFT[gfi]]]; loc _ BBObjectLocation.LocationFromGFandPC[gfh, [pc]]; RETURN[IF loc # NIL THEN BBObjectLocation.LocationToSource[loc].sourceIndex ELSE 0]; END; -- utility procedures -- perCentCR: ROPE = Rope.Cat["%).", Rope.FromChar[CR]]; PrintCount: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, c, sonC: Count, total: Count] = BEGIN IF c = 0 AND sonC = 0 THEN {stream.Put[char[CR]]; RETURN}; stream.Put[rope[" = "], card[c]]; IF sonC # 0 THEN stream.Put[rope[", "], card[sonC]]; IF total = 0 THEN {stream.Put[char[CR]]; RETURN}; IF (c*100/total) > 1 AND sonC # 0 THEN PerCent[stream, c, total]; PerCent[stream, c+sonC, total]; stream.Put[char['.], char[CR]]; END; PerCent: PROCEDURE[stream: IO.STREAM, x, y: Count] = BEGIN q, r: Count; IF y = 0 THEN y _ 1; q _ (x*1000)/y; r _ q MOD 10; q _ q/10; IF q = 0 AND r = 0 AND x # 0 THEN r _ 1; -- to avoid 0.0% stream.Put[rope[" ("], card[q], char['.]]; stream.Put[card[r], rope["%)"]]; END; Octal: PROCEDURE[n: CARDINAL] RETURNS[r: ROPE] = INLINE BEGIN r _ Convert.ValueToRope[[unsigned[n, 8]]]; r _ Rope.Cat[r, Rope.FromChar['B]]; END; END.. ev _ LOOPHOLE[gfh.code]; entryPC _ ev.entry[ep].initialpc*2; WITH stb SELECT FROM t: RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase.x => WITH[NARROW[cbti, RTSymbolDefs.CallableBodyIndex.x].e].info SELECT FROM External=> exitPC _ entryPC + bytes - 1; ENDCASE=> SIGNAL Error; t: RTSymbolDefs.SymbolTableBase.y => WITH[NARROW[cbti, RTSymbolDefs.CallableBodyIndex.y].e].info SELECT FROM External=> exitPC _ entryPC + bytes - 1; ENDCASE=> SIGNAL Error; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF entryPC < temp.entryPC OR temp.exitPC < exitPC THEN name _ Rope.Cat[name, "[", Octal[temp.entryPC], "..", Octal[temp.exitPC], "]"]}; IF name = NIL THEN {temp.symbols _ FALSE; name _ Octal[temp.entryPC]}; üSpyPrintImpl.mesa last modified by: John Maxwell on March 23, 1983 10:05 am ********************************************* printing a tree ********************************************* print general statistics print how the processor was used print the processes print the procedures print the level(s) print the faults (if any) faults _ RTProcess.GetPSBIPageFaults[process.psb]; print the children find all of the procedures whose parents have already been printed remove them from 'procs' and add them to 'list' guarantee that we can make progress print the list print the procs's name print the procedures called by proc print the procedures contained by proc as long as we have the symbol table, do all of the procedures with this gfi check the pc range Ê7˜Jšœ™Jšœ9™9J˜šÏk ˜ Jšœ œ˜"Jšœœœ˜Jšœœ3˜IJšœœ˜šœœ˜ Jšœ œ4œ œ˜h—Jšœ œ˜-Jšœœ œ˜&Jšœœ ˜Jšœœ ˜Jšœœœ ˜1Jšœ œ&˜8Jšœ œ˜*Jšœ œ!˜0Jšœœ˜&Jšœœ˜Jšœ œ;˜JJšœœ˜šœœ˜J˜Ú—Jšœœ˜$Jšœœ˜J˜J˜—šœœ˜šœ˜Jšœ%œ˜:J˜7J˜'—Jšœ ˜J˜—Jš˜Jšœœ ˜J˜Jšœœœ˜J˜Jšœœœ˜J˜Jšœ-™-Jšœ™Jšœ-™-J˜J˜J˜Jšœ œœ˜J˜J˜šÏn œœ œ œ œ œœ˜Rš˜Jš˜šœ˜Jšœ-œ˜>Jšœ œ˜—Jšœ œœ œ$˜DJšœÏc6˜NJšœŸ ˜;J˜J˜J˜šœ ˜Jšœœ%˜4Jšœ˜—šœ œ˜J˜Jšœ+˜+J˜—J˜6J˜Jšœ˜—J˜Jšœ œ˜'Jšœ˜J˜—š ž œ œ œ œœ˜9Jš˜Jšœœ˜J˜UJ˜6J˜>Jšœ"œ˜:Jšœ œœœ˜8šœ ˜JšœD˜GJ˜9J˜:J˜AJ˜KJ˜:Jšœœ˜—Jšœœ˜šœœœ˜4J˜P—Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—šžœ œ œœ˜/Jš˜Jšœ œ˜ Jšœ œœ˜Jšœ™Jšœ œ=˜J˜4Jšœœ˜(—J˜2J˜EJšœœ˜J˜CJ˜RJ˜KJ˜UJ˜KJ˜UJšœ ™ J˜<šœœ˜!J˜%J˜3—šœœ˜J˜0J˜,—šœœ˜.Jšœœœ˜%J˜4J˜2Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—šžœ œ œœ˜1Jš˜JšœJœ˜OJšœœ:œ˜RJšœœ`œ˜xJšœœ`œ˜xJšœœTœ˜lJšœœdœ˜|Jšœœ-œ˜EJšœœ,œ˜DJšœœCœ˜[Jšœœ<œ˜TJšœœBœ˜ZJšœœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—šž œ œ œœ˜)Jš˜J˜Jšœœœ œ˜J˜ Jšœ™J˜˜ J˜:J˜.J˜;—Jšœ œ˜šœœœ ˜0Jšœœœœ˜šœŸ3˜JJšœ'œ˜1—J˜Jšœ˜—šœœ˜Jšœœ˜1J˜(—Jšœ™˜ J˜Jšœœ ˜,—š œœœœœ˜8Jšœœ ˜,—Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜,J˜8J˜2Jšœ#™#šœœœ˜*Jšœœœœ˜Jšœœœ˜!J˜!Jšœ˜—Jšœ-œ˜3—Jšœ&™&J˜Jšœœœœ˜J˜&Jšœ˜J˜ÄU÷